Mufti Menk – It Is All Up To You

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the potential for false news and how it is difficult to process. They emphasize the importance of letting experts determine how to proceed with vaccinating individuals and recommend precautions such as wearing masks and lowering one's guard. The speaker also mentions legislation being put into place to ensure that people are vaccinated and asks what type of vaccine would be desired.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know, so be careful who you believe

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the Internet out there. There is a lot

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of false news, a lot of it so

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much that it's unbelievable.

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And we don't know how to process the

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news. Leave it to the experts. You need

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to know someone personally, your GP or someone

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you know personally.

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Talk to them personally and let them look

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into the pros and cons of things and

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explain to you to do or not to

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do it. Nobody's forcing you. Nobody's forcing you.

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So but it's good to know in case

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a day comes when you are told you

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have to have the vaccine. For example, those

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planning to go for Hajj and Umrah, it

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is said that there is legislation being put

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into place and we will cross the bridge

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when we get there. That would ensure that

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those who are coming needed to be vaccinated.

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So Allah knows when we get to that,

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we will cross the bridge. For now, I

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cannot confirm that news, but I can tell

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you that there will be more than just

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that, more than those who have

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perhaps asked you to have a vaccination. So

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what are you going to do? What type

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of a vaccine would you like to go

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for? And that doesn't mean you don't take

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precautions and you don't wear your mask and,

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you know, you just lower your guard and

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so on. You could still get it perhaps.

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