Mufti Menk – Signs Of A Confused Scholar

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The um rights have created a group of people who are looking for guidance and advice. The group is not looking for words against one another, but rather calling out names and saying that they have lost the plot and argument. The um rights have also created a group of people who are not known by the public, but are being taught by men and women who have dedicatedly worked hard to read the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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We have generations to worry about. The Ummah,

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we have to worry about. It's not about

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you and I. Please, oh dear scholars,

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I'm sorry to say it, but I have

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to say bluntly,

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behave yourselves.

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Here are the masses looking for guidance, not

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looking for swear words against one another. You

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find one calling the other names. And what's

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the other one doing? He will smile and

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say, may Allah forgive him. And he will

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keep on doing the work. My brothers and

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sisters, recognize them. When you hear a scholar

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belittling another,

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understand it's a mental problem.

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Understand it's a psychological issue.

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Understand it's a complex that they've developed thinking

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that they know and everyone else doesn't.

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And understand when a scholar begins to sway

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at another and scoff at another and belittle

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another, it's a sign he has lost not

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only the plot

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but even the argument.

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You know, it's like kids when you're playing

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a game and you're a big guy and

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the little guy comes and actually wins. What

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do you do? You spoil the game and

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you say he's an idiot. He's a dog.

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He's a puppy. He's a whatever. He's a

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pig and so on. May Allah forgive us.

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These type of words are being used by

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those who are supposed to be carriers

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of the deen of Allah, of the Quran

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and Sunnah. My brothers and sisters, do you

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really think those are our true leaders? Or

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should we excuse them? Should we excuse them?

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Because if we're going to go back and

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fight back,

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what will happen? We will create a public

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disaster for nothing. We're going to make a

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fool of ourselves as an Ummah. The truth

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is we make dua for them and we

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carry on.

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The Quran teaches us when the ignorant

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and the arrogant, the Juhal,

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when they are communicating with you, the only

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thing you can say is salaam peace and

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you walk away. Maintain your peace. Keep the

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peace among the people and continue. Allah will

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grant you goodness. My brothers, my sisters, it's

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about time we as the Ummah, the masses,

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realized and recognized

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those who make a true effort and constantly

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serve the ummah. They serve humanity. They go

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out, they feed the poor. They go out,

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they teach

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diligently. There are people we don't even hear

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of who have produced huffar. They have produced

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so many of the young people learning the

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Quran. You and I were taught by men

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and women of knowledge who have

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trained us when we were young to read

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the Quran. No one even mentions them. No

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one even knows them at times. Those are

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the awliya'ullah.

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Those are the friends of Allah who dedicatedly

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quietly teaching alif

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Those are the ones who get a full

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reward. Massive and they are not even known

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by the public. They are known by the

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angels who carry their sadaqa jariyah, the reward

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on a daily basis.

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