Mufti Menk – Are You Favoured By Allah

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the greatest favor requests from Allah, which are based on his ability to bring people to Makkah and to visit the best places on earth. These include everything from visitation to bathing, to visiting the holy grail, and to receiving good company and visiting the best places. The speaker emphasizes that these are the greatest favor requests, and that everyone should benefit from his actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu Alaikum. The favor of Allah upon people.

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So many different favors. The biggest of them

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is Iman, belief in Allah

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Sometimes we think that these are the favors

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of Allah without realizing that there are better

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You can travel anywhere you want in the

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world but if Allah Almighty brings you to

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Makkah, he has favored you and if Allah

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puts it in your heart to come for

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Umrah, he has favored you and if Allah

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accepts you to come for Hajj, he has

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favored you. These are some of the greatest

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favors in terms of the places that you

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can visit. So don't forget that. You know,

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to come to Makkatul Mukarama,

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it is definitely one of the biggest

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favors of Allah because it's the best place

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on earth

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in terms of the value of the salah

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that is fulfilled here. The fact that Hajj

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cannot be done except here in Makkatul Mukarama.

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a visit to Madinah Munawara,

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Masjidun Nabawi, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam's grave

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is there, Baqir is there full of history.

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In fact, the exact place where the prophet

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is buried is the best place on earth.

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May Allah Almighty bring us here again and

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again. May Allah grant all of us every

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goodness and may Allah Almighty

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help us to realize what is a better

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May Allah favor us with iman,

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good company

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and visiting the best of places. Amen.

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