Mufti Menk – Are You Okay

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © Speaker 1 discusses the importance of faith in Um rights, acknowledging that one should not bother asking if one is okay. He also talks about how people should be helping others, not harm themselves. He uses a analogy of a nail and finger as examples, stating that everyone should be helping others.
AI: Transcript ©
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But imagine you're going through struggles.

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People of yours, community who are members of

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the same Ummah. And we said faith is

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much more important than anything else.

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And we we share the same faith. And

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you know what? Nobody even bothered ask, are

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you okay? Nobody bothered.

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So so so it's important my brothers and

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sisters that we make sure we are different

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in that way.

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Ask, Smile. Are you okay brother? Everything good.

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Masha Allah or sister. Whoever it may be.

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We have people who are struggling alone. That's

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not how the Ummah should operate.

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The believers, true believers are like one body.

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Are you really like one body?

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Are you really like one body? Do you

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feel that Hadid says if one part of

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a certain organ is in pain, the entire

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body is in pain or suffers insomnia, cannot

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sleep and so on. Is it really the

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I was talking to some a group of

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people and one of the brothers told me

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well you know what happens nowadays? I said

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what happens? He says nowadays even if there's

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nothing wrong with the body they'll take a

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nail and nail it through your your finger.

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Subhanallah. Whereas it's supposed to be that if

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there is a little pain in your finger,

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people should be helping you to actually alleviate

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But it's the opposite. We cause the harm.

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No way. You cannot be a true believer.

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You still need a lot of help. Do

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not harm others. A Mu'min should not harm

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and we shouldn't be harming anyone for that

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matter. We spread goodness, kindness. We want it

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to happen now. I may not have so

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much of time. No problem.

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Use whatever Allah has given you to spread

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