Mubeen Kamani – Leave Your Bad Actions Behind

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The speaker discusses the concept of Islam fasting, where one doesn't have to leave anything and doesn't need to drink or eat. They also mention a fasting time that will involve both body and soul, where Allah subhanahu waessala will accept it. The speaker wonders what kind of fasting will happen this month and whether it will be the same as the previous fast.
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In one of these, the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam tells us, whoever does not leave
words and evil actions while they're fasting,
Allah subhan'ala does not need that person to
leave food or drink.
And this makes us question ourselves.
What kind of fast will I have this
month in Mufan?
Will it be the same time of fast
I've always done just not eating and drinking?
will I take my fasting to a different
For this time, I will fast with my
tongue as well, and I will fast
with my actions and my limbs
as well. And now a complete fast with
mind, body, and soul, where Allah subhanahu wa
will accept for us.