Mufti Menk – Amazing Du’a Between The Two Prostrations

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of rab tariffli in praying and being asked for forgiveness by Jesus Christ. They explain that the idea is to be seeking forgiveness and ask Jesus what he wants. The conversation also touches on the importance of seeking forgiveness in a sense of pride and pride in Christ's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Between the two prostrations we say rabbirli.

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Do you know that dua? You're supposed to

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be making a dua at different times, right,

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in your prayer. One of them is between

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the two prostrations

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in some of the schools of thought it's

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actually mandatory, and some of them it's not

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mandatory. But what is the dua? The dua

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is rabbir firli. That's the simple part of

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it. A simple way. You could say a

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slightly longer dua. The point I'm raising is,

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oh Allah forgive me.

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I went down prostrated. I said, SubhanAllah,

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You are the greatest, O my Lord. Glory

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be to the One who made me, the

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One who is in control of every aspect

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of my existence. And what are we saying?

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You are the highest. Come up from sujood,

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you say Allahu Akbar and say, Rabbir Fili,

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Allah forgive me. Who is going to forgive

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you? The one who you just described in

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your sujood. And then you go back to

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another sujood. SubhanAllah.

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Everything happens in salah.

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in a unit.

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Besides sujud,

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it happens twice.

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That's Allah.

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So seek the forgiveness of Allah and get

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onto the same page then ask Him what

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you want. Rabbir fili. Oh Allah forgive me.

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That also shows me that the seeking of

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forgiveness is one of the most

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supplications that you can ever make.

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