Mufti Menk – Nobody Can Do a BETTER Job

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the Quran and how it describes the creation of man as being in the best of postures, including being the most sophisticated of those postures. The speaker then goes on to prove that the best from various parts of the body is the greatest, citing various examples such as the 5 fingers, eyes, ears, mouth, and tongue. The speaker concludes by saying that the creation of man is the greatest.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I know that it's not someone like

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me and because I'm the most sophisticated of

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the creation at the moment,

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you know, I believe in the Quran. So

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I am going to tell you, the Quran

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says, you, oh, man, have been created.

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in the best of postures. Allah says, we

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created you in the best of postures.

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Indeed, we have created man in, meaning the

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of taqweem, your postures.

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You know, the way you stand, the way

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you sit, the way you hold, the way

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you see, the exact positioning of all your

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limbs and organs, Allah says the best. The

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best from what? From all other creatures of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Now pause for a

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moment because I wanna prove that to you

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to begin with.

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Think for a while

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of any limb or organ of yours.

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Do you think it could be in another

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besides where exactly it is? Take a look

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at your 5 fingers. These 5 fingers,

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exactly where they are, you know. The index

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finger, the thumb.

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If you had

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to change anything you would never be able

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to compete with what is already there. Take

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a look at your eyes. Where do you

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want to put them? Your ears.

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Take a look at your lips, your teeth,

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your mouth, your tongue,

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your everything. Subhanallah,

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where would you like to put it? Allah

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says, we put it in the best

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possible place for you. We created you. Allah

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says, and we created you in such an

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amazing way. So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is

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the greatest. Okay.

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