Mufti Menk – The Solution To Your Problems

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses how difficult it has been to turn to Allah and how Allah has made them realize that they are on earth and can face suffering from suffering across the globe. They argue that people have been cheat and can get away with it, but it is important to see a day when justice is served.
AI: Transcript ©
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In a nutshell,

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can you see that

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the hardship and the difficulty

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has made us turn to Allah.

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It has made us come closer to our

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It has made us realize that the one

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who has

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the solution to our problems is

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when something

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negative happens to you

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and it actually brought you closer to your

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prayer, to your fasting,

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to your

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duties unto Allah, was it really negative or

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was it positive?

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It was positive. Okay. So let's ask Allah

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to give us more and more problems. Is

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that okay?

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No. It's not okay.

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It's not okay.

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In reality, we ask Allah Almighty to take

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our problems away,

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and we ask Allah to alleviate the suffering

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of all those who are struggling across the

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globe. We say that every time we pray.

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Oh, Allah. Take the suffering away from all

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those who are suffering across the globe. So

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Allah Almighty

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grants us. What does He give us?

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He knows what is right for us because,

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ultimately, I am on earth. You are on

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earth. Have you asked yourself, why are you

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How can life be fair

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if it is so short and it is

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meaningless? And

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when I die, if I were not going

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anywhere and it was just the end of

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everything, how is it fair?

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How is it fair if there is nothing

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that I should anticipate

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and look forward to? So many people,

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they cheat other people and they get away

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with it. They commit harm, murder. For example,

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they might commit

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some form of crime against another person, and

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they get away with it on earth. But

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do they get away with it with Allah?

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No. They won't. They won't get away with

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it with Allah. But if there was no

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it would become boring. I want to see

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a day where those who have wronged me

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need to face justice,

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the truth.

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Because sometimes,

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we might go to a court on earth.

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I might not be able to prove my

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point because I'm not eloquent enough or I

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might not have had the required evidence sometimes.

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I might not be able to prove it

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so. They might not

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convict a criminal and he might get away

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with it. But Allah knows, I want to

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see a day when that justice is served

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by Allah. No one can cheat him. No

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one can hide from him. So we are

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waiting for that day. Don't you agree?

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