Mufti Menk – Can I Prove Something Important To You

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how children do not belong to their parents and how they are only being given a temporary "claim" until they reach their fullest. The speaker also talks about the importance of being together in Jana and how they will bring joy to everyone involved.
AI: Transcript ©
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Can I prove to you that your children actually do not totally

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belong to you?

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Your parents actually do not totally belong to you. You're

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allowed to say my mother, my father for a short while for a

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while. But let me tell you when you die, when you hear that

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someone passed away, what's the first thing you say? Can you say

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In Allah? Why Nyla Rajan? What does it mean? We belong to Allah

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and Unto Allah is our return Subhanallah your own child, if you

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had total, you know, ownership of that child and it was your own

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property, you would have been able to have more say when the child

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was about to die, but you had no say the child died when Allah had

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the say, you didn't have a say, the child was given to you as

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Allah will not as you will. So whose child is it in actual fact,

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meaning who is the owner of that particular person? It's Allah

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Subhana Allah, Allah lends you Allah gives you some he doesn't

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give some he gives only female some only male some both. All of

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that is a test of Allah pass it and you will get it the connection

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that you have sometimes between yourselves and your family members

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is such that you make a dua Oh ALLAH gathered us in Jana bring us

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together in Jana unite us in paradise. Why? Because Allah gave

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you a good time here on earth with each other. So you're worried

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about you know, being together in Jana. I always say my brothers and

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sisters worry about getting to Jana. Once you're there, whatever

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you want. You will get anything you want. You get it there.

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