Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2009 – Cape Town – Day 01 Oneness Of Allah
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The conversation covers the use of the title Islam, including its meaning in teaching the message of Islam and the importance of the "will of Islam" in achieving the "will of Islam" and "will of Islam". The speakers emphasize the need for men to work for 10 hours and earn 50 grams per hour to earn a living, and the importance of not surrendering to anyone else and not spending money on prohibited activities. They also discuss the history and context of Islam, including its use in political and political reasons, and the use of the "one" in various titles and context. The conversation ends with a warning to not believe in anyone who spends money on prohibited activities.
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu lillahi wa kafa sallallahu wasallam obata Kyla
All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless every single one of us and the Muslim Omar Lodge. As I said before the salah and Hamdulillah, the blessed month of Ramadan has rolled into life. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to make us from amongst the Mk mouline those who are accepted in this particular month, what a blessed month of month of sacrifice the month of the Quran, we listen to the verses of the Quran in Salatu tarawih, at least in Salah tarawih and I'm sure most of us would be completing the Koran, the recitation of it on our own, sometimes more than
one time. And I'm sure most of us would like also to go into the meanings of the verses of the Quran. For many years we have been going through verses of the Quran at this particular juncture, when it comes to salata, tarawih going through some of the verses we have recited in the tarawih itself. This year, we are going to do it slightly differently. The reality is, if we take a look at the subjects and the topics that are discussed in the Koran, there are so many topics, every Jews every surah speaks about different things, sometimes the verses are repeated, sometimes they are mentioned just once and sometimes they are repeated so many times was at other times, the verses are
actually repeated, but very little. So we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make this choice of hours and acceptable choice Alhamdulillah what we will be doing is every day, we will be taking topics and subjects and we will be looking into verses from the entire Koran connected to that particular topic or those subjects with the idea of looking at the various angles from which Allah subhanho wa Taala has discussed those particular subjects, one of the most important subjects what we are going to start with today, I'm sure a lot of you are probably scratching your heads to think what is the subject? It is a subject that is of utmost importance. Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned it most
in the Quran. Most of the verses of the Quran is directed at this particular subject, the subject is connected to the Creator Himself a law damariscotta Allah
and the subject is connected to the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala let us take a look through the Quran we will not be mentioning every single verse because we will be here until so and I'm sure most of us have things prepared for this particular so for seeing that it is the first Mashallah So, we will look at as many verses as we can from the different angles mentioning the sutras inshallah that these verses are mentioned in the idea is to learn to try and look at the method the Quran has used to get to us. Now if we take a look at the opening verses of the Quran, we know that it is in a surah known as Surah Al Fatiha the opening surah you know in cricket, the opening batsman is a very
very important batsman, it is no example and it is it does not fit when it comes to the Quran. But Allah subhanho wa Taala decide decided to call it with a similar name Al Fatiha fetta means to open and in fact he had is that Sora that has now commenced the Quran. We repeated that surah so many times and we do repeat it every single time we read our Salah May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who Salah is acceptable. We enjoyed the Korea, none of us are complaining Alhamdulillah and the idea is to sit and listen carefully to the words of the Quran. Because these words will have an impact on us, even if we don't understand them. When you hear the Muharram the pronunciation of
these words and you listen to the eloquence of the Quran, Subhana Allah, it has a soothing effect on the mind, but only if you have the love of Allah within you. If you do not have the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala within you it will become a burden for you like the kuffaar used to say
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who they used to say, Do not listen to this foreign and make noise whilst it is being recited so that you can be from amongst those who win. So when the kuffaar knew that if you would like to win, then you must abandon the poor and you must make sure no one listens to it.
We are the opposite. Allah says
Whoa, no boo,
boo ha, will they not take the time and make the effort to try and understand the verses of the Quran? Or its locks on their heart? May Allah make us not from amongst those whose hearts are locked and sealed from understanding the Quran. So the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala How does the Quran address the issue of oneness? The fact that Allah is one, he's alone. He does not like partners, he does not permit us to associate partners. In fact, the greatest crime I could commit and you could commit is to associate a partner with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says Alhamdulillah
me he decided to open the Koran with the words of praise Subhana Allah, All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala The Lord of the worlds the term of boon includes the creator nourisher cherisher sustainer provider protector cure, the one in absolute control, remember the one in absolute control. Look at how the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala is made is being made mention of in the opening words of the Quran. When Allah says, our walk, man you're walking, He is the Most Merciful. He is the Most Beneficent Subhana Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala opens the surah and opens the Quran with mention of His mercy that he is the one who is merciful. Anyone else that name arrived man in
that particular way, we are not allowed to even have it for ourselves. It is either Abdul Rahman, the slave of Allah, the slave of the most forgiving the slave of the Most Merciful, Abdullah who, man none of us can call ourselves a law, nor can we call our children a law. He is one he's alone, he's the only one with that particular name and the other qualities of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we add an Elise and alarm in front of them, they are singularly for Allah subhanho wa Taala man referring to the most forgiving, the Most Merciful, then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Maliki Omi, there is another way of mentioning the oneness of Allah Who is the Owner of the Day of Judgment,
there is not more than one, just one He is the Supreme Owner of the Day of Judgment, the one and only Subhana Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala in draws our attention to the fact that we need to be careful who we worship, that is in the opening surah of the Quran, he cannot do.
You alone we worship, look at how the Oneness comes in. Allah is telling us what to say. And Allah says, and we do say it in Salah so many times you alone, we worship you alone, we seek help from May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us guidance. When it comes to seeking help and assistance, we need to realize that something that someone has which is physically in front of you which you can actually see and you are asking them to assist you through that which is tangible, that which you can see that which you can feel and you feel Allah has given them the ability to give that to you You are allowed to ask them for it. For example you are sitting on the table and you ask someone please pass
me the salt, it does not mean now I must make it hard to say Allah put it in the heart of that man to give me the salt because we are taught er cannot stay in you alone we seek help from I need the salt from the other part of the table you know, we know that it is Allah who has given the ability to that particular individual to pass the salt. Now after that it's in the hands of Allah whether he allows that person to pass you the salt or not. They could just freeze they could become paralyzed. They could suffer a heart attack as they are picking it up that's in the hands of Allah May Allah grant us good health inshallah.
But when it comes to issues of the unseen issues that we know solely Allah is in control of completely and he has not allowed anyone a chance in his happiness, sadness when it comes to good fortune when it comes to sustenance and so on. We ask Allah alone to grant us that Baraka and we seek refuge from shavon then Allah subhanho wa Taala in Swaziland Baka makes mentioned in the opening verses of Surah Baqarah just a few verses down. Allah says yeah
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the addresses to mankind at large or mankind worship your Rob I told you up includes the one who created you, nourishes you provides for you, sustains you, protects you the one in control of your life, where shift your up. Allah says, the one who has created you and created all those before you. Now look at how Allah is drawing our attention to his oneness through creation. He says, Who made you who created you? Now he is drawing our attention to the fact that he is alone. He's one. Not only did he make you and me but all those who died before us as well. Those who were created before us. It is amazing how Allah subhanho wa Taala draws our attention to this. Then we have another
verse in the same surah
where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about those who are Jews, those who are Christians, the sabians those who believe in Allah and those who believe in the last day, they have nothing to fear about in Allah Dena
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beam. Wala Oh,
Allah says,
Those who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala, those who were Jews, the time Judaism was acceptable at the time of Musa alayhis salam, those who are Christians at the time of Isa Allah is Salatu was Salam. And Allah says those who are Sapiens and those who believed in Allah and the Last Day, for them, there is no need to fear or worry, Allah will grant them their reward. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah make us truly from amongst those who believe in these verses, take a look at how Allah draws our attention to his oneness, by making mention of the last day as well. A very interesting point is wherever Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of hypocrisy. He always or a lot of the times he includes
the issue of belief in the last day, because if someone does not believe truly in the last day, you will find they will become hypocritical. They might say we believe in Allah, but if their belief in the last day is not solid, then Allah subhanho wa Taala says there is a chance they might become hypocritical, and this will be detrimental for him. May Allah protect us from that. This is why if we would like to protect ourselves from hypocrisy, it is important that we believe in the last day properly. We believe in the last day correctly. What does this mean? This means that at all times we are conscious of the answerability to our own creator of bullies that he will general May Allah
subhanho wa Taala grant that to us, if we are at all times conscious of the unsuitability to Allah subhanho wa Taala, what would go wrong? Nothing at all would go home. Because we wouldn't be speaking out of turn, we would not be talking or walking out of turn, we would not be engaged in anything out of 10 because we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is taking a record of absolutely everything and we will be questioned by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Let's look at another verse. Allah draws the attention of ours to the oneness of his Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What is our father,
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la Singh. Remember the time we took the covenant from the children of Israel in Yaqoob, Allah is Salatu was salam, that they should worship none other than Allah subhanho wa Taala and do good to their parents. This was a covenant that Allah took from Bologna, Swahili, but it is applicable to us as well. We should be worshipping none other than Allah and be good to our parents. Look at what Allah is saying when he says do not worship anyone but him but himself. He is referring to the fact that he is one and the loan and how he connects it with our parents. One might ask what is the connection between our mind our parents, very simple, it is a very close link. What is the link? A
lot created us? Is that not correct? Yes, it is. Allah subhanho wa Taala created us and he chose as a means for our creation, our parents, that's the link. So Allah decided whom our parents should be we did not decide that none of us seated here. None of us listening can actually claim that we decided who our parents are or were some hands on.
This is why Allah imposes upon us to say, Be careful and watchful about my oneness. And immediately after that, what's your link with your parents? May Allah subhanho wa Taala not make us oppressive parents and May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those children who will obey their parents where they are mentioning or commanding or ordering that which is reasonable. Remember, where they are unreasonable outside the fold of the Sharia, then that is where we stop because Allah comes before everyone else.
Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the one who has surrendered to Allah subhanho wa Taala By Allah, man, Islam Allah.
Allah he seen me the one who has surrendered himself for Allah subhanho wa Taala and has done good deeds. Allah says for them, there is a great reward which Allah has kept with themselves now surrendering to Allah subhanho wa Taala also is drawing our attention to the fact that he is one Subhana Allah to Allah because we are not to surrender to anyone else besides Allah when the commands of Allah comes in that is first and last, if anyone's command falls within the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they happen to be from amongst the circle whom Allah has required us to obey, then we will obey them. Moments ago we spoke about parents, anyone over you or you know,
authority over you. If they have ordered us something within the framework of what Allah has ordered. We will adopt it because it does not contradict with what Allah says. Law Attorney Mark Newton FEMA says
there is no obedience for a creation of a part of the creation when it comes to the disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala someone is imposing that you drink the father tells the child look if you are my child, I want you to drink this bottle of alcohol. The answer is no my father Allah comes before you. But when the father says Pass me the water from the fridge it becomes a command because that's your father. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all protection. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mentioned or draws our attention to his oneness by something amazing again, he speaks about Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam
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Amina sama demon.
Allah says that remember the time Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam made the dua and he said oh my god, make this town make this city of maka, maka, maka mama making a very safe place and grant its inhabitants with all forms of sustenance. Those who believe in you, those who believe in Allah grant them sustenance so Han Allah and those who believe in the last day granted sustenance, what is the connection of the oneness of Allah and the belief in the last day and sustenance, we should all understand that sustenance is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He might have kept the efforts within our hands to a certain extent, we need to try how much we get and how much blessings
we get in what we get. That is in Allah's hands, no one else's hands. A man can work for 10 hours and earn 50 runs, and the man can work for one hour and earn 50,000 grams. That's from Allah Subhana Allah Allah, it's the effort. It's the intellect as well. But the blessings are from Allah. The acceptance is from Allah, that men who earn 50 raise might be more content than the one who earn 50,000 rands that's also from Allah, that men who earn 50,000 might have blown it in the casinos, or might have spent it in a way that he has no record of it, it went so quick, whereas the man who has has only 50 grand, might still have some change after the week has finished. That's from Allah
subhanho wa Taala. Remember one thing, if you'd like to know, and to increase the Baraka in your sustenance and how you get it, it is by abstaining from Haram. Don't ever employ prohibited methods to earn a living, and don't ever spend your money on something prohibited because if that is the case, you will lose blessings in your wealth. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah protect us. Then another very important point.
Allah says, mentioned Yaqoob and a Salam
Shahada in how about I
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body? Were you there? Were you present when Allah subhanho wa Taala says when dead came to Yaqoob Allah is Salatu was Salam Were you there at the time? Let us tell you what happened. He called all his son
If I call anybody Hema Tombow dunamis body, he did not ask them a question listen my son, how much do you want from my estate? He didn't say 10% is yours and that house is yours and this building is yours and that is mine and this should be for my wife and so on. No, that was not the discussion at the point of his death. At the point of his death he asked one simple question what are you going to worship after me? Talk to me, tell me what am I taught you? So they responded. Oh Nando de la haka
the said oh Father, we will worship your Allah The one you taught us to worship, and the one who was worshipped by our forefathers, Ibrahim and his marine and his heart melas peace be upon them. One Allah, we are not going to associate partners with Allah imagine, on his deathbed. What do we learn from this? The issue of the oneness of Allah, we need to teach our children up to the last breath. We need to continue repeating it, check it within ourselves and convey the message even to our children more than anyone else. Sometimes Mashallah we know things, but we do not share it with our children. Look at this man, Prophet of Allah. He called he called his children he gathered them. And
he asked them a simple question, what are you going to worship after me? How many of us can be that concerned about the oneness of Allah and how important it is to teach our children regarding the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then, another very important point is we should all make dua to Allah to keep us upon that oneness and our children as well. robina
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Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, when he builds the Kaaba, with his Malay salam, he made a dua saying Oh Allah make the two of us submit as unto you alone, and even from our offspring and our progeny. Make from amongst us those who will submit to you alone, may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who can make a dua for ourselves or our children for our offspring. Those to come up to the day of the AMA, may Allah subhanho wa Taala keep them steadfast on this D. Let's look at another point.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What either Salah kariba
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when they asked you Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when my worship was asked you about me meaning about Allah subhanho wa Taala tell them I am very, very close, I am very near. I answered the call of every single cola immediately and positively. And Allah says, so let them call out unto me alone, and let them believe in me alone in order for them to be rightly guided. So if we would like to be rightly guided, it's the oneness of Allah. Do you know what the Hadith says? The Hadith, which is a hadith could see meaning Allah is speaking. He says Allah Allah Shaka Yana Shiki Minami la Milan Ashoka de Maria v. Taku.
I am independent of the one who associates partners with me and the one who was associated as a partner with me. I'm independent of them, I don't need them. Whoever Allah continues to say in this idea footsie he says whoever associates a partner with me, I will leave him and that which he has associated and I will throw them out. May Allah subhanho wa Taala not throw us out.
Then Allah subhanho wa Taala draws our attention to the fact that all the others have also believed in Allah alone. Amano rasuluh Bhima
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Allah, Allah says the messenger has accepted that which was revealed to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so have the believers and oh all of them have believed and surrender to Allah subhanho wa Taala, including the angels. So now allies drawing our attention asking us a question, a question that is hidden, it's not actually there, but we can understand it if Allah is
saying they have all believed in me. Are you going to believe in me as well or you're going to miss the boat. Now lawmakers from amongst those who can also believe we want to be included in this list we want to be included in the term of meaning inshallah, so May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant that to us inshallah.
Then the opening verses of surah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and I'm sure we've heard this verse many times, Allah
this verse appears in the Koran twice, definitely it is he Allah Subhana Allah Allah, the One who is living, the one who is ever living Subhana Allah, the One who sustains and protects absolutely everyone. He is one alone, he does not have any partners, William Subhana, Allah, then Allah subhanho wa Taala is asking us to convey this message of oneness to others, including the Jews and the Christians. Allah says to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam go out and speak to the people of the book, those who have heavenly scriptures.
lendkey tabetha illa kalamaki. So
all people have the book, go out and tell the people of the book or people of the book,
come to a statement that is common between us what is the statement? I Lana Buddha? Allah how Allah shriek me a
The statement is that we should not worship God besides Allah subhanho wa Taala let us only worship the one we must not associate partners with him and we must not take one another as Gods besides Allah subhanho wa Taala so that is a statement Ally's mentioning it. One is it has a lesson for me and you and two is that it is actually referring to the message now being delivered to others may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who can deliver the message to others inshallah, inshallah camisa. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about hypocrisy in spending. This is the month of Ramadan many people are going to spend, may Allah accept that spending, Allah says, warning the
people who are spending with a quality of hypocrisy. Allah says
when levina yo una
una Been a while having yummy.
Allah says, and for those and he's warning them, those who do not believe are those in fact, who spend their wealth
in order to show off that I have spent so much and this is from me, and that I am the one who's responsible of this and of that, and I did this and I did that. Allah says if they are those from amongst them who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, remember I told you when Allah speaks about belief in himself and the last day, it is normally connected to hypocrisy, either before that, or after that Allah is speaking of hypocrisy. So Allah is wanting us to say when you spend only for Allah, only for his sake, no one else we want Allah subhanho wa Taala to watch it, and we want him to be pleased with us and we want him to grant us all the goodness in sha Allah.
Then Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah says, regarding again, those who say that Allah is one of three part of a trinity. Allah says lapada Kapha one lady Nepal palu in Allahu Allah mercy.
And in another verse, Allah says lapada Kapha on levena upon who?
Those who have said that Allah is the third of three have actually disbelieved and they've exited from the fold of submission. Allah says, wanna amin? Illa Illa Allah who
know the God is only one, the creator, the worship one is only one singular. He is not a part of a trinity. Allah says the issue of Trinity does not make sense to those who have intellect May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all a deeper understanding. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, After he makes mention of himself, he says
take a look at that. Who is your
Have a look at the creation of a law a law says Harley Zhu Li
boo. He is the one who has created absolutely everything. So render your acts of worship to him alone. Allah says Subhana Allah, may Allah make us from those who are conscious of this. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, regarding the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanding him instructing him, say O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Uppsala t cuando. Su ke, Rama, Rama T. You on be like me, la sharika Wahby Danica O'Meara, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, say that my prayer, my acts of worship, my sacrifice, my life and my death is all for Allah subhanho wa Taala no partners do I associate with him because he has absolutely no partners. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from
those whose life and death is for the one who gave the life and the one who is going to take it away? I mean,
then Allah subhanho wa Taala mich mentioned in Surah, Allah and in many other suitors of the Quran of the previous prophets, and this is a lesson for us. Allah says, What Allah Azza
wa Isla mediana upon schweiz eva
Buddha who saw he had, Allah speaks about how he sinks to the people of Who are the people of Allah subhanho wa Taala since him who died is salatu salam, the people of the moon Allah sent him sila la salatu salam, the people of shrine Allah system, or the people of medion, Allah Singh Shyvana is Salatu was Salam. What do all these messengers say? Every single one of them it is mentioned in the Quran, Allah, Buddha la melaku mean Illa Who are you? Every one of them said to their people worship Allah alone. You have no other directory besides Amar, there is no hope for me or for you. besides Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy May Allah subhanho wa Taala makers from those who can take heed?
Look at how I was drawing the attention of his oneness through mentioning what the previous prophets told them there are people surely we have a lesson to learn from that, if that was the core of the message. If that was the beginning of the message, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from those who can learn a lesson and who can follow in sha Allah. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about
the fact that when it comes to sacrifice for the sake of Allah, true believers who believe in Allah alone, they will not excuse themselves, they won't present some lame excuse is that Renu can levena you mean? I
hate to be
pushing him when it comes to sacrifice when it comes to struggle with ourselves and with and with our wealth. When it comes to that type of struggle. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, those who truly believe in Allah, they will not present excuses. And this draws our attention to the fact that when we believe in the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala then naturally we will be from amongst those who love to aid to sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we come for Salah we have sacrificed it's an effort. When we spend in the path of Allah, we will be spending out of the love of Allah, we won't become stingy. And we won't only calculate in such a way that if there is a doubt
we use the lesser of the two figures, if that's the case, and there is something wrong with our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala
in Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks into Toba. Now, about those who want to turn away those who want to turn away Allah says to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they turn away, all you should say is look Allah is sufficient for me. And I believe in Allah alone for
Falco, hestia la,
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bola allow machine Lauby. Now if they want to turn away, you should be upright and you should utter the words has to be a law a law is sufficient for me. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is alone. I entrust absolutely everything in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah hit our country is the hub. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us every form of protection and every form in sha Allah of understanding
Sua Yunus Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks
about musala is Salatu was Salam.
They needed the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They needed assistance from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And Allah says wirkkala Moosa comi coo go to
find a COO, COO,
meanie musala his salatu wa sallam told his people that oh my people if you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala
then lay your full trust in Allah. So if we believe in the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to lay our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala that is when the assistance of Allah subhanho wa Taala will come to us, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us every single form of assistance. And in this way, there are many, many verses in the Quran, which draw our attention to the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In fact, Allah describes the day of the Yama and Allah says in Surah Ibrahim, Yama tuber Daniel
be on that day the earth shall be changed into a different Earth
was somehow Wah, wah
Allah says on that day even the sky is shall be changed and everyone will appear to a law the one the most powerful, the irresistible alcohol nobody can run away from Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us every form of benefit and May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us in every single way. Look at how Allah is drawing our attention, describing the day of the AMA and saying on that day, he is one he is alone, supreme Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah also subhanho wa Taala
he brings the issue of
his prays together with the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he says in Surah Surah i to the end Allah says we're calling hamdulillah hilarie Lamia takigawa, la de Waal, Aamir Khan Lucia de
se, All praise is due to Allah who did not take anyone as a son or as a child and he has not associated or he has not got anyone as a partner with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Al ambia. And this is a very interesting point. He is now describing to us in a different way. That if there was more than one a law, then there would be chaos. That is why there is one and they can only be one. Why would there be chaos? Allah subhanho wa Taala says, No canopy
Illallah Muna fossa data, another person's moon, Allah says, My
oma can booming La Ilaha Illa.
Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Wa, Allah says, They Allah has not taken a son.
And there is no one as a partner with Allah, He does not have a partnership, like we have partnership in business and so on. This one has 50% that one has 50 No, there is no partnership because if there was a partnership, the Quran says every one of them would want to become hotter than the other higher than the other. You know, when you have two partners in business, 5051 says It's me who's running the business. The other one says no, it's me. One says no, I'm the one who secures all the deals. The other one says no, it's me who actually sends the customers. They're the ones says I do the hard work. And the other one says no, it's me who does the hardware. So Pamela,
one of them will tell you I am the one who made the microphone work. And the other one will tell you no, it's me. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us understand.
So this is why it's important that we realize it's impossible for there to be more than one creator. The country cannot have more than one president. Why? Because they would not know what their portfolios are. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us they would be confusion and there will be chaos on Earth. So that is also a means of drawing our attention to the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala is one then Allah draws our attention. In surah number of so many different items He has created an after every verse, he says
law is there a creator or is there a rub? Is there a God with Allah subhanho wa Taala look at all the
creatures. Is this someone with a loss from Hannah hautala Neva isn't Allah says, but many of them don't understand. Many of them don't realize. And Allah says no after he asked the question a third and the fourth time, he says, glory be unto Allah He is above all that they are describing and describing. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala protects every single one of us. Then Allah draws our attention to his oneness through mentioning forgiveness, walking,
the walk kabini that will be shared ecobee only Poli La Ilaha
Illa e la si. Amazing Allah says he is the one who accepts repentance, he is the one who will forgive those who have amazing Subhana Allah and he is the one who holds severe punishment. He can choose to punish me he not choose to punish us. May He have mercy on us and forgive us in sha Allah. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, He is the one everyone is going to return to Him. Look at how Allah is drawing our attention today. And the fact that death itself is a reminder that Allah is one. In what way the one who made us is the one who we are going to return to the giver of life is the taker of it, and he is one we are going to return to Him Subhana Allah, Allah Allah, may Allah
subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding in sha Allah, then Allah makes mention of the fact that people will come to you and they will try and convince you that there is more than one Allah, they will try and convince you that Allah subhanho wa Taala is not singular, he is not one and alone. And they will try and convince you to worship other creatures besides Allah. When we say creatures we are talking of people, we are talking of wealth, we are talking of other laws of the dieties Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who tell them oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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O you who are ignorant? Are you trying to command me? And are you trying to instruct me and order me to obey others besides Allah subhanho wa Taala I'm not a fool. What does this verse teach us? He teaches us that if people could try and go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to convince him to turn away from Allah, then surely people will come to us to try and convince us and to turn us away from Allah subhanho wa Taala as well. We should not allow that to happen to us. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about
forgiveness. And he says, fine alum you should know, no law, no law, that there is none worthy of worship besides the law was stolen feel
and seek forgiveness for your sin.
seek forgiveness for your sins. This verse was revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was sinless. The lesson is for all of us. Subhana Allah. If Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked to seek forgiveness for sins, he never committed. What about us? When we commit sins on a daily basis, there is only one whom we can turn to the one whom Allah subhanho meaning the one who is Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then there are beautiful verses in source with Hashem, which I'm sure most of us know of by heart, where Allah makes mention of many of his names, I will not go into every single one of them. But let me recite the opening verses, Allah says, who Allah, Allah, Allah.
He repeats that verse, thrice there.
And Allah says, Ah,
he is the one who knows the unseen and he knows the scene Better Than Anyone Else, the unseen and the scene which is also connected to the unseen Subhan. Allah when someone does a deed we can see it, but we cannot see the sincerity behind it. Allah sees that.
Then Allah subhanho wa Taala continues and he says al Malik, he is the one the king the owner, the Supreme. I will do, I will do so Salah. No, no, I mean, amazing, beautiful Names of Allah, Allah alone. He is the supreme controller of absolutely everything. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about some people who will attack those who believe solely in the law, and the fact that we who solely believe in one Allah
We need to realize that the others are not going to sit back and watch they will be from amongst them, those who will try to attack us just because we believe. Look at what Allah says. And it's all connected to the same topic.
Allah says in Surah Guruji Amen.
Amen, amen como me know
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Why did they retaliate? Why did they attack meaning, there was no other reason for that to happen besides the fact that these meaning believes in Allah alone. So when you believe in Allah alone, you should realize there will be people sitting in planning your downfall. Because that true belief has the power and the ability to go so fast out of common sense today. And always, Islam is the fastest growing religion on the globe. intellectuals, especially females across the globe, are accepting Islam. Some statistics show that up to 50, or more than 50 people in the United States of America alone, are accepting Islam on a daily basis up to today. Subhana Allah, this is the oneness of
Allah, because we do not take any risk when we wish. We worship the one who made us, the one who created us, the term Allah is derived from Allah, the worship one Allah hi yah hoo meaning to worship Allah Lu, the one who is worship, that is the name of Allah, the One who is worshipped. So we are calling him Allah, he decided for us to call him the one who is worshipped so that we can eradicate and remove any risks of calling some individual name. Imagine people call Moses, Allah protect us. People call Jesus May Allah protect us. People call out to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam what guarantee do we have that these creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala will actually
respond to our call? What makes us different from the others who call out to others besides Allah subhanho wa Taala. What makes us different is that we will call out to Allah alone, whoever created me, that's whom I'm going to ask mercy from whoever made me whoever I'm going to return to, that is whom I will say, Oh, you who is the worshipped one, the one whom I'm going to return to have mercy on me when I return to you so Han Allah, no risks involved. And for this reason, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of an entire surah, the surah known as the sutra of sincerity, so that's really cool.
I had the I see some of you are smiling, knowing that now we're coming to the end of the talk so Han Allah, you know, it's towards the end of the Quran.
Allah says kulu Allah had say a law is one he is singular, the one we worship, if someone wants to know who he is, he is singular, he is one he is alone, a law who saw mother, Allah subhanho wa Taala is supreme, he is independent. He does not depend on anyone. He is one of his kind, and that's if he is not in need of absolutely anyone. lamea lead, he does not give birth, he has never given birth. He does not beget while I'm you lead and he was not begotten, he was not given birth to. He is the Supreme, he has no beginning and no ending. He was there before the beginning and he will be there be after the ending? That is Allah, while Amir Kula who Khufu one had no one, no creature, nothing
at all can be similar to Allah in any of his names or qualities. There is a verse there is an entire surah wherein that risk comes in May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who realize and understand that he is alone, he is singular, he is one he is the one who needs to be worshipped and he alone will be worshipped this topic of the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala is so great, I hope and I pray that we have benefited from the various verses of the Quran which have discussed this issue of the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala we have only mentioned but of you and we have only mentioned certain angles. There are so many other verses the Quran is full of declarations of the
oneness of Allah. The question is, am I ready to understand and take heed and to leave everything besides Allah subhanho wa Taala and turn to Him alone or sallallahu wasallam albaraka Allen Amina Mohammed Subhana Allah Allah Subhana Allah home or the ham the connection to Allah, Allah inlanta