Mufti Menk – Make Life Easy For Others

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses distractions and distractions with younger people, which can make them distracted and make them look at other people's lives in negative ways. The speaker gives an example of how even though one person may be ugly, they can make it tough for them to call someone in a bad way. The speaker advises against calling people in a negative way to hurt their feelings and to make life easy for others by speaking with respect.
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The reason why I said distractions for the

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ones who are slightly older, sometimes Allah

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tests us with some distractions.

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And sometimes shaitan comes and he makes us

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We start looking at other people's lives and

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talking about other people in a negative way.

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Big people do that too. Young people do

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that too. Don't make little circles and take

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out one girl and say, no. She's not

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in my group. She's not in our group.

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And you make it tough for her. I'm

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giving you a real life example.

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You know, the same thing happens with boys.

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This guy is not in our circle. He's

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like this like that. So what we pick

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on someone, we say nasty words to them.

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We tell them how ugly they are when

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they're not really ugly. We're the ones who

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are ugly because the only people who are

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ugly are the ones who call others ugly.

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It's the ugliness that makes you say someone

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else is ugly. So don't say that because

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in the eyes of Allah, he created us

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all beautifully.

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So, therefore, don't ever call someone else in

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a bad way to hurt their feelings. You're

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gonna grow old. You know when I was

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at the University of Madinah,

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we had some friends.

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And a lot of them became ministers, prime

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top notch people across the world. And when

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I sit and think, wow. This guy used

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to sit right next to me. I have

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colleagues who are imams of the haram. Imams

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of the haram studied with me. And I'm

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thinking to myself, gosh. We didn't even know

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that this guy is gonna graduate and become

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someone really that we would be embarrassed that

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one day we had a fight with him.

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I'm not saying I had a fight with

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anyone, but I'm giving you an example. Right?

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So the same applies. I'm giving you the

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lesson to say make life easy for others.

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Speak with respect.

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Give people, you know, good vibes, not bad

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vibes inshallah.

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