Mufti Menk – The POWER Of Your Creator

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the creation process of Islam, including the use of sand, dust, and water to create human beings. Jesus was created through a female and a male, and the rest of the world was created through male and female. The speaker highlights the powerful possibilities of Islam, including the ability to create from a male without the involvement of a female.
AI: Transcript ©
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When Allah Almighty created us,

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he could have created us

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in any way He willed and wished, and

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that's what He did.

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He could have chosen another way.

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And we could have all been created in

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the same way that Adam was created.

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For Allah it's just be

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and it is.

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If he wants something, he wants to make

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he wants to create something.

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The Quran mentions in more than one place

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and I'm going to read one of the

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verses perhaps,

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from Surat Yaseen so that

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many of us might be able to follow.

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The last verse

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Amazing verse.

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I'm sure you know what it means, right?

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The command of Allah when he wants to

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create something

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is just

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Kun means

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and it is, so glory be to He.

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In whose hands lies ownership

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of everything in existence

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and unto Him

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shall we return.

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So he chose to create us in a

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way that the first of our species was

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sand, dust,

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the different stages

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mixed with water,

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then a shape given to it.

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And then he blew a soul

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into it.

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And lo and behold it was a human

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And Allah taught Adam,

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may peace be on him.

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The names of everything

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Allah says he taught Adam

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the names of everything.

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So when he came into existence, he already

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knew how to speak and he was grown

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But after that, the others who were created,

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they were created in a different way.

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Hawa, may peace be on her.

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Was created from a part of Adam,

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according to the Quran.

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And thereafter

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Jesus, may peace be on him, was created

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through a female without the involvement of a

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So if you look at those 3, Adam

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was created

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without the involvement of a male, without the

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involvement of a female. That's the power of

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the creator.

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Eve was created

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without the involvement of a female

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through a male.

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Jesus, may peace be upon him was created

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without the involvement

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of a male,

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but just through a female.

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And the rest of us

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created through male and female. That's Allah. All

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the probabilities and possibilities

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have been displayed to us. The power of

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the Lord, Allah.

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