Mufti Menk – Reach Out To Those Who Are Struggling

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
A group of individuals are praying for their relatives who are struggling and expressing devastation. They call on their relatives to help others, even if it means they can't give any money, and encourage others to help themselves. They hope that they can avoid being wiped out and that people will not let themselves harm themselves.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers, my sisters, let's reach out to those who are

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struggling. When we were struggling some time back we found

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many people reached out to us in different ways. Many of them

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prayed for us today we are here praying for you, my brothers and

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sisters who are the victims of something unbelievable. That has

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happened. We have been literally gobsmacked by what has happened in

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a negative way. May Allah subhanahu wa to Allah protect us.

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So we reach out to them, even financially, even through help and

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assistance. There are so many of our charities that are doing a lot

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of good work. We have an image that we have a shuffle aid, we

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have gift of the givers, we have so many others Subhanallah that

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are working so well, African Muslims agency doing a lot of good

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work at this moment. And the reason why I say this, my brothers

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and sisters do you know the victims of this crime are actually

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those who are probably the most generous when they had, they were

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the people who gave in the millions today they are unable to

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give today. Some of them have literally been wiped out. But I

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tell you, my brothers and sisters, if you're a victim we are here, we

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will make sure that we reach out to you. We are a network that we

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would ensure for humanitarian purposes. And because we are

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brothers and sisters in Allah, we will make sure that we reach out

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to you in one way or another we stand by you we are with you. We

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are equally shocked and devastated. May Allah protect us

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all, a lesson we learn, especially in this beautiful country of our

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Zimbabwe. We should never allow ourselves to destroy our own home

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with our own hands by hurting and harming one another. People might

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think that there is a short term benefit Wallahi the harm will last

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decades and it may go on to generations. The only one to

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benefit is shaytan none other than shaytan. So let's not allow this

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to happen.

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