A must and highly recommended episode motivating us to understand the odds, trials experienced in life, ways to overcome and develop closeness to Allah SWT, love of Allah SWT, understanding the blessing in the midst of hardship, having hope in the mercy of Allah, remaining steadfast in the path of Allah and explaining the kindness towards parents in the light of the verses of the glorious Qur’an and the hadith of our beloved Prophet SAW.
Mufti Menk – Against All Odds
![Mufti Menk](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/mufti-menk-150x150.jpg)
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The speaker discusses the importance of serving non- buyers and avoiding suffering, while acknowledging the challenges of living in a safe environment and avoiding suffering from loss. They emphasize the need to be mindful of one's actions and not try to portray them as "outsiders". The importance of forgiveness and staying on the path of Islam is emphasized, as it is essential to achieve success in life. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding guidance and guidance for others, finding one way to Islam and avoiding giving up on one's beliefs.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
smilla rahmanir rahim In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala Most Gracious, Most Merciful Alhamdulillah All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Mohammed, Allah Allah He was happy hedgelaying
complete blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his entire household all his companions, were Allah subhanahu wa jal and bless every single one of them, and may He bless every single one of us. May Allah bless the oma of Islam, and May Allah bless this beautiful country and nation of Malaysia as well. I mean,
my brothers and sisters, we need to understand why Allah subhanho wa Taala created us what was the purpose? Why is it that I come to this world? And 70 years down the line? If I'm still alive, I'm preparing to die. Why is it that people come to this world and they die at an early age sometimes? Why is it that some are given age up to perhaps 100 and slightly beyond? Why is it that we haven't seen anyone in our lives live to 150 years? Why is it that Allah has chosen for us to be fit at an age where perhaps we are peaking on around 3040? And after that, there is a decline? Why is it that Allah subhanho wa Taala did not keep us upon a level of fitness a level of perhaps, looks when we're
looking young and healthy throughout our lives. Why does it have to be a graph that starts off in weakness and ends in weakness, as a last panel analysis?
is a man who has created you. In weakness when you were initially born, when you came to this world, you were very weak, you were young, you depended on other human beings, Allah made you and gave you parents for a purpose. If he wanted, he could have created you in a way that you were already independent, you did not need anyone, but you needed someone to look after you from a very early age. And when you are in your peak, he wants you to look after the very people who looked after you when you were a little baby. And once again, when you grow older, he says we will we grant people the peak and after the peak of strength, they become weak again, and they develop gray hair.
So when you are old, those whom you have now given birth to are asked to look after you Subhana Allah and it continues up to the end. It's the plan, there surely is a master plan in that. And if we sit for a moment and ponder, we will realize that it's the continuity, that means it's a test. You will never ever, perhaps agree with everything your parents do, even if they are not Muslim, even if they are involved in something unacceptable. It does not stop you from being pained or decent or good to them. Like what Allah says.
if your parents are asking you or struggling working against you in a way that they want you to associate partners with a law or to sin and transgress against Allah subhanho wa Taala do not obey that command that happens to be against the command of Allah, but continue living in goodness and kindness with them in this world, which means even if you have non Muslim parents, you need to be kind to them. You need to speak with respect. You need to try and serve them in the sense that you might want to spend money on their clothing on their food on their accommodation. It's not wrong, even if they're not Muslim. What is wrong is when they tell you to do something against the
instruction of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is where you draw the line. This is the same rule that applies when it comes to culture that we have over the generations. Culture is something really good. When we say this person is cultured, do you know what we mean? We mean they have character and conduct and mannerisms that make them different from a person who just grows like wild grass. So they happen to be decent people but when the culture conflicts with the religion, what comes
First, the answer is quite simple. That is the only time when you say you know what the culture is actually wrong here at this point, because it's making life difficult, and it's making it hard to be a person who pleases Allah subhanho wa Taala. Therefore this is the line, but to just pass a blanket ruling to say, you know, whatever, our forefathers have done this, oh, by the way, we don't need it, that is wrong.
You will adopt whatever they have taught on condition, that it does not contradict what Allah has asked. That's what it is. It's simple. Take a look at the culture and the tradition that was there at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. In the pre Islamic era, you find some of what they engaged in was so good, such as hateful fullmoon, there was a treaty or the covenant that they had pledged in order to support the oppressed, the prophet peace be upon him says voila, he, in the period of ignorance, I was called to a certain covenant, if I was called to something similar again, now, as Islam has progressed, I will still go back and respond to that type of a call, which means
it was something good. So it's a test, life is a test, we come into it. and we are given a uniform, what type of uniform, I've always said this, those who might be following, you would notice I've always said this, because for me, it's a very, very powerful example. You are the soul that is within the body that's called you. So this body is not me, the soul is mean, when the soul was given the body, the body is like a uniform, you only given that body for a few years after that, the soul departs and leaves the body the body is buried. So I'm given a uniform as I come into my examination room, and for the first 15 years, 14 years, 12 years up to the age of puberty, maturity, I'm just
watching, I just see, I listen, I take, I watch. And then I need to start asking questions. Why am I doing this? Why do I do this? Why do we worship the cross? For example, those who might be worshipping the cross? Why do I have to worship a grave? For example? Why do I need to believe that this tree needs to be bowed to and so on? I have to start asking questions. Because Allah has given me a brain and the mind of my own. And Allah subhanho wa Taala asks us to worship Him alone, Who is he, he is the maker who ever made you, you know, worship to him.
And Allah says, Be careful, don't drown. Don't Drown in this earth.
It is like a huge ocean. You know, we are like ships that need to move through the ocean without allowing the water to get in, besides a certain amount that you need to drink and benefit from. But if you allow too much of the water to get into the ship, the ship will sink. So the dunia of this world is similar to the water. And you and I are similar to ships on the water. If you allow too much of that water to get in, you forget your aim your purpose, you begin to sink you won't get to your destination. But if you just allow the right amount, perhaps for drinking, perhaps for other purposes, for washing and so on to get into the ship, you wouldn't be able to arrive at your
destination and have benefitted from the water. Without the water, you won't be able to move. So Allah created you and I on this earth. We did not choose to come onto this earth. Some of us might have said that, you know what if I was given the choice, I would want to have been perhaps Born on Pluto, or perhaps on Mars.
You know, when you tell little children would you like to have been born on Mars, they think you're offering them chocolate stuff.
Anyway, so this is not what it is. I have had no choice. Allah made me here what type of life he has kept on the other planets and elsewhere? He knows I don't even know I only have very little knowledge, he says.
And you have not been given knowledge except very, very little, very little. So this is the knowledge I have. Allah created me and I am on this earth to serve a purpose. What is the purpose? I need to understand whoever made me is the only one whom I will put my head on the ground for no one else. I say Subhana Allah Glory be to the one who made me. Robin means creator, nourisher cherishes. sustainer provider protected You're the one who's in absolute control of every aspect of my existence. That's the meaning or part of the meaning of the term Robin. So I'm saying Glory be to my Rob, who is the highest and Allah Who is the highest. When do I say that when I'm in sujood and the
idea is acabo Maya Kunal Abu Dhabi was the closest that a worshiper can be to his job is when he is in the prostration of Saturday. Sorry in the position of frustration or Saturday
The closest you can be to Allah subhana wa Taala. Take your time.
Take your time into June. It's the closest posture, closest position you can ever get to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, I must worship Him alone, I need to understand nothing is worthy of worship besides Him. So, as time passes Alhamdulillah we get to maturity and Mashallah we are muslimeen we are seated here, we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. But you know what happens, things do not go according to our plan, every one of us without a single exception,
would have faced things in their lives. That did not go according to the way they wanted it to go. There is no exception. It's a challenge. Nobody can say everything in my life happened exactly my plan, never not one person, it goes to show your week, oh man, you can plan Allah has a bigger plan. Allah has a better plan. Allah knows what's good for you, he knows what's bad for you. Sometimes he plans for something you think is very, very bad for you. But if you go back to the manuscript, in order to know how to look at it, it will be the most positive thing that ever happened in your life. So Panama,
I give you an example.
So Panama,
a person really and desperately
at work,
is looking for a promotion, desperately I want to promotion, I want to get promoted, they are not promoted. In fact, they are fired, fired, for some reason, or entrenched, or as they say, the person now has, is redundant, completely. We don't want you anymore, and you start
crying, you're shocked.
You have a few ways of dealing with the news, you wanted an increment, you wanted a promotion, you needed the money, you had to look after your family and so on. You were planning to buy a car or a house, you were planning perhaps to get married, or to assist a family member in getting married. And what happened. Not only did you not get the promotion, but your boss called you and told you to know what you have one month of notice. And after that we don't need you anymore. And you are just like, what?
One way is to become depressed, to become sad to go back home to sleep and never wanting to get up again. It's one way of dealing with it. And you are so sad you cry every day morning, evening and night. And you don't want to talk to anyone you don't feel like eating and you get sick. Is that a believer? Is that what Allah taught you? When Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who is the planner, you try and Allah is the one who over rules, your trials and your plans. He knows what's better, and tend to read Allah. Allah Yes, I know. You want Allah once. And Allah is the one who does what he wants. So Pamela, so now you're upset. And what happens as a result, everything came to a
standstill, your life is at a standstill, you feel if you're married, your marriage is about to break, because you can no longer afford to look after your family members, you begin to feel inferior, because perhaps your wife might be raining more than you, you begin to
become so sick that you suffer insomnia, you cannot sleep at night, and so on.
One way of dealing with him, or if you're a true believer, you say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. And you look at the verse where Allah subhana wa Jalla says,
indeed, we will test every one of you with various tests, we have to test you. One of them is fear. Obviously, this is part of fear, you've just been fired, you don't know what's going to happen. Fear is not just when you fearing an enemy, that is part of it. But this is also a part of it. I'm feeling I'm scared. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. So panela. So it's important for me to understand Elena's plan is his way to test me. I cannot enter an examination room expecting no tests. I'm just sitting there with my pen and my paper. And I'm thinking to myself, I don't want to be tested here. Let me just cry. That's it. My tears will definitely drop onto that paper and change
its shape perhaps. And when the examiner sees it, he will give me 100% because he will be sympathetic to the fact that I just cried.
That's not what it's all about. You see the most difficult question, what did your teacher teach you? attempted? Try your best. That's all.
We all know I'm sure we all adults here even those who are children from amongst us. You would know when you have an examination twice a year, thrice a year. And you have to write to answer the questions you are taught. Definitely
That look attempted tried, right? Whatever you feel is correct. Don't leave it blank. You might just get it right. Don't just sit back and become depressed. No, try, do your best. Leave the rest inshallah, in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The same applies in life. So Allah says, we will test you with fear, and with hunger.
Why not? minute,
and loss
of wealth,
loss of life, these are the tests we will test you will lose money. You're a big businessman and one day you have a loss, how much is it a million ringgit or a million dollars or 10,000. Depending on your level, you have a huge loss, you must say Alhamdulillah I thank Allah there are others who are going through much more than I am. That's one of the best ways of going through difficulty is to look at those who are struggling in a bigger way and go in are men who are doing the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says very clearly, look at those who are lower than you. You don't have shoes, look at those who don't even have feet. Look at those who don't have legs they cannot walk.
So Panama.
So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam instructs us to look at those who have less than us. Today we are seated here Mashallah beautiful, peaceful, lovely, we are breathing fresh air, we are sitting in a lovely place air conditioned, take a look at those who don't even have a roof on their heads. Take a look at those who are homeless, they don't know where the next meal is going to come from what law he will live, and they are not in their 1000s they are in their millions. You are one of the top among the brackets that Allah subhanho wa Taala has kept human beings in. Trust me, if you know where you're going to eat next, according to your plan, you need to thank Allah because there are
millions out there who don't even know where they're going to sleep tonight.
Across the globe, there are people so desperate that they have to jump onto a plane, hoping that they will get onto the shores of another place that might be safer than the one they are in and they die as a result, they end up on your shores, or they end up on the shores of some of the European countries or some other countries. And that's only a small fraction of them who make it to the end of the journey.
The rest of them. They died as a result of taking the risk because they were struggling suffering Where are we? So one of the cornerstones to be able to worship Allah with gratitude and thankfulness is to look at those who have less than you and continue looking at them.
And always think Allah hamdulillah Allah, I'm going through a problem. I have, for example, a person who has a sickness May Allah grant all of us cure all I have the sickness, I have a skin problem, I have this problem. I have cancer, may Allah grant all those who have cancer cure. My knees are aching, your knees are aching, but you have access to medication, you have access to so many other things. There are people whose knees are broken, they have no access to anything, they are still crawling, they are still thinking a lot subhana wa Jalla to say, Well, at least we can put our head down for you with us we have so much but what happens to Salah what happens to our dress code, what
happens to quitting sin, what happens to turning back to Allah subhanho wa Taala so Allah says, we will test you with loss of wealth, loss of wealth, you will have to lose, it is impossible for anyone in any business to gain only without suffering some form of loss. It's a plan of a law. You have to some people, they might be billionaires, and they might suffer a few million, but it was still a loss. percentage wise it was small. Perhaps it might not have gone down to bankruptcy. But it went down. It fluctuated. It's heavy on the heart. But understand my brother, my sister, you are going to leave everything behind and go back to Allah without even your body. Did you know that
without this body you have right now that you are seated with you're going to go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala when he resurrects you, he will resurrect you with another body Subhan Allah.
That's Allah. So don't worry, things have to come to an end. All your difficulties have to come to an end. You are suffering in your marriage, take a look at those who are looking to get married, they don't even know where to begin. And they already progressing and advancing in age, they're losing hope. But they're still thinking Allah. I might not have been married. I'm already 60 years old. But yeah, like thank you for giving me the opportunity to worship you while I was in this world only for six decades. So Panama. Notice how I said only for six decades. It's actually so short. Ask those who are older from amongst us how
Your life spins, they will talk to you about the 80s, the 90s 2020 10. And it will seem like a few paragraphs, they have summarized their lives in a short span, it's over.
Short, they will tell you know, I know the highlights of my life. And it flipped through like this, they will remember the good days, they might remember a few of the bad days, but more than anything they know currently where they stand, a person who suffered a long time back. And today they are in ease, will definitely thank Allah for where they are today. If they are thankful when a woman is in labor, and she gives birth, she struggles and suffers. She comes so close to death in some instances, and after the child is born, and she hears the cry and the child is given to her forgotten.
When I told my wife that she said no ways I haven't forgotten. Hello, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding. But what is meant by that is she doesn't mind whatever happened happened today I have a baby, I have a child him. Some women will tell you I don't want to go through this again. Guess what, a few months later they're expecting once again, with them. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us all. Because it's such a blessing. So Allah gives you a blessing in the midst of hardship, big blessing, but we only look at the hardship. We don't look at the blessing. That's the difficulty. And Allah says, we will test you with loss of life. People have to die, your
family members have to go at some stage they have to go You have no option. If you haven't lost a close family member, wait for a few more years. They have to lose you or you have to lose them somehow, because everybody has to die at some stage. Don't you agree? So what I'm saying is not dooming. But it is actually the reality to send us and prepare the day your wife will die the day you might die, your husband might die. So death is not something you look at and become depressed. Like I said, someone passed away so close to you, your life might come to a standstill for a moment. But a true believer is taught to say in the la de
la la jolla we indeed belong to Allah and we will all return to Allah subhanho wa Taala that's how you go through the hardship. That's how you maintain closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala by declaring constantly that you are all going to return to Allah we will all return to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So I become close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I know I have to carry on whether I like it or not, I have to make ends meet I know of a family.
To brush brothers were shot in the city of Durban mela Grantham, gentlemen a few weeks ago. And the wife of one of them, the widow says, you know, my husband told me that whatever you'd like to know about my business and everything else, if I die, there is one person who knows it. And that's my brother. And the brother tells his family the same thing. And they did not expect both of them to die together. They were both shot like random gentlemen. I mean, imagine we made to allow for them, we asked a lot to make it easy, not only for them. But for everyone who's been through similar difficulty or any form of difficulty. It's up to you to stand up to bring the ends together to pick
up the pieces and to try and make the most of the situation you're in. Do not become depressed to the degree that you begin to question a lot. People say why is Obama texting me why he doesn't like me? When if that's the case, he didn't like anyone on Earth, because everyone is tested. Did you hear that? Even someone who's the most loved by Allah, the best of creation, the highest of all, top creature of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Without a doubt, he's been through more tests than you and I it's a sign of the love of Allah. So one might ask, how is it the sign of the love of Allah? Let me tell you. So a young man is born into a wealthy home. He's lucky he's powerful. He has authority.
He's got everything from a young age at school is the big shot. He graduates he comes up University, he passed he got his degree he became whatever whatever a big title before his name, everything talk shot, everything is proper proper. But guess what? He's never tasted hardshell.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, my worship, I love you too much. I need you to get close to me before you die. You need to come closer to me. You need to cut your bad ways, your habits. You need to cut your previous life. So what I will do, I will inflict you with something really, really big. So you go through a car crash, the car was damaged beyond repair and you were saved. Your family members was saved. That's test number one. Nothing happened to your body, but something happened to your wealth. It's called the loss in wealth and you
been saved in terms of bodily harm.
you woke up and you said,
Thank you. You have one of two ways or a few ways of looking at it. People say Oh, that's good. This airbag saved me. This car of mine Rolls Royce. It was big enough it smashed but it was okay. Everything is fine. It's good, I'm happy and you go back to your bad ways. Allah says no, no, no, we love you enough to give you something else because you still haven't come to us. The second way of doing things is to say and hamdulillah all of you rushed to the masjid. You need to rock out of salah and you thank Allah to say all I thank you for having saved me and my family, Allah, my bad ways, my habits, I quit them I will not miss a Salah from today. So Allah says Allah Subhana Allah,
it's something Allah says, I love you my wish, but it's not a sign of hatred.
This is why when you have a test in your life, ask yourself my brothers and sisters. has your life changed positively? If yes, it was not a punishment. It was just a tapping from the love of Allah. But if you become despondent, depressed, you begin to question Allah, you hate it, you you become more arrogant. Nothing's happened in terms of positive change in your life. It might just be a punishment. Wait for another one. Stop lamella do that to us. You haven't yet changed. Wait for another tapping it will come. So the next time you lose your son.
Now what happens is stressed, your mind is not in its place. You start reading Salah, you start asking questions, you start wondering what happened. Allah says, look, first time you didn't turn to us. We're turning you now. And you turn that was a gift of your son might have congenital, your daughter might have got gentlemen, your wife husband might have got gender, your parents might have got you preparing for it. Now as a result. This is why sometimes the death of a close family member is our ticket to paradise Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. It's just a wake up. It's a reality check. Allah is telling you hang on, you are in the fast lane regarding the dunya we want you to get onto
the fast lane, regarding the the hereafter. So this is how we're going to do. It's our last plan. I'm only giving you examples. Allah is the one who chooses exactly what's going to happen in your life. It's Allah He will choose someone goes through a divorce. When you got married people were saying match made in heaven. And then they started saying wow, they get on like a house on fire. Have you heard that statement?
When the house is on fire, starts burning doesn't it? And after a while, there's no house left stavroula This is why you just say Mashallah Alhamdulillah Allah, thank Allah, Allah, thank Allah. You don't have to put everything on Facebook. Oh, I get along with my husband. You know, you you and him hugging and kissing in public. It doesn't help or like people watching they see they're envious of him. They're jealous of him. Perhaps you might affect yourself with an evil eye for free for free. You did it? Why you went to publish everything, every single thing for what? You don't need to show the world What's going on? Not every detail. Yes, a few things. Maybe perhaps you might want to
what am I being immature because you know, the gifts of Allah upon you. You might want to perhaps disclose some of the gifts of Allah so people can learn a lesson from him or part of gratitude is sometimes to be able to live in accordance with the gift that Allah has bestowed upon you and Allah has given you wealth, don't pretend to be a poor person. Your clothing should show that this person Mashallah Allah has blessed him. One day there was a companion who came into the company of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he had tatty clothing. And the prophet SAW Selim asked him, What do you own? He says, Well, I have a lot of sheep and I have, you know, whatever in terms
of livestock, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said,
Look at his clothing. The gift of Allah should be manifests on you. People should be able to see we're not saying be haughty, be proud, be arrogant. No. arrogance has got nothing to do with the type of clothing, the type of car, the type of house No, it's got to do with your attitude. It's got to do with your character. You can be the wealthiest, the most powerful, the leader, the king, whoever else. But if you're humble, you have no pride. And you can be a beggar. And you can still be an arrogant person who's with tattoo clothing. May Allah forgive us, may he guide us. So this is why when a tapping happens when Allah subhanho wa Taala tests you the first thing you say in Allah He
we're in a module we belong to Allah, we will all be returning to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then you said hamdulillah Allah Callaghan. I think among all conditions, I praise Allah, I praise Him in times of ease. I praise him at times of difficulty. I praise him in the morning. I praise him in the evenings I praise him at all times. Praise Allah Remember him? Allah He the remembrance of Allah, Allah says Fanconi kokoon remember me. I will remember you. Amazing. You want a lot to remember you will remember him and it says to us
Have a
coffee. Get close to Allah get acquainted with Allah at times of ease and Allah will get acquainted with you in terms of your difficulty he will come rushing to you. The problem with us we wait for something wrong to happen in our lives before the job comes out before the Salah comes before our life changes before we stop engaging in sin, we went for something disastrous to happen. diagnosed with the disease as
a disease.
Cure but that's a sickness. If you have a disease and you turn to Allah, it is still a gift of Allah, Allah. The problem with us is we wait for things to happen before we turn to Allah. Why turn to Allah before that he will make it easier for you. It doesn't mean you won't go through tests. It is predestined, but Allah will make it easier for you to go through those tests because you are close to him.
Very close.
Allah tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
mount Dhaka boo kawana kala, when revelation stopped for a little while Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was anxious, he was a little bit concerned worried. Allah says no, your Lord has not forsaken you nor is he upset with you hang on it will come the revelation will come your Lord is not upset don't think because something did not happen according to your liking that Allah is angry with you know the same applies to everyone else you make dua Allah I want to pass you are top students you have had A's at all level perhaps now here comes a level and you didn't do well. Does that mean a lot doesn't like you Not at all. You mean so much to our to Allah, oh, Allah helped me to pass helped me
to gain A's and so on. Allah says Hang on, we know what's better for you. We don't want you to get that Wait, you might want to repeat we might not want you to go in a direction that you are heading. We might want you to go in another direction. The only way to get you there is by us downsizing, downgrading, not giving you what you want, but we know what's benefit.
So panela so you got to thank Allah, calamity happens disaster happens you lose someone you lose produce in your business, perhaps you might lose stock there is a big fire a huge fire. And you know what? That fire destroyed all your stock and you sell him to dinner? I thank Allah for whatever has happened. Oh Allah, forgive me where I've gone wrong. Do you know it is a quality of a believer when something bad happens to you? Then you ask yourself? Am I doing something wrong here? important? If you come to me and you say look, you know what? This went wrong? That went wrong. This went wrong. What has happened? Some people say the next door neighbors have done black magic on me. Nothing to
do with black magic. Stop depressing yourself further by hating innocent people who've done nothing to you. Not at all. You start disliking your sister in law. You know that word sister in law who you either love or you just hate stuff. I don't know why Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us good in laws while I have brilliant in laws, Mashallah. I have to say that.
So, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all? The truth is, and it's a reality.
We become so despondent, so depressed, don't be
one thing goes wrong. Two things, five things you come to me, I will tell you just turn to Allah. Don't worry, it's not a punishment. It's a sign that you need to get closer and closer to Allah make to make ends meet as best as you can get up and walk again. In a lot of cases, the people's businesses flourish in a bigger way than they were before the loss. If they get up and they work harder. You lost your spouse, you say, I'm never gonna get married again. Fine.
But you know what? Perhaps sometimes you need to consider it. Perhaps it's better for you.
Who knows you might have a spouse that might be better than the previous one. It could be.
to just sit back and say no, it can be maybe the point I'm raising is you need to get up and do something about your life you need to until the day you die, you need to have hope. No matter what difficulty you're in, you can be in the biggest mess today. You can be diagnosed with a terminal disease. You can be on your deathbed, a true woman. Two things happen to him or her. You have hope in the mercy of Allah. Either he will kill you or he will grant you gender because of your summer. There's no third way. If I for example, I'm on my deathbed, may Allah grant us a good day. A person who perhaps is diagnosed with a disease let's say for example, cancer, it's quite common. It's
becoming more and more common. May Allah grant Jenna to those who died with it. May Allah grant summer to those who have it in a way that they are cured or if they happen to die, they will get gender because of that suffer and May Allah make it easy for the families.
For those who are taking care of these type of people, that is also your paradise to take care of someone who's seeking you. That's your agenda. It's a last way. Do you know that there's a hadith which says on the Day of Judgment, Allah will say, you know what, Allah, I was sick and you didn't visit me and men will say, Oh Allah, how could you have been seeking you out? Will Allah mean and Allah will say, Did you not hear of my worship or so and so who was seeking him while Have you visited him or her, you would have found me then
you'd have gained closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
So, when a person is now on their deathbed, they need to have hope you must be convinced that you are going to a better place You must be happy, you must be smiling. You cannot claim to do life you will die whether you will hold fast on your bed or not. You will go you rather go calm say Oh Allah. You have said Mr. Lindemann Abitibi Allah. I will treat every worshipper of mine the way he perceives.
So Allah I perceive you as the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent, the Most loving, the most kind, the owner of Paradise, the one who's going to forgive me, you know, my shortcomings. You know, the sins I've committed the major, major, major sins I've committed throughout my life. I seek your forgiveness all I'm hopeless, helpless, hopeless in the sense that as a human being, but I have hope in your mercy. I know that you love me, Allah, I know you're going to take me to a better place. I know for a fact that you are the one
who's going to take me to Jenna, after forgiving all my sins, have the hope you die with a smile, and you know what you will be treated the way you perceived Allah to have been or to treat you.
A lot of us are unaware of this. People are depressed. Do not let your past bog you down. No matter what you've done in the past. The past is the past. Look at where you are today. Like we spoke about labor. Now you have the baby the child has grown up, the child is looking after you. You cannot keep on saying you know, it was so hard.
You cannot keep on saying that. The child is now 50 you are 70 Come on. Relax, Sal. hamdulillah you made it easy for me. I'm alive. I clock 70 a lot of people don't clock 70 you know that.
You think Allah you cannot keep on talking about the past suffering that you had and making yourself depressed. You're leaving the sins you've committed in the past gone. You asked the last forgiveness once it was wiped out. You are encouraged to repeat repentance so that your status can be elevated. Not because you're doubting Allah forgiveness. Remember this. When you've committed a sin? You asked us forgiveness. Once it was enough. It was more than enough to handle law. That's the mercy of Allah. He tells you, you admit you regret you repent. You promised not to do it again. It's wiped out gone completely over.
I repeat my repentance again after a day, two days, five days every day one year, not because I'm doubting the last forgiveness. Never. Because I wanted to come closer to Allah and I'm saying well I know you forgiven me Allah forgive me. Allah forgive me for more than that. Whatever I've done that which I know that which I don't know, you want closeness to Allah. This is how you get closer to Allah. This is how you protect yourself from the path of gentlemen. Because shavon comes to you makes you depressed you. You've committed adultery 500 times in your you've lost count.
Well, today, I'm close to Allah. I've asked a lot forgiveness, and convinced in my heart and forgiven by Allah. I know because I regretted it. I admitted it. I repented and I promised not to do it again. And I'm reading my Salah, and I'm worshiping Allah alone, and I'm trying my best to follow the footsteps of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, why should I allow the million times I've committed to selling the past to depress me today, today's a new day. If sins were meant to depress you, allottee we would all be depressed. Completely. None of us is free from sin. So don't allow that to happen. These are tests these are challenges your path is to paradise. You walked for 200 kilometres on the
wrong path. But you know what? It took one flick to come back to the path. Why are you depressed a 200 kilometers I walked on the wrong path. You are now on the right path. You have enough fuel to get you to your destination and hamdulillah that's the hope in the mercy of Allah. You are trying your best carry on walking, stop lamenting about how long and how whatever else have Allah had it that way. Look at this. Do you know they were mostly keen, they used to worship idols.
And then they accepted Islam.
They used to laugh about the past. Literally. They used to say we you know some years back I used to do this I used to do that they used to mention it in order to to highlight how foolish they were.
Nobody must be proud about the sins they've committed.
Yes, indeed. So you don't say oh, you know, I did this and I committed the sin and I committed that. You don't have to be proud about it. We should be ashamed, embarrassed. But if you are mentioning something in order for others to learn a lesson, it becomes an act of worship. Say, for example, I had the past and in my past, I did a lot of bad things. And Mashallah, my life changed. I saw the light, a torch was lit for me. So I get up and tell people how my life changed. And I want to show them the torch that was lit. For me. That is an act of worship, I'm encouraging people to see the light I saw after the equal sign was in ullas favor brought me into the light. So I want the same
for all of you. And this is why to repeat those type of stories can become an act of worship with the correct intention.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all my brothers and sisters you will be tested, have opened the mercy of Allah. Allah says
ma masabi
seek assistance is the means to seek help. seek help from who with what Allah says. Seek help
with two things. Sub and Salah. Bear patience, be forbearance.
Practice restraints, that is all part of Southern
and Santa Salah is the gift that a movement has the five daily prayers never missed them. No matter what problem you have. You need to learn to seek Allah's forgiveness and to constantly find yourself in prayer. If your five daily prayers are on time at the beginning of the time, and you take your time to fulfill them. Allah says I will make all my tests for you easy to go through. When the prophet SAW Selim when he was tested, he lost his children, one after the Aston, the other he was tested. He went through one upon the other people created armies in order to fight him. He was tested, not once was he depressed? Never. He always had hope in Allah. Why? He was regular with his
link with Allah. These matters must bring you closer to Allah. This is how they turn the gift in the law in a hubbub donnatella Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says it is indeed when Allah loves his worship, that he tests him.
So when I have a challenge, I get to Allah Allah help me or law system. Allah, my heart is softened. Why is my heart softened? It used to be a hard heart. It used to be arrogant. I was running after money, money. Money is a religion. Do you know that? People worshipping they do anything for it? They made sure they get it while I apply that ooh to Allah to worship money worship Allah.
Teresa Dena Teresa when tickets were either she covenant
at loss is the one who worships the gold and at last is the one who worship silver, such a big loss that even if they were pricked by something by a phone, they wouldn't be able to remove it. Allah says you are helpless. Why worship money? Yes, earn money. No one is saying divorce yourself from him. That's the other extreme. earn it use it to thank Allah use it to worship Allah use it to spend on your family members perhaps and on yourself to do things that are permissible and so on. No problem. Everyone has to earn but at the same time wish is for Allah subhanho wa Taala it must soften your heart it brings you closer to Allah after a hard heart problem after problem difficulty
upon difficulty and Subhanallah you know what happens? We just become closer to Allah. Don't ever think because you've had 10 issues one after the other 10 issues one after the other that Allah hates, you know, in fact, he loves.
And the last point that I want to close with my brothers and sisters suffer. suffer. I didn't say patience, forbearance and restraint. But I want to give you one example of it.
When you have a problem, you call out to Allah to not be impatient. Wait, Allah will give it to you after 40 years maybe but he will give it to you when he knows it's right for you. You have a problem. A difficult spouse, you have a difficult you have a challenge you have a difficult child. Keep on making too hard for your child do not lose hope. Keep on with the same enthusiasm with the same passion with the same belief in Allah with the same hope continued day and night making to add to Allah subhanho wa Taala one year later, five years later, 10 years later, those from amongst us who don't have children, you know how it feels. May Allah bless you with offspring continue making
to add even when you're
Older make do and continue asking ALLAH and do not lose hope and continue remain steadfast as possible. It is Allah subhanho wa Taala who will open your doors will lie they will open one day and if Allah does not open those doors in this world, the fact that you continued and had hope and continued with patience and forbearance, he will fling open the doors of Paradise and ask you to enter from which ever do you want me Allah subhana wa Jalla
wa salatu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and