Mufti Menk – The Miraculous Speech of Prophet Jesus

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © Speaker 1 discusses how Allah Almighty has created a hard drive for all apps needed for life on earth, including apps for children. The speaker explains that this is a test for parents to determine if a child can live on earth, and that this is not normal. The speaker also mentions how he was able to speak to someone in a cradle and receive the revelation of being a prophet.
AI: Transcript ©
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When a child is born, Allah Almighty has

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chosen that that child

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and all of us were children

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comes onto this earth

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with a blank hard drive.

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What that means is

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Allah Almighty has given the child a brain

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and all the organs,

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a mind

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and everything that the child needs

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to be able to live on earth.

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will be filled

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by the parents or those who are around

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the child as the child grows up.

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And Allah has chosen this as a test

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for the parents

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as well as later on for those children

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when they grow older.

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If Allah wanted, He could have.

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If Allah wanted, He could have created us

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with a hard drive that is full of

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all the apps that are needed throughout our

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lives. I'm calling it apps, but you know

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what I mean.

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Everything you need, you could have come out

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and said, Salaam Alaikum. Well, it did happen.

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With whom?

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It has happened.

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With whom?

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Mariam Alaihi Salaam Mary, may peace be upon

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her. She pointed to the child who was

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just born,

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Jesus, may peace be upon him, Isa alaihis

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And she said

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She just pointed to the child. When they

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asked, what have you done?

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She pointed to the child. They said,

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how could we speak to someone who is

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in a cradle? A little baby.

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What did he say miraculously?

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Part of the statement. He says, I am

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Abdullah. I am the worshipper of Allah.

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Allah Almighty

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has granted me

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the revelation

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and made me a prophet. That was miraculous,

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but that is not normal.

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That is beyond what is normal.

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It is miraculous.

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It was chosen

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by Allah.

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