Mufti Menk – New Form Of Time Measurement

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the concept of distance as meters or kilometers and how it is used to describe the speed of light. It is noted that scientists use time to describe distance, but the use of time is not a fundamental science. The use of time is used to measure distance and is used as a metric for the length of time people will be waiting for.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then he he is directed further towards

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his own Jannah. Jannah means a garden. You

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have a garden as we said, minimum

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garden is not mentioned by is not,

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measured by meters or kilometers.

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You see when the Hadith speaks of

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mention of distance

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by travel.

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Listen to this very carefully, some very very

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important point.

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The distance,

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we know it as meters and kilometers.

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The Prophet

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1400 years ago,

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he used

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a different measurement to describe distance. What was

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He used time to describe

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If I were to ask you who is

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the first person to use time to describe

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distance, you have to say Muhammad sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam.

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Today, scientists use time to describe distance.

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What is a light year?

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So they say, it's 15 light years away,

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4 light years away. SubhanAllah.

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The distance,

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the speed of light

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for 4 whole years, that is called 4

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light years.

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Who started that? Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Where did he get it from? Why?

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So don't think these people are a big

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deal. They came up with something that was

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already there. But people said, how is this

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described as 2000 years of distance?

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It says, 2000 years. Didn't I say moments

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ago? A traveler would travel 2000 years. That's

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the distance of the smallest garden.

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Today, they actually tell you, yes, years can

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the term year can actually

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you be used to measure distance. Allahu Akbar.

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A few years ago it would be foolish.

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If I told you for example,

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you know, how high is that? And you

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say 3 seconds.

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Allahu will ask.

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You'd be foolish. People would say, what are

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you talking about? Badwallahi,

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we need to know this.

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It is Islam that came up with the

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of time to measure distance, Allahu Akbar, subhanAllah.

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And this is for paradise more than anything

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else. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala speaks of

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this. So this man, when he gets to

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his own garden,

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he sees the pathway leading to it full

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of pebbles of gold and silver

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and different types of pearls and and rubies

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and so on and he the door is

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open automatically

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and he sees even a bigger light and

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that happens to be the gatekeeper of his

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own garden.

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And as he enters,

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he has a peep at what's going on,

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1 foot in, 1 foot out and he

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is waiting And he's looking, and he's seeing.

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500 years passed and he's still watching. Wallahu

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Wow. This is mine. Like we said, you

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neither hungry nor you fool, but he's just

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Because if it was us, you know, lunchtime

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we had to go.

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If it was the dunya.

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So he's looking until he is told, are

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you not going to come in? And who's

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telling him that? The who?

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You're not going to come in? SubhanAllah. We

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ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to grant us

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this Jannah. Allah will be working towards it.

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And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to

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bless us in every single way.

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