Mufti Menk – Only If You Knew The Value Of The Adhan

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the Muadbins and how it is a reward for those who bring forward the message of peace. They also mention the importance of not wasting electricity and not apologizing for things that are on the wrong side of the spectrum. The speaker encourages people to call towards the Buholder deen and share their faith.
AI: Transcript ©
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According to one narration of the prophet, some

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says, those who will be the most

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conspicuous people on the day of judgment are

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the Muadbins.

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The ones who called out for adhan. Why?

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When you say come to prayer, every single

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person who comes to prayer, you get a

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full reward of all the salahs that every

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one of them have made. So

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the hadith says

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It's a long hadith. It says, if people

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knew the value of the adhan, they would

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literally draw lots,

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fight with each other to make the adhan.

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But today, Adhan, sometimes people say, oh, the

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And they look at him as though he's

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one of the lowest in society.

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But he will be the most conspicuous

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because he called people towards the house of

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And Allah chose him for something very, very

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important, and he has such a great reward.

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sometimes we don't value things that are valued.

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Have you ever come up to the imam

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or the Mu'adin

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or the people running a masjid and just

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said, jazaakumullahqir.

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May Allah reward you guys for the good

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work you're doing? Salaam Alaikum. And you went

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What did you do? You encouraged them. If

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that encouragement

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made them do a little bit more or

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made them happy, you were rewarded for it.

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In fact, we only pick on errors today.

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You know what you guys? You put too

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many lights, you're wasting electricity.

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You know what? There's no air condition. You

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know what? There are too many this or

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there's too many we just keep on picking

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and picking and picking. So your name gets

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written but on the wrong side. On the

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wrong side, mashallah.

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You really want? You can offer something. Don't

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say that you did this and did that.

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Say, look, I brought this inshallah, you guys.

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If you if you feel, oh, I would

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like to contribute in this way to solve

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this problem and that that's the way we

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should do things. May Allah Almighty continue to

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use us to serve the deen. Every one

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of us, all of us, you do not

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have an excuse.

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You have to call towards the deen of

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Allah. It's part of your faith. You have

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to. Even if you don't know much, at

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least through your character, your smile will break

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through the people's hearts.

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May Allah Almighty really make us feel that.

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And I know there are some who might

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be sitting and thinking, well, you know, I

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can't really call others. What do I know?

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Whatever you have whatever you have, you have

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to share

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it. You you cannot remain with goodness and

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not share it.

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