Mufti Menk – Don’t waste food

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker reminds listeners that they are not supposed to waste food at buffet restaurants, as they are hungry and not supposed to waste food. They also emphasize that while they may refuse free items, they are not supposed to take them. The speaker also warns listeners to avoid wasting food at buffet restaurants and to go shopping for groceries when hungry.
AI: Transcript ©
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While we're waiting for the coffee here at

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this place called Dos in Makkat Al Mukarama

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in a place called, Lawwali.

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Let me remind you that we, as Muslims,

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are not supposed to waste food. Something very

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important. Many times people take things, especially when

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it comes to a buffet. And we take

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much more than we would eat simply because

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we're hungry, number 1. Number 2 is because

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it's a buffet and we feel it's okay.

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I'll eat whatever I can, leave whatever I

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cannot. That is haram. Haram in the sense

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that to waste. Allah Almighty tells us those

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who waste are brethren of shaitan.

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And this is why it's important even if

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you're in a buffet or the food is

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free, take a little, eat if you really

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want, go back and get again. But don't

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waste. If someone's offering you something free, it

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doesn't mean you're gonna take it because it's

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free. You can re you can refuse it

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if you're not gonna make use of it

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so that someone else can benefit.

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If you're eating and you're wasting,

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trust me, you probably would be earning a

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sin rather than earning a reward.

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These are good words.

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These are good words. You and I are

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guilty at times of taking in our plates

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more than we can actually eat. So therefore,

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when you're hungry at times, we end up

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taking more. The same applies to shopping. If

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you go shopping for groceries when you're hungry,

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trust me I'm guilty of it as well

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we end up taking more things because we're

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go grocery shopping after you've had a beautiful

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meal you'll only take what's necessary Allah bless

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you guys

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