Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2007 – Day 9

Mufti Menk
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The transcript describes a series of lectures covering topics such as religion, money, and wealth. The interviewer discusses her business and the use of Zoni's wealth to split and divide the Social Security Number. The speakers emphasize the importance of respect for locality and creating unique numbers for people to study. They also discuss the use of "naughty words" to describe negative behavior and emphasize the importance of listening to "naughty words" to avoid negative behavior.

AI: Summary ©

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			We'll be learning Amina shame on the mean.
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			Man era
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			excellence presents jewels from the Holy Quran. A series of lectures by Mufti is mine even Moosa
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			lectured nine to 10 to 11 in quarter Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. smilla rahmanir rahim
al hamdu lillahi wa kafa wa sallahu wa salam o Baraka, Allah Abadi, Marina Stouffer, All praise is
due to Allah subhanho wa Taala complete blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and all his companions May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all on the Rola beloved brothers
and sisters and dearest listeners. Tonight, we read the opening verses of the 11th para or the
chapter of the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of those who presented excuses for
not having attended the Battle of the book. That was a battle wherein all the meaning was supposed
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			to come out besides those who had valid excuses. Last night, we read the verse where Allah subhanho
wa Taala makes mention of those who are weak, who were excused, those who had other valid excuses
who did not have to attend, but there were some people who didn't attend and they did not have an
excuse. And they thought that the meaning might not when at this time, and when the momineen
returned to Al Madina, munawwara Allah subhanho wa Taala had informed the Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam about the excuses that these people would come up with your attorney oni la comida
Raja Tommy Lee him cola cha cha do Mina comb Cardona.
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			calm when you get to them, they will present excuses to you tell them don't present excuses. Allah
subhanho wa Taala has already informed us about your news we will not believe in what do you have to
say, may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who can always be found in his
obedience, and not from amongst those who are found in the disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala
there was a man at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who came to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said, Make dua for my business. Make dua that I have Baraka in my
business, and Allah subhanho wa Taala obviously informed Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam much
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			more than anyone else. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him I fear that if I make a do
out for your business, you might become oblivious of Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala has kept you
with a little bit less so that you can turn to the Creator. So he said, No, I promise, I promise and
I guarantee if Allah gives me wealth, I'm going to spend it in his path. Let's listen very
carefully. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a draft for him, that Allah grant this
man, he was granted the same day it is reported like worms, like all worms happen to multiply. That
is how his business began to grow the same day and he was so big, that he had to shift out of Al
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			Madina, munawwara with all his, his livestock and so on. And he was a man who used to read five sala
de, after some time, he began to read three. After some time, he left those three he used to come
only for Juma after some time even that he stopped Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked the
companions where is this man? And he was told that you know this man ever since he's become rich,
he's forgotten Allah subhanho wa Taala. And at that time, Zakat was not compulsory, it was only
voluntary. But one day the verses of Zakat were revealed. Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed verses
which made Zakat compulsory. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent some people, some of his
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			companions go to this man, and tell him that Allah subhanho wa Taala has now made it compulsory for
you to give some wealth in his course. So they went, they lifted, Madina munawwara and on the
outskirts, they found him and they said, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has sent us to you
and he has told us that we should come and get wealth from you because Zakat is compulsory. And this
is the verse they read the verse of the Quran, he scratched his head and he said, No, no, no, no,
no. It can't be. Who else are you going to go to? Is there anyone else you were sent to? They said
yes, we were sent to two people, yourself and another man. So he said, Go to that man. And then on
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			your way back, let's see what I can do for you. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us
these people went to the other man. The other man was a Suleiman. He was also one of the Sahaba
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			Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. As soon as the verse was read, he came out with the best of
his wealth, the best of his camels. And he said, Take this in the path of Allah take this as Dhaka
and they informed him that look, we are not supposed to take the best of your wealth. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that he cannot
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			stay away from the best of the wealth, take that which is mediocre, not the worst and not the best,
the middle. So he gave and he said no, I want to give this I want to give it Allah has given me all
that I have and I want to give it and on his on their way back after having collected all this they
passed by that man once again. And he saw it and he said Listen, I've decided I'm not giving you you
can go do what you want this all this wealth here is mine. Allahu Akbar. So Allah makes mention of
that we read the verse last night but it's connected to tonight's verses. So let me read the verse
we read
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			amin home and I had Allah Allah in Tana Nila na sandakan while an akuna coonan Amina Swati,
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			from amongst the people or those who promise Allah that if we get wealth then we will definitely
give our charities and we will be from amongst the righteous Phelim
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			need to be
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			Ooo. Then when they got the wealth, they became stingy and they turned away love. Allah speaks of
this incident here in the Quran. Allah says for acaba
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			la omean
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			Wahby Marika. kibou as a result, Allah says we instilled hypocrisy in that man's heart up to the day
of tiama because of the fact that he turned away he remained and he lied. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala protect us. Whenever we promise Allah we must fulfill the promise no matter what sometimes we
make a promise in our business that he Allah 20% of gift for your cause. We start off with 100
grand. So 20 rands is nothing but when you get to 100 million than 20 million means a lot May Allah
subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding, but when it gets to that, that is the test of Allah
subhanho wa Taala. We don't want to be like these who failed the test. So that man's wealth was
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			never accepted. After that. One of his relatives was sitting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam when this verse was revealed, he rushed through this man and he says, You know what, there is
a verse that was revealed in your case, and now you are going to be declared a hypocrite.
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			So he ran with the best of his wealth to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Prophet
sallallahu Sallam told him, You know what, you've come with the wealth now Allah has prohibited me
from taking it from you. Allah does not need this well.
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			He cried, and he begged day after day, year after year, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left
the dunya and he still begged Abu Bakr
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			Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu said if the Prophet sallallahu wasallam did not take it, who am I? The
same happened at the time of Rama. If he didn't take it, Abubakar
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			didn't take your wealth, who am I? And the same happened at the time of the Allahu anhu and this man
happened to pass away at the time of Earth man, Agni, affirm Allah, Allah save us. Now let's see how
his wealth was used, because we know he had lots of wealth. So now, at the time of the Prophet
sallallahu, alayhi wasallam there was a man known as Abdullah hypnobabies saloon, and this man he
was a hypocrite. He was not a Muslim, but he pretended to be a Muslim he entered the ranks of the
Muslim in and he spied and he wanted to split and so on the Muslims because they were about to
choose him as the leader of Medina before Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when the hippo
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			happened, he lost out so to speak. So he was always against the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam
and he decided, you know, there is a mystery Koba, there is mystery, the number one, I need to try
and make an army of people who are weak, I can't get abubaker I can't get on. I can't get those who
are solid and strong, man, but those who are accepting Islam Now recently, meaning new Lee, let me
try and build a muskie just near Machu Cuba. And when they come for Salah, then I will contaminate
their minds. So he built a machine, and it was close to the time of the Battle of the book, and he
went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Where did he get the money from to build that
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			machine? Where did he get the wealth from to build that machine? One of the biggest contributors was
that man, that man whose wealth was rejected in the good course. Allah used his wealth in an evil
cause to split and divide the Muslim ummah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala does this to everyone who
becomes arrogant when they become wealthy. When we become wealthy, we must learn to come down to
earth and we must make dua to Allah Allah use our wealth in the right path. Allah subhanho wa Taala
does not need wealth. When we go to a certain cause, and we say Listen, I'm stopping today. It might
not be I am stopping today it might be Allah doesn't want your wealth from today. He wants to use
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			somebody else's wealth. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala not do that to us. So this man had used his
wealth, they built a Masjid and they told Rasulullah sallallahu
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			So I'm coming bless this message of ours. They knew that he wouldn't come to read Salah they all the
time but he came once it was enough, and then all the weak people would come there and it was a
point of convenience for them and then they would be contaminated and the omo would be divided into
two but Allah subhanho wa Taala during the Battle of the book on the way back, verses were reviewed
to inform Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding the reality of this Masjid.
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			It was termed Mr. Bharara the masjid of harm
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			when levena takato mosquitoes
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			law aka those who took a Masjid who built a Masjid in order to harm the Muslim Ummah, as a form of
disbelief and dis uniting the Muslim ummah. Allah subhanho wa Taala warns Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam that though they will promise oath by Allah that Allah He only intended goodness
while I actually fun in our dinner. We only intended goodness.
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam la taco movie.
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			Don't ever set foot in that machine. Never. Don't Don't bless it. Lamaze didn't cease Allah taco
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			taco Murphy, that mustard mustard, Cuba which is right near there, that was built from day one with
taqwa with unity with the involvement of the whole community. The whole oma that Masjid is much
better for you to stand in than a mustard which was a little show for one particular person. May
Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us, it was called a Masjid and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was instructed to order some of his companions to go out and destroy it. They literally burnt
it and destroy it. So this is mentioned in the Quran. The question is, why is the story here? Do we
think it's here for no reason? Is it a past time? Is it something is it something that we just need
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			to read and smile about or say yes, those people were fixed? No. It is for us in our own societies,
our own communities. Remember, the oma is one oma, it is a brotherhood, any collective activity that
is meant to be beneficial for the entire Ummah, must be done with consensus of the oma or at least
by consulting the SR Allah of the oma or the society or community around us. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala protect us there is a trend across the globe. When I have a problem with something in this
Masjid, I will build my Masjid right next door, then somebody will have a problem with me they will
build there must keep another door down until we have 1000 massages on the same street. May Allah
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			subhanho wa Taala says goddess by doing this, we are splitting the Muslim Ummah, yes if there is a
need and the fathers of the community see that there is a need and it is not the depletion of the
resources of the oma then Alhamdulillah it is permissible it is allowed because the one must read is
full. Now we will build another one one is very far off. Now we want to build another one quite a
distance away because the Muslims need to read Salah May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us
to understand it's very important that we go and read these verses the English of it and think of
how it applies to me and you may Allah subhanahu Allah protect us. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			speaks about Zika In fact, just prior to that, it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who tells Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is a verse wherein Zika became compulsory according to some of
the hoonah would mean a mwalimu sada
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			was a key biasanya
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			take some wealth, take zecca from their wealth, that will be a means of cleansing them and purifying
them which means when we give wealth, it cleanses us, how does it cleanse us? We go out we work hard
we earn sustenance but we must know in our minds that Allah has arrived in a well because it is he
who is the owner of sustenance had he not intended we wouldn't even have had wealth. Some people
work for five hours, they come back with 50 grands. Some people work for one hour, they come back
with 50,000 grants it can happen that is from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, may Allah subhanho wa
Taala never make us love wealth, to the degree that we give it preference over Allah subhanho wa
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			Taala always the creator comes first and then everything else. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says those
who give out their wealth, they will achieve purity and cleanliness and Allah subhanho wa Taala
after that speaks about Toba and he says he is the one who accepts Toba and he is the one who will
accept you as aka we might think we've given something out. Do you know it's my duty and your duty
to think very hard way am I giving my way
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			I should not be giving it to a cause similar to that cause that we spoke about where the woman is
being disunited where it might be being stolen and so on. I need to look for the poor man. It isn't
a bother to look for the poor person. Yes, there are certain people who do that for us if we trust
them Alhamdulillah we may give them in order to fulfill it for us. Allah says, Allah Mia Allahu
Allahu wa caballo. Abadi, why
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			do they not see that it is Allah who accepts Toba? He accepts repentance whenever a person repents
to Allah. Allah accepts that repentance Not only does Allah accept the repentance, but he puts it in
our hearts to repent. So a hard heart is that hard heart where a person does not want to repent, May
Allah not make our hearts Ha. May Allah soften our hearts for repentance and Allah says that he is
the one who accepts zakat. So we should all make dua to Allah after fulfilling the Zakah like
Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam after building the Kaaba, he says robina
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			Allah, I hope that you accept this from me, from us from myself and my son is marine. So the same
way when we make a an act of worship, when we engage in it, we should not become so happy I've
engaged in Salah make dua to Allah Allah accepted, if it is accepted, on the day of the AMA, we will
be able to be proud that's the day we will be allowed to be proud.
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			But in this dunya, who knows it might have been rejected I might have given well but Allah subhanho
wa Taala may have rejected you, May Allah not do that to us. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks
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			the company that a person keeps Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us and He instructs us and he tells us
and he has told us so many times and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has warned us about
company and here Allah says
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			lacuna, Omarosa dB, O you who believe be conscious of your Creator at all times, and only find
yourselves with those who are truthful and trustworthy. Which means what your company, be careful.
Don't be in the company of those who are thieves and crooks. And don't be in the company of those
who have a very bad reputation. May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us from them. May Allah
subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who are truthful and keep us only in good company that
will be beneficial. Sometimes when a person is going through problems, especially of a social
nature, you find some people who advise that person, like a marital problem. Some people might
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			advise them to say you know what, break the marriage, no ways, especially the women folk. Some of
their friends might come to them and say no ways. How can you stay in this condition? Very bad,
terrible. That person is an enemy, not a friend.
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			That person is an enemy, not a friend. Because a friend tells you things that you might not like,
but they are true, and they are better for you in the long run. This is something we must
understand. Hey, do you know what everyone goes through this problem? Come on, you need to change
maybe you are wrong. Maybe there is something wrong with you. Why don't you do this? I don't think
you as a friend. I don't think you should be doing this. This is what the frame is all about. But
sometimes we feel that if we are going to tell someone and be candid with them, we might lose them
as a friend. If that's the case, we are losers and they are losers as well. May Allah subhanho wa
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			Taala not do that to us. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about diversifying when it comes to
what qualifications the members of the oma have, not all of us should be experts in medicine, not
all of us should be experts in the battlefield. Not all of us should be experts in in in Say for
example, architecture. Not all of us should be plumbers but we should diversify the verse, Allah
subhanho wa Taala tells us and hardly the milliliter the Allahu anhu spoke about it. He said on his
deathbed. He said do you know I was engaged in Jihad and that occupied me from learning a lot about
this Deen but I don't regret it because I said Islam in one way there were others who served Islam
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			in another way. So we need to understand we need you the Muslim accountant, the Muslim doctor, the
Muslim lawyer, the Muslim architect, the Muslim plumber and so on. We need everyone together we make
up the Muslim Ummah, one
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			minute De Fuca.
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			Minh por
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			It is not for the entire Ummah to go out into the battlefield or to go out in one direction. No. Let
us have Allah says from amongst every community, every community should have a certain number of
people who will go out and study the deen so that they can come back to their own communities and
warn their people about what is right and wrong in the Sharia. But not everyone has to do that. May
Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understand
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			There are many lessons to be learned by this verse. One is, as we've said, we should diversify. And
we should supplement and complement one another. We shouldn't be against one another, understanding
that when it comes to the Islamic decisions, leave those to the whole Ummah, when it comes to
rulings of this Sharia, we should not make them who are lay men leave those to the scholars of our
own community. You know, it amazes me how if you have a group of doctors and the head of the group
of doctors, he's a plumber, who makes the decisions for those doctors. Does it make sense? We
laughing we are laughing here. But that is what happens on the Islamic field. You have a group of
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			olema and sometimes you have the person who wants to have the say right at the top is a person who
knows absolutely nothing about this religion. Just like the plumber making decisions for the
doctors. May Allah subhanahu Allah grant us all true understanding of this Deen and May He grant us
the ability to respect those who have knowledge. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says when they come back
to their communities, let them warn their communities. This means that we need to understand that
when our youngsters go out to study from our own communities, they are an investment for our
community. When they come back, we must put them on our heads and we must respect them. Give them
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			the opportunities to spread this Deen May Allah subhanho wa Taala use us to do that. What is the
point of respecting an alum who is coming from far away when we are harrassing? Our own Allah
Muhammad, what is the point of that?
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			Yes, we should be respecting the other Allah but not at the expense of the local Allah because Allah
subhanho wa Taala knows who he puts in our community as Allah so that is why Allah is going to ask
me and you how I treated the alum who lived down the road, how I treated the alum from my mascot,
meaning the masjid in my area, how I treated the llama in my locality, how I respected them, how I
looked after them, or did I make their life difficult? Allah subhanho wa Taala never ever sent a
prophet from one nation to another no ways. Allah subhanho wa Taala sent the profits from their own
people to warn them and this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the beginning of surah Juno's
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			which we read tonight, can Helene
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			and hyena
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			mean home and
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			so abashiri nanny mano other people surprised that we gave a message to one of them from amongst
them, to go back to them to warn them and to give good news to the believers. Are they amazed? Are
they rejecting it because it is one of them from their own communities. Allah subhanho wa Taala
grant us the acceptance really to respect the llama to make their lives easier. And remember the
difference between the old llama and the MBR. The allama are not masumi they are not sinless and
spotless, you will find since from amongst them, you might notice a few things that might not be
correct. But rather than going around and spreading tales, we'd rather respect the knowledge they
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			have and try and mend ways and habits probably and possibly speak to them silently on a one on one,
try and raise the issue and solve it rather than disrespecting them because in that case, we might
just be earning the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala In fact, all the messengers of Allah subhanho
wa Taala they had certain people from amongst their extended families and sometimes immediate
families who rejected the call. And Allah subhanho wa Taala did this intentionally because later on
when the Allah come sometimes you find a great scholar have been talking to you. And you might find
his own children. One of them might be a person who goes to the nightclubs. So now the people come
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			and say you know that Imam who gave us a talk on Friday, he must start with his own house first. He
can't even look after his own kids and he's coming to tell us that is a safe tech statement. May
Allah protect us? That is exactly what the people told the messages. Look at New Orleans salatu
salam the story we read today The story is repeated. Why is it repeated here? Allah subhanho wa
Taala is highlighting the incident of new Halle salaams child one
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			female zeal yeah buena You're welcome.
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			caffine new had a solemn called his own son. When they were in the ark and the rain started coming.
The water gushed from beneath and the top. And now he surrounds you know, My son, don't be from
amongst the kuffar. Join us. Come on join us and he says, Oh, my father, Casa de la Jebel Yasukuni
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			Oh, my father, you don't know me. I'm a man. I'm going to climb the mountain today and I will be
saved from the water and know how the Salatu was Salam the response. la semana Leona Minami La
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			La him.
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			Nobody can save you today save the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and as the speech was happening,
a huge wave came and that child drowned. So no Allahu salatu wa sallam thereafter, told Allah
subhanho wa Taala Allah you promised me that you will save my family. And Allah subhanho wa Taala
says he was not a family member of yours. He rejected Allah, the bond of the Shahada and the bond of
Eman is far stronger than the bond of blood. So no, Allah is salatu salam so forgiveness. And from
this, we learned the lesson as I said, that Allah who speak to us sometimes they may also be facing
members of their own extended family. But if we find some of the members of their own extended
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			family a strain that does not create a blemish on them, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the
respect of the Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala thereafter speaks about the fact that he tests us
at the end of surah to Toba. Allah says he tests he sends tests every year, once or twice or more
than twice to everyone. And still the people don't. And they don't remember, this verse was revealed
on a different incident and different occasion but the lesson is for all of us, let's listen to the
verse. Allah
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			afternoon as equally I mean,
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			do they not see that we test them? we inflict them with calamity once or twice in the year, but
still they don't repent and they don't take heed.
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			Allahu Akbar, how many of us have suffered problems, sicknesses, robberies, death in our families
once or twice or more than that in the year but still we remain bent on our mischief and our bad
ways. May Allah not do that to us. May we be from amongst those who can take heed at all times. Then
Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the message of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he
tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that after you've delivered the message, and after
you've told the people and they still reject, then you need to make a statement to them.
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			buka Lee Imani wanna come on? Oh, come
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			mellow tone if they still deny and reject the message, after you have delivered the message, tell
them I've got my deeds. You've got your deeds. I am answerable for my deeds to my Creator, you are
answerable for your deeds to your Creator. And I will not be questioned about your deeds and you
will not be questioned about my deeds, leave them, Allah will deal with them. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala make us from amongst those who can be concerned about ourselves more than anything else. The
difficulty is today, each one of us is meant to be involved in his or her own life, perfecting it,
mending the bad ways, trying to become better perfecting our Salah, getting our tongues in order
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			getting our acts of charity, in order and so on. We are meant to be spending 24 hours of the day in
this regard.
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			So that would not leave us with time to bother about others. But sometimes we find ourselves talking
about how good and bad this one is. And that one is Allah has kept aside a whole day which is
greater and longer than 50,000 years that we know of in this dunya Allah has kept the day of
judgment to judge people. Why should we assume the role of the Creator and start becoming judgmental
here in the dunya? May Allah subhanho wa Taala not make us from amongst those who start judging
people and passing comments and saying this one is good and that one is bad. May Allah subhanahu wa
taala protect us all and May He grant us all upliftment inshallah and Allah subhanho wa Taala after
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			that speaks about
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			Iran. Now I'm sure we heard the verse. We mentioned it before. Let me repeat it here. He did not
agree with the message of Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam until the point of death, when he saw the
angels of death. He said, I believe in the God of Musa and how, and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells
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			terminal CD is it now that you want to accept the message when you have sinned all along in the past
and you will from amongst those who are corrupt and who were totally outside the framework of what
was acceptable. May Allah subhanho wa Taala not make us amongst those who wait and wait when it
comes to engaging in repentance until the point of death because then it will be too late. That is
why the story is here for me and you to be reminded that we need to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			before it is too late May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding I end with one point and
that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of in terms of the goodness that he tells people,
Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
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			what he
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			said, I mean,
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			mean when.
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			When we have granted men goodness, and as a test, we take it away from him in order to test him,
because we should know that Allah has promised us that he will test us with all forms of tests, then
men becomes hopeless, he loses hope, and he becomes ungrateful. That should not be the case. when
something has gone away from us. If we want to know whether it is a punishment or a test, we need to
ask ourselves one question, am I happy with the decree of Allah now that he has made me suffer a
loss? If I'm happy with the decree of Allah, then inshallah it's a test for me, and it will elevate
my status. But if I am upset and I become hurt and angry, and I start cursing, and I am ungrateful,
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			then it was a punishment for me. May Allah subhanho wa Taala not do that to us. Then Allah subhanho
wa Taala says, immediately after that, that when we give a person after he was tested with nothing,
then sometimes people become oblivious of us we should also not be from amongst those whenever we've
got we know we need to turn closer and closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah give us all good
health? May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us Baraka in our sustenance and blessings. masala Allahu wa
Sallim wa barik, ala nabina, Muhammad Subhan, Allah Subhana Allah whom will be handed to Allah Allah