Mubeen Kamani – Family Seerah Night Lecture#4
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The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including the loss of a baby and the return of Halima Sadia. The movement emphasizes the importance of play and the need for a focus on purpose, while also highlighting the importance of being a part of a community and avoiding unnecessary dependency. The importance of providing love and attention to others is emphasized, and the conversation touches on the difficulty of life and the importance of not being dependent on anyone. The speakers also mention the importance of learning Allah's strength and power.
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In our last week's class,
in our last week's class, we were talking
about the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala prepared the world
for the coming of Rasoolallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
we talked about how, usually, when somebody comes
in, when somebody is, you know, coming to
us, we start preparations for the arrival.
If somebody's coming to our house,
depending on how important that person is,
we then prepare,
you know, that's how much we prepare for
their coming.
If the person is really important, we'll have
the house cleaned. If the person is really
important, we will cook for them.
If the person is important, we will have
the masjid cleaned.
And in this case,
the coming of the arrival of the prophet,
salallahu alaihi wa sallam, alaihi wa sallam, alaihi
wa sallam began to prepare the world.
We then talked about some of the miracles
that that happened
at that time.
We talked about the story of
the king of Kisar
and how the idols and his palace, they
At that same night, a person by name,
he had a dream
that there
are camels are coming out from the Arabian
lands, and these camels are now
traveling to the different parts of the world.
And at that same night, a fire that
was lit in Persia for 1000 of years
where there's a rash ins there. They would
worship this fire. This fire now turned off
on that same very night.
We then talked about how
a man by the name of Abdul Sathir,
he traveled
and he met his uncle.
And his uncle told him before before he
even said anything, that you have came to
me because of these three things.
Because the dream that Mavidansi,
that saw, what happened in Persia, what happened
in Rome.
And let me tell you why you saw
The reason why you saw this is the
person that we have been waiting for, he
has arrived.
The prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. We then
talked about the miracles at the birth of
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam. How in that
room, there were only 2 people,
and Fatima bin Abdullah, the the wet nurse.
We talked about how Fatima bin Abdullah says
when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was
born, immediately he came on to and he
fell onto his knees,
and then onto his hands,
and he grabbed a handful of dirt,
a handful of earth,
and he looked up to the skies.
The baby prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
And Fatima
says that when he looked up to the
skies, from his forehead came a light.
Amina, the mother of Rasool Allah says, at
the time of the birth of the prophet
the room was full with light and it
looked like the stars were coming close.
The stars were coming close to the room.
We then talked about how was
born pure from with any filth.
He didn't have any blood on him. You
know, any impurity on him. And the prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was born circumcised.
We then talked about the 1st year of
the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's life, the 1st
initial months. We talked about the naming of
his name, Muhammad,
and how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala chose that
We talked about how Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, how this, you know, the women, the
4 women who nursed Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam. Who are the 4 women?
The 4 women who nursed Rasool Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, number 1, of course, his
mother Amina.
Number 2,
we didn't we talked about after Isha as
Who the second lady who nursed Rasool Allah
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam?
Sawaybah. And she was the slave of
Abu Lahab.
And when Abu when she brought this news
of the birth of Rasoolah sallallahu alaihi sallam,
of the deceased brother of, you know, the
son of the the son of the deceased
brother of of the of,
Abu Lahab,
Abu Lahab was so happy that he took
his necklace and gave it to Suayba, and
he freed Suayba.
According to one narration, after Abu Lahab passed
Abbas' brother saw Abu Lahab in his dream.
And, he asked his brother, how has Allah,
subhanahu wa ta'ala, how has Allah, subhanahu wa
ta'ala, treated you?
What has Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, done with
you? And Abu Lahab respond back that it
has been non stop punishment for me.
For what I have the way that I
It has been non stop punishment for me,
but, sometimes,
this punishment will be turned down.
Why? Because when I heard about the birth
of Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, I
freed that slave.
And because of that act of kindness to
the beloved of Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, Allah
turned down my punishment from time to
So Amina,
and then the third was
Umma Eiman. Umma Eiman Barak Barra.
And we said that Umma Eiman, she was
the freed slave of she was the slave
who was salaam
after the passing away of his father, Abdullah.
And we'll talk about the role that she
plays later on.
And number 4 was Halima Sadia. And we
talked about we we began through Halima Sadia,
how Halima Sadia, when she came into Makatul
Muqarma, the situation that she was in, the
her her animal that she had, the donkey,
the camel, her own son, her her husband,
how, you know, they were so malnourished
that they were all the way in the
back. But on return,
when they were going back, things had changed
for them.
We talked about how Halima
actually passed up on the prophet
Why? Because the prophet
did not have a father.
And if the prophet did not have a
father, they were worried that who would give
us, you know, the gift at the inn.
When we take this child for 2 years,
when we bring the child back, who will
give us the gift?
But then later on, when there was no
other children left, there's no other babies left,
she finally took thinking
that, you know, instead of going back empty
let me take someone with
me. Now,
after Isha last time,
we talked about a a Hadith.
And in this Hadith, I just wanna kinda
bring the Hadith back up.
In this Hadith, Abu Dar,
he says to Bilam radiwarataran
oh son of a black lady.
He says, oh son of a black lady.
And Abu Dhar, he was a person that
was, you know, a very proud Arab.
And, you know, when they came to this
altercation, when they came to this, you know,
gave his, you know, his input and said,
you know, we should do this.
Abu Zar got upset that, you know, who
are you? You know, is this our new
situation? Is this how how things are gonna
be from now on? That we are gonna
that a a the son of a black
lady didn't tell us what to do?
He went to Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
and the prophet
called Abu Zar and said to Abu Zar,
oh, Abu Zar, you still have traits
of jahiliyah, of ignorance.
The period before,
And he also said that
as much as Bilal is the son of
a black lady, I am also the son
of a black lady.
How so?
Said, as much as Bilal is the son
of a black lady, I am
the son of a black lady as well.
How so?
2 of the 2 of the 4 people
who nursed Rasool Allah, SAWABA and,
they're from Africa.
So Rasool Allah, SAWABA, was nursed by 2
Arab ladies, and at the same time, he
was nursed by 2 African ladies. And this
shows us the beauty of Islam,
that Islam completely
erased the boundaries
that were set by men when it came
to a race, when it came to, you
know, the our skin color.
we left off talking about
when the prophet
went back with Halima Sadia.
And things for Halima Sadia changed
Halima Sadia's house, which was known to be
a poor house.
Halima Sadia's house, which was known to be,
you know, sometimes they would starve. Sometimes they
didn't have food. They had some animals, but
the animals, when they would go out to
graze, they would there would be no grass
that they could eat, and they would come
back hungry.
These animals would not produce milk. They were
not meaty animals that they could sacrifice and
But when the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
came into the house of Halima Sadiya, Allah
what was the word that we used last
gave Barakah in the house of Halima as
Sadia, and things immediately changed.
Now this poor house,
the house that was malnourished, the house that
didn't have food,
it was the house that other people were
looking at.
Halima Sadia says,
the other women in our in our village
of Banu Sad,
they would tell
their shepherds
that take our animals where Halima's animals are
Why? Because Halima's animals are so meaty.
They they eat, you know, good grass.
So wherever Halima's animal is going, follow them
have our animals eat from the same place.
But yet,
you know,
when their animals will come back, their animals
will be hungry, and when Halima's animals will
come back, their animals her animals will be
Why? Because the blessing wasn't in the grass.
The blessing was in the person that was
in the house of Hanima Sadia.
And immediately, they recognize that this baby that,
you know, that we brought from Makkah, there's
something special about it.
Now, the initial contract was for 2 years.
For 2 years, Halima's idea was to take
care of Rasool Allah,
and we talked about the benefits of, you
know, this kind of agreement.
That when they would take a baby and
bring him to, you know, the the village,
they would teach the baby, you know, and
they would teach the young child pure language,
and they would teach the young child good
Right? Keeping them away from the big city
or the language, the way that the language
is destroyed in the big city, they would
take this baby out to the villages and,
you know, give them a pure and a
wholesome upbringing.
At the end of the 2 years, Halima
Sadia, she goes back to Amina,
and she says to Amina,
is there any way that we can extend
this contract for 2 more years?
Something unheard of.
Right? Something unheard of.
Why? Because the wet nurse, they usually want
to give back their baby, why so they
can get the gift in return. They want
their payment.
And Halima Sadia said, do you wanna hold
on to your payment? Let me take the
baby for another 2 years.
And she comes up with this excuse
that I heard in Mecca, there's a fever
going around. There's, you know, some sort of
illness going around.
If I keep Mohammed with me, he'll be
safe he'll be protected from this.
And Amna finally agrees.
he now spends
another 2 years with Halima Sadia and Banu
And this time that Raul spends
you know, in with Halima Sadia,
we looked through the other hadith of Raul
alaihi wa sallam, and we see the the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he held this
time, you know, very special to him.
Later on, at the, you know, there was
a battle.
And at the end of the battle, a
lady came to the Muslims saying that, you
want I want to meet Mohammed.
Bring Mohammed. I want to meet Mohammed.
And they asked this lady, who are you?
And she says, I'm the sister of Mohammed.
But, I'm in an Abdulla. I didn't have
any daughters. How can you be the sister
of Raul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?
So do you want let me take let
me let me come in front of Raul
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Let me come in front
of Raul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
And, finally, she's brought in front of Rassalla
and she says to Rassalla Salaam, when you
were with Halima Sadia, I was there as
When you were in the house of Halima
Sadia, I was one of your
foster, you know, your your
your your foster siblings.
And she actually
shows her shoulders, Raul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
And she says, one time, I was carrying
you on my back.
Right. And this brings a new picture, a
new image of Raul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
She said that I was carrying you on
my back, and you bit into my shoulder,
like an older sibling taking care of a
younger sibling.
Watch your your baby brother for a little
bit. Let me get some sleep.
Take care of your, you know, your younger
sibling for a little while. And she was
taking care of us, salallahu alaihi wasalam. The
prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam, being what, 3 years
old, 4 years old,
bites into his sister's shoulder, and she says,
look, I still have the teeth marks.
That you bit me so hard, I still
have the teeth mark. And the prophet, salallahu
alayhi wa sallam, he remembers this. Yes. I
remember that. I did that to my sister.
So, rasoolallah, from the time that he spent
there, he held it very dear to him.
But then an event happened.
And what happened was Rasulullah
out outside the house. They had gone to
and his foster siblings came in rushing into
the house,
saying that somebody has killed our Qurayshi brother.
Halima Sadeh said, what are you talking about?
He said, 2 people came.
And these 2 people, they took Mohammed,
and they laid
him down, and they were doing something to
his chest.
Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he later on
describes this.
That Allah
sent 2 angels.
And this event is called,
the opening of the chest of
And this was done roughly 4 times,
and some narrations say a 5th time as
well, but it was done 4 times in
the life of the prophet
And this being one of them, when the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was roughly 4
old. That 2 angels came, and they opened
the chest of Rasoolallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And from his heart, they took off 2
2 things, and threw it away.
And when taking these two things out, they
said this is the hissa, the part of
shaitan that everybody has within them.
us later on that every human being has
a shaitan with him. That shaitan allocates one
of his disciples with every human being who
constantly is
who constantly is whispering into our hearts.
And at this surgery that they had,
rasoolallah alaihi wasalam said they took out 2
parts, and they said this is the parts
of shaitan. They threw it away,
and they washed
the heart of rasoolallah alaihi wasalam in a
bowl. They said there was a bowl of
ice, and they washed the heart of Rasool
Allah in this, and they put back the
heart of Rasool Allah in this, and they
close it up. Now before anybody says that
shirk, you're kind of making up stuff and
this is unimaginable. How could they take out
the heart? We're just understanding transplant surgery now
and heart transplant It's such a, you know,
a unique and a, you know, detailed
surgery. How can you say that they did
the surgery of Rasool Allah, alayhi wa sallam?
The companions would say that we actually saw
the marks from the cutting
of these of the sharpest of the heart
on the chest of rasoolaihi wa sallam.
And the prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, this
happened again. We said 4 times.
Four times in the life of rasoolaihi wa
sallam. 1 at the age of
A second at the age of 10,
when Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was in
the care of,
Abu Talib.
A third
at the time of
the first revelation, Iqra.
And a 4th, when the prophet
was going to make the journey of Isai
And we understand the uniqueness of all 4
of these k times. Why at the age
of 4?
A 4 year old child, what is a
4 year old child? How does a 4
year old child usually spend his day?
What does a 4 year old child do?
And usually, sometimes what happens, this element of
play overpowers
their life,
where the child is just constantly playing.
And they fall in love with play so
that sometimes they grow up and they're still
busy in play.
And Allah
says talks about this in the Quran.
Verily the life of this world is what
Playing without purpose and playing with purpose.
That 2 stage of your life, this is
what you will do. You will just play.
In the first stage, you're gonna play without
purpose. You you you will throw that ball
up in the air, catch it back. You
will, you know, press the button, and the
toy will pop out. You'll crank the, you
know, the the the jack in the box.
The jack in the box will come out,
and then you'll do it again a second
time. You do it a third time, and
this little child will just laugh.
Play without purpose. And then you're gonna go
into stage where you're gonna play with purpose.
You'll now start you know, the boys will
start playing sports.
And it will have a purpose. Why? Because
I'm gonna get, you know, in good shape,
and I'll be faster, and I'll be able
you know, I'll be more agile.
And at this age of 4,
they took out Laib from the heart of
The desire of playing,
the desire of wasting time. And we're gonna
talk about that, inshallah, in our upcoming classes,
how, you know, how Allah
raised the Prophet
and did the
did the upbringing and nurturing of the prophet
But we see that this is one thing
the prophet
did not desire.
He didn't desire to play.
Then at the second time that this happened
at the age of 10.
And at the age of 10, a child
usually becomes
They they started doing mischief,
taking stuff from here,
doing this, causing mayhem.
Right? Turning the house upside down.
You know,
they will sit in
a laundry basket and push theirselves off the
They started doing some crazy stuff.
And Allah
took this out of
Then at the time of revelation,
number 3, the 3rd time, at the time
of revelation.
And this is apparent. Why? Because
blesses the heart of Rasool Allah
with revelation,
and cleans the heart of Rasoolaa salallahu alaihi
wa sallam. Once again, not to say that
there was any filth, but to prepare the
heart of Rasoolaa salallahu alaihi
wa sallam that things that divine revelation will
be now be coming down to your heart
directly. And the 4th time
why? Because the prophet
is gonna take on this journey of Isla
Miraj, and at one part of this journey,
the prophet
is going will pass
where it's only Allah
and Rasulullah
so to prepare the prophet
for this journey as
when this incident happens,
Halima Sadia gets worried.
If my children say
that they saw this happening,
and Mohammed, he himself says,
this happened.
And he's still alive.
Again, these were villagers.
These were people 1400 years ago. You know,
it doesn't make sense. How is he still
Said, maybe this child has some sort of
magic going on with him,
some voodoo.
Something's, you know, off with the child.
So the first part, they see all the
blessing that this child brings into the house.
So they know that this child is unique.
Then they see the second part where this
incident happens, and Halima Sadia says, it's best
that I return
Mohammed back to his mother.
And at the age of 4,
Rasulullah now
brought to Aminah,
and she's upfront with her and said, look,
this is the incident that happened. This is
what I was told,
that 2 people came, they laid Mohammed down,
they opened his chest, they took out his
heart, they cleaned it with this bowl of
ice, they took out 2 clots, and they
threw it away, and they closed his heart
back up. You know, I'm just a little
scared right now.
And, Amna gets a reply.
She says, I swear about Allah, there's nothing
wrong with my child. There's no magic.
There's no voodoo.
There's no, you know, spirits or anything like
Why? Because everything
from the time that I heard about, you
know, I was expecting with this child, my
whole pregnancy,
my delivery,
everything about this child, even this child's name
has been so unique that I know this
child is beloved to Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala,
and I know Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, won't
won't let this child be affected by any
of these
things. But at the age of 4, he
comes back into the care of Amna.
from the age 4
to 6,
age 4 to 6,
this is an age
that when I look at this age of
it just really brings the prophet
as a human in front of us.
A 4 year old is still very dependent
the caregiver.
Mama, I need help wearing my clothes.
Can you braid my hair? Can you comb
hair? I need help showering.
Can you feed me my food? Can you
break my chicken?
Right? A 4 year old is still very
dependent on the caregiver.
When the child reaches around 6 or 7,
they slowly, slowly begin to develop
You know, I can eat my own food.
I don't need you to, you know, put
my clothes on. I could wear my clothes
on my myself.
So after this 8 of 4, Rassalla Salaam,
in the house,
there are only 2 people.
And his mother, Amina.
And for these 2 years,
her only focus of life was
And Mohammed's only focus of life was
my mother.
And he was very dependent on her,
and she took care of her.
When they would sleep at night, it would
be Mohammed next to Amina.
You know, sometimes, our children will fight over
that, can I sleep in mama's bed? Can
I I get to sleep next to mama?
I get to sleep next to Abba.
There was no arguing. There's no fighting.
Why? Because it was only
In the morning when that when they would
wake up, they would wake up next to
each other.
She would prepare breakfast for him. The prophet,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, would have breakfast. And
the whole day, they would spend together.
And these 2 years,
it built a bond between Rasool Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam
and his mother.
But when the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was
6 years old,
she said that Mohammed now is old enough
to travel.
Travel in those days was not an easy
task. For us, you get on a plane.
2 hours later, you're across America.
You jump in your car. You have your
AC blasting. You have the kids with their
iPads in the back. You drive for 15,
16 hours, and you get out, and you're
still somewhat relaxed.
But for the people back then,
and we talked about people like this, who
passed away on journey.
For example, who? Who else passed away on
Journey? The prophet father, Abdullah.
That he was traveling. He was traveling to
Sham on the way back. He he passed
away in Madin to Munawwara.
Also, the prophet
great grandfather,
He was traveling, and he passed away in
and Philistine.
So travel wasn't an easy task. And the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, later on, he
even says,
is a form of punishment.
Even when we're, you know, we're traveling in
our planes, when you get off that Spirit
airline flight,
oh my God. That seat was too tight.
Right? It hurts.
That it stops you from your food. It
stops you from your sleep. It stops you
from everything that you're used to.
But at the age of 6,
mother, Amina. Yes?
What's different with travel? So while they're traveling,
number 1, they would have bandits.
Right. Number 2, the lack of food.
Number 3, like, hygiene.
Any type of illness that they would have
if they were traveling, and there wasn't a
major city around, they wouldn't have somebody just,
you know, to give to to give, you
know, give them medicine, or, take care of
them. So
these difficulties, again, would result in them passing
Now Amina says the prophet
is old enough,
and she sets off with
and in their caravan, in their small group,
so a part of the larger group, but
with there
was Amina,
Umme Eiman.
We talked about Umme Eiman before. She was
the slave, and
the prophet
And the reason why they were traveling to
Madinah was
why were they traveling to Madinah?
Because Aminah was from a suburb of Madinah,
a place called Kuba. And Kuba plays a
huge part in Islamic history. Why? Because the
first masjid that was built in Islam
was built in Kuba. And the prophet, sallallahu
alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi wa
sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi
sallam will pray Fajr in Majin Nabawi in
and then he would set off and walk
to Kuba
and pray his morning prayer, his
the the saat of Duha
in Kuba. And he and and there are
many rewards of this as well.
But the prophet maternal side was
in Kuba, which is a suburb of Medina.
A second reason. What was the second reason
of them traveling to Medina?
I just mentioned this I just mentioned this
2 minutes ago.
The the prophet
father was buried there as well.
So, I'm gonna say that, you know, now,
Muhammad's 6 years old. He can pay respects
to his father's gravesite,
and he can, you know, meet my side
of the family.
They set off to this journey, and
stayed in Madi and Munawah as a young
boy for roughly
about a month.
About a month,
was in Madi and Munawah.
And even this time with even this time
that the prophet was in Madinah,
he held it very dear to him.
Later on, when the prophet
returns back to Madinah. How old was the
prophet at the time of hijri? So we're
jumping ahead. When
prophet performed hijra,
the migration, how old was the prophet
Quick math. 53. Right? Prophet at the age
of 14 40, and then 13 years in
Makatul Mukkarma, he was 53.
roughly, 42 years not 42, but 47
years later,
the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasalam, comes to Cuba,
and he sees certain places, and he points
it out to the companions.
Tell the companions, do you see that that
land right there?
I used to come there with my cousins,
you know, my,
Amnes, you know, brother's kids or sister's kids,
and we would run around and play there.
Or I would sit there and watch
them play.
And he would see a small body of
water and said, I would come there, and
we we we used to go swimming here.
So 40 odd, 47 years later, Raul alaihi
wa sallam still has those memories
of when he was 6 years old, and
he visited Badin al Dinwara. Meaning, it was
a very he held it very close to
his heart.
This was a very unique time for him.
He got to know his side of the
Everybody there, you know, you know, he was
a he was a center of attention.
It's like when our children go back home,
and we take our children back to Pakistan,
India, or you know, whatever country we're from,
our children become the center of attention, of
They want their our children to eat special
food, special arrangement for our children. So
was getting this special treatment in Madiantum Marawala.
But then a few incidents happened.
Eiman, her job on this trip was to
watch over the prophet
always be with the prophet
and watch over the prophet
And, Umma Eiman, she comes to Aminah one
and she says,
today, while all the kids were all playing,
I was watching Mohammed,
and 2 Jewish men came to me.
Was predominantly Jewish before
migrated to Medina, so he had a Jewish
She says that 2 Jewish came to me
and started asking me questions about Mohammed.
They came to you and say that, look,
is there a child here that's from Hakka?
And she said, yes, sir. There's a child
And they started asking me questions.
What did he do? What did he like?
How did he spend his day?
His father's passed away. Right?
Uma Eman says that these questions of theirs
kind of creep me out.
How do they know so much about
our Mohammed?
When why are they so interested in Mohammed?
And finally, they said to her that
we're waiting for Muhammad to come back to
That he's gonna come back. And they tell
her that, you know, he's a special person,
and he is the final messenger of Allah
She goes back to Amna and says to
Amna, look, this has this has happened here.
That this is a question that they had
that these Jewish men, they're having they had
a certain interest in the prophet, salallahu alaihi
wa sallam. And Amna says, I think it's
best that we return back to to mukharama.
This unwanted attention.
Right? If somebody gives them unwanted attention to
your child, the best is leave there.
So Amna said,
let's go.
Now, there are 2 narrations.
The first narration is, they started this journey,
and again, there were 3 people on in
this in this group,
Aminah, Uma Eman, and the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
And after starting this journey, they reached a
place called Maqam Abuwa.
Maqam Abuwa.
And when they reached Maqam Abuwa, Amina
fell ill.
you can just, you know,
put this in your own eyes.
Imagine this for a moment.
A 6 year old child
who was born without a father,
who at times,
you can just imagine,
who saw other children playing with their father,
but never had that joy himself.
Who saw other people, other children his age,
their father's taking care of them,
buying them stuff,
you know, maybe holding their hand, maybe putting
them on their shoulder.
And Raul alaihi wa sallam,
he was human.
He had that void in his heart.
But now, at the age of 6, Rasoolallah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is sitting next to his
And you could just imagine
what the prophet would
have said.
The prophet
would have said to her,
don't leave me.
For a child, when the worst days of
their life, a day that they will never
is the day that their mother leaves them.
That day is a dark shadow.
It's one of the worst days possible.
And you could just imagine this 6 year
old boy
next to his mother,
asking his mother,
don't leave me.
If you leave me,
who will I go and sleep next to?
Who's gonna tuck me in at night?
Who would I wake up next to and
who's gonna comb my hair?
Who's gonna help me brush my teeth?
Who's gonna make breakfast for me?
I never had a father.
And, Rassallahu alaihi wa sallam, this 6 year
old boy is now burdened
through this
They sit next to his mother, and his
mother breathes
her final breaths.
And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is now
a complete orphan
at the age of 6.
And, you can just imagine how that day,
how much rasoolallahu alaihi wasalam, that 6 year
old kid must have cried.
How he probably cried himself asleep.
And, that became the faith of rasoolallahu alaihi
wasalam as a young boy.
After this
forever, he felt that void.
I don't have my mother.
I don't have my father.
The the 2 years prior, he built a
he built a strong relationship
with his mother,
which now would probably cause the pain to
be even more intense
that relationship
has came to an end.
Now, there's 2 narrations what happened at this
Number 1, Umma Eman, she went back to
Madinah to Munawwarah,
and Abdul Muttalib came to pick up. He
left Maktah, and he came to this this
news was sent to Abdul Muttalib.
He came from Maktah, and he picked up
and he took the prophet
back with him.
The second narration is
is that Uma Eiman actually did not go
back to Madinah,
but she carried on with the journey with
Now, this shows us the value of in
the life of Rasulullah
When you have a child that's gone through
something as difficult as their parent passing away,
they have to have that support and love
from another adult.
You can imagine how much Uma Ayman had
to console Rasool
Don't cry, Mohammed. It's okay.
Don't cry, Mohammed.
It's okay.
Your mother's at a better place. She's with
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And you could just
imagine a 6 year old child having so
many questions.
Why has this happened to me?
Why is it that some whenever somebody comes
into my life, they leave?
My father left, Halima left, and now my
mother leaves,
and there's actually a lot more to come.
And Uma Aymah had to answer these very
difficult questions for Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam
for this young 6 year old Muhammad.
But then, she brings him back to Makkadu
And the prophet
now goes into the care of his grandfather,
Abdul Muttalib.
At age of 6, Rasoolallahu alaihi wa sallam
goes into the care of Abdul Muttalib.
According to some narrations, Abdul Mutrib was not
Pretty obvious. Right?
Abdul Mutrib, he himself had roughly 16 children.
He had 10 sons and 6 daughters.
Some narrations say that Abdul Muttalib was roughly
around a 120 years old at that time.
100 and? 20 years old. Again, in our
it's unheard of. The prophet
says, the
the rough estimate of life in my ummah
is 60, 70 years old.
But the mutrib, again, he lived a long
life, and we we understand this. We look
at all the stories that happened, all the
incidents and all the miracles that Allah
gave at the mutrib.
But the reason why I mentioned his age
is you can imagine a 100 plus or
a very old person. You don't have to
go a 100.
Now, in their household,
it's a 6 year old child.
Their mentality are completely different.
You know, if you ever take your children
or for the children, if you ever go
to your grandparents house,
the 1st week of so everything's all, you
know, really nice
gifts and food, and can I cook you
But then,
the second, 3rd week,
it starts getting a bit tough.
I'm cold. I'm gonna crank up the AC.
No. No. No. It's really, you know, I
it's really cold.
The child says, I'm hot. I'm cranking up
the AC, and their grandparents, they notice it's
too cold,
or the child wants to play, and their
grandparents, they're sensitive to the noise.
They're trying to sleep.
coming into the house of Abdul Mutrib was
a unique case.
Why? Because Abdul Mutrib.
When the prophet
came into his house, he made Rasulullah
the center point of his
the focus of his life.
Never complained about Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam
never took Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam as
a burden.
And we look at the the hadith and
the the narrations,
and it says that Abdul Muttalib,
whenever he would come home, the first thing
that he would do is ask about Muhammad,
to the point that he would always call
Muhammad my son.
He would never say
my grandson.
He would love him so much that he
would always call him my son. How's my
son, Mohammed? Has he ate? Did he get
Is he asleep?
Is he comfortable?
And Rasulullah
got away with stuff.
One narration says, the Abdul Mutareb,
he was one of the leaders of Makkah,
and he had a cushion, a special chair
that was leaning against a special cushion that
was leaning against the Kaaba.
Now, you can imagine, in our households, we
have that one chair that the father sits
His big recliner.
His big rocking chair. Or at the dinner
table, that's dad's seat,
and nobody else is allowed to sit there.
Abdul Muttalib, he has a special cushion
next to the Kaaba, and he would come,
and people would come before Abdul Muttalib even
gets there. Everybody's waiting for Abdul Muttalib to
sitting around the cushion. Abdul Muttal will walk
in, sit on the cushion, and tell and
say to people, okay. Bring your problems to
And one person will come and say that,
you know what, this person took my animals.
We have the issue. Or we have a
dispute over this land. Or I'm I need
help with this business I'm trying to do.
And they would bring their own problems of
the would
help them solve their problems.
But the narrations say that one day,
6 year old,
you know, child.
He comes in, and he goes and sits
on the cushion of Abdul Muttalib.
Nobody's allowed.
And the uncles of Rasool Allah that usually
sit around this cushion,
they come and say
to they come and say to Muhammad, come
sit next to me. Don't sit there. Right?
You wanna sit in my lap? That's that's,
you know, Dadar's chair. Don't sit in Dadar's
spot. Come and sit next to us.
And Abdul Mutrib happens to walk him at
this time,
while the prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam, this young
boy, is sitting on the special cushion.
And Abdul Mutrib says, leave my son. Let
him be.
Don't don't tell him what to do. Right?
And, Abdul Muttalib, he comes and sits down,
and he puts
on his lap.
And he said, let him be. Why? Because
he has something very unique about him.
No. It's okay. Let him sit on my
they said that Abdul Muttalib,
he would keep
on his lap, and sometimes,
when talking to people,
he would start to admire
to the point that he would get lost
just admiring this young boy.
This one man comes, and he says that
I was talking to Abdul Muttalib about my
I told him what my problem was,
and he wouldn't respond back to me.
He wouldn't say anything back.
And I said to him, Abdul Muttalib
Abdul Muttalib.
And he said, yeah. Sorry.
What were you saying?
Why? Because he was just admiring
to the point that he just got lost
in the qualities of this young boy.
The qualities of
love with the prophet
That sometimes, he would just run his back
up and down the back of Rasulullah
and just talk to other people, or just
talk to the Prophet
He'll be in discussion with somebody, but then
in the middle, he would ask Rasulullah
And this shows us the young age of
Rasallahu alaihi wa sallam.
The special relationships that he built
with his grandfather,
where his grandfather made the Prophet
the center point of his life.
Now, an incident takes place.
A person comes into Makkadu Makarama,
and he sees
the prophet
sitting on Abdul Mutribla,
and he begins to ask questions as well,
about Rasulullah
And we see this pattern.
This happened so many times in the life
of Rasool Allahu alaihi wa sallam. Which makes
it very unique. Why? Because
people saw that this person was a special
person from a young age.
They knew from before.
That Allah has something special planned for
him. But yet, so many people do not
believe in Rasool Allah
Why was it a shock?
laid the groundwork down.
People saw, you know, these different incidents where
people of knowledge would come and talk about
This person comes out the mutrib, and begins
to talk to the mutrib, and he sees
and now, his discussion point, he completely drops
his discussion, the reason why he came, and
he begins to talk about this young boy.
And then finally, he says, this person,
your grandson,
will be the final prophet.
And Abdul Muttalib, what he does is, he
calls his son,
Abu Talib.
And he says to Abu Talib, look, I
told you guys.
I told you guys that there's something unique
about my grandson. There's something unique about Muhammad.
Now, look. All setters are coming, and they're
saying the same thing, that there's something unique
about Muhammad.
And he says to Abu Alib,
that after I leave,
after I pass away,
I want you to take care of Rasool
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. I want you to
take care of Mohammed.
Now question,
why did Abdul Muttalib have Abu Talib take
care of Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?
No. It was the outsider that came. It
was the outsider that came, and Abdul Muttal,
he told he he explained the situation to
Abu Talib.
He was he wasn't the oldest. We we
learned the hottest was the oldest.
Anybody else?
Say a guess.
They were 4 brothers.
So Rassalla Salaam's
father, Abdullah, and Abu Talib were 4 brothers.
They shared the same mother as
well. So they were sons of Abdul Mutrib,
and they shared the same mother.
the reason why he picked them out, because
he knew that their love will be
a complete love.
There were other options as well.
If the prophet were
to go into the household of Abu Lahab,
Abu Lahab was a treasurer of Makkah,
meaning he was rich. There was money around
in his house.
If he went into the care of Abu
Lahab, then the prophet
would have lived a, you know, a very,
you know,
luxurious childhood.
But Abdul Muttalay was not looking for luxury.
He was looking for
2 different things.
You can provide your child with all the
luxuries in the world,
but still there'll be a gap of love.
Right. You can provide your child with everything.
The latest
phone, newest car, the best clothes.
But if the element of love is missing,
that upbringing of the child is incomplete.
But you can turn that around.
If we turn it
around and you provide your child with love,
then luxuries are not necessary.
If you provide your child with love,
constant attention,
constant compassion,
then your child will not need the latest
Your love will fill that spot.
Your attention will fill that spot.
And Abdul Muttalib saw this and he made
this decision that I don't wanna give rasulullah
salallahu some luxury, but I wanna give him
And that's why he chose
Abu Talib.
And he said to Abu Talib, when I
away, the one inheritance that I'm giving you
is that I want you to take care
of my son, Mohammed,
after I'm gone.
Shortly after, when the prophet
was 8 years old.
The prophet
was 8 years old. So, at the age
of 6, Aminah passed away. 2 years, was
with Abdul Mutrib, and we see how with
Abdul Mutrib, he became the center of attention
for Abdul Mutrib,
but now, Abdul Muttalib is on his death
And, he calls his sons,
and he gives them all responsibilities.
He gives one of them the keys of
a Kaaba.
He gives one of them the responsibility of
feeding the hujaj
that come.
He gives one of them, you know, the
the responsibility
of being the treasurer of Makkah.
But to Abu Talib, he says, I'm giving
the greatest responsibility,
and that is my son, Mohammed.
And Abu Abdul Muttal passes away.
Again, we look at the effect that this
has on life of Rasool Allah, salallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
How the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam now
at 8,
once again, is put through that same scenario,
where somebody that comes into his life
leaves him,
never to come back again.
And throughout this whole time, Allah
is nurturing
and teaching
that don't be dependent on people.
Break away any dependency that you have with
people, and connect yourself with Allah
we will depend on our parents, our siblings,
our friends,
our job. We'll depend on things around us,
people around us.
And our dependency on Allah takes a toll.
Right? I have to worry about my job.
I have to worry about this person or
that person will take care of me.
And we forget about that the person who
takes the being that takes care of us
is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And one hadith
says, even when the laces of your footwear
depend on Allah. Allah
Make dua to Allah and Allah
will provide for you. So throughout this time,
this whole time,
a person comes into life and
they leave. Allah
is teaching, don't be dependent on them. Don't
be dependent on your father. Don't be dependent
on your mother. Don't be dependent on your
grandfather, but build your dependency
on Allah
And, you know, if we were to build
this quality within us,
the quality of
just knowing that Allah
has our back,
then there's no mountain that's too big to
There's no hardship
that will rock us.
There's no, you know, difficulty that can come
into our life and that could shake our
iman. Why? Because at the end of the
day, we know
Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, has our back.
Whether we see her or not.
And Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, talks about this
in the Quran.
Sometimes, you might like
something. You might want something,
but it's not good for you.
And other times, you might dislike something, but
it's good for you.
And Allah
will do what is best for you at
the end.
Why? Because Allah is closer to us than
jugular vein.
Why? Because Allah
us better than we know ourselves.
So Allah
is now
the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam where he
says to his his his
cousin, Abdullah ibn Abbas,
Oh, son. Let me teach you something.
That be mindful of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be mindful of
Be mindful of Allah
and Allah will be mindful of you.
Put Allah in front of you. Make him
your priority.
And Allah
will help you through your hardships.
And then then this hadith carries on. If
the whole of mankind and this hadith is
something that if you just understand it, that's
all you need.
He says, if the whole of mankind were
to get together,
and they were to try to harm you
in any way,
they can't do it. It's not possible,
except for
with the will of Allah
And if the whole of mankind were to
get together and try to benefit you in
any way, they can't do it, except for
with the will of Allah
So for us, it's important to understand
that any difficulty that we go through, any
hardship that we go through, the way that
the prophet went through difficulties.
He understood that he is from Allah,
and we have to have that same understanding
that these difficulties I'm going through, difficulties with
my parents, difficulties
in my marriage, difficulties
at work, difficulties in my community,
each one of these
are from Allah
And they only happen. Why? Because Allah
said, okay.
Be, and the difficulty came into our life.
And at the end of the day, if
we trust in Allah
will take care of these difficulties, and he
will be
at the our our our our darkest of
times. So, inshallah, next week, we'll carry on.
We'll talk about Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
this next phase of Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam's life, when the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam, goes into the curve of the mutarib,
and some of the unique events happened. In
that time, you know, there was a there
was a battle that took place. There was
a, a a treaty that took place. And,
also, the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he
he took a journey to,
So inshallah will talk about this in our
next week's class. It'll be next week, same
time at 7 o'clock on Wednesday.