Mufti Menk – Have Faith – Allah Will Forgive You

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the crisis of sin and the difficulty of life. They also mention the punishment of the creator and the forgiveness of Islam. The speaker emphasizes the importance of hope and faith in achieving forgiveness.
AI: Transcript ©
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later on, you know, people do engage in sin people do falter.

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People do that which is wrong. That itself is a crisis. And

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sometimes people go very far in turning against Allah, in doing

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things that are unacceptable. Sometimes people believe, and then

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they disbelieve, and then they come back to belief and then they

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go back to disbelieve and so on. And sometimes life is full of

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difficulty and hardship such that some people lose faith through the

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hardship while others find their faith because of similar

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hardships. It's amazing. So Allah subhanho wa Taala when he speaks

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about the punishment of the Hereafter, and he speaks about how

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dangerous and how painful it is. He then says Illa levena taboo

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mean that the Dalek our ASALA Hoefer in Allah Otto Rahim, verse

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number 79, or 89, actually, of surah. Allah Imran when Allah

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says, except those who returned to Allah in seeking forgiveness, and

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they do good after that. Allah is Most forgiving, most merciful,

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most forgiving all the time. That is amazing. To think of the

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forgiveness of Allah after you've done the most absurd things, and

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to imagine that Allah will forgive you, at the blink of an eye and

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even quicker is something so comforting to the soul. Don't let

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shaytan make you think otherwise. This I will be repeating

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throughout the entire series, because many of us need hope in

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the Mercy of Allah. He is the Most Merciful, the Most kind, The Most

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Forgiving, the Most Compassionate, etc.

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