Mufti Menk – Learn To Pray For Each Other

Mufti Menk


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AI: Summary ©

The speaker gives five prayers that Allah Almighty wants us to pray every day, promise to pray every day five times, and show respect for everyone. They stress the need to pray for oneself and others to solve problems, build relationships, show respect, and show respect for Muslims. The speaker gives advice on praying for others, including showing respect and showing respect for Muslims.

AI: Summary ©

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			It is important for us to realize that
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			Allah Almighty wants us to get up in
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			the morning and He wants us to pray.
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			And before we sleep at night, He wants
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			us to pray.
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			And just after midday, He wants us to
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			And late afternoon, He wants us to pray.
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			And at sunset, He wants us to pray.
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			These are five prayers.
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			Do we promise that we will pray to
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			Allah every single day five times?
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			Do we promise?
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			Do we make a promise?
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			My beloved brothers, my sisters, my dearest children,
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			we have gathered here today in order to
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			listen to a good word.
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			Yes, there is excitement.
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			Many of us are very, very excited.
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			But don't let your excitement make you go
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			beyond limits.
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			I am just a human being like you
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			I am just a human being like you
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			I am your brother.
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			To go beyond the limit is not befitting
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			a small man like me.
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			May Allah Almighty forgive me and forgive all
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			of us.
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			My brothers, my sisters, my children, we will
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			return to Allah.
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			I declare, the day when we return to
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			Allah, are we going to take with us
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			a lot of good deeds?
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			People say, how can we be charitable when
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			we ourselves don't have sufficient money?
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			We don't have a lot of sustenance.
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			How will we be charitable?
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			Allah Almighty teaches us that your attitude and
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			your character, your conduct becomes a charity when
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			it is pleasant.
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			When you talk to people with a smile,
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			when you look at people and you are
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			happy, it's a charity.
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			In their heart, you raise your smile.
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			So remember, treat people with respect.
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			Don't swear, don't abuse, don't hurt people.
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			These are the teachings of Islam.
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			The Prophet Muhammad says that if you have
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			a little, to share a small portion is
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			a good idea.
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			To share a small portion of the little
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			that you have will get you Jannatul Firdaus.
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			So, are we ready to share what we
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			have with others?
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			Are we ready to share our food and
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			our drink with those who don't have?
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			Are we ready to share our clothing with
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			those who don't have?
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			Are we prepared to treat people with respect?
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			No matter who they are, they are the
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			children of Adam.
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			Are we not the children of Adam?
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			Therefore, we are all brothers and sisters, we
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			must respect each other.
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			If I am a Muslim, I respect all
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			other Muslims and I respect the non-Muslims
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			If they are non-Muslim, when they see
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			me as a good Muslim, the minimum is
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			they have a good reflection of who is
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			Muhammad peace be upon him.
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			They have a good reflection of what is
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			They realize that Islam is a beautiful faith.
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			Even if they don't become Muslims, the fact
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			is you fulfilled your role as a Muslim
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			to live upon the highest values and morals.
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			We are people who do not fight with
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			each other.
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			And if there is a quarrel or there
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			is a difference or there is a dispute,
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			we are people who go out to solve
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			We are people who will try to mend
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			We are people who will go to the
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			brothers and sisters who are quarreling and tell
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			them to stop quarreling.
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			Do you promise that you are going to
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			solve problems?
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			You promise that you will not be cause
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			of a problem.
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			You promise you will not be the cause
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			of a problem.
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			We want to live in harmony and peace
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			with one another.
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			And the only way you are going to
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			do this is if you realize that every
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			human being was given life by Allah.
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			The one who gave you life, gave him
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			The one who gave him life, gave her
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			The one who gave her life, gave us
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			all life.
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			So Allah Almighty wants you to look after
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			one another.
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			Are we going to look after one another
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			May Allah bless you all.
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			My brothers and sisters who are underneath the
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			tents here, I know you have been seated
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			from a very long time.
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			May Allah reward you for your patience.
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			May Allah grant you barakah and solve your
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			Every one of us, we have difficulty and
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			hardship in our lives.
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			Many of us, we have problems.
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			Some have bigger problems than others.
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			We pray for you today.
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			It's a day of prayer.
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			We must pray for the nation.
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			May Allah protect Liberia.
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			May Allah protect all the tribes and the
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			people of Liberia.
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			May Allah grant you a good unity and
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			May the people of Liberia always respect and
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			honor one another.
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			May you grow from strength to strength.
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			The last time I was in this country
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			and this time, I noticed some development.
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			There are some new roads.
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			There are some new buildings.
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			There are some new sports facilities.
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			I noticed a lot of growth.
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			That is the blessing of Allah.
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			Thank Allah.
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			You can only grow.
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			There is peace and stability.
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			When there is no peace, you are unable
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			to grow.
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			So don't allow anyone to take away your
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			Don't allow anyone to make you fight with
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			one another.
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			We have already learned so many lessons in
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			We will not allow the dark history to
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			repeat itself.
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			But rather, we will show that the bright
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			future is in our path and we will
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			go to it by the will of Allah.
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			May Allah grant you joy.
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			May Allah Almighty protect your children, your offspring,
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			your families.
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			My brothers and sisters, we have a good
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			faith and we need to believe in Allah.
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			Pray to Him.
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			When you pray to Allah, don't only pray
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			for yourself.
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			Pray for others as well.
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			If I ask Allah, O Allah, give me,
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			give me, give me.
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			Allah will give you.
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			But if you want the true gift of
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			God, the true gift of Allah, learn to
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			pray for others.
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			O Allah, help her.
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			O Allah, help him.
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			O Allah, help them.
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			O Allah, be with them.
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			The angels say, O Allah, this person who
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			is praying for another one, give him better
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			than what he is asking for that person.
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			Amazing, amazing.
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			If I pray for you, I have better
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			than you.
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			If you pray for me, you will have
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			better than me, inshallah.
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			So learn to pray for one another.
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			My brothers and sisters, I really extend my
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			respect to those who are under the umbrellas
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			there, sitting in that box to my right,
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			and those who are seated in such a
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			quiet, beautiful way all over.
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			Wallahi, I extend my respect to you, all
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			of those who are there.
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			May Allah bless you all.
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			And those who are here as well, may
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			Allah respect you, may Allah grant you respect
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			and honor.
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			May Allah bless you.
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			I know it's a hot day, but there
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			is a cool breeze.
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			That is from Allah.
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			It is impossible for a man like me
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			to shake the hands of everyone here.
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			It is impossible.
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			But our hearts are connected.
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			Our souls are connected.
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			We love Allah, so we love each other.
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			We love Allah, so we love all those
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			who Allah has created.
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			My brothers and sisters, in my short speech,
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			I have addressed the matter of prayer.
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			Brother, don't throw the water at people.
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			Don't throw the water.
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			You give them, but don't throw.
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			I have addressed the matter of prayer.
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			You pray five times a day.
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			You supplicate to Allah.
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			You respect each other.
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			You honor each other.
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			You be a good Muslim by showing good
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			character and conduct.
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			You dress in a way that shows that
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			you are a godly person.
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			When you dress male and female, Make sure
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			you dress in a way that is pleasing
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			to your maker, to Allah.
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			Make sure you dress in a way that
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			proves that you have a connection with your
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			And learn to respect everyone else.
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			Some others might choose not to do that.
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			It does not mean we abuse them or
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			we swear them or we dishonor them or
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			disrespect them.
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			But rather, we reach out to them in
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			the most beautiful way.
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			When they watch our lives, they will be
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			super happy.
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			And they will say, I want to be
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			like this person.
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			Full of honor, full of dignity, full of
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			That's how it should be.
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			We are taught to love.
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			When we love, we care.
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			When we care, we are able to fulfill
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			the rights of one another.
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			You will not allow your brother to fall
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			when you care for that brother.
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			You will not allow your brother to fall
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			when you love that brother.
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			These are the favors of Allah.
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			So, I have one question for you.
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			Can I ask?
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			I have one question for you.
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			Can I ask?
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			I have one question for you.
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			Can I ask?
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			How many pillars of Islam?
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			Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
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			How many prayers in a day?
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			Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
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			How many of us pray five times a
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			MashaAllah, MashaAllah, MashaAllah, MashaAllah.
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			I am happy to hear that those of
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			us who are weak, we need to do
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			We need to do better than what we
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			are doing, Inshallah.
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			But I want to tell you, what is
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			very important is that we don't lose the
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			reward of our prayer.
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			Because the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
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			He says, if you pray five times a
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			day, and you do a lot of good,
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			but you are harming someone, you steal the
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			wealth of someone, you abuse someone, you hurt
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			someone, you bite about someone, the reward of
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			your prayer will go to that person.
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			The reward of your charity will go to
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			those people.
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			And you will come up with an adjustment
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			and you will be bankrupt.
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			You will have no good deeds.
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			Where did your good deeds go?
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			You prayed five times a day.
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			You did the pilgrimage.
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			You gave the charity.
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			You fasted in the month of Ramadan and
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			even more.
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			But it went away because you were doing
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			wrong against your fellow human beings.
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			That is a very very important teaching reminding
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			us that to earn the pleasure of Allah,
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			you cannot only pray, but with that you
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			must respect others.
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			I respect you.
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			I honor you.
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			And I don't want to see you stampeding
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			here, Inshallah.
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			So you just need to promise me you
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			will not stampede.
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			You promise?
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			Take it easy.
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			It's impossible.
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			Some of you are stretching your hand.
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			I'm not going to shake that hand because
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			it's unfair for the others.
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			So Inshallah, you can calm down while I
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			speak to this side because they are calmer
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			than you.
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			Can I speak to this side?
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			Allahu Akbar.
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			Mashallah, I want to hand over to one
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			of my colleagues to say a few words
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			before I come back.
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			I will only come back if there is
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			silence, Inshallah.
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			So I hand over to my brother, Dr.
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			Muhammad Salah.
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			He will give you a few good words.
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			And if you are silent, you will remain
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			for longer.
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			But if there is a bit of chaos,
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			it's not fair on those who are seated
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			so beautifully that the ones in the front
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			here are actually very loud.
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			Please, learn to respect yourself, learn to respect
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			your guests, and learn to respect the day.
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			So all we are asking is just remain
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			silent, Inshallah.
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			Dr. Muhammad, Bismillah.