Mubeen Kamani – Farewell
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My name is Hala Meiman, and I have
the honor of being your emcee for tonight.
As thrilled as we are to hear of
Sheikh Mabin's future endeavors,
we are very saddened to see him leave.
Especially with the time
and effort he has pointed to our community,
I think the statement you don't miss a
person until he leaves is a little faulty
because sheik has left yet and we already
miss him.
He considers ICF as his home.
I mean that very literally because he has
a mattress in his
and we consider him family.
Because the truth is our community would not
have been able to flourish so beautifully without
Because of him, many new aspects of ICF
have come to life
such as the kids committee,
the youth committee,
and. For that, this community will forever be
grateful for everything he has done no matter
how big or small.
So I'd like to start off this program
by asking one of the many daughters of
Sheikh Mabin,
Mario Kamani to come up and recite a
few verses for us.
Alright, Maria
for that beautiful recitation.
Next I'd like to call Sheikh will be
its eldest daughter, Mariam Kamani to do the
In the name of Allah, the most compassionate,
the most merciful.
Indeed, you oh prophet are not responsible whatsoever
for those who have divided their faith and
split into sets. Their judgment rests only with
Allah and he will inform them of what
they used to do.
Whoever comes with a good deed will be
rewarded 10 fold, But whoever comes with a
bad deed will be punished for only 1.
None will be wronged.
Say, oh, prophet, surely my lord has guided
me to the straight path, a perfect path.
The faith of Abraham, the a the upright
who was not one of the polytheists.
Say surely
my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my
death are all for Allah, Lord of the
He has no partner, so I am commanded
and so I am the first to submit.
Say, oh prophet, should I seek a Lord
other than Allah while he is the Lord
of everything?
No one will reap except what they saw.
No soul burden with sin will bear the
burden of another.
Then to your Lord is your return, and
he will inform you of your differences.
He is the one who has placed you
as successors on earth, and he has elevated
some of you in rank over others. So
he may test you with whatever he has
given you. Surely your Lord
is swift in punishment,
but he is all certainly all forgiving and
most merciful.
Now, we're gonna move on to ask one
of our dear Asura members, brother
share the opening remarks. Please welcome him to
the stage.
First of all, I would like to convey,
thanks to youth council
and a special event committee
for organizing this program.
All of you are aware why we are
here. We are here to celebrate
sheikh Mubin's time in ICF.
As you know, sheikh Mubin is departing ICF
after 7 wonderful
years. Sheik Mubin came to ICF in 2017.
At the time, Frisco was growing,
and ICF just moved to this new building
for about a year.
He built youth programs.
He came Shaikh Oveen came as a youth
director, and he built youth programs
from scratch,
which was not an easy task.
Coming into an organization and running the established
versus building the whole framework from scratch is
not easy. And Sheikh Mubin worked
tirelessly for that.
Also, he built out ICF
signature offering, Safa Seminary,
which is usually,
I would say, very well received in our
community, and Sheikh Mobeen worked hard for that
as well.
I worked with Sheikh Mobeen very closely in
in youth committee, kids committee, and
Safa Seminary.
And it was actually an honor for me
to work with him,
to see sheikh Mubin's smiling face,
his patience,
and his gift gifted ability to connect with
youth among many other of his qualities.
It will be very hard for us to
imagine ICF
without sheikh Mubin,
because whenever we thought about ICF, Sheikh Mabin
will always be, I mean, here in some
But good thing is that he's not going
too far.
So at the end, I would like to
say just
briefly is that, Sheikh Mubin JazakAllah, heron, for
your contribution to ICF.
May Allah grant you success in your future
endeavor and future role. Amen.
Brother, Nasir.
Okay. So we're gonna move on, and during
sheikwabin's time here, he created something incredibly special
for the youth.
He gathered a handful of youth and created
a program
that is dedicated for them to speak up,
voice their opinion, and be involved with the
The youth council is where Sheikha Mawin works
very carefully
and closely
with the youth to create and plan events
that are relevant to them.
Programs that vary from being weekly, like timeless
and monthly
to bean and donuts.
So I'd like to call up a former
president from the school year of 2021
to 2022
to share some words. Please welcome Zane Chima
to the stage.
My name is Zain Chima. I've had the
honor of working as side chef, who've been
for a while now, through the youth council.
It hasn't always been easy. There were times
we were in the trenches last minute, planning
events from scratch sometimes. I know he remembers
those days.
I've also traveled with him to Umrah. He
was excited about that trip because I was
finally, he was finally gonna have a hairstyle.
I was finally gonna have a hairstyle somewhere
of his. He's been pretty jealous of what
I've got going on for a couple years
And through all of that, I've also managed
to break down his truck. Still don't know
how that one happened.
But when I think about Shaykh Hubeen, I
think of someone who has 1000%
made an impact on my life and probably
the lives of many people who have gathered
here today.
There's one thing that Shaykh Hubeen told me
once that I remember hitting really hard. He
said, the work that we do at the
Masjid, the Masjid doesn't need us for it.
We need the work for our iman. His
dedication, passion have been evident in everything he's
From organizing
engage engaging,
programs, to leading heartfelt discussions, to just providing
a listening ear and a source of wisdom.
You've touched so many people of our community.
Your leadership has fostered a sense of community
and belonging that will leave a lasting impact.
As you move on to the next chapter
of your life, we want you to know
that your contributions have been invaluable and deeply
While we're saddened to see you go, we're
also excited,
for the new opportunities and challenges that lay
ahead for you. Jzokala, for everything you've done
and yes, I know you're from Chicago, you
don't have to remind me for the 4
hundredth time today.
Next I'd like to move on and call
another former president of the school year of
2022 to 2023.
Please welcome Hamza Sohail to share a few
I won't be making any jokes in my
speech like Zane because
so it might come off serious, but it's
because whenever I do make jokes, no one
usually laughs.
I'm gonna start off real quick. Alhamdulillah, we
got the honor of having Sheikh Homin as
a vital part of our community over the
past few years. And it's sad to see
him go, and I just want to express
how much impact he's had on ICF and
Sheikh Homin is one of those few people
that I came across in my life that
really puts us all into everything he does
and he does it with passion.
When it came to teaching, Sheikh Hamin excelled
and put all of his effort in. And
you can truly tell that he's passionate about
what he's teaching. You know, not just reading
off a script like me or doing it
for a paycheck.
When Sheikh Hombin starts grilling and making barbecue,
you can tell that he puts a lot
of effort into it. When Sheikh Hombin does
jiu jitsu, you can tell that he puts
a lot of effort into it. And most
importantly, when Sheikh Hombin
led the youth here at this masjid, you
could tell that he also put a lot
of effort into it.
He genuinely cared a lot about his impact
and the importance of having a safe beneficial
place for the youth to reside in. And
I've seen Schiff dedicate himself to this masjid
in ways most people never will. He put
in countless hours of work into making sure
ICF Youth fulfilled its purpose and provided a
safe place for the youth. And the only
reason I am where I am today
is because of Allah SWANDALLA first, but also
because of 2 youth organizations,
YM and ICF Youth.
And Sheikh Hameen had a part to play
in both of them. I still remember years
ago in the summer, I was scrolling on
TikTok and I got a call from Sheikh.
He asked me to be the president and
I was like, I had nothing better to
do so I just said yes. But little
did I know that simple yes led me
to establishing a close relationship with both Sheikh
Khomeen and the masjid.
Alhamdulillah, I'm blessed with coming to the Masjid.
And if there's anything I can tell the
youth here today, it's to establish some sort
of connection here.
the uncles and aunties won't be here forever,
and there's gonna be a day when the
youth are gonna have to step up. And
that's the youth of today.
Sheikh Hubeen didn't just establish these events here
to provide the youth with a place to
hang around. Rather, the events also serve as
a means for creating the foundation for the
future of this masjid. And there's no such
thing as growing out of the masjid. Life
gets busy, but let's all remember to give
our time to the house of Allah, swanata,
just like Sheikh Hubeen has here.
And when I was writing the speech, I
recalled a moment that just shows how pure
Sheikh Hulmin's effort was. When I was president
a couple years back, we had this one
event that was going on. We were planning
it out and it had just awkward timing
and it wasn't predicted to have a lot
of people attend at all. And I looked
at Sheikh Homin and I said, Sheikh, there's
no point in having this event. No one's
going to come.
And Sheikh Homin looked at me and said,
even if only one person attends, he'll be
content because we did our job. We provided
a place for the youth to come to.
Even if one person benefits, it's worth it.
And I think one of the most important
things you can take away from Sheikh Hameen's
time here is legacy.
I mean take a look around. We've gathered
all here. Everyone, there's over like 400 people
here just because of one person. That's what
you call legacy.
I always and everything every single thing Sheikh
has ever done here, small things, big things,
has built onto his legacy. And I think
he's a great leading example. I always noticed
Sheikh being trying to include everyone.
And he actually took the time to go
out of his way and develop relationships with
the youth, like Zane, me, and so many
countless others.
And I recall this one experience when we
were eating outside at a restaurant once, and
there was this kid, a little shy kid
in the corner. Sheikh Hulbin went out of
his way. He brought him to our table
to sit in the middle.
These are just small acts, but to Sheikh
Hulbin, that's not that big of a deal.
But I can guarantee you that it meant
the world to that kid. And my grandfather,
Janaza Sheikh Hulbin was one of the last
people to leave. And that meant a lot
to me. It was big for me. So
I'm just stating these out to show you
the little things that matter in our legacy.
So let us all realize how important it
it is to leave a legacy. And Sheikh
Khobin, I kept telling this before at previous
but it's truly one of those things like
what they said as well that we don't
appreciate until it's too late and it's gone.
I still regret missing those talent traditions, you
know. I took it for granted. I took
your presence here for granted. I missed out
on events. And I'm coming to realize of
it today. I should have stuck around longer.
I should have came to your events more
we take stuff for granted and I should
have spent more time with you.
And I make dua and I ask everyone
else also make dua that Allah accept the
efforts you made here at ICF and allow
you to excel moving forward in every single
aspect of your life. I mean
So, having the role of a youth director
having the role of a youth director helped
create a special bond between Sheikh Mumin and
the kids.
Sheikh Mumin believed that education,
Islamic education could go beyond Sunday school.
He wanted to create a program to ensure
the youth of our community have a good
fundamental understanding over religion.
So, 5 years ago, he came up with
a pilot program
that had around 60 kids.
that same program
has now 4 classes with over 300 students.
This is one of the most successful and
unique gems of ICF.
I'd like to call
call up sister Samia,
the principal of Safwa, who's also my boss,
to come up and share a few words.
Please welcome sister Samia Fisay.
Thank you.
alaikum, everybody.
I was did not know I was doing
a speech today, but so I don't have
my phone. I couldn't chat GPT my speech
like I usually do. So this will come
from the heart. First of all, I know
we all are here together to say
farewell to Shake.
But you know, we always forget that behind
there was also his beautiful family who became
family to us as well. Jose, you said
it perfectly. The commodities have become literally
our family.
All these years, 7 years have flew by.
About Shake, you know, as any event goes,
it's always the last med text. We're on
our way. The girls will do it. The
my girls will do it. Okay. Is there
pizza? Make it a potluck.
But honestly, we've worked together for 7 years,
for the kids committee. I see many familiar
faces. All those kids events we did, you
know, he was the reason behind them. He
pushed us to do them. When we got
lazy, we got tired. He goes, come on.
Even if a few like you said, only
a few kids show up, let's do it.
My you know, last Friday, we walked in
for Jumma. Noah, my youngest, who's only almost
5, he walks in, he goes, that's Sheikh
Mabin doing the khutba. So because of him,
my children have grow have really built a
beautiful bond with this masjid inshallah. He's instilled
it with them with them. That it just
grows and grows and they become better people
and better Muslims. Inshallah, I pray for that
for all the children in this audience and
for us adults as well. I learned so
much. Like Hoda said, 5 years ago, Safwa
started. I've been part of it for about
4 years. It's a beautiful program. I know
a lot of you have questions about it.
I we are working on it. He is
still working on it with us. We I
promise the answers will be out there soon.
Safwa has been great. Twice a week, he
to come out and teach our children. You
know, there's so many programs out there that
these kids don't want to go
to. My kids, and I know a lot
of my friends' kids are in Suffolk too
because they're scared of me so they signed
them up. They, they enjoy it. They never
want to miss it. They see it on
the calendar and they're like, Suffolk, no, no,
no. We're not missing it. So far no,
we don't have to go there. We're gonna
go there instead. Any event that happens in
Sheikh Mohammed speaking, the kids want to be
there. So we honestly, I know we're saying
goodbye, but the family is still going to
be here. So hopefully, Inshallah, we'll still see
him around as well. You know, I really
do hope that we all have learned because
that's that's supposed to be it. Right? When
someone leaves,
everything should not fall. We should be learning
from it. We should be examples of it.
And Inshallah, I know he will always keep
us in his prayers. Inshallah, we all keep
him in our prayers. And we just grow
and grow and grow and Inshallah, we'll see
more potlucks at Gollum.
Assalamu alaikum, everybody.
Now we're gonna play a special surprise video
that we made especially for Shaikh will be
hopefully someone's
turning that on.
I hope you guys enjoyed that video. Took
a lot of time and effort
from the youth committee and and especially Mariam
Kamani who put that video together.
So now we're gonna move on to our
We're gonna start off by calling a former
president who has been part of this community
for many years.
And he was the Amir that first signed
on Sheg Mubine. So without him, none of
this would have been possible. Let's all welcome
brother Rizwan.
I don't think I need to say much
after listening to all these speeches and videos.
This is a true testament of what Mubin
Kamani has done for this community.
When we started this masjid,
we were setting up all the different programs.
And we were looking for a youth director.
I remember Adil actually
calling me and telling me that
Hassan Kamani's brother is planning to move from
he and his wife,
and they're looking for an opportunity. So we
jumped. We immediately contacted him, and we said
we want you here in this community because
I'll tell you something. When we started this
and before even we had this masjid,
the amount of youth that used to come
to this masjid, you can count on your
So there was no connection.
And that was pretty alarming, actually.
if the youth is not connected,
the Masjid are doomed. You know? This is
what is happening today to the churches.
This is what is happening to the East
Coast and West Coast.
I travel quite a bit
to different masajid in the US, and
the first thing I I do is I
gauge it by looking at the youth coming
to the Masjid.
Alhamdulillah, today,
because of Allah's help and the hard work
of Mubin Kamani,
we see a lot of youth coming to
the Masjid regularly.
You know, it's a testament of his hard
work, all the people that are here.
And I believe there are almost 1,000 kids
that come to this Masjid
in various programs.
He catered to the needs of every
age group.
Young adults.
And I will end with one thing. I
believe that
Muweem Kamani
has a trait of prophet.
When he used to meet Sahabas,
the Sahabas used to think that
the prophet is his best friend. Any Sahabi
you will ask, he will say he's my
best friend.
This is exactly what Mohin Khamani is. My
own son,
he is so connected with Mohin Khamani. And
you heard so many other youth.
They feel like he is their best friend.
And that is an amazing job that he
has done.
We wish him all the best.
I think this is the right time for
him to to move to Cullum. That's an
amazing move. We wish him all the success.
And the last thing I will say, don't
be a stranger.
Brother Ismaan. Next, I'd like to call up
someone who holds a very special place in
our community.
He has been supporting Sheikh Mabin for a
long time and he brings lots he brought
lots of ideas as a former president of
Please welcome
doctor Adeel
to the stage.
who knew in 2017
when Mufti Hussein
brought you to my, house
and we met for the first time
that we would have an amazing 7 years
7 years of beautiful memories and a career
at ICF.
Brother Rizwan
did mention my name, but I just wanna
say for the record, he didn't jump as
high as high as my jump was.
When we met Sheikh Mobeen,
we knew that he belonged in Frisco.
Chicago was not his hometown as sheikh Salah
said. Sheikh Mubine is from eTown Kentucky,
and I'm from Kentucky as well. We've known
the family for many years.
it was
gain and Chicago's loss.
We all talk about Sheikh Mobeen, but
the Kamani family
has done so much for ICF that I
believe will be in debt to them as
a community forever.
Sheikh Mabin
made ICF
much better.
ICF got from Sheikh Mabin much more
than what he got from ICF.
He always says or used to say that
this is not a job for me. This
is my family.
I would ask him take some time off
after Ramadan and he'd be like, Adil, it's
my job. Who takes time off? I'm sorry.
This is my place. It's my family.
Who takes time off?
As the youth mentioned,
sheikh Mobeen has had an incredible impact
on 100, maybe
thousands of kids who come
to the doors of ICF.
I believe it was Hamza who said uncle
and aunties won't be here forever. I agree,
but uncles and aunties have learned a lot
from sheikh Mabin as well.
I have seen sheikh Mabin
interact with toddlers
all the way to senior citizens.
I have seen sheikh Mubin
put chairs, help senior citizens when they're walking
in for Jummah.
I have seen sheikh Mubin interact with the
entire congregation
like as brother,
Rajwan mentioned, you know, everybody's his best friend.
When I was the lead volunteer
at ICF in 2018
and 19, I knew
there was one person who I could call
any time of the day,
ask for any task no matter how big
or how small,
and the answer would be,
Yes, Adil.
we all have seen sheikh Mubine
We have seen sheikh Mubine serve
at various iftars,
We you know, sheikh Mubine's footprint is all
over the youth programs, But even during Ramadan,
sheikh Mubin is there, front and centered.
His personality is not such that he wants
to be front and centered but
he truly is
what the definition of a servant leader is.
I know we're not supposed to praise people
to their face, but I'm gonna do it
Sheikh Mobeen's
sheikh Mubine's
and sheikh Mubine's level of humility
and iqlas
in everything that he did
truly has been an inspiration for ICF.
This uncle
has learned so much from sheikh Mobeen.
You know, not only how to be in
the masjid but how to interact with your
own family.
The Kamani girls
and Mohammed Bhaai have grown in front of
our eyes.
And it's such a beautiful family, and we
all have learned so much from them.
On a purely selfish
note, my family
has learned a lot from sheikh Mabin.
Sadaf, my wife,
has worked for him
with him
for 6, 7 years.
Anything that has happened as far as ICF
and the city connection is concerned, sheikh Mubin
has had a great role in it.
Half of the city council,
whenever they come, they're asking where's Imam Mubin?
That's just his personality.
He can meet somebody for the first time
and they feel like they're best friends.
My girls have learned so much in Safa.
Sheikh Mobeen, they would complain
every weekend
that because of you, he picks on us.
they have learned so much and they would
look forward to it.
You know, in conclusion,
I don't think we're losing Sheikh Mobeen at
Most of us have some connection with Kalam
so he's still gonna be part of the
The Kamani girls, Mohammed Bae, Alma Sadaf are
still here,
you know, just
just wanna thank Sheikh Mubine and his family
for their service.
I do have one
tiny regret.
I had 7 years to accomplish something that
I was very confident I would,
but I failed.
If you know Sheikh Mobeen, you know his
love for coffee.
For 7 years, I have tried my best
to transform that love for coffee for a
love of chai,
and it never happened.
Well, Sheikh Mabin,
it's been an incredible 7 years, and Inshallah,
we'll be seeing you for many years. May
Allah bless you and reward you with the
best in this and next life Inshallah.
or doctor Adeo,
please welcome our current president of ICF, brother
Asfar Syed.
So much has been
said already.
All very apt, very suitable
for today's event and this occasion.
But I want to mention something on a
more lighter vein, that it is great to
actually Asad just walked up to me. It's
good to actually have a farewell at the
masjid, and there is no drama surrounding a
scholar leaving the masjid. So
so it
is amazing that and
this is this speaks more to what Sheikh
Mobeen has been able to do.
This is not an achievement of any shura.
It's his humility, his humble attitude,
his willingness to work in any kind of
difficulty I can tell you, shuras are not
easy to work with.
We are demanding. We expect a lot. And
in in the in the two and a
half years that I have been the of
the masjid,
I have never heard a no, and you
just heard from others that he has not
said no to anything literally.
It can
start from anything literally. I mean, you would
find him in the parking lot
towing the
lights for the Eid carnival. You will find
him in the parking lot
moving the things around for selling the drinks
with the youth. I mean, sheikh Mobeen
in this masjid
has been literally
somebody who has been a humble servant of
the masjid.
I'll tell you this.
When I started as Amir in 2022,
we had a very difficult start and a
difficult relationship.
But then he started learning jiu jitsu, and
I quickly fell in line.
And from there on, it was a smooth
in the in the last 7 years, his
journey and my journey in this kind of
I started volunteering in 2016.
He joined in 2017.
He is
he is synonymous to this masjid. It will
be strange when we don't see him in
this masjid moving around because
anything that you
need help with in this masjid, Sheikh Mubine
is there to help you.
You walk up to the 2nd floor, several
classes are going on. You come into the
multiverse hall, kids' program is going on. There
is Sheikh Mobeen again. You go to the
parking lot, he's doing something in the parking
lot. This masjid and Sheikh Mobeen
were 1. And
it is extremely
sad for us today
that he is deciding to leave, but we
we wish him well in his
future endeavors at Qalam, InshaAllah.
And we are already talking for future partnerships,
InshaAllah. Sheikh Mubine, even though he's leaving ICF,
but he's not leaving ICF, we are already
a few things that we will reveal in
due time, InshaAllah,
that will be beneficial
for our Safa Seminary, inshallah,
and other educational programs in the masjid.
With that, I'll just conclude.
Wish Sheikh Mubine well.
I I earned a friend here with Sheikh
Mubine. I I really love him like a
younger brother.
he he is family. His family is family
to me.
Is like a sister to me.
They're kids. Mashallah,
like my own children. So
it's an unbelievable relationship that we have built
with Sheikh Mubin Kamani here in this masjid.
We have a little something, Sheikh Mubin, that
we would like to
honor you with.
I would like to invite the youth council
to come forward
and join me in presenting the
the plaque.
All of you who have ever served in
the youth council, come forward.
Come on.
Everybody who served on the youth council, come
Sheikh Mobeen, please,
join us here in the front inshallah.
Please please come.
Come here. Come here.
Start the selfie, please.
I just forgot to mention that this plaque,
this beautiful plaque, was built by Craft Theory.
We want to acknowledge
them for,
at a very short notice,
they built this for us. So thank you
so much.
Thank you, brother Espar for that great speech
about Sheikh Mabin.
Now I'd like to say thank you for
Sheikh for everything sheikh has done for us
for this community
and just for the youth itself.
So I'd like to finally call up the
man of the hour, sheikh
to share a few words and remarks about
his experience.
Please welcome him.
Last week
at the 4th July barbecue,
I was standing outside and just looking around
at the community that
7 years ago when we started, we had
a fall festival. That was the first type
event that we had of this sort. The
Eid carnivals,
the barbecues, all that came after. The first
one was a fall festival.
we wanted to do some sort of dunk
But our planning and our resources
it just wasn't there.
So what we ended up doing is getting
a bucket of water balloons.
I stood there and some of the youth
threw it at me.
It was silly
2 weeks later, one of the youth came
to me and said that, you're the guy
that threw water balloons at, right?
And I said, yes. He goes, I have
a problem.
And we sit down and we had this
long conversation.
But fast forwarding 7 years,
looking at the community now where
just a few days there were thousands of
in our community.
And the growth of our community, again, it
has nothing to do with me but
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala inviting people here. We're
on the 1st day of Ramadan,
we don't have space.
The program that's been mentioned over and over,
now with over 300
as much as leaving ICF is difficult for
leaving program
is actually not even possible for me.
And I've actually asked
to remain on as advisory board and be
a part of this program
because of the connection that I've built
with all the students.
Over the last 7 years,
I've had
We built many great relationships.
And with all these relationships
we built a community.
One relationship,
a 100, and that's where a community is
And seeing and being a part of this
like Aasir Bhai and everyone else has said,
Dallas for me
has been ICF.
That's it. For me, my family, it's all
this message.
And it's
a very difficult or decision to make to
move on, but inshallah, we will definitely still
be here. I wanna thank again everybody that,
that put faith in me. You know, I
came here at 33. I'm leaving here 40
now. A 40 year old youth director just
seems kinda weird. The next generation of young
scholars are coming out and to Inchella. It's
exciting to pass on the
and see everything that they will be able
to do.
Over the years,
it's not if I definitely have hurt some
I definitely have hurt maybe rubbed people a
wrong way.
And I've I've had shortcomings.
And for that, I ask a loss
and every single one of you for forgiveness.
And I continue to make Dua for this
community and ask that you continue to make
Dua for us.
Tonight, we bid sheikh Wabin
a true leader and guiding light in our
Your dedication
has shaped ICF
into the vibrant place it is today,
touching every corner with initiatives
As you embark on your new endeavors
know that our gratitude
and our for your wisdom and compassion have
no bounds.
May Allah bless your future abundantly.
Thank you sheikh mohim for everything. Thank you.
I also wanna thank you guys for being
here today not sleeping through any speeches either.
With that I will conclude this event.
Inshallah, food and dinner will be served outside,
so please make your way there.