Mufti Menk – Amazing Solutions Taught By The Prophet Muhammad

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including the story of the black stone and the use of it on the Kaaba. They emphasize the importance of not letting anyone's behavior cause their opinions and encourage people to bear patience. The speaker also addresses Muslims and non Muslims, highlighting the importance of fulfilling family ties and achieving peace in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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When his tribe were having an argument about

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who should pick up the black stone and

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place it on the Kaaba,

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They called him in because they knew he

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was fair. This was prior to prophethood.

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And he solved the problem because there were

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so many tribes, each one wanted the honor

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of of taking this black stone and placing

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it on the Kaaba,

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and he's decided, no, let's get a cloth,

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and each one of your leaders will hold

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a part of it, and I will place

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it and I'll place it on. So everyone

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He is the one who told us,

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if you interact with people and bear patience

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upon what they might say, it's better for

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you than to go all alone away from

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So if you interact with your family, there

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will be negatives.

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There will be a little bit of politics.

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It happens with every family.

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But he says,

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the better of the people are those

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who interact and bear patience. Yes, to a

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certain degree. When it starts affecting your sanity

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and when it starts affecting your health, you

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might want to take a step back, that

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is fine too.

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But don't let that be your first decision.

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You The minute you have a little issue,

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I'm never going back. No.

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That's your family chosen by Allah. Those are

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your relatives, those are your people, those are

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those who you work with. Make peace.

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He is the one who says,

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On one hand, He's asked us to fulfill

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family ties.

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Then he explains

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the person who's fulfilling the family ties is

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not the one who has a tit for

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tat relationship.

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They gave, I gave. They came, we went.

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They did, we did.

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The true

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person fulfilling family ties

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is the one

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whom when the other party has broken the

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they make an effort and a constant effort

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to build it. They make a constant effort

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to mend it.

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And this is why Allah Almighty revealed verses.

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Between people,

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to mend relations.

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Are you going to be a true follower

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of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him?

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Today I'm addressing

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Muslims and non Muslims.

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Those who are Muslims, we already say

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we know Him,

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but in actual fact,

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you will get to know more and more,

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and you will follow more and more by

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the will of Allah, and you will get

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to love more and more,

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and you will, subhanallah,

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peace and comfort in your life.

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And in the hereafter you will see great

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