Mufti Menk – Is THIS Your Reaction

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses how people do things because they want to cause harm to others. They explain that people try to avoid accidents by preparing meals, but ultimately, they do so because they want to cause harm. The speaker also talks about how Allah's actions may have led to his success and how he wants to guide people to be more gentle with their feelings.
AI: Transcript ©
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And that's what it is. Someone did good

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to you all your life.

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And at the end of the day, all

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you did is threw it straight out of

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the window. Nothing. Someone tried to teach you,

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reach out to you. People did things, you

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know, and that's it. A person cooks for

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you. A person cooks

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for you. And they spent hours on end

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preparing the meal. And the only thing you

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could do was to pick on what was

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That's what we do.

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Rather than saying,

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imagine you have a dish and

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you or the person who cooked forgot to

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put some salt. You see, I heard salt

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coming from the crowd.

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They know it has happened. It's normal.

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I think Allah makes it happen because it

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might be coincidental for us. For Allah, there's

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no coincidence. He knew it was going to

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happen. Before you were born, it was already

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written. This day, this time, there'll be no

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salt. We'll be watching. The angels will be

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writing. And as you put the food in

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your mouth, the angels are writing and they

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just see your reaction pass or fail, Allahu

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So if you were to taste it and

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say, imagine the tick you get, 10 out

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of 10, subhanAllah,

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say this is absolutely

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lovely. How long did it take you to

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this? Wow.

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You can say you can quietly bring a

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bit of salt. You know, I prefer a

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little bit more salt.

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Wow. You looked after someone's feelings. That's what

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you did. You looked after

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a person you care for, you love, perhaps.

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Even if it was a paid cook,

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at least you didn't hurt their feelings. May

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help us and guide us. Okay.

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