Mufti Menk – Good News For Whom

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The speaker discusses how people who are close to Allah may be more likely to live in a negative life, as they are used to negative behavior. The speaker emphasizes the importance of consistency and learning to do the right thing to avoid negative behavior.
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Good news to those who are chosen by
Allah to change their lives before they pass
And I've known of quite a few people
who led a life very very distance from
That's why I personally don't charge a soul
because I don't know your ending.
You probably would end much better than my
But I can tell you something, I know
of people who were distance from Allah and
suddenly something happened in their lives and they
became closer to Allah and closer to Allah
and closer to Allah.
And they passed on, young age.
It is definitely Allah who loved them for
some reason to give them the opportunity to
turn to Him in a way that when
He took their soul away, they were upon
the best relation they ever had with Allah.
What a good death.
May Allah grant us a goodness.
اللهم اجعل خير ايامنا اواخرها وخير اعمالنا خواتمها
The Prophet ﷺ used to say, O Allah,
let the best of our days be the
last of our days.
And let the best of our deeds be
the last of our deeds.
That's why we tell people consistency is key.
You want success in life, be consistent.
Day in, day out.
You do something, you make sure you are
Our bodies are created in a way that
when you are consistent, the body itself will
tell you, you need this, you need this.
So much so that if it's consistency on
a bad thing, the body will call for
a drug or call for something bad, or
call you towards * or something because you
got your body used to something that was
negative, it will keep on calling you towards
When you get your body used to getting
up in the morning for Salatul Fajr, trust
me, tried and tested and I've repeated this
so many times, before the alarm, your eyes
It's open.
And you can actually turn that alarm off
and say, Subhanallah, five minutes remaining.
Look at me, I'm awake.
Who woke you up?
It's the system of Allah and the mercy
of Allah that you got up.
That's what it is.
That's the body.
So when you get your body used to
something, it gets used to it.
Learn to do the right thing.
You'll enjoy it.