Mufti Menk – The Mechanism Of Protection For The Human

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the plan of Allah to provide protection for the mother and children in the case of the vast majority. The plan is to create a night to rest, but the idea is to empower the mother to take advantage of the opportunity to rest and work. The mother is supposed to be the one to blame for the negative sleep patterns, but the system of Allah will provide goodness and empower the mother to take advantage of the opportunity to work.
AI: Transcript ©
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The worry, the concern is that

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of the mother.

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The mother is more concerned. Our mothers were

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more concerned about us than we were about

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Have you seen a child?

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A child is carefree. It doesn't understand exactly

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animal or something dangerous

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around the child, you will always find those

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adults around the child more worried than the

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So this is part of the plan of

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Allah. When Allah made us, he prepared

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a beautiful

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of protection

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for us from the adults around us in

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the case of the vast majority.

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When I say vast majority, from amongst us,

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they are orphans. From amongst us, they are

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those who lost their mothers in childhood

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or in infancy or upon birth. From amongst

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us. There are those whose circumstances did not

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permit or allow for there to be the

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same people whom the rest of the world

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probably has had because of whatever it might

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have been.

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But the plan of Allah is always

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that a child

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is considered absolutely

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So cute.

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Masha Allah. So naturally the hearts of adults

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are supposed to be inclined towards this particular

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child. You might be thinking, how would I

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commence a talk on depression and anxiety,

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worry and sadness in this way? But the

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reason is

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to appreciate the mechanism that Allah has created

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us within.

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Over and above that,

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Allah has created a system and a plan

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in order to provide for us the best

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possible way forward in our lives.

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If you look at the creation of the

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day and night

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which happened prior to the creation of man,

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Allah Almighty says,

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It is Allah who created

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for you the night in order to rest,

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in order to sleep. It is dark. You're

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supposed to go and rest and the day

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you can see you're supposed to be working.

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So if you get up every morning

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and it may require an effort for you

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to do that, Part of your problem will

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be solved

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because you are within the plan of Allah.

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You may not understand the benefit of the

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sleep of the first part of the night

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even though medicine is speaking louder and louder

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in that direction.

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Far greater way the earlier you go to

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bed, whereas Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam

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came to us and reminded us

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after salat alaihi wasallam if you do not

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have something

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such as this to do. What do you

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What should you do? You should go to

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He may not have mentioned all the detailed

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reasons but it's the plan of Allah.

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Those whose sleeping patterns are

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not in sync with what is supposed to

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be for no reason whatsoever

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with their own doing or the doing of

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their own hands. They are the ones to

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blame when they find themselves

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sliding into

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a form of sadness, or worry, or depression,

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or anxiety.

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The system of Allah, when you follow it

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in a proper way, it will pro It

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will empower you. It will actually provide for

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you goodness in order to protect you from

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the adverse

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and from the challenges

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of this particular world.

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