Mufti Menk – It is December – Holiday Time – Dos and Donts

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The speaker discusses the importance of staying on holiday during the festive season, as it is often difficult to avoid feeling dis pleasure and distrust. They emphasize the need for forgiveness and disciplined behavior during celebration. The speaker also discusses the negative impact of social media on older individuals, including people under the age of 16 and the benefits of heat. They suggest being aware of the negative impact of social media and sending too many types of messages to avoid causing people to kill. The speaker also talks about the suffering across the globe for different people and their struggles with different ways of expressing themselves.], [The speaker discusses the negative impact of social media on older individuals, including people under the age of sixteen and the need for forgiveness. They emphasize the importance of not sending too many types of messages and not giving people too many opportunities to kill. The speaker also talks about the benefits of heat and the need to stay cool to avoid hot weather. The speaker ends by expressing their love for their brothers and
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Bismillah walhamdulillahi wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulullahi wa ala
aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'een.
My brothers and sisters, this is the month
of December in which mashaAllah many people will
be on a holiday.
Globally, generally in the month of December, businesses
close, work, the workplace closes, schools close, colleges,
universities and so on, and people travel.
Some people don't travel, but they have a
break at home.
Nonetheless, it's important for us to realize that
time is created by Allah subhanahu wa ta
He wants us to utilize it to the
benefit of ourselves in a way that is
not displeasing to Allah.
I've always said, we go on holiday, our
prayer does not go on holiday.
We go on holiday, consumption of halal food
does not go on holiday.
We go on holiday, our connection with the
Quran does not go on holiday.
We go on holiday, our remembrance of Allah,
our mu'awwidat does not go on holiday.
We go on holiday, our behavior as believers,
our character and conduct does not go on
So it's important that when you are in
your free time, your leisure, you do that
which is not displeasing to Allah, and you
bear in mind that you are never going
to get that moment again.
Today we are seated here, today is not
going to come back.
The split second that is passing as I'm
speaking will never come back.
Utilize it to the best of your ability
in the way that it's going to be
beneficial for you in the hereafter.
Now many of us, being human beings, we
have faltered, we do falter, we shall falter,
whether it is intentional in the form of
a sin or unintentional in the form of
Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah.
You are a human being and it is
expected of a human to be forgetful.
It is expected of a human to err,
to sin at times.
But a believer quickly repents to Allah and
moves generally in the correct direction.
What that means is, say there is a
person who is addicted to something that is
displeasing to Allah, harmful to himself or herself.
As time passes, they reduce their addiction or
they are doing well, they are doing better,
they are cutting down on the binging that
they may have been in with that which
is unacceptable and they are coming towards that
which is acceptable.
That is the way a believer should behave,
improving every day.
As we grow older, we should be becoming
closer to Allah and not further away.
So if Allah loves his slave, he gives
him a realization.
If Allah loves his slave, he shows him
and he makes him feel and work towards
building his hereafter.
Because ultimately there comes a point when you
realize that this world is just a rat
race and this world actually we are not
going to take anything with us besides our
deeds and therefore you begin to realize the
importance of the hereafter.
That is a sign of the love of
Allah for you and I.
May Allah make us better people as time
So speaking about going on holiday or during
the festive season, many people unfortunately tend to
forget their prayer.
They tend to visit those places that are
displeasing to Allah.
Doing that which is displeasing to Allah, we
can't afford that.
We really can't afford that.
And why I say this is last year
during the same festive season, somewhere across the
continents, there was a group of youngsters who
had traveled in order to do whatever they
desired without even being bothered of the pleasure
or displeasure of Allah.
They just wanted to have a holiday.
You know I've worked hard through the whole
I deserve or we deserve to just go
and have fun.
And unfortunately something happened.
There was a disaster and they lost their
Now may Allah forgive them and grant them
They were Muslims from a totally different part
of the world.
But when that came to me because I
knew one of them personally, I felt it's
important every time there's a holiday to just
share the possibility that this might just be
your last holiday.
We are taught something amazing when you're praying
Think for a moment this might be my
last prayer.
This might be a different person.
And one day it will be your last
In the same way when you're going out,
when you get up every day, Ibn Umar
used to say don't even talk about witnessing
the night.
You might not even see it.
And when you arrive at the evening, don't
even believe that you are going to remain
until the morning because you might not see
When you built that habit, a day will
come when really you go back to Allah
and you'll be a happy person because you
were conscious of it.
So what's the point of a five-minute
dive into Haram and you dive four minutes
into it?
May Allah Almighty grant us protection.
So as much as we believe you do
deserve fun, you do deserve a break, but
don't have fun in a way that you
disconnect from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Make it interesting.
Make it clean fun.
Make it something that you really enjoy with
good company, doing the right thing, bearing in
mind your dress code.
Very important for both male and female.
It doesn't mean my hijab goes on holiday
because I'm having fun on the beach.
It doesn't mean my awrah goes on holiday
because I'm having fun.
Again, beautiful resort.
When you are in a secluded area, yes,
the rules may be slightly relaxed, but still
you're a believer.
Carry yourself as a believer.
Enjoy within what is pleasing to Allah.
Don't take risks when it comes to halal
and haram in terms of your consumption because
what happens is when you consume something that's
haram, it has to take its course in
your entire system.
It contaminates your thinking.
It makes you look at that which is
good as bad, that which is bad as
good, and you don't understand and you don't
realize why.
And then people blame Allah.
Don't blame Allah.
You know, actually, it was us.
Allah says, Allah
never oppresses any human, anyone.
But in fact, human beings oppress and do
wrong to themselves without even realizing.
You wonder why is this happening?
Well, it's a skittle effect for something you
might have done sometime earlier, and now you're
paying a price for it.
This is why, bottom line, every day seek
the forgiveness of Allah.
We say, For things I don't even know
that I did that were wrong.
Because we're living in an environment where so
many things we may be doing that we're
not conscious of the fact that this is
actually wrong.
It's displeasing to Allah.
So let's become conscious of it and seek
the forgiveness of Allah.
He will help you.
He will remedy you.
It's like medication from the effects of something
you might have done that was displeasing to
You see, when someone is abusive, the hadith
says, The angels of protection and mercy bolt.
They literally run away from you, according to
one of the narrations.
So what happened?
You pay the price for using the F
word, for using whatever other word.
You paid a price.
Now, in order to bring them back, it's
going to require a lot of effort.
Who are these angels?
They are the ones who are there to
protect you.
They are the angels of mercy to help
And you literally chase them away just by
the abuse of tongue.
Was it worth it to swear?
People use those swear words like salt and
pepper in their speech for no reason.
They want to ask you, how are you?
And they start asking you using a bad
word, peppered or salted in the middle, marinated,
whatever you want to call it.
It's not a believer who is conscious of
Allah that wastes his opportunity by engaging in
that type of behavior or in those words.
You don't need it.
You can do away with it when you
become conscious of it.
And I've been told by some people that
really what you said has helped us because
we've become conscious of it.
And subhanAllah, it makes you so clean in
the way you speak.
You're a believer.
I know the trends of the age are
so many.
Social media brings about tremendous pressure on the
I was in Australia last week and a
law is being passed there to ban social
media for those under the age of 16.
I think it's gotten almost to the stage
where it is law, if I'm not mistaken.
But there's pros and cons.
Because of the negative side of social media,
they had to do this.
So it shows that the non-Muslims, secular
country, they believe that there is more negativity
for the under-16s than positivity in social
My point is, can you imagine what it
does to those over 16?
You also need to be disciplined.
You need to watch yourself when taking photos,
making videos.
Make sure that it is something that if
someone were to pick up your phone, you
would not be embarrassed of.
If someone sent you something that is X
-rated or wrong, send them a message, please
don't send me this type of message again.
Even if it's your friend.
They might just say, since when did you
become so holy?
It happens, right?
They might say things like, you can talk
to them, say, you know what?
It's okay, we don't need to do this.
We are believers.
But if you entertain it and you put
a thumbs up, they're going to send you
more and more.
And this is what's going on.
It's a reality.
People say, wow, they forwarded it to all.
They just say, just for laughs.
Or they say, forwarded as received.
That's not a password that you can use
on the day of judgment.
Oh Allah, I forwarded it just as received
to let the people know.
Be strong.
Thank Allah.
Imagine I'm talking today about what we do
on a day-to-day basis.
How to convert it to the pleasure of
Just be conscious and that's it.
Another point, very interesting point, is that in
the southern hemisphere, it's very hot in December.
December is a hot month in the southern
In the northern hemisphere, generally, it's freezing cold.
Now people use the heat as an excuse
to undress.
And they tell you, well, it's too hot.
What do you expect me?
To wear clothes?
No, they know Allah Almighty has instructed us.
Today, I want to tell you something very
Did you know that just to bear the
heat, your sins are being wiped out?
Just to bear the heat and to thank
Allah that you're okay.
And even to do something about it, having
rehydrate, having water, keeping yourself hydrated, because the
body is an amanah.
It's a trust entrusted to you by Allah.
To look after it, you're bearing the heat.
Not to curse Allah because of how hot
it is.
Not to blame Allah because of how hot
it is.
You bear the heat, Allah forgives your sins.
Allah grants you a reward.
And the same applies to the cold, extreme
Allah forgives you.
In fact, I want to tell you something
even more interesting.
There is a hadith that states that depending
on the place you're in, that could just
be your ticket to Jannah.
About Madina Munawwara, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam says, How's that?
In Madina, if you're going to endure the
heat and the cold and thank Allah on
all conditions.
Allah says, we grant that person Jannah, Paradise.
You did not complain.
You made the most of it and you
actually thanked Allah.
Oh Allah, you granted me life.
Part of your test is to go through
this type of weather.
Allah, if he wanted, he could have kept
weather throughout the year, almost the same.
He wants it to be hot to see
what you do.
Do the right thing.
Whether it's clothing, no matter what it is.
If Allah has blessed you with a little
bit of wealth, you might want to put
in some fans.
You might want to get in an air
conditioning system.
You might want to bring in some form
of cooling system.
And if you don't have that much, you
can have the handheld ones.
But to do that, bearing in mind, this
is a body that I need to look
after, is a great reward from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And that goes to show us that even
when we are dressing on holiday, make sure
your aura is covered at least.
Make sure inshallah that you go out and
bear in mind those who are struggling.
Right now, as we speak, our brothers and
sisters in Gaza and in Asham are struggling
and suffering.
A genocide has been committed and it's continuing.
And we are helpless, we are praying, we
are trying, we are giving, we are conscientizing,
but that's not enough.
You and I know it's not enough.
We will only be happy when the killing
We know that.
Now imagine when they are suffering, they don't
have food and drink.
And similar situations across the globe for different
types of people.
And here we are showing our food.
We had a luscious meal, five star.
Here's all the chicken.
We threw half of this away because there
were only three people with such a big
Do you think a believer should be doing
May Allah forgive us.
May Allah make us conscious of it.
Even if you've enjoyed, be careful what you
share on social media about the enjoyment, especially
when it is something regarding matters of survival
that people are struggling with.
And yet we have a surplus of the
same and we're showing it off.
May Allah grant us forgiveness.
May Allah protect our brothers and sisters, not
just in Palestine, and in the whole of
Asham, in Sudan, and in so many other
places, places we know and places we don't
People are struggling.
Similarly, in our midst, there are some who
can't afford things.
Imagine when we show off and when we
boast and brag about things, whether it is
posted online or physically.
Do you really think Allah is pleased with
When someone's heart is going to be hurt
to say, I can't even afford a banana.
And here's these people showing us that they
have so much, they're throwing it.
If you want, reach out to the people.
You know, a point that's just come to
my mind is, according to Imam Shafi, when
you're a wealthy person in a certain city,
you have to give your zakat in that
You can't go out unless there's no poor
people in the city, or there is a
greater need somewhere else.
One of the reasons is, the people of
the city, they watch your business, they see
the cars you're driving, they see the type
of lifestyle you have.
And instead of them being jealous, they begin
to make dua for you, saying, you know
what, this man end of the year is
going to give all of us.
SubhanAllah, they make a dua for you.
They'll pass your business and say, two and
a half percent of this business belongs to
They are happy for you.
You see, they pray for your growth because
two and a half percent is going to
grow as the business grows.
And if you haven't given those around and
you went elsewhere, your zakat is correct, according
to the majority of scholars.
But I'm only raising the interesting point that
according to Imam Shafi, this is what it
should be because of the heart, to show
you that the hearts of people are affected
by what you do, especially in your community,
your nation and in the midst where you
This is why we say, be conscious of
May Allah Almighty grant us all strength.
Indeed, like I began here, the month of
December is always a month where many people
enjoy the break.
If Allah has granted you the ability to
go somewhere, remember to worship Allah during those
And remember to be careful, to follow the
I'm thinking of the roads.
As believers, we don't drink.
We're not intoxicated.
But there are others who may drink and
There are people who are reckless.
Learn to thank Allah.
Enjoy yourself within the obedience of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Similarly, in the northern hemisphere, it's extremely cold.
And the days have become very, very short
in some of those nations.
We ask Allah Almighty to help us to
be from among those who can develop the
voluntary fast when the days are short.
It's a very interesting du'a.
Because sometimes if you go to the northern
hemisphere, the day is so short, you start
off with a breakfast and it's time of
By the time it's your lunch, it's already
time of iftar.
Why don't you seize the opportunity to fast
Monday and Thursday?
It will be the beginning of something that
Allah will give you the strength of for
the whole year.
And then you can fast 13th, 14th, 15th.
Get used to it.
The doctors and medicine is already saying, the
intermittent fasting is one of the healthiest things
you can give to your body.
We have it Monday and Thursday from before
medicine said it.
We ask Allah Almighty to grant us the
opportunity to look at things and think about
them from the lens that Allah wants you
to look at them with.
In this way, no matter what you do,
you lead a good life and Allah will
be pleased with you.
May Allah Almighty bless every one of us
and grant us goodness.
Give us a beautiful, not just a month
of December, but even the coming year.
May Allah make it fruitful.
May Allah Almighty alleviate the suffering of all
those who are struggling.
May Allah Almighty grant us barakah and blessings
in our wealth, in our health, in our
families, in our communities.
And may Allah Almighty make us the leaders
of those who believe.
It's a dua.
It's a serious dua.
Make that dua because if you ask Allah,
Oh Allah, make us leaders of the believers.
The minimum is, He'll make you a believer.
That's the minimum.
What a bonus.
May Allah Almighty grant us forgiveness.