Mufti Menk – Memorise This For Protection

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker is reciting a sermon from Subhanallah about repeating words of praise of Allah. They encourage people to make decisions in life and not to let things happen to them. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of faith and not letting things happen to them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Improve your relationship with the dhikr. What is

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dhikr? Dhikr has a vast meaning. But one

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aspect of it is to repeat the words

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of praise of Allah. Subhanallah,

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Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah.

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These are beautiful words of praise of Allah

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Repeat them, they will help you. How many

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times do you say

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In my life,

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I have found this to be one of

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the most powerful prayers to Allah. Let me

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repeat it and translate it for you to

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just the meaning of it. Imagine how you

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would enjoy the power of it.

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O ever living,

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O all alert. You are alert completely all

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the time, you know. Oh ever living, I

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desperately seek your mercy. I desperately seek your

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Make good for me all my affairs.

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Don't leave me to myself even for the

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blinking of an eye.

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You are asking Allah, O Allah,

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no matter who I am,

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I desperately

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seek Your mercy.

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Make good for me all my affairs and

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don't leave me alone to myself, even for

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the blinking of an eye. Imagine when you

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repeat that dua. It reassures

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you, today we need to make decisions in

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All of us, some

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in a small way, some in a big

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way. Ask Allah to guide you to make

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the correct decisions in your lives,

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And He shall guide you. Allahummaherli

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Asking Allah to help you to choose, to

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make choices, to choose for you, to help

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you decide.

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This is what it is. Unfortunately

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Everyday. He comes to all of us in

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he works

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everyday. Everyday, he comes to all of us

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in different ways.

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Some he can attack in a bigger way,

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some in a smaller way. Strengthen your faith,

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He won't be able to touch you. There

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is another beautiful dua, to protect yourself. Listen

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to it carefully.

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Oh my Lord,

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I seek protection in you.

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From the whispers of the shayateen, the devils.

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And I seek protection in You, O my

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from them even coming into my presence.

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O Allah,

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O my Rabb, I seek your protection

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from the whispers of the devils, and I

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seek your protection from them even coming into

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presence. Tell me, after repeating that dua with

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conviction, do you really think that your Lord

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is going to forsake you? When He's given

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billions of things you have not asked for

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already, do you really think the things you

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are asking for, He's not going to give

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you? Subhanallah.

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My brothers, my sisters, have faith in Allah.

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Good comes in your direction, get close to

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When good comes in your direction, do not

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distance yourself from Allah.

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