Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2007 – Day 10

Mufti Menk
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The speakers discuss the importance of forgiveness and following rules and regulations to avoid negative consequences. They also discuss the use of "naught" in the Bible and the importance of remembering and recounting moments of joy. The importance of not giving too many people money and not allowing people in jail is emphasized, as well as the importance of respect for the Father in the house. The segment also touches on the impact of the sun on people's lives and their health and well-being.

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			We'll be learning Amina shame on the mean.
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			Man era
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			excellence presents jewels from the Holy Quran. A series of lectures by Mufti is mine even Moosa
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			Lecture tin choose 11 in quarter to 12 in half a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. smilla
rahmanir rahim al hamdu lillahi wa kafa wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala Abadi, Marina,
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			All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala complete blessings and salutations be upon Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all his companions and all of us and our offspring in sha Allah.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah bless us all on this wonderful Eva from Yvonne. May Allah have
mercy descend on us, May Allah forgive our sins Allahumma inaka foon to hibel aquasana Allah, you
are definitely most forgiving you love to forgive so forgive us on the CVR Allah, Allah, Allah
beloved brothers and sisters and dearest listeners. This evening we read verses from Surah Hood, we
completed Suraj good we commenced surah Yusuf and completed it and thereafter we commenced to
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			rotarod May Allah subhanahu wa taala make it easy for us to explain a few of the verses that we have
gone through, and may we draw lessons from them for our lives, our day to day lives. For indeed
every verse that we read, even if it is connected to those who are before us, meaning the previous
nations. If we read it once or twice we think about it. It applies to us in our lives in one way or
another. May Allah make it easy for us to understand. Let's take a look at add, the people of who
dalla is Salatu was Salam. Allah subhanho wa Taala repeats the stories of the Gambia for different
reasons. As I've mentioned, in this particular place, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the fact
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			that this Nabhi told his people that I don't want any money from you, I don't want any reward from
you. My reward is from Allah subhanho wa Taala Yeah, Camila is a newcomer
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			in Nigeria in
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			2013 Oh my people, I do not intend to achieve anything material from you. I don't want a reward from
you. My reward is with Allah subhanho wa Taala. I am only a messenger who is presenting the message
of the Creator to the created May Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant us also the ability to understand
that when an Imam gets up on a Friday, and he gives us a message that messages allows message for
us. Sometimes we might be guilty of being involved in what the Imam is speaking about. So we develop
a hatred against the Imam. That is not the quality of a believer, rather we should be from amongst
those who thank Allah, Allah you have created someone who spoke about the weakness that I am
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			involved in. I will take heed inshallah. So this is something we need to learn from here. Also, he
told his people why are coming back home from moto boo LA, oh my people, engage in repentance and
then return to Allah, engage in repentance and turn to Allah there is no point in engaging in
repentance and then turning back to the sin. Rather, we engage in repentance and then we don't
engage in that sin again, we turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So one might ask, what are the
benefits of tobacco? Do you know that the benefits of tobacco one of them is that you will be
granted sustenance, the wealth that we want so much, if we engage in this little fire and we turn to
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala he will give it to us or he will give us Baraka in the wealth. Listen to
what mohalla is. salatu wa sallam told his people in another place in the Quran for call to selfie
Rubicon This is in Surah. In who can
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			you see this?
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			know had a salatu salam told his people engage in his devart engage in Toba and you will find that
Allah subhanho wa Taala is most forgiving. He will send the rain as a result of your repentance. So
when we want rain, we need to ask forgiveness. Then the rain will come and over and above that. He
will grant you lots of wealth and he will grant you offspring
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			Who will be the coolness of your eyes? May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant that to us.
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			And then he says on top of that he will grant us Jenna in the era May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant
that to us as well. At the end when the people of whom Allah is Salatu was Salam did not listen to
him. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, while I'm
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			Mona Gina who
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			wanna Jaina
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			Bonnie, when our punishment came down, we saved the prophet and we saved those who followed him, the
rest of them we destroyed them. This means if we are to be upright inshallah, if the punishment is
deserved by the people around us, Allah will first safeguard us, he will create a means for us to
leave the city or the town that he's about to destroy. May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us the
means of achieving protection from the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala is to believe in Allah
subhanho wa Taala and to engage in is to follow the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Thereafter,
there is the story of sila Hara is Salatu was Salam. He was sent to a nation known as the moon and
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of some very important issues here.
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			Do you know that when there is a bright and intelligent youngster, very bright, very intelligent,
what do the the family members say? Normally they say, hey, send this youngster to the university
let him become a doctor. He's very clever. Let him become a lawyer and accountant. We are not saying
it's wrong to become lawyers and accountants and doctors. But if that youngster then decides No, I
want to become a molana I want to become a chef. I want to become an alum, sometimes members of his
or her own family will say, you know what, there is no future for you no future at all. What are you
going to earn? These people earn 500 grands a month and they go around begging they drive the
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			Corollas and the datsuns 120 wise and so on. Now Allah Subhana Allah, Allah protect us, if that is
our understanding of happiness and goodness, then we are also going to be destroyed. May Allah
subhanho wa Taala not do that to us. So that is what the people have told him. He was very bright,
very intelligent. You know what they said, after he became a messenger and he told them, the
goodness, he says, I am a messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. I've come to you with good news.
They said, Yeah, sorry, whoa, kodoku dafina model.
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			We had lots of hope in you. We thought you were going to achieve something you are going to become
someone in society and community before you came to tell us that now I'm a prophet Allahu Akbar. So
they lost hope. But Allah subhanho wa Taala, in fact, made him far higher than everyone else. So the
same applies to the ruler of the soma, a point of encouragement for those who are intending to study
this Deen. There is a chance and the possibility that Allah can bring together for you both the deen
and the dunya. They can be a doctor who is also a chef, we can have an accountant who's a very good
Muslim. As I said, yesterday, we are in need of the Muslim doctor, the Muslim accountant, the Muslim
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			lawyer, even the Muslim plumber, who knows about Islam and who is a brilliant person. May Allah
grant us success in both scopes in sha Allah.
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			So that is as far as Sally had a salatu salam people told him then Allah makes mention about when
the punishment came. Once again, I told you the highlight of every time is different Allah says,
while I'm
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			gonna Jaina saw the
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			woman is a woman. neomi is Allah says when the punishment came, when we sent our command of
punishment, we first saved the messenger and we save those who believed with him. And thereafter we
destroyed everyone else. Allah says we save them from the disgrace of that particular day. May Allah
save us also. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about Ibrahim alayhi salatu was salam, very, very
interesting. Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and Ruth alehissalaam were present at the same time.
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			In fact, they were related as well. And Luth Allah His Salam was sent to Casa Doom v.
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			villages of Sodom and Gomorrah where they were engaged in homosexuality and *. May Allah
Subhana Allah Allah protect us all and our offspring as well. And the oma of Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, we all know that he came and he built the Kaaba
and so on at one day, the melodica came to him as guests in the form of men. He saw these three
people, and they were very good looking. He didn't recognize them. He let them sit down, and he went
to the back. Imagine hospitality. Do you want to know the height of hospitality? Listen to Abraham
at a salon. How many guests came to him? According to some of the generations, three guests, he
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			looked at them, he greeted them. He let them sit down, and thereafter he went back. He slaughtered
the calf. They were the Baraka of time it happened very fast. They roasted that car
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			He presented the calf in front of how many people? Three May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the
ability to present even the right amount of services in front of our own guests. I mean, may Allah
subhanho wa Taala make us hospitable people inshallah. So, obviously, we won't be able to compete
with Ibrahim alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and nobody is saying we should cut a cow or a goat or
something that was a different time and there were different reasons for that. So Allah subhanho wa
Taala says, when he saw that they are not eating anything he began, he became worried, what is
happening here, these people are not eating anything. So they informed him Look, we are, we are
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			angels. We are not human beings. We can't eat this food we have just come to give you good news that
inshallah you will be getting a son known as his, his hat alayhis salam and after him inshallah
Yaqoob and your project inshallah will be mobarak it will have a lot of Baraka in it. So, he was
amazed and astonished and his wife was actually more amazed than him that you know, we are so old in
Asia, is that what Allah is going to grant us? And the Mullah correspondent uttara jabeen, amin
amarilla rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Allah
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			Are you surprised and amazed at Allah subhanho wa Taala, Rama and mercy he can give anyone anything
he can create without a male or a female he has done that. So Allah subhanho wa Taala to give
children to those who might not have children for 10 years and 11 years and 14 years and 20 years,
there is a chance Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah, may Allah grant such people children
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			So after that, they said, Look, we are on our way to the people of loot, we are on our way to the
people of loot to destroy them. So
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			Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam was shocked and amazed. He was surprised that these people are going
to be destroyed.
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			And He even told him that you know, there is a messenger there. They said, Don't worry, the
messenger will be saved and those who believe shall be saved. Look there again, those who believe
shall be saved. When these young men went there. There is a story of how they arrived. But I'm not
going to go into that detail. But when the nation when the community found out they were full of
homosexuals, when they found out that there are three handsome men who've come into our society and
they are in the house of this loop and a salon they ran there and they began to bang the door they
wanted to destroy the door. Yeah, look, you know exactly what we want. We want these men who are
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			here, we want to attack them Allah Subhana Allah protect us so dirty, so full.
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			So not only Sam offered his own daughters, he says ha una Ivana t These are my daughters if you'd
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			to hola como de la la la tofu nifi they are more pure for you to marry. And don't disgrace me with
my guests here. But they began to destroy that door until the melodica loot alehissalaam did not
know they were angels. They told him yeah luto in a big lie also, you know in a oluwo Don't be
worried. We are Malika we are angels with come with punishment. They will never be able to get to
you know when they get to us nothing. You take your family members and go away. Besides those who
have turned away It is reported that one of his wives that turned away Nutella his salat wa salam.
And he said meaning they were told to leave the city when they left in the morning Allah says
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala says, phylum
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			Muna Jana Alia has afina
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			CG. When the punishment came, they will lift it up and literally turned upside down. And it rained
rains of stones may Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us, they were punished in one of the worst
ways that any nation was ever punished in the past.
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			Thereafter, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the people of Medina and Shriver Allah His Salatu
was Salam. What was his message? His people were engaged in cheating in business, they deceived
people, the commodities were not good and they lie that they were good. They live that this was one
kg and it was actually 800 grams, and so on. And when they wanted to take, then they would lie that
it's one kg and it was actually 1.2 kgs. So it was a win win for them and win lose win. tribe Allah
is Salatu was Salam told them not to do that. They reprimanded him, they shouted him, they scolded
him. And, in fact, what they had actually said is, are you stopping us from doing whatever we want
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			in our wealth?
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			Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to understand that it might be our
wealth, but there are rules governing how we will earn it, how we will spend it and so on. Then they
said while Toka la Janaka if it was not
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			With a group of people who are following you, we would have stone you to death A long time ago. So
Dr. La salatu salam says de la mina, LA. Are you more worried about the group of people who are
following me and you are not worried about Allah? Even if no one was following me? How could you
stone a man to death who is telling you what is right and wrong? Sometimes we are also guilty of
hating a person just because they told us something that we are engaged in that is wrong. We should
not do that. This is these are the reminders in the Quran. This is how the verse is connected to me
and you. We must remember someone tells us something Alhamdulillah thank Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			thereafter, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about musalla Salatu was Salam story and the fact that he
was seemed to fit around and so on. And after that, Allah makes mention of one verse that made the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cry.
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			One day they noticed gray hairs on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he says, shea butter
knee hood. So who has made me old? It has made me worried. What is the verse? Imagine he was the
most steadfast there was nobody more steadfast then Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam no one could
have got to him. No one has ever got to his level. No one will ever get to his level. May Allah
subhanho wa Taala make us true followers of him. And yet Allah subhanho wa Taala told him first step
in karma.
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			Obama aka wala Tato in Bhima una voz de O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam be steadfast like you
have been commanded Allahu Akbar, and don't go beyond the limits. Allahu Akbar, who is being told
this, the messenger who did not need to be told this but he was told it so it can serve as a lesson
for me and you that if the best of creation was told to be steadfast, what about us? If the best of
creation was told not to go beyond the limits, we go beyond the limits on a daily basis and we don't
bat an eyelid. He used to engage in the state of our economy Sabina mala in one day more than 70
times according to another narration Mia Tamara 100 times a day he used to say Allah forgive me, did
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			he need it? Allahu Akbar, and we we don't engage in Islam far a day passes a month passes almost a
year passes and we haven't even turned to Allah subhanho wa Taala when the example of the best of
creation on a daily basis he used to seek forgiveness more than 100 times Allahu Akbar, Allah
subhanho wa Taala grant us a lesson from that.
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			Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him Mohamed Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam that you see the
stories that we are mentioning of the previous prophets for you, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wasallam it is a point of comfort, it is a point of strengthening for you so that you know that your
brethren the messengers who are before you, they went through similar problems, just like you are
facing today.
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			wakulla nahko soiree coming.
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			Soon a man with a b2b for
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			wotja coffee in how
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			many Allah says every time we have mentioned the stories of those before you Oh Mohamed Salah Allahu
Allah, he was alum, it is there so that your heart can be strengthened as a point of comfort for you
knowing that those before you would have also been through similar to what you are going through May
Allah subhanho wa Taala in the same way that he has granted a lesson for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam and the point of comfort. May He give us also lessons by reading the stories of the past
nations seeing what they were involved in and they were destroyed. You know, if petrol mixed with
firewood, makes a huge flame, or it made a huge flame last year. Do we think that 10 years down the
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			line, the one who mixes that petrol with the same firewood will not get a huge flame that is being
upset. So if two things put together resulted in a huge Inferno, the same two things put together
100 years later will result in the same Inferno? The same applies if deeds of the previous nations
resulted in their destruction. Do you think if we engage in the same deeds, it will not result in
our destruction? Allahu Akbar. Think about that example. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala commences one
of the most beautiful sutras in the world or in the Quran, one of the most beautiful sutras that
have ever been mentioned on this globe or in creation, not no naka su la Santa Lucia sauce. We are
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			now relating to you the best of stories why the best of stories. Let me tell you we don't have as
much time as one would have liked to go through the details of the of the lessons we learned from
that use of but we will go through a few why because almost
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			Every one's life is directly or indirectly affected by surah Yusuf, let's start growing examples.
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala starts off with a dream and he ends with the interpretation of that dream.
And in the middle, there is another dream that is mentioned and its interpretation is also there. So
the dream is he the caller used to be he
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			was shinzon camara. Lisa gteen. Oh my father, I have seen 11 stars, the sun and the moon prostrate
to me. That was good news the father was in abeokuta Allahu Salatu. Salam, he knew that this is some
goodness. This means Allah will gather us all together one day.
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			But he did not tell that to his son. Rather, he told his son knowing that this is a great gift.
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			La taco social a gala, eco acumatica ki doula caca don't relate this good news to your brothers,
because they might plan and plot against you, they might become jealous of you. What do we learn
from this? Those were the children of a Nabhi.
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			And something good. He told his son don't tell the others when something good happens to us. We
don't even have to tell our family members sometime until we've achieved something sometimes we
planning to go somewhere who says that you have to inform everyone. No, it depends on how important
that journey is. You don't have to always inform everyone of your next move. You don't have to tell
them about your business deals. You don't have to tell them about anything. It's the inner Allah
tada how he communicate man, you should seek assistance in fulfilling your needs by being secretive
to a certain extent. You don't have to tell everyone everything because shaytan is bad. They might
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			be good. In a shy parnelli Sania
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			Chopin is an outright clear enemy against men. So even if a person does not want to be jealous, you
find that sometimes shavon puts in a spear and arrow interferes and makes a person jealous May Allah
subhanho wa Taala not make us jealous when a person has a child for example a little baby for those
who are newly married who have children Alhamdulillah if the baby sleeps all night You don't have to
tell the whole world you know what that baby Mashallah sleeps all night from that night on the baby
might not sleep because I'm and the evil I might attack that baby.
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			You can say Look, that's a normal child you know they sleep you know how children sleep so you
haven't lived Alhamdulillah at the same time when it when something good happens. You don't have to
tell everyone and if you tell them make sure they say Mashallah in front of you. Don't be shy to say
say Mashallah, let them say so what and hamdulillah we will save ourselves. In fact, even in the
surah we will see how jacoba salatu salam was worried about the evil eye befalling the fact that he
had children, huge, beautiful, handsome children all working together united. He didn't want people
to see that. So when they were entering Egypt later on, he told him into separately why so that
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			people can't affect you with the evil eye. Allahu Akbar. The evil is true. The Hadith says a lie no
happen. It is true it can affect a person. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us but remember one
thing, not every sickness that you have is the evil eye. Sometimes everything we have people say you
know, someone did magic on me, man. You know, I don't understand that someone is jealous of me, man.
Sometimes it's just a health ailment. Maybe you've eaten a bit too fast and some gastric movements
in the stomach and you think there is Giardia or you think there is a little bit of magic that
someone has engaged in Allah protect us a little bit of he knows will do the trick in sha Allah.
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			So Allah subhanho wa Taala is informing us here in Surah Yousuf that we need to know who to talk to
and how to talk what to tell who to tell, then this Nabhi had these children and these children
Subhana Allah, they were the children of the MBR and abeokuta la Salam Do you think he gave him an
upbringing that was anything less than perfect? Oh, it was a perfect upbringing. But on top of that,
they planned to kill their brother. Imagine that means sometimes jealousy levels with between
brothers and family and blood can get to the point of wanting to to eliminate someone may Allah
protect us. It is haram it is prohibited. So one of the older brothers felt a little bit, you know,
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			a little bit remorseful and he felt a bit shy. He says ladapo usofa wailuku fever joke be don't kill
him. Throw him into a pit and someone will pick him up and maybe they'll take him to a far off land.
So what they did is they hatched a plan they went to their father, they told their father that
Malika manna Yusuf our in
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			what's wrong with you? They telling their father why
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			Don't you release your use of Allah is Allah.
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			Release him with us tomorrow, and we will go we will graze the flock and so on. We will play and we
will come back. You know what the Father says
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			in Elijah zanoni.
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			Boo be waha for a cooler.
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			I fear if I send him with you,
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			it will make me sad, number one, because he will be away from me you will take him for the whole
day. And there is a possibility that whilst you're not watching, a wolf might eat him.
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			They use the same plan. They took him they released him into that pit and they came back with the
false blood on a shirt. And they said, you know what a wolf at once we weren't watching. Imagine the
same thing the father suggested. They took it up and they actually came back with the same words how
many of us are fooled by our children? Sometimes it's up there is a possibility. If a newbie could
be told that by his own children, do you think our children don't lie to us? They come to us from
madrasa later on in the afternoon and say you know what, today that check that Imam the teacher he
did this and that we roll our sleeves and we want to beat up the Imam by believing a child five
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			years old. Imagine yet we don't realize that that could be a lie. Go out, defend the teacher say
look, if that's what he did. That's your teacher. Why did you engage in something bad? May Allah
protect us? Oh, there's so many examples that we could actually give. But let's move on. Then Allah
subhanho wa Taala tells us that he was thrown into this. But and they picked him up when they picked
him up. What does Allah say? Well as a Ruby ba they regarded him as merchandise. And they said no,
this will make money out of this. You know, sometimes when we pick up lost property, what do we do?
very valuable. You pick up a blank check. It tells you a million Rand what do you do? very tempting,
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			may Allah grant us a man. Allah subhanho wa Taala make us more monks, those who can hand it back.
You know what happens sometimes, like what we read in the newspapers. In countries like these, you
find you hand back a large amount of money to the cop shop to the policeman. Sometimes it disappears
from there, but don't worry, so long as you didn't steal it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard
us. So the same applies here. These people, what do we learn from them? They looked at an innocent
boy, very handsome man. They said No, we'll make money out of this. Come bring him into this. They
sold him at the next market. Someone bought him a very wealthy man bought him. And in a nutshell
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			what had happened. The wife of this minister of Egypt, had an evil intention when she saw those
handsome men and some Yusuf alayhi salatu salam. She says, You know what? He's a worker for us. He
works for us. Let me advance sexually how many of us are guilty of making sexual advances at the
workplace? Let's be honest. This lesson comes from Surah Yusuf, whether it is male or female is
besides the point the lesson is, don't ever make sexual advances that are haram especially at the
workplace, if someone is working for you, and don't think that this person here is actually under
me, so let me try my luck, Allahu Akbar, Allah safeguard us look at the example Who would have
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			guessed that we learned this from the surah.
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			So So our use of the Nabi of Allah was actually someone attempted
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			to lie to him, and Allah subhanho wa Taala protected him. And thereafter this lady became so upset,
so angry that then the people, the other ladies, obviously everyone speaks about that lady because
she is the minister's wife. She is supposed to have been a role model for everyone. The other ladies
began to speak and they said, you know, this lady here, she actually wants to do something with her
own workers. Imagine Allah protect us all.
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			So she said, Let me fix these ladies. They don't know how handsome this man is. So she prepared a
little sitting for them and gave each one of them an apple with a knife.
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			A fruit with a knife. And she told you so Valley is Salatu was Salam because he was a worker, he had
to obey the instructions. I want you to pass from here when they're all seated. As he passed. They
were so engrossed in looking that they cut their hands Allahu Akbar, imagine how handsome he must
have been. They were so engrossed in looking that they cut their hands and they said marhaba Bashara
in Hagia
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			Carrie, this is no ordinary human being, this is an angel. This is an angel Allahu Akbar. What do we
learn from this? Let's draw a jewel from it. We learn from it that whenever our eyes and our gaze is
not controlled, and we happen to look at the opposite * more than what we are allowed, in that
case, it will result in destruction of one way or another. Let me give you an example. Sometimes you
drive in your motor vehicle, and someone happens to pass quite good looking and you turn, you might
bump the guy in front of you, it can happen, why it's similar to cutting the hand it will cause
bodily harm, material harm, it will cause lots of harm its effect. Sometimes if you engage in an
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			act, you might end up with a huge disease may Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us. So this is a
lesson to say anyone who wants to follow that path. There is destruction coming your way.
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			Do you know that we are taught by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that when you have wealth,
a salary at the end of the month or wealth, and there is no Baraka in it, no Baraka at all, ask
yourself, you probably engaged in a sin. You probably oiling some of your bad habits, maybe casino
maybe gambling, maybe drinking maybe nightclubs, maybe drugs, maybe a woman, maybe someone of the
opposite *, you need to pay money. You need to look after someone more than what Allah has
shouldered upon you. How can they be Baraka in your wealth? So if you find your money is running
away quickly, leave the sins and you will find that 500 rands will last the whole month, you'll
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			still have 450 inshallah, may Allah grant us Baraka in our wealth. This is a very important lesson
we learned from in Surah Yusuf as well.
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			Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how he was jailed, they jailed him innocent men. This
means that not everyone in jail is actually guilty. Sometimes, the law is guilty of finding an
innocent man guilty. That's the case. Because he might have been framed, someone might have been a
false witness and so on, they might have jailed a person. So not everyone who is in jail is actually
a criminal. And for this reason, we must give those who come out of the jail terms after having
served the terms and they come out, give them a chance, give them a chance to come back into
society, embrace them and accept them. Yes, you can keep a watchful eye, but at the same time you
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			need to it is our duty to make sure that we make them feel back accepted in the society. May Allah
grant that to all of us. May He grant us the ability to do that. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks
about use of Allah is salatu wa sallam, when he was jailed, it didn't depress him, he made the dua,
Allah I'd rather go to jail than to fulfilling the desires of this lady.
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			Strictly speaking, how many are prepared to do that? May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the
ability to answer that question in our hearts and minds. Imagine the hottie says Roger Martin, that
woman Sabina Jamal in India, Allah, Allah will grant the shade of his Irish on the day of the Yama
to a man whom when a lady who is very good looking and wealthy and well to do who has a high status
in society calls him towards sin. And she says, Look, he says, Look, I fear Allah. Allah says on the
day of cam, I will call him out by name. Everyone will be wondering what is this man called out for?
by name? Allahu Akbar. Allah says, Come come this day of heat, you will be under the air
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			conditioning system, Allahu Akbar, under the shade of my own ash Allahu Akbar, Allah Rhonda to us.
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			Remember those who have fallen, it's never too late to turn to Allah. It's never too late to repent.
That is why we have the month of Ramadan, so that we can have hope in the mercy of Allah believes
that you are jealous. So he was jailed. He sees the opportunity of that jail term, to teach someone
something to teach his inmates a few things. And that is made mention of in this forum, where Allah
subhanho wa Taala speaks about how he told his inmates about Allah, He gave them that power, one of
them was to be executed and the other one was released. After some time the king also saw a dream
and use of Allah is salatu salam interpreted that dream. And as a result, he was called he was given
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			a chance to clarify his name. He was given a chance to clarify his name, because when he interpreted
the dream of the king, what had happened is, in that dream, there was a prophecy of a drought. And
there was preparation required for that drought. The one who was able to prepare for that drought,
was Yusuf alayhi salatu. Salam because he understood it totally. So he was made a minister imagine
from jail, to being a minister, it happens many times we find a person like in this country, from
jail to presidency Alhamdulillah May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all understanding that not
everyone in jail is actually guilty, as we said. So from the jail term, he was made a minister and
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			he was given a chance to cleanse himself because he refused to become the minister until he was
allowed to ask the ladies a question who was guilty Me or you?
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			And they actually had to confess to say, You know what? We were the guilty ones. You were innocent.
So whoever is accused falsely Allah will give you the opportunity to clarify your name one day
inshallah, if not today, then in the afternoon shala thereafter, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks
about how the brothers had come to him, begging him, begging him for food.
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			Now look, what lesson do we learn from this, those who plan the downfall of others, Allah subhanho
wa Taala will drop them lower than those whom they are planning the downfall of, to the degree that
one day they might come begging to the same person that they had planned and plotted against at some
point. So two lessons One is we should not plan and plot against someone else, leave it to Allah.
And two is when someone plans and plots against us. Don't stress don't grieve the story of use of
Allah Salam is there as an example for myself and yourselves. So Alhamdulillah when they came along
story occurred, and thereafter it resulted in them being united with the whole family.
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			And there are many stories, in fact use jacobellis salatu salam had lost his eyesight and use of
Allah He Salaam says, Take my shirt and go and drop it. Go and give it to my father, his sight will
come back. Do you know what metzen has discovered recently, in the last few years, I read an article
whereby they say the sweat of men, human sweat can actually solve some visual problems in the eyes,
a type of cataract can actually be cured through a drops. They were, they were actually
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			researching this in Switzerland, that drops with human sweat content in it Allahu Akbar.
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			Use of Allah His Salatu was Salam just said it, take my shirt and go and give it to our father cast
it on him and his eyesight will return. That's exactly what happened. Now, years later, we don't
even know how many years later. But how many years after the revelation of the Quran more than 1400
years later, people are discovering that indeed, the sweat of human beings has a role to play. I've
read the article myself, may Allah subhanahu Allah grant us all understanding that this Quran is the
book of Allah.
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			Thereafter, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how the parents came together, and everyone came
together and then the statement was made by us very seldom. Yeah, but he had, we know he, I mean,
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			oh, my father. This is the interpretation of the dream that I had in the very beginning of the sun,
the moon and the 11 stars. So the sun was depicting the father of the house, the moon was depicting
the mother of the house and we've got to listen to this carefully. And the stars were depicting the
11 children. If you take a look at the qualities of the sun, strong, powerful, it shines, everyone
feels secure in the presence of the sun, we go out we work we earn sustenance, we come back, we feel
so secure. That is those are the qualities of the sun. Every father in every home needs to have the
qualities that the sun outside has, he needs to present to give the warmth in the house, the sense
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			of security bringing the sustenance make everyone feel secure and make them feel well don't we feel
so good when the sun is out, we run around without any fear and hamdulillah those are the qualities
that Allah has kept in the sun, they are supposed to be in every successful father of every home,
the moon beautiful, you can look at it Mashallah you can admire it, the moon, the light of the moon
is solely derived from the sun. Do we know that the brighter the sun, the more you see of the moon.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala has kept the example of the moon the example of the successful mother in
the house, the stars who are the children, you don't see them during the daylight. If you look at
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			the sun, you won't be able to see directly, you will probably need some glasses. That is the respect
of the Father in the house not to say we shouldn't look at him but we respect him. But when the moon
is out, the stars are twinkling Mashallah, it shows the closeness of relation between the children
and the mother, and hamdulillah. Let's try and understand this example. It's a very deep example.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us successful mothers, amazingly, they should be having the
qualities of the moon, can I give you one more
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			jewel that we extract, the moon goes through a 28 day cycle, precisely. Some days it's not there.
Some days it's there. The same applies to a woman she goes through a 28 day cycle. Some days she's
there some days she's not there. May Allah subhanahu Allah grant us the true understanding of Allah
when Allah gives an example it is a perfect example that fits. And if we think that it is not a
perfect example we need to revisit our intellect because the creator cannot make a mistake.
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			The stars Alhamdulillah we've seen now let me tell you and we want to end with this inshallah I
might mention one verse of surah two rod, seeing that I've taken a little bit more time because it's
an interesting surah today, very interesting. Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us yet another example.
When we mix the roles when father wants to play a role of mother and mother wants to play a role of
father what happens there is chaos and confusion. They are fighting the children lose the most don't
we agree that children suffer the most, because these two have now confused their roles. So when the
sun goes into the place of the moon, the moon goes into the place of the sun, we have an eclipse
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			where you can see neither of them. Amazing. And what happens the stars are nowhere to be seen when
there is an eclipse the same way when we mix up our rules that Allah has given us. We have what is
known as a social Eclipse, chaos in the house, Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhanho wa Taala save us
from that sign of tiama. In the same way that an eclipse is a sign of the AMA. We are supposed to be
engaging in salah and is still far and Toba when the eclipse is there outside when there is a social
Eclipse in the house. That is also a sign of the AMA we need to be engaging in a state of foreign
Toba and Salah until the condition returns to normal. That is Surah Yusuf May Allah subhanho wa
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			Taala Granderson
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			Understanding beautiful lessons in Serato right, which we inshallah we will commence with tomorrow
we will commence speaking about it tomorrow in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how
even the thunder praises Allah subhanaw taala dooby Hamdi he was
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			eager to mean keep it, even the right even the thunder, even the lightning all these are creatures
of Allah. They are declaring the greatness of Allah engaging in the dhikr and remembrance of Allah
subhanho wa Taala but we don't comprehend it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us on acceptance wa
Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah Mohammed ik shadow Allah, Allah