Mubeen Kamani – The power or Dua

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The importance of sacrificing in the second season of Hajj is highlighted, as it is the season of the birth of the beast. The concept of rememb possession is emphasized, and the use of the concept of du twins is discussed. achieving a balance between one's faith and actions is crucial for healthy friendships and achieving blessings in community. The importance of du signs and breaking down the law is also emphasized, and strong community leads to strong personal relationships. The speaker also mentions a viewing of the fireworks at 4th July and a request for brother Y liquor Khaja to be a part of the community event.
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So I'm gonna come
We start up by praising Allah
the one who is worthy of all our
praise and our gratitude.
Is Allah
alone who watches over us, who hears us,
who answers our calls whenever we call onto
Is Allah
who through his mercy
will enter paradise.
We send some peace and blessing upon the
the one that was not just sent as
a mercy to mankind, but as a mercy
to the world,
who taught us how to live and interact
and gave us this perfect example
where Allah subhanahu wa'ala said,
in the messenger of God, you have a
complete and perfect example.
With intent, peace and blessings upon
the companion of and
his family members, those who helped and aided
him, Abad
Couple of months ago,
at the end of Ramadan,
were something like this.
The month in Ramadan
is gone or it's leaving,
and the one thing that you should hold
on to is god consciousness.
That's the lesson that we learned from Ramadan.
And if you are to take one thing,
it is take
from the month of Ramadan.
And the reason why I mentioned this is
that, once again, we are at a peak
time or at the at the tail end
of a peak time
of where
our second id has gone by, but the
question comes,
what is the key lesson? If Taqwa was
the key lesson for Ramadan,
the question comes, what is the key lesson
Itul Adha,
the season of Hajj?
And many of us will say, possibly, the
key lesson might be sacrifice
because the season of Hajj is based upon
the life of Ibrahim
Ibrahim life
was sprinkled with sacrifices
at every single turn.
And what Ibrahim
leaves us is a lesson that the more
you sacrifice,
the more you put into it, the more
gives back to you.
And this where it's a key lesson and
it's a lesson of hajj,
where hajj is all about sacrificing and leave
everything behind and leaving your clothes behind and
and, you know, your food, your comfort, and
sacrificing everything for the sake of Allah But
in my opinion,
another great lesson
from the season of Hajj that that we
learned from the life of Ibrahim, alayhis salatu
wa sallam, is du'a.
Because during this time on
9th of Dhul Hijjah, we came together here
at the masjid.
And what did we do? We made du'a
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And those of
you that have gone to Hajj, what do
they tell you to do? Do as much
as dua. And on the day of Arafah,
if not, have a lecture or read a
special tasbih, but it's all about making dua.
You don't need to do tawaf. You don't
need to do sa'ih. You don't need to
do anything else, but it's all about
resupplicating to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Why? Because there's power
in dua.
To the point that the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam says that,
Du'a is a weapon
of a believer.
Now this weapon, of course, is against shaitan.
And if you look at it, in other
hadith, rasoolallahu alaihi wa sallam, he tells us
or actually in the verse of the Quran,
Allah subhanahu wa'anhu says that when shaitan wanted
Whenever shaitaan wanted to defeat somebody, the first
thing that he made them do is forget
about Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And if you
pair these two things, what you understand is
that the remembrance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
is a shield where we protect ourselves from
shaitan. And then Allah then the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam said, du'a on the other
hand is a weapon where you get what
you want through your du'a.
And this season of Hajj teaches us
supplicate to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Call on
to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala as much as
Now in the life of Ibrahim alayhi salatu
wa sallam, we see that his duas were
very particular.
There are two things that he did first
before making dua.
Number 1, Ibrahim alaihis salatu as salam whenever
he made dua
he first put his effort forward.
He did his part
and then after that he left it to
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. O Allah, now it's
your turn.
So many times
we shy away from doing our part.
We say to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, Oh
Allah, make me a person that prays salah
but then
when it comes time for salah, we put
no effort into it. We say, Oh Allah,
I'm struggling with my relationship with my spouse.
Make it better. Or I'm struggling with my
relationship with my children. Make that better. Oh,
Allah. My children are disobedient.
Make them obedient to me. But
when it comes time to our effort into
it, the effort is at 0. Whereas, Ibrahim,
alayhis salatu wasalam, he puts the effort in
first, and then he says, oh, Allah. Now
I need your help.
I've done my part and now
you have to accept.
The second thing that Ibrahim, alayhis salatu wa
sallam, does when he makes dua is
he first checks his heart and he understands
that in my dua, I have to be
And sincerity in dua is
I know for sure that Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will accept my dua.
In one hadith al Qudsi, Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala says,
I am with my servant the way he
thinks of me.
If you think Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will
your dua, but on the other hand, if
you are a spectacle of Allah and you're
saying, Yeah. I don't think Allah will accept
my dua. Or a lot of time people
say, you know, I'm such a sinner, why
will Allah accept my dua? Allah is not
gonna accept my dua. We immediately have this
negative image of Allah
It's like when you go to your son
and you say to your son, Beitah, I'm
telling you to do this, but I know
you're not gonna do it. He's like, you
want? Okay. Fine. I won't do it.
If you've already made up your mind about
me, then fine. I won't do it.
And this is the same notion that we
have that you want, Allah is not gonna
accept my dua. So Allah subhanahu wa'ala here
I'm with my servant the way he thinks
of me. If you have trust, if you
trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala this is my plea and
now it's your turn to accept, then watch
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The reality is
du'a is one of the most powerful things,
and I have seen this so many times
in my personal life.
I can sit here and give examples, but
khutbas are not about personal examples.
But in my personal life, I've seen so
many times where
everything was going
But because of dua,
Allah turned things north.
Things that I thought were unimaginable.
Things that I thought And you ask yourself
this same question.
How many times in your life were you
at a cross point where you thought that
things are just not gonna work out but
then you had a sincere moment to Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
And you open your heart to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala and you drop your, you know,
your guard.
And you show to those weaknesses of Allah
subhanahu and Allah subhanahu turn things around.
Every single one of us
has examples like this in our life.
And this is what we see from the
life of Ibrahim, alayhis salatu wa sallam. Ibrahim,
alayhis salatu wa sallam,
he has his complete sincerity in his duas.
Now the duas of Ibrahim, alayhis salatu wa
number 1, paired with effort, number 2, with
complete trust that Allah subhanahu wa'ala will
will accept my duas.
We see that they are so powerful that
Allah subhanahu wa'ala actually captures
his duas and puts them into the Quran.
know, we have a safa class and in
our safa class we do 40 rabbanas where
we go through the different rabbanas.
The first ten roughly,
majority of them are all from Ibrahim
So when I teach these rabbin al I
say that this dua was said by Ibrahim
This dua was said by Ibrahim
To the point that the students say, aren't
they all from Ibrahim
And that's what we learned. That the special
thing about Ibrahim alayhis salatu wasalam was that
when he called on to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala accepted.
But why?
The name of Ibrahim alayhis salatu wasalam was
the friend of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Now, you and I might say, well, I
cannot be Khalilullah. The answer is you're absolutely
I was traveling to Hajj, and there was
a scholar there, and I met with him.
And he said to me, Mubin, if you
want to become a wali of Allah, a
friend of Allah, subhanahu wa'ala, I can tell
you how to do that.
I was young at that time, and I
said, of course, tell me.
And he said to me,
you won't you won't do it. Let me
make it easier for you.
All you have to do is not do
If you don't do this, trust me, you'll
become a wili of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And this wasn't particular to me,
but it's open to everybody.
If you would like to become a friend
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and when you
become a friend of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
The hadith
of Allah
The hadith of Allah says, that when you
are aware of me and you are mindful
of me, I become the eyes that you
see. I become the ears that you hear
with. I become the hands that you grasp
with. When you become the friend of Allah
Subhanahu wa'ala, your life
doesn't become easy,
but you get the strength
to fight these battles.
gives you the guidance
and gives you the perspective
and gives you the wisdom. Ibrahim alayhi salatu
waslam's life never became easy.
He had difficult choices and difficult choices, but
Ibrahim the hikmah
to make the right choices.
To hikmah
to deal with these situations.
So he says to me, if you would
like to become a friend of Allah
the recipe simply is
don't disobey Allah.
Because how can you be my friend if
you don't listen to me?
If you if I tell my child,
beta, no cookies today, no sugar today, and
they do the complete opposite,
how can I be happy with it?
So if you would like Allah subhanahu wa'ala,
if you want your friendship Allah subhanahu wa'ala
to flourish, then the number one recipe, the
one thing that you need to do is
stop disobeying Allah subhanahu wa'ala.
And I said to him, well, this that's
pretty hard.
He said that
the lucky part is
the good part is
just wants your efforts.
Efforts. Try.
If you achieve it, you become the friend.
If you don't achieve it, at least you're
on that path.
Actions are based upon intentions.
So if you look at the duas of
in the Quran, which duas Allah captures,
some of the beautiful duas are
he starts off with
A very You know, this is a a
dua that's taught in our culture from a
young age.
But if you look at what this dua
it means, oh Allah,
as much as I need good in this
I would like to have a nice car.
I would like to have a nice house.
I would like to have money in my
account where I don't I'm not, you know,
worrying about my bills,
but more than that, I also need good
in the hereafter as well.
And this actually teaches us
a concept that very few of us understand,
that there has to be a balance.
People that become religious, people that start getting
close to the deen,
unfortunately, they don't understand this balance and people
that move away from this deen, they don't
understand this balance as well.
So now what we have is we have
a society, a community
that's completely divided in 2 different sides of
the spectrum.
You have a group of people that are
so religious that they don't
have any desire in the world. And you
have a group of people that just on
the other hand And you understand this by
the saying of where
says that,
He says, travel to the
world with your back to it, and travel
to the akhirah with your face to it.
Make that your main goal. He didn't say
don't travel to the world. He said, yes,
you can travel to the world but it
should be your main focus.
Why? Because
both of them have children that would do
anything for
it. There are people that will do anything
for the dunya, and there are people that
will do anything for the hereafter.
He says, so become the children, become sacrifice
on the hereafter. Why?
Aliyatan says that, why? Because today in the
dunya, you can do whatever you want,
and there's no accountability.
What's the worst that's gonna happen? Your father
is gonna say, but I'm disappointed?
Big deal.
But tomorrow, there will only be act there
will only be accountability. There won't be any
That even the kuffar will say, Rabbanah,
Even the kuffar will say, O Allah, we
have seen, we have heard, so send us
back to the dunya, we will do good
So this dua of Ibrahim
It teaches us a very
important concept of religion
that there has to be balance.
If you're a deen
and a deenyah. There's actually too much praying.
There's actually too much praying salah and too
much, you know, spirituality.
And the example of this
is Rasool Allah SWAMI comes into the house
and there was a lady there and the
lady sees the prophet and she leaves. And
the prophet asked, who is that? And she
and Umair Muminejad
said that this was a lady who prayed
so much and she, you know, she fasted
so much. And Rasulullah
said there should be balance.
The famous hadith of the 3 companions
who said that from now on One of
them says, from now on every day I
will fast. The second one says, from now
on every night I will stay awake and
pray salaam. The third one says, from now
on I won't have marital relationship with my
with my wife.
And the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam calls these
3 and he says, what are y'all doing?
There has to be balance.
You can't just become super Muslim.
He says, sometimes
I fast and other times I eat.
Sometimes I stay awake at night, and other
times I worship Allah
and I go to my spouse. Other times,
other times I don't go to my spouse.
And this is what we have to understand.
There has to be a balance.
Then from the duas of Ibrahim alayhi salat
wa salam, Ibrahim alayhi salat wa salam teaches,
The reality is whenever we worship Allah
we do our part, but
our part is still incomplete without the acceptance
Allah. You and I are here today
in the masjid. And it's just not about
salah, but everything that we do. I spend
time with my children.
I spend time with my spouse. I'm good
to my parents.
I'm good to my neighbors. But
that part of my worship
is dependent
on Allah's acceptance.
And the reality is,
whenever we do something good, immediately we think
to ourselves
that I'm the biggest wadhi of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
I should post this on Instagram so people
know who I am.
As I leave the masjid,
everybody should see me leaving the masjid.
And Jibreel, alaihis salatu wasalam, should come down
with some sort of revelation because I just
prayed salah in jamaal.
But the reality is
everything is dependent on the acceptance of Allah
And this way, Ibrahim
he teaches us,
Then from the du'a of Ibrahim
he teaches us, you know, the importance of
He says,
He says, oh Allah, make me
a person Now, if you look at the
wording here, he says,
he didn't say make me
a person that prays salah, but he says,
a person that continuously prays salah.
Now at that time, the salah was probably
than what we have today.
But that salah was some sort of connection
with Allah subhanahu. Some sort of, you know,
time that you take out,
and you devote to Allah subhanahu. So here
he says, oh, Allah, make me somebody who
stops what I'm doing, who prays to you,
and I do this on a continuous base.
And this is not just important for
me, but I need it for my children
as well.
And this is a lesson how Ibrahim
teaches us how to be a father.
The Hadith of the prophet
says that there are 3 duas that
there's no boundary between it. There's no barrier
between it and Allah
He said, number 1, a dua of a
just ruler.
And a just ruler isn't just a king
or a president, but anybody
that's in a position of authority and they
are just.
And understanding this, the prophet
Each of you is a shepherd and you'll
be questioned about your flock, meaning that you
are in a position
A person who is wrongly oppressed.
In other places, Rasulullah
be careful
of the du'a
of an oppressed person.
Whenever you oppress somebody, people often ask me,
well, Sheikh, is badwah actually a thing?
And from this hadith, we understand if you
wrongly oppress somebody, then be careful.
Because the prophet says, be mindful, be aware
of the dua of a person that's being
But the third one, rasoolallahu
alaihi wa sallam says, the dua of a
for his children.
No barrier.
You know, this part of the hadith makes
me happy because it's always mother, mother, mother.
What about the fathers?
Give us some credit as well.
So here, Rasool Allah says the dua of
a father
But the father has to play a part
as well, and this is what we learned
from Ibrahim that Ibrahim
whenever he makes duhi says, O Allah,
my children.
Make me a person that prays salah, and
so what you understand, this is
yelling at your children,
Pray salah, pray salah, pray salah, pray salah.
That doesn't work. It just does not work.
What ends up happening is, you build
a distaste for salah, unfortunately, in their hearts.
Where the reason why they won't pray
is just to rebel
of how you've nagged on them about praying
salah. Simple.
But that doesn't mean that you just let
it open
and let them do what they want. Once
again, a balance.
You make du'a for them. You set a
good example for them. You call them. You
maybe ask them, follow-up. Have you Hey. Have
you prayed? But commanding them over and over
and over,
from my experience,
it does the opposite.
And but this is what the prophet did.
He always led by example.
So here, Ibrahim alaihi salatu alaihi salam, he
makes dua. He said, oh, Allah, make me
a person that establishes prayer.
Oh, Allah,
this is my part. Once
again, you do your part and that is
accept our prayers.
In one hadith
dua is a main part of worship.
In another hadith says, dua
is Ibadah.
In other hand, the prophet
you are closest to Allah and the servant
is closest to Allah
You ask the same thing, when am I
the closest to my spouse?
It's probably when I take her some flowers
or when I clean the dishes,
or when I cook
dinner. That's when I'm closest to my spouse.
When am I closest to my children when
I take them out for ice cream? But
with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, hadith says, you
are closest to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
when you lower yourself in sajdah and you
make dua.
When you understand,
you humble yourself, and you understand that it's
only Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that connects my
thoughts. All of these are from Ibrahim
In the Quran, Allah
says, try it.
Call upon me.
Look into your heart.
What desires do you have that you haven't
brought it to your tongue yet?
Let down your guard and ask me.
If I were to put this in my
this is actually a challenge from Allah subhanahu
wa'ala. What Allah subhanahu wa'ala says,
call onto me.
What is it you want?
What is it that you're struggling with?
What I will do?
Another place, Allah
When my servant asked them about me, I
am close to them.
What am I doing?
Once again, dua.
I am accepting the call of the one
who calls. So,
to summarize today's khutba,
we have to understand that this season of
one of the key lessons that we wanna
take away from
it is the power of du'a.
Where Ibrahim alaihis salatu aslam, he was a
person who used to call on to Allah
but he put his efforts in and whenever
he called, he had to walk on Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And this is what I
invite you all to do as well, and
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us us in
the Quran.
Try it.
Be somebody
who turns to Allah immediately.
Be somebody that calls onto Allah. Oh, Allah.
This is what I need. Oh, Allah. This
is what I need. Oh, Allah. This is
what I need. And the reality is if
we were to break down the law, then
one khutba is not enough.
just as a little
understanding of this very powerful
weapon that we have from the Hadith
In the first part of the clip, we
talked about how a father should make dua
his children.
But to add on to that,
is actually owed
to one another, not just father to the
son, but when you have a community
makes du'a for
each other,
where the children are making du'a for their
parents and
the husband is making du'a for their wife
and the wife is making dua for the
husband. And the reality is, some of these
as close as they get to us, the
least dua we make for them.
Ask yourself, when's the last time you made
dua for your spouse?
I guarantee you, you fought with your spouse
you've made dua for them.
So, when you have a society
that not just a father making dua for
the children, but it's all around,
That's where you see Allah's come. That's where
you see his blessing come. That's where you
see things change.
in the Quran, he tells us, ordering us
and giving us example,
infinite mercy. Oh, Allah we ask that you
have mercy upon our parents. Oh, Allah have
mercy upon our children. Oh, Allah have mercy
upon our spouse. Oh, Allah have mercy upon
our community and our family and our friends.
Oh, Allah we ask that you give unity
amongst our community. Oh, Allah
we ask that you remove any type of
hardships from our path. Oh, Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala, do not test us more than what
we can burden. Oh, Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala, we ask for ease. Oh, Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala, we ask for ease in
this dunya. Oh, Allah, we ask that you
accept from us for everything that we have
done. Oh, we ask for good in this
dunya, and good in the hereafter. Oh, we
ask that you make us people who establish
salah and from our children. Oh, we ask
that you accept all of our duas. Oh,
We ask that you make us people who
call onto you often.
Oh, Allah
we ask that you be the first person
that we turn to every time we have
a need. Oh, Allah
we ask that you make us our friend
your friends, and you become our friends. Oh,
We ask for protection from the fire of
jannah. Oh, Allah, we ask from for deeds
that keep us away from jannah jannah. Oh,
Allah, we ask for jannah and actions that
bring us close to jannah. Oh, Allah,
we ask that you forgive our mistakes. Oh,
Allah, we ask that you pardon our shortcomings.
Oh, Allah,
we ask that you overlook our sins. Oh,
Allah, we ask for we ask that you
be pleased with us. Oh, Allah, be pleased
with us. Oh, Allah, be pleased with us.
Sami Alawwamin
in efforts to provide
our children with a safe environment,
on 4th July, there are fireworks, and our
children, you know, of course, went to see
the fireworks.
Instead of taking out to
a park where,
there are things that go against our religion,
ICF, every every year, we open up our
parking lot to the community, environment community.
The fireworks are down the street from, the
Toyota stadium. So, Inshallah, this is 4th July
as well. Inshallah, we will be having a
viewing of the,
fireworks. We'll start the program around 7:30. There's
no real program. Insha'Allah will come in. We'll
have some food trucks and vendors.
Get some food,
burgers, hot dogs, ice cream, coffee, and Insha'Allah,
you can view the fireworks.
Fireworks start around
Isha time?
For the past few years, it's right at
You know, you'll get to see some fireworks.
So this is 4th July. We ask everybody
to please bring your own chairs, find a
spot in the parking lot, enjoy some food,
and be a part of the community event.
Also, there's a request for brother Youssef Khaja
who's in the ICU in Mecca. May Allah
gives him a quick, complete, a speedy recovery,
and brings him back home to the family.