Mufti Menk – Got Lost

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A woman describes her experience driving herself to Birmingham and eventually finding herself in the wrong place. She shares a story of a young Muslim group in Birmingham and reminds them of their responsibility to protect their safety. A woman named Zak is upset and feels fulfilled, but is strict on herself and wants to share her story with others. A woman named Zak shares a story of a man who walked with her and brought her to him, bringing her to him and being the same boys who walked with her.
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Today, I made a mistake because I usually
drive myself.
So I drove myself to Birmingham.
And for some reason, I thought the venue
was the ICC.
So I parked the vehicle somewhere further up.
I jumped up.
I was with my family.
And I said, it's just nearby.
I walked into the ICC.
No sign, no sign of light upon light.
No, I phoned the organizers.
I said, listen, what's going on?
How do I get in?
And there were a few other Muslims.
I knew from how they were dressed and
a group of youngsters.
And the brothers told me, no, you're in
the wrong place.
It is actually at the Utility.
Is that the name?
Arena, right?
Is that the name?
I saw the laughing came from this side
Well, now it came from the whole lot
of you.
La Hawla, Birmingham, you're letting me down.
Come on.
Yesterday, I had to tell them, please laugh.
Today, I'm telling you, don't laugh at me.
And you're just laughing.
Look at that.
And you're laughing more.
La Hawla, I better keep going.
OK, so I tell you what happened.
These youngsters, they said, OK, Sheikh, you go
this way, you go that way, and I'm
busy following them.
But I was on the phone and following
And then the youngster says, can we take
a picture with you once we're inside?
And I said, inshallah, yes, I wanted to.
But when we were coming in, the volunteers
ushered me through the side and I saw
these brothers.
Wallahi, I felt bad because I still want
to take a picture with you guys.
Are you guys in the crowd?
Make some noise.
That's everyone.
Come on.
That means Birmingham, you need help.
Birmingham, you guys need help.
Oh, there's the brothers, mashallah.
Can you come up the side here if
you don't mind?
Just the four of you, please.
No, no one more than that.
The organizers will make it happen because I
felt so bad and I told myself, imagine
these guys will be thinking, look at this
big man here.
He's promising us he's going to take a
picture with us.
And when push came to shove, he left
He skipped the queue and we've got to
go all the way to the back of
the queue.
But we were walking together.
We showed him how to get here.
So I think I owe it to them,
If you come up, guys, we take a
picture with you, wallahi.
May Allah forgive my shortcomings and all of
ours, inshallah.
So Allah Almighty has favored us.
When he favors you and grants you more,
humble yourself.
Remember, you are one.
When you are too high and haughty, if
you were to drop, you will be injured
and break your bones and you might even
But if you remain and hover low, perhaps
if you fell, it would be easier for
Yes, come up.
It would be easier for you, perhaps.
This is going to be something amazing and
You guys got to allow it, inshallah.
My brothers.
Did I fulfill my promise?
I haven't yet taken the selfie, guys.
Yallah, come stand facing me.
Stand facing me.
Come on my left.
Come on my left.
Come on this side here.
This side here, this side here.
Stand facing me.
Stand facing me.
You can say it quickly in the microphone.
I feel so fulfilled, Zak.
May Allah bless us all.
Wallahi, I feel good.
I'm going to sleep well tonight.
But I'm a little bit strict on myself.
I feel it because I don't want to
lie to someone.
I said, yes, I'll take a picture, inshallah.
And that inshallah was not just, inshallah.
You know, some people, when you tell them,
brother, will I see you for fajr?
He looks at you and he says, sorry?
He heard you.
The sorry was just to say, I hope
you say something else.
Will you be there for fajr salah?
Salah, you know.
He says, inshallah.
Sheikh Mufti Menk, Allahumma barik Sheikh.
You just witnessed something amazing.
Would you like to share it with us,
Guys, I need to tell you something.
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
Do you know what?
I almost cried just now.
Something happened.
As I'm walking off the stage, one of
the brothers came to me and gave me
some news.
He gave me some news.
You know what he told me?
You're never going to believe this because it's
impossible for it to just happen without the
will of Allah.
You see, everyone witnessed what happened with the
four young boys here, right?
I just honored my word.
And I said to the boys, these are
the same boys who walked up with me.
They brought me here.
And let them come and let me honor
the promise of taking a selfie.
Brought them up.
One of the brothers was not a Muslim.
And now he wants to say his shahada.
Allahu Akbar.
How's that?
Imagine if I just ignored them and told
them, guys, that's it.
They would have gone back.
And I don't even know how I did
that and why it came back to my
mind while I was talking to you guys.
Please, can you come up, my brother?
You met him in Kenya.
Muhammad al-Duaim al-Zahri.
You understand?
Yeah, it's okay.
What's your name?
Put it a little bit higher.
I'm so happy to see you.
And thank you for bringing me along here.
You know, I tagged along with you guys,
Were you surprised when we called you up?
I was surprised.
Yeah, I was really surprised.
But I knew you've got good heart.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah grant you.
May Allah make us better than what you
And may Allah cover our shortcomings.
So, you're gonna say the words after me,
Put the microphone closer to your mouth.
I bear witness Allah Allah Allah Allah I
bear witness that Muhammad Muhammad
Allah Allah I bear witness that there is
none worthy of worship besides Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon
him is his messenger and prophet.
May Allah bless you and strengthen you.
Grant you goodness.
I'm sure you're in good hands.
The three brothers, you came with all Muslims,
I'm sure they will teach you.
And you know, go easy.
A lot of people get excited.
How old are you?
17 17, mashallah.
It's too early to talk about marriage.
But inshallah, one day one day in a
few years time, we'll bring you up here
again and we'll announce that you're ready to
get married.
Allah bless you.