Muaadth Allie – 02 Ulum al Quran Sciences of the Quran Part 1
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It. I have taken on this function.
What I want you to do is listen.
Just listen, and you will discover that you
will have memorized
is when the device in the day after
that. Is when it is all remote.
Have meanings. Jamila means,
means palace.
But what's the problem in in in in
in the human names?
The name and the person, they don't always
join up nicely.
Do you understand? So the person's name will
be silent with misbalance, but they say miss
that is why when you will see Christians,
when they print the New Testament only, and
sometimes they put on the cover, the good
what they mean by this is, the Quran
is composed of verses and surahs
that are comparable in beauty
Any portion of Wahi, revelation must be studied
in light of the whole of Wahi.
Is it already with me?
So I gave you a simple example of
this before.
I married Amy on the day that I
married her.
I said to her, darling,
I don't eat fish.
Darling, I don't eat
fish. 20 years after that,
I come home one day and say,
You understand?
So if I previously told you I don't
eat fish,
and I asked for food, it must exclude
So this is the problem when people study
verses in isolation.
So to be honest,
scholars have defined the Quran very nicely.
They define the Quran very nicely.
We can remain definition
of love.
It's one of those things we all know
what it means. You all know when you
hear it. You all know when you don't
hear it.
But what does it mean?
You find difficulty in defining it.
So the same thing with the Quran. Everybody
knows what the Quran means.
The golden question is, how do we define
it? And before I continue,
I must tell you the following.
A definition
must be
and must be exclusive.
The 2 basic requirements for the definition
is they must be inclusive
and exclusive.
So what language by inclusive?
It must include all essential characteristics.
It must include all essential characteristics
of the thing defined.
In Arabic,
we call that jamia.
The definition must be jamia,
of all the essential qualities of the thing
It must include all the, the
qualities of, the
to the
Inclusive. Inclusive. Inclusive.
This is the reason why
a religion also by design is inclusive and
exclusive. Right? There must be a definition to
the thermoslian.
And so the term Muslim
must have essential attributes.
And in the definition, all of that must
be found.
In any attribute that is not required to
be Muslim,
that must be excluded.
And automatically, it means some people will claim
to be Muslim, but they don't have the
essential attributes. They must also be
And every club has a rules.
And if you don't follow the rules, you
cannot belong to that club.
That is how it works.
Jamming. It must include,
but it must also? Exclude. Exclude.
You understand? So it must include, but it
must also exclude.
Knows this. Then finally,
you must try to make the definition as
short as possible. So that's it.
Right? If I get too long, then people
start. But there is something that is essential
but is more essential is that in the
inclusive and
And Allah loves this.
So what is the scholarly definition of the
It is inclusive and exclusive,
and inshallah,
is as short as we can possibly make
So the one that I have taken,
it's on the PowerPoint note note, and,
you'll find it online in the bizan site.
So the Quran is the Arabic speech of
The Quran is the Arabic speech of
that cannot be Quran because it is not
It must be the speech of Allah.
Yes. And so is it that Allah chose
that language and that study?
Tell you what you need to understand is
Right? So it does particularly tell you since
the prophet Muhammad is a born with an
and he loves amongst the Arabs. And the
are the primary intended audience.
It makes sense that the Buddhism, Arabic.
But now when we look at the Christians,
for example, the Christians are Hebrews.
What is the language of the original manuscripts
of the Bible?
It's it's Greek. It's a Greek. It's a
So it's in Greek.
So what is a Greek book sitting in
the hands of the Hebrews?
Right? So the Hebrews were ruled over by
the Romans.
The Romans spoke Latin.
It's not it's not in Hebrew. It's not
in Latin. It's in Greek.
So this is the basic the public good
scholars can tell you. They tell you that
the people of that time were,
which means they were pressed by deep culture.
So now they're trying to argue
that the more civilized people, they spoke only
When they say to us, the whole argument
don't make sense.
Let me put any messages in everything, the
book that he was given, that book would
be the language of the people to whom
he was sent.
And Allah knows?
What's the meaning of?
What's the meaning of? What's the meaning of?
No. The prophet, alayhis salam, is not allowed
to change the word
But when it comes to hadith,
the prophet is giving a better leeway,
and the leeway is the following.
You don't need to maintain the wording that
Allah gave you.
But when you express it in your own
you must be loyal to the meaning.
So hadith, the meaning is from Allah, but
Quran, both the wording and meaning
is from Allah.
I said to somebody,
it is. Then somebody takes that information and
he said.
So there is maintenance of the wording in
the moon.
Right? But if I say, it's leprechaunched catabol,
But did you maintain the meaning? Yes. Yes.
So Quran is the bait of the word
of God,
while hadith is
a paraphrase.
About the water
transmission transmission is a transmission with such a
large amount of people that I did that
it is undoubtedly
authentic. So amongst the authentic traditions,
you have definitive reports, and you have probabilistic
reports. So
the probability allowance,
So beyond that authentic. If you deny us,
us, then there's something totally wrong. If you
deny, you consider it as a sinner.
I do not consider it a disbeliever.
It is definitely from God.
You understand?
While Sahin al Khasa, it's probably from God.
Some people, when they hear there's probable things
they get the shock.
But somehow, they mind probabilities
as low. It isn't.
You accepting probabilities every day. Like, I'm gonna
ask you a question. It's gonna sound bad.
it's good to have a little bit of
controversy out there, so
You understand?
I I that's a probable knowledge. I'm not
speaking about zenal.
Even though that thing is definitely a possibility.
You cannot throw the possibility away. You can
say it's unlikely.
You can't say it's not possible.
You understand? You can't say it's not possible.
But there's other reasons in play. Like, for
example, when we were young,
the elder people who died and the the
room in this room died.
There were actually lots of big steps of
in hospitals.
That's the reason why hospitals now start at
the moment a child is born, then they
a banner of the child there, and they
they they they demand that one parent must
go with the child, whatever the child goes.
So we Muslims,
knowledge by us is only 2.
Then they said,
Because it was probable that you wouldn't die.
While the possibility remained, it would die.
But the possibility was highly unlikely,
and so you brave
the outside of your house.
Now you see?
0 impossible.
100%, definitely
41 to 49,
unlikely, improbable.
Sorry, 1 hour.
doubt, check.
51 to 99,
probable noise,
Right? So there's a different thing that I
would be expecting in 100%,
remains possible.
And all that out, his math, I do
not intend to offend. I just intend to
explain in one way, they send him a
probable knowledge and have accepted. The same thing
when they get married.
Lots of people when they get married,
they think it's that
he or she is a good person.
But then after they married the name,
that's the high report.
So if the point turns
if the point turns, then how could it
be definitive for his pride and knowledge?
At best, you set with what you thought
was probable.
You understand? And then you discovered what you
thought is likely
wasn't so likely. It was unlikely. But all
cases, it it be mine. Right. You understand?
It's a
And so, obviously, you must introduce things that,
decrease the risk and make things more likely.
But there's just no way to make it
possible. 100% definitive.
Then. And then finally, the Quran is a
challenge to mankind to produce dissimilar.
It's a challenge to mankind to produce dissimilar.
So we call this the verifiability
The Quran carries a verifiability
principle. Meaning,
And if another man can't can't do it,
surely humankind
must be able to do what one man
can't do.
And if humankind cannot do that, then surely
humankind and Jin Khan together can do what
he can
and understand that you are what you are
busy with is in that
stubborn resistance.
You're busy with stubborn resistance.
You understand? You've got no valid reason to
I've mentioned this before.
So why does Allah say this book in
which there is no doubt?
So that actually means this, this is a
book in which there is no justifiable
You got no good reason to doubt that
Then you are doubting, that is certain.
But do you have a good reason to
That's the question. So Allah is saying with
confidence, you got no good reason to doubt
this book.
You are not doubting this book, first of
all, justifiable reasons.
You are doubting this book because you don't
accept the message. I said, clap.
You don't like us? I said, clap.
You understand? You got no scientific reason to
dislike this book.
You got no reason based.
There is a rooted in
the knowledge
Muhammad was a Christian. You understand?
It is the teachings in the Quran does
not appeal to your shahua
at your hour. Because I must wear a
scarf, it must have your and you like
to have things just all over the place.
You understand? And you don't see yourself fasting
for a whole month. And you definitely don't
wanna lose your leadership aspiration.
You understand?
You also as Heraclius,
you didn't want to be killed
by the senators of Rome, though it was
clear that Heraclius initially believed the letter that
was sent
But when he realized the price of embracing
Islam would probably be that he would die
at the hands of his senators.
Then he decided, no.
You understand? So this is the issue as
a Muslim.
Muslim means to submit submit to what?
Islam is submission.
Submission to what?
So the simple answer to that is submission
to reality.
Submission to reality.
is the search for what is real,
and the avoidance of them, it is false.
You understand? The search for hat
and the avoidance of baddah.
Because Allah is the ultimate confirmed thing.
understand? So in in in in some terms,
is the search for truth.
And when you discover it, you suck Magdul.
You don't put your ego between yourself and
the truth.
So I'm in disagreement with my wife.
I definitely don't wanna lose
then that's what emboldened her.
And she will think that she she will
have the right to always,
rectify me.
So there's other just,
denier thoughts
so that she can overplace in the world.
So what is that that I just didn't
I did not suffer to
hack. So now I became guilty of kibber.
People do not understand what kibber is. People
think kibber is
enter paradise.
Because if you have the quality of suppressing
the truth, how you gonna go to jail?
And not the poor.
The same way the poor people are gonna
go to Jannah is the same way the
rich people are gonna go to Islam. There's
no push Islam.
There's only one Islam.
Right? So is this Surah Alba?
Won't you believe if the people believe? But
there is what? Should we believe if the
stupid should believe? I mean, we're the push
people. Why we should be
And Allah knows
this anyway to continue.
each one of these things,
in the definition, I'm gonna do it detail
now, inshallah.
So the first one is the Quran is
the element speech of Allah.
The shani madam don't allow you to touch
the bag without
You understand? They're only understanding a part of
what Allah
say, and then that part, they translate into
English or Afrikaans
That's the reason also why I said previously
in the previous setting.
The scholars are in agreement
and so I put what I understood
in the English language.
I put what I understood in the African
So it is suitable
as a as a as a as a
different step
for somebody who doesn't know the Arabic language.
But the reality is you want to experience
the Quran must not end.
And the better your Arabic becomes,
the more you will see the miracle
of the Quran.
You understand? The weaker your Arabic, then this
will actually be able to see the miracle
It's an endless journey. It is an ocean
without a shore.
And Allah knows this.
You must memorize the Arabic of sort of
a 100%.
Right? If you just embrace Islam yesterday,
becoming Muslim on the task, teaching them Surah
You must have.
What is the essence of the entire Quran?
There's difference of opinion.
one issue
is, first, you acknowledge Allah as your creator.
It's the first three and our verses,
and the last three and our verses is
now you have the right to ask him.
So first, acknowledge him
and then ask him.
Right? In the language of the science, nonviolent
first say, thank you,
and then say,
please. First say, thank you,
and then say, please.
Right? All good communication,
humans to humans, involves one of those 2.
Thank you
and please.
When I say, try to avoid other conversations.
Thank you,
Thank you for what you've done for me.
Please, can you do this?
the language that precedes Arabic and Hebrew.
So Arabic and Hebrew, they take from a
a common
source mother language.
The language is.
Right? And 2 is
from after.
Is to
is to attend in Roman.
Is that what it comes in the Qur'an?
is Hebrew for repentance.
is Persian for book.
is soft cloth in Sanskrit.
is shining lamp in Ethiopia,
and Siri
is green for us all
law, so all of these words come in
the Quran.
So our bullion rabbis is telling us that
these words come from
other languages.
So by the time the Quran was revealed,
those words were already are emphasized.
I'll just give you an example.
Like, a quick question here is, how did
we become crazies?
How did we countenance become crazies?
The term is the Arabic sized version of
the word.
So in the Arabic language, there is no
p. So what Arabs do when they sit
with a p, they either turn it into
a ba or a fa.
So Iran, Persia, there's a city by the
name of Ispahan.
So there's now fa in Arabic.
So some Arab scholars will call it is,
and some Arab scholars will call it is.
It's the same city.
The person will take down. So for the
same problem, so they decided to take the
p and make it a f, f. So
that's how you became a pay fee.
So can you please tell me?
Just a minute.