Mufti Menk – No More Yelling

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of learning to navigate differences and appreciate the favor of the almighty. He emphasizes the need to be prepared to work things out and communicate respectfully. He also warns of the danger of embarrassment and offense at times in relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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We will, as human beings, always have differences.

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We need to learn to navigate through these

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We need to learn to appreciate

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what the almighty has bestowed upon us in

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terms of favor.

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Moments ago,

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we were told that the divorce rate is

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very high.

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Are we not prepared to

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talk things

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out? Are we not prepared to work things

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out? Are we not prepared to sacrifice?

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Are we not prepared to be loyal for

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the sake of one another and for the

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sake of the betterment of our own children,

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family members, humanity at large. Yes, Divorce is

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permissible but as a last resort,

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we need to firstly try our best to

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resolve matters. We need to try our best

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speak about things. Like I said earlier,

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If you're not prepared to communicate,

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how do you expect to resolve problems? If

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you're not prepared to compromise

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to a degree,

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how do you expect to resolve matters?

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My beloved sisters, my beloved brothers,

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it's important that when we select

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a spouse,

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we follow the instructions of the Almighty. We

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follow the guidelines of the prophet Muhammad peace

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be upon him. He tells us to look

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at character. He tells us to look at

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conduct. He tells us to look at connection

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with the maker known as the deen, the

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Sometimes we don't do that and then later

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on we regret.

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People say, is it permissible for me to

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marry so and so? There may be permissibility

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but is it really someone that

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your relationship will last with? That you will

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have a good understanding with, a person whose

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character and conduct will lead them to respecting

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you. We lack respect sometimes.

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We scream and yell at each other.

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If that is the case, how will the

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relationship work? We will not be able to

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solve a family matter if we do not

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speak respectfully.

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If we yell and scream, shout and swear.

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So remember,

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as a believer that should not be one

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of your characteristics

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at all.

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Neither with family

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nor with those who are not your family.

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No yelling and swearing and abusing. Unfortunately,

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it is happening on a daily basis.

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You have people who come into the home

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as a husband perhaps,

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and he thinks he has

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the full authority to say what he wants

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and do what he wants in a manner

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that he wishes without bearing in mind that

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he owes

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answerability to Allah Almighty

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to begin with.

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You owe it to Allah. Don't are you

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not ashamed

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of how you speak in the house? Are

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you not ashamed of how

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or the words that you utter?

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Are you not ashamed of

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your children watching the way you are

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handling their own mother?

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And vice versa. Because at times the men

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are complaining to us to say, you're always

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speaking about one side of the coin. My

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beloved brothers, you think we don't speak about

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the other side because you don't you are

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not even prepared to listen to what we

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have to say. I usually say I have

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addressed both sides.

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But the men, what do they do? They

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listen to the first two minutes of your

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speech and then they turn it off and

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they feel they know better in a lot

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of cases. Right? Then they accuse you of

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not having addressed the matter,

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but instead they are guilty of not have

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not listening.

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May Allah Almighty

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help us and guide us bearing in mind

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I'm a man too.

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So if we're guilty of it, it's collective.

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