Mufti Menk – Ask Them, What Did You Gain

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the day of Book ASAP in achieving healthy behavior and healthy behavior for the entire world. They emphasize the need to fasten behavior and allow others to take their own decisions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning to be a person who understands and understands the gifts of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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I tell people on the day of Eid,

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you know, Ramadan is a month. Right? What

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do we do in Ramadan?

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We fast and we give charity and we

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do taraweeh. So many things.

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Ramadan is a month where we do ibada,

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but I tell you, shaitan on the day

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of Eid,

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what does he make us do?

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You have a party. What party is there?

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Whatever we did not do in Ramadan, we

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do it all on the day of Eid.

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You meet with your girlfriend, your boyfriend.

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You'd go and say, 1 month I didn't

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touch you. Come. Come. Come. Astaghfirullah.

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It's a reality.

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It's as though you want to do Kaaba

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for the sins. Kaaba is only for farab,

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not for sins.

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Allah kept you away. The day of Eid

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is not a whistle being blown to say,

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okay. It's over. You can start doing what

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you want once again. No.

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The same Allah in Ramadan is the same

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Allah outside of Ramadan.

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learn to be a person who understands the

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gift of Allah and why is Allah telling

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you to discipline yourself so that you lead

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a happy life.

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Ask those who have lost themselves in intoxicants,

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those who lost themselves in the clubs and

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the pubs, those who have lost themselves in

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sin. Ask them,

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what did you gain? They'll tell you nothing.

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I'm depressed. I'm sad. I cannot sleep. I

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cannot eat properly. I have no friends. I

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lost my family. I lost my wife and

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children or my husband and children. I lost

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my siblings and everyone and I'm living a

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lonely life. I'm depressed and suicidal.

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Sometimes, do you know why?

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you forgot Allah.

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The only thing you need therapy is just

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come back to Allah slowly but surely. Discipline.

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Be hard on yourself. The beauty the beauty

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you will have is amazing.

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