Mufti Menk – 20 Brothers – 1 Advice #Unplugged in a Villa

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "has" in Islam is discussed, as it is used to distract people from distractions and avoid distraction. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning the names of Islam and not giving things to someone if they don't fit their standards. The segment also introduces two quick things to be responsible for, making an effort to do the proper way and introducing brothers and sisters to learn the names of Islam. The segment emphasizes the importance of learning the names of Islam and being a good person and member of society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Smilla Al hamdu lillah wa

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Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Ali are savage mine. My beloved

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brothers are a sunnah allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has

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taught us that we should be reminding each other of goodness.

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In fact, in the Quran, Allah Almighty encourages us to remind

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one another and assist one another. When it comes to doing

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good, or anything that is good, anything righteous, anything that

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will bring us closer to Allah will remind each other. Now, when I say

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this, we all know that we're human beings. And part of human nature

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is that we like certain things we see around us on Earth. These

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could become distractions.

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But Allah tells us enjoy them within the limits without allowing

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them to distract you from me. That's a fact. So anything I find

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on Earth today we may be in a beautiful place a lovely villa,

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for example. All the brothers have gotten together we're here to

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discuss brainstorm in the meantime, mashallah we're

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enjoying, you know, decent food, lovely place we might visit here.

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We have a game, a paddle, for example, a bit of swimming. All

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these things are part and parcel of the gift of Allah for us. How

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can we use a gift of Allah to distract us from the same Allah

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who gave us that gift? Allah blessed you with wealth, Allah

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blessed you with ability, Allah blessed you with health, Allah has

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blessed you with so much, and Allah has given you very good

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food. Allah has given you a beautiful place to stay. Be it

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your own home or just a holiday. Allah has given you a conveyance

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of vehicle that is you're so amazing. Allah has given you a

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business that is thriving, how can you

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turn away from the same Lord who's giving you those things? This is

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something we just need to think about. So what that will do, when

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you become conscious of of that is, it will help you to fulfill

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your obligations Unto Allah. Stay away from the prohibitions that

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Allah has decided are prohibitions while you're enjoying what Allah

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has given you. And this all is encapsulated in one beautiful dua

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in the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the people

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who go for Hajj.

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The people who go for Hajj, when they go for Hajj, they're going to

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make dua, they're going to supplicate Hajj is the time to

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call out to Allah. He using his beautiful names, whatever names

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you may know of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and His qualities

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you say them and you call out to Allah. What do people say when

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they go for Hajj? So Allah says in the Quran that people are divided

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into a few categories, two of them are mentioned in the Quran. Allah

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says Fermina NASCI Mania kulula Birna RTF dunya

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wama Allah Who Phil Akira Tieman Haluk they are people who say Oh

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Lord, give us in this dunya so they're asking for everything

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about the dunya people nowadays put on Tik Tok and Instagram.

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Especially some of the girls had a trend in between where they would

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put up their dua. Oh Allah I asked you for a G Wagen an O Allah I

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asked you for a handbag and Oh Allah, fair and good. But remember

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one thing Allah speaks about that in the Quran to say there are some

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people who will only ask about worldly things. It's not wrong to

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ask about worldly things. But Allah says my Hola Hola Hola, Tim

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in Haluk they don't have a portion of the Hereafter, neither in their

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DUA and if that's their main aim, that they're going to ask Allah

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for to start with, then even in this world, what what do they

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actually think of all the time? And then Allah says, woman whom

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from among the people may call Laura burner Artina for dunya

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Hashanah. Well, Phil accurately hashanah Joaquina other Banagher

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from among them there are those who are serious about their

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supplication unto Allah. And they say Oh, our oh our OB O our Lord,

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grant us goodness in this world. And that means all my G wagons and

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all my handbags in the case of the females, and whatever else it

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might be, in our case as men perhaps whatever it may be, the

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yacht and the private plane and everything else in sha Allah say I

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mean guys, come on. Allah that was allowed. I mean, man when you

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asked for the dunya Rabbana Artina feet dunya has an earthen goodness

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why goodness. So if this thing is good for us, give it to us if it's

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not good for us, don't give it to us. We want we want it in

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goodness. We don't want dunya dunya dunya without saying oh

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alive you know it's good for me give it to me. If it's not good

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for me Don't give it to me. That is proper Iman, I desperately want

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something but I say to Allah Allah if this is not good for me as much

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as I desperately want it and I love it. Don't give it to me. So I

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remember I was telling this to some someone she was a girl about

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getting married to a certain guy that make dua that you know what

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if it's good for you, let it be if it's not good for you

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Let it not be she says no. I want to say, if it's good for me give

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it to me if it's not good for me make it good for me.

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I said, Well, it's not wrong to make the DUA but leave it to Allah

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Allah knows best and say oh Allah so in a nutshell you saying oh

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Allah give it to me hook or crook I don't care how and what makes it

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good for me and I still want it.

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I wouldn't like to think it's haram to make the DUA because you

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can ask Allah whatever you want, but I'd say let's stick to what

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the Prophet SAW Selim has taught us that oh Allah this is good for

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me give it to me if it's not blocked from me, keep it away.

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I'll I'll understand it's not good for me.

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Well, Phil, accurate he has entertained Joaquina Allah Bernard

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an O Allah, grant us goodness in the hereafter and save us from

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others and not have the punishment of the fire. You look carefully at

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this dua, it's divided into three and this is a dua that Allah

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praises in the Quran. He says, goodness in this world, goodness

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in the Hereafter, and Savior from the punishment or, you know, the

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punishment of the fire, if you divided into three, two thirds are

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connected to the hereafter, and 1/3 of this dua is connected to

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this world. Perhaps it would put things into perspective to say you

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know, what, our major concentration as believers should

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always be the bulk of it is working for the hereafter. And you

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know, parts of it will be also in this world I'm living I want good

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health, I want the ability to obey Allah which is also part of your

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Hereafter I want

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wealth, I want a good family. I want to have a lovely home a

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lovely conveyance. It's not wrong to make all these to us. So what I

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want to say to end is two things. Number one is whenever we're on a

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holiday or away from home or at home, or wherever we are, don't

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forget your duties Unto Allah come what may push yourself to fulfill

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I've always said I may be on holiday, my salah is not on

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holiday, I may be on holiday my dress code is not on holiday. I

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may may be on holiday my halal food is not on holiday, I may be

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on holiday. My obedience to Allah is not on holiday. I may be on

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holiday but what was Haram is not on holiday suddenly.

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Some people don't holidays, just children you know we we will go

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home or on our way back home. How's that? May Allah forgive us

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but some people's attitude? And unfortunately it's men men

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shaytaan tampers with us. So what shaytaan does is that which Allah

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has given you, he wants to give it to you in a haram way. But there's

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a halal way of getting the same thing. You want to do something

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there's a halal way haram way okay. Your Halal way you want to

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you want to please Allah well, you're gonna have to be

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responsible and do it the proper way. These are haram way of it.

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May Allah strengthen us and forgive us. And may Allah Subhana

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Allah Allah grant us ease then, since we're talking about dua, I

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want to introduce you to two quick things. Number one is

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make an effort brothers and sisters.

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Here were just brothers, but those who might listen to this later

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include the sisters, to learn the names of Allah. There's a hadith

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that says whoever memorizes 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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will grant them Jana. The term used is Manasa Oh, have you ever

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heard the halogen whoever has encompassed them or memorize them?

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They will enter Paradise because now you know Allah, you understand

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who he is, you know the balance of the names and qualities of Allah.

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So you see this book the 99 names by Kuba it's one of those books

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that have gathered the 99 names of Allah in a unique way. And it

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explains a small explanation of what each name is. Nowadays, you

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have little children, including some of my children. At madrasa

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they learned the 99 names, they can rattle them out, they can sing

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them to you who will Yeah man, Hula, hula de la ilaha, Illa, who

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and so on?

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Can we do that? Wallahi it's not difficult.

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Learn a few names of the names of Allah. And try to know all of

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them. Imagine if you were able today to see all the 99 names of

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Allah between you and Allah, you'd be happy about it. It's one of

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your tickets to paradise Wallahi. It's Asahi narration that says 99

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Names of Allah, whoever encompasses the memorizes them,

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they will get paradise, ultimately, because you've

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recognized your maker he's all hearing his all knowing he is all

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his forgiving, His merciful, and yet he is just

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so there's names that would instill within us the all and

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names that would instill within you the hope all of that the

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balance of it is in the names of Allah.

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Secondly, there is also a book of dua, and there are so many books

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of dua, why we say a book of dua, when people say I don't need a

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book, I don't need a book of dua, I can just make dua, I need to

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know how to make dua number one, but more importantly, did you know

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that it is blessed to use the exact words that the messengers

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used that are recorded either in the Quran or the Sunnah of the

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Prophet sallallahu

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For a simple reason, when I explain it simply to the masses, I

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tell them the door that you have there has a key. If I give you a

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whole bag of keys and tell you my brother, try this one.

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And you start trying all of the other ones, right? You're going to

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get to that one and he's going to open the door. I told you, how did

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I know? Because when I used it yesterday, this is the key that

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I want to make a DUA, the messengers have used these drugs,

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they were accepted. Allah says in the Quran festa jab narla No Hala

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is Salam called out to us we responded this one called us we

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gave him Musala. Sanam asked, we gave prophets Allah wa sallam

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asked, we gave and so on. So Allah saying they use these words. He

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didn't force us to use the same words, but it's highly recommended

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because Allah says, Allah, Ecole Lavina hada whom Allah Who Furby

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Houda whom Okta D, those messengers, Allah guided them, so

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follow them and their path of guidance to the T. IC D follow

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that to the best of your abilities. What did they do in the

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home? Can we use our own effing hierarchy, where their own Robin

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whare but they used to make haste in doing good deeds hierarchy, no

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hierarchy means your charities, your Ibadah all that is considered

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hierarchy. These messengers used to do hierarchy and what else used

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to happen, they used to call out to Allah with hope and fear, with

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a balance of hope and fear. So if you use the same words that Musa

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alayhis salaam used or maybe Mohamed Salah Salem used morning,

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evening afternoon, Wallah He it is far more blessing than coming up

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with your own terminology, although it's permissible to come

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up with your own words to say Oh Allah, I praise you. You're all

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high, you're the greatest, you are the most majestic, fair and good.

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But if you can say that exactly as the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

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Sallam has said, You are a notch or two or more higher. So that's

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why we say book of to us all the time. We have sunnah to us sunnah

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to us because those are the words used by the messenger sauce Allah

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may Allah bless you all. And grant you lots of Baraka, I promise you,

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it's amazing to interact with people and to have more time with

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them to get to know each other. When you have good company even

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from amongst us if there are two or three guys who can really give

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an in our case, we've got much more mashallah each one is giving

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the gems that they have, if you've got a few guys who can really give

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and everyone is you know, taking Wallah, it's a blessing you feel

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like traveling with them moving with them. Because your Salah has

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never missed, you're always doing good things. If you're knifes is

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inclining you towards doing something that might be

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displeasing to Allah, it won't have the power to actually even

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think of how it's going to execute it because you're already in good

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But when you're alone, things can happen. That's why there is

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another narration or a statement that says in the shape anima,

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Allah Haidee Wahoo aminal is mainly a bad shaytan is always

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with a singular person, but the minute you or two, he goes further

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away, which would also mean when you three, he's even further away.

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When you fall, he's even further away. When you're traveling, and

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you're many people what happens shaitan is actually quite far

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away, the minute you're alone, it's easy to just let me just walk

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in here walking without thinking, Where am I going, you know, may

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Allah bless all of us. I really, so far I've enjoyed my time here.

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And I pray that you guys enjoy your time here. And may Allah

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grant us the ability to recite these names, the next time we

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meet, and I'm sorry, I'm dead serious about this.

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For our benefit, these names, they are the names of your maker and

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the qualities of your maker. If you learn them, you've done

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yourself one of the biggest favors that you could ever do. There are

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other favors like learning the Quran and so on. Indeed, this is

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something that's simple, man. It requires dedication for one week

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only. And you know, how can I give you a hack?

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Listen to it over and over and over and over and over again on

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your phone. That's it. I remember a brother who told me I learned

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the 99 names of Allah because I put them as a ringtone. I said no

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brother, because why you're going to have to cut that tone at a

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certain point to answer the phone. Unless you're going to just leave

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it until all the names are up by that time. The guy's not as I

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said, to me. It's disrespectful to the Advan of the Quran, or the

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names of Allah to use them as a ringtone because they are far more

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sacred than the ringtone but I understood what he's saying. He's

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trying to say, well, I learned them through that.

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So I guess that perhaps after a little while when he learned the

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first few, he must have then changed the ringtone to start at

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the next set of names possible. I don't know how I didn't really get

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to the details. But you'd have to do that. Whatever the whatever the

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strategy is, let's make an effort. Think about it. It's not hard. We

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can do it.

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10 names at a time in 10 days we're done.

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May Allah make it easy? Should we set ourselves a challenge?

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Okay, we've created a little Whatsapp group. Let's not get out

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of that group until we know the names of Allah. May Allah bless

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you all salam ala Curatola. So Allah wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad

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or a coffee

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