Mufti Menk – The Real Purpose Of This Life

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The speaker discusses the importance of the "everlasting life" and how it is a temporary experience. They explain that the real life is a pastime and that the "everlasting life" is the one that is the most temporary. The speaker also emphasizes that the "everlasting life" is something that will bring comfort to the individual and the future.
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In verse number 32 of Surahul An'am, Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us about the reality
of this life.
And this life of this world
is only but
play and amusement.
That's what it is. It is very temporary.
Have you ever sat and watched how people
are born?
They're young, they grow older,
they die and others are born. So where
did they go? So when I was on
wow, SubhanAllah, I'm alive. I see others.
They went. They were more powerful than I
was. They were more powerful than I am
right now. And SubhanAllah, they also went back
to Allah. Where did they come from and
where did they go?
SubhanAllah, the minimum I know is they were
with Allah. They're going back to Allah. In
the meantime, there was something about this Earth
that only Allah can explain to us. Allah
says it's an amusement and a pastime. That's
it. The real life. Do you want to
know what it is? Same verse, verse number
32, surahul an an'am
Allah says,
akhiratu khairulillatheena
indeed the life of the hereafter is better
for those who develop the correct relationship with
Allah, who are conscious of Allah. In another
verse, Allah says,
the the life or or the
abode of the hereafter
is everlasting.
That is the one that is everlasting, the
real life.
This life we came into it knowing we're
going to die. That life we enter it
knowing we're never going to die. So which
one is more important? Allah says,
don't give preference to this life over the
everlasting life
while you are here temporarily. Yes, you will
enjoy yourself but within limits. You will do
a lot of good things, but within limits.
you will still obey Allah's instruction and prepare
for the day you're going to meet with
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Prepare for the everlasting life in your temporary
life. While I'm here, I will be charitable.
I will worship Allah alone. I will try
my best to follow the messenger.
I will try my best to reach out
to as many as I can, and then
I will meet with Allah and He will
definitely forgive me and give me the best
hereafter, which is everlasting.
But if I was not conscious of it,
I never thought about where I came from
and where I'm going, then I'm the one
who's at a loss. If you want comfort,
you need to remember that at the end
of this life, there is definitely an everlasting
life. That will bring about a lot of
Ponder over it and prepare for it.