Mufti Menk – Don’t let a parent abuse you!

Mufti Menk
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The speaker discusses the importance of communication and lack of it determining a Subhanallah. They stress the need to respect one's father and be kind to him, even if it persists. The speaker also warns of consequences for criminal behavior and the need for everyone to respect their father.
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Not every time that they disagree with you, are they wrong? Perhaps most of the time they are right, you know the relationship you have. If it's a toxic relationship, then indeed, perhaps you might have some bad blood there that you need to sort out. Communication and lack of it determines that level of that Subhanallah you need to make sure you communicate well between parent and child. If your father's been hard, in the past, don't hold it for 20 years, you know, 20 years ago, my father beat me up, come on, let it go, I'll have the lights gone. If it was something serious and major, like I spoke about abuse, sexually, etc. In that case, you can even report your own father to the

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police. There's no harm in that in order to protect yourself and your siblings and others from that type of misbehavior. It's not wrong.

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You must In fact, you should, if the if it persists, and if that's what actually happened, we cannot tell you that because you have to respect your father and be kind to your father, you cannot protect yourself and anyone else from the evil of that man. No, no, my beloved fathers there is a duty on your shoulder

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to protect your own children and if you are the criminal, unfortunately, you will have to be dealt with also with the full wrath of the law. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all

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