Mufti Menk – Dhul Hijjah – The Joyous Day of Eid

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the day of Book ASAP, where people can attend a prayer ofams and receive blessed foods. They also mention the importance of not being dislocated by restrictions and not wanting to be in a situation where one is not living the way they should be. The speaker also talks about the importance of not being dislocated by actions and not wanting to be in a situation where one is not living the way they should be.
AI: Transcript ©
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The day of Eid, my beloved brothers

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and sisters.

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The greeting on the day of Eid is

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still Assalamu Alaikum.

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Assalamu Alaikum is a greeting of Jannah. It's

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a greeting of Allah. It's a greeting of

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Adam alayhis salam. It's a greeting of the

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angels. It's a greeting of the prophets.

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It's a greeting of the prophet Muhammad peace

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be upon him. So remember, never replace it

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with something. You meet someone the first thing

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you do, Assalamu Alaikum. You could add to

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that, Warahmatullahi

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wabarakat. May peace be upon you and the

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blessings of Allah and His mercy.

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That is the greeting even on the day

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of Eid. But after that

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after that, you may want to add a

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cultural greeting. You may want to congratulate someone

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for something. You may want to say good

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morning or whether it's in Arabic or English

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or good morning in English, etcetera.

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You may want to,

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say Eid Mubarak to someone, you know, may

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Allah bless you on this day, etcetera. All

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of that can only come secondary, not as

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a primary

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Islamic greeting. Just remember that. So my brothers

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and sisters,

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we ask Allah to grant every one of

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us not just a blessed day of Eid,

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but a blessed season.

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The day of Eid, the 10th

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day of Dhul Hijjah.

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Amazing day. It's a very intensive

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day, not just for those in Hajj but

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even those out of Hajj.

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If you can afford it, you should be

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sacrificing an animal for the sake of Allah,

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following the sunnah of the prophet Muhammad peace

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be upon him, and the sunnah of the

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prophet Ibrahim may peace be upon him.

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And SubhanAllah, one thing that is very, very

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amazing is

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that animal.

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Allah says it's not about the meat, it's

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not about the blood. It's about the from

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The meat and the blood is not going

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to get to Allah.

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The taqwa will get to Allah. They've got

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What are you ready to sacrifice for Allah?

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Here's Ibrahim alaihis salam his life, what he

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sacrificed. What about you? What are you ready

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to sacrifice?

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So it's not all about the meat. Although

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Allah wants you to enjoy

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because you've made promises to Allah and you've

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changed your life. So Allah wants you to

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enjoy the meat and he says, don't enjoy

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it alone. You must distribute it in a

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third. So a third for you, a third

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for family and friends and a third for

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the poor. That's how you should be doing

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So Alhamdulillah,

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we thank Allah Almighty for giving us a

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blessed day of Eid

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and that will happen after the salatul Eid.

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Salatul Eid, you're supposed to be coming out

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for salatul Eid, the prayer of Eid. Everyone

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should be coming out for the prayer of

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we do know this year there are restrictions.

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Perhaps in some places people may not be

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able to gather the way they used to,

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but in some places they will. Either way,

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remember, you put on something good.

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You smell good, you bathe, you make sure

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that you're

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clean, you're excited, you say your takbir allowed

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the declaration and proclamation of the greatness of

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Allah. You say that aloud and you actually,

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enjoy what Allah has blessed you. You go

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for salatul Eid, you have the sacrifice, you

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meet each other, you congratulate

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each other, you reach out to the poor

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and so much more. Don't engage in the

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displeasure of Allah on the day of Eid.

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Because that's the day Allah gave you to

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Allah gave you to enjoy the fact that

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you've worshiped all these days. Now here's a

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day of happiness and joy.

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Joy and happiness is never achieved through sin.

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Those who think that I'm going to be

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happy just by releasing myself into my lust

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and desires,

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they don't ever become happy.

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It's very short term.

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You want long term true happiness?

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Engage in the relationship with Allah.

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Engage in the beautiful connection with Allah. As

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for those who are in Hajj, what will

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be happening

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on the day of Eid?

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Well, it's the day of Nakhr, the day

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of the great sacrifice.

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That's what it is. And they will move

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from Arafa to to,

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sorry. They had moved from Arafa to Muzdalifa

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the previous night. From Muzdalifah, they're going to

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move back to Mina. They're going to pelt

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the shaitan,

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and then they will

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sacrifice their animal,

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and then they will cut their hair or

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shave the hair depending.

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They can choose either one for the males.

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For the females, they just clip their hair

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from some places.

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When that is done, Allah allows you to

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come out of ihram.

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Come out of the condition

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that you were in, in terms of your

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clothing and all other restrictions.

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The restrictive condition,

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everything has been lifted.

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But you would still need to go for

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what is known as Tawaf Tawaf's circumbulation of

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the house, Tawafuziyyah

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before all the restrictions are lifted.

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Now, in the meantime, this great day of

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sacrifice is a day filled with with amazing

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worship of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So remember,

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that is one of the greatest days.

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One of the greatest days after the day

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of Arafa, we have the day of Nahr,

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the day after him. The prophet Muhammad, peace

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be upon him, got up on so many

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occasions during his pilgrimage

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to tell the people, to give them words

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of advice, to warn them about their treatment

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of one another. How they should be treating

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women, what they should be doing, how they

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should be following his sunnah and so on.

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All these pieces of advice were amazing. May

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Allah help us read through the sermons

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and practice upon them.

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Insha'Allah, we have another episode. I look forward

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to continuing.

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