Mufti Menk – Seasons of Goodness – Best 10 Days – Dhul Hijjah

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the lunar calendar and the use of "Art" to avoid war. They explain that the number of months in the calendar is 12 months, and that the number of people who will be at war is different from the number of people who will be at peace. The speaker also discusses the differences between the days and the months, and requests guidance on how to handle the acts of worship and the virtues.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious,

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the most merciful.

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May the peace and blessings of the Almighty

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be upon every one of us. We also

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commence sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam,

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his household, his companions, and may Allah bless

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every single one of us. My brothers, my

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you and I know we follow the lunar

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This lunar calendar,

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we look out for the moon,

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or should I say the crescent,

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the new moon

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and the month commences and ends

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based on the sightings

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of the moon.

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Now, SubhanAllah,

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we have 12 months in the

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in the year.

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Where did we get that from?

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Well, we got it from Allah Almighty.

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He tells us

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Allah says,

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when Allah created the heavens or should I

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say the skies and the earth, he decided

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that in the year there will be 12

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and from among those 12 months, there will

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be 4 months that are haram.

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What is the meaning of 4 months being

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Well, Allah says

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there will be a year, in the year

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there will be 12 months

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and from those months there will be 4

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which are considered prohibited months.

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Why does he say haram? Haram to do

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what? Haram

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to go to war,

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even if it's a legitimate war.

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to commence hostilities.

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Haram to do anything

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is hurtful, harmful.

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But you need to realize,

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one might argue that while a lot of

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these things are haram anyway through the year,

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A lot of them are haram through the

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year, but

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it becomes

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to become conscious of the prohibition

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of these things, especially during the prohibited months

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or al ashhurulshoom

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the haram months.

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So sometimes people go to war for a

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legitimate reason.

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Allah says not in these months.

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However, if someone were to attack you during

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these months, you have a right to defend

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even in these months.

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And the same would apply if there is

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harm that is coming to you during the

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month, you can protect yourself or defend yourself.

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No problem. But don't commence.

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That's called the haram months.

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So I hope we've understood it.

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from among these months, Allah says 4 are

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different. What does this show you? Not all

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the months are the same.

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know, Ramadan

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is a month that is the best month

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of the Islamic

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when it comes to

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reward and virtue and so on, mashallah, it's

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the best month as a month

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from among the 12 months, but

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there are different seasons. For example, I've given

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you the haram months. I've told you about

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Ramadan being this or the most sacred month.

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Then I wanna tell you about the months

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of Hajj.

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The months of Hajj are actually 3 months.

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The first being immediately after Ramadan. You just

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fasted that whole season.

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Allah gave you a day of Eid and

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he wants you to prepare for another climax

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of worship

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and that will happen in Dhul Hijjah, which

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is the last month of the year. But

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the run up to it starts immediately after

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because your intention for the Hajj and the

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pilgrimage should already be made. In most cases,

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it's not necessary to have been made, but

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in most cases. And then the journey commences

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in the next month, which is in

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most cases,

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in some cases, perhaps earlier, perhaps a little

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bit later in Dhul Hijjah, which is the

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last month. So

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between those 3 months, the Hajj will be

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for, you know, you commence with the preparation,

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the intention, the preparation, the journeying and so

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on. And then the climax,

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the climax happens in Dhul Hijjah

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and then

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Allah gives you another Eid immediately after that

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season of worship, just like he gave you

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an Eid at the beginning,

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where Ramadan took place and immediately after Ramadan,

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just at the beginning of the month of

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Hajj, you started off Shawwal

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with a day of Eid,

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the first of Shawwal.

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So this is Allah and it's a gift

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from Allah. Not all the days are the

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same. Not all the months are the same.

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Allah has

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the haram months and the months of Hajj

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and the most blessed month. Your acts of

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worship will be considered differently in these months.

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I wish to talk about

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the acts of worship and the virtues of

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some of these months. The differences between the

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days and the months. May Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala grant us goodness and may Allah open

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our doors. We are blessed to be within

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beautiful days and we ask Allah to grant

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us the ability to do the most

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so that we can please him.

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