Mufti Menk – It’s Impossible To Not Have Different Opinions

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
Speaker discusses the idea that there is a way to differ in opinion among individuals, as the Bible teaches that there is no way to have a positive or negative opinion. The discussion touches on the idea of a etiquette and how it will continue to hold people responsible for their differences.
AI: Transcript ©
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My beloved brothers and sisters,

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a very interesting and very important topic

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that we must discuss and we must realise

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and understand

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is that amongst us there are scholars,

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those who are

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teaching us. They've disseminated

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to us the knowledge of the deen of

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and they continue to teach us.

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There will always be difference of opinion amongst

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the scholars. Remember that.

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It's impossible not to have difference of opinion.

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From the time of the Sahaba radiallahu anhu,

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they differed

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and at times they differed very strongly,

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But none of them belittled the other

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because that is a disease and it becomes

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a mental,

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problem, either a superiority

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complex, an inferiority

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or simple mental illness or the fact that

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the person has not

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themselves. They haven't cleansed their hearts

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because the prophet

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has taught us

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even in his presence when there was difference

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among the companions

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before they could get to Him to clarify

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it, He made it clear

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that there is a certain etiquette. You differ

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in a way, in a manner

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that will continue

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to ensure the respect of the person you

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differ with no matter how strong that difference

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