Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Monumental Tafsir #67 Surah Ar Rahman

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the meaning of Islam and how it is designed to serve a purpose. The main point is that everything is designed for a purpose and that everything is pur in the creation. The speaker emphasizes that everything is designed for a purpose and that the ultimate goal is to fulfill it. The speaker also warns against looking at things independently and suggests that the ultimate goal is to be held accountable and rewarded.
AI: Transcript ©
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We continue with Surat

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Ar Rahman.

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again, keep in mind that the main theme

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of the Surah is the name of Allah

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and the attribute of Allah, Ar Rahman.

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Ar Rahman.

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Ar Rahman. I think we explained the meaning

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in detail,

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and we said that mercy

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really captures a very

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tiny bit of the meaning of al Rahman.

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It's much more than

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just mercy. It's a profound

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meaning. One of the greatest names of Allah

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Wa Ta'ala.

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So I think we reached,

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verse number 31, 30

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That is we shall attend to your reckoning

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and requite you for the deeds that you

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did in the previous world.

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That is when Allah gathers them on the

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day of resurrection. He will tell them of

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their helplessness and weakness, and of the perfect

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nature of his power and how his will

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is always done.

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Then he will say, highlighting their helplessness,

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oh jinn and humans,

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if you are able to pass beyond the

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confines of the heavens and the earth, that

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is, if you can find a way by

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means of which you can pass beyond the

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dominion and power of Allah,

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then do so. But you cannot pass beyond

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them unless you have power.

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You can never pass beyond them unless

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or to cause death, give life or resurrect?

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In that place of standing, no one will

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speak except by Allah's leave, and nothing will

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be heard except whispers.

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In that place of standing kings and slaves,

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leaders and followers,

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rich and poor will all be equal.

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So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala here starts talking

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about the Day of Judgment. So the conversation

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from the signs of Allah's Rahmah in the

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and His blessings

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and also His,

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His might and His power to

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the Day of Judgment conversation on the Day

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of Judgment. And this is one of the

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in, in rhetoric. This is called an Iltifat.

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An Iltifat, which is a switch

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or a change

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in speech.

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So there is different types of Iltifat in

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the Arabic language.

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You either change from the first person to

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the third person

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or you are speaking about a topic then

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you shift to another topic.

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And sometimes an 'ltifat' 'ltifat' means to turn

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your head somewhere.

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To turn to the left or to the

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right. That's an 'ltifat'.

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It would say, tafata.

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He turned and looked. Right? That's Iltifat. Linguistically,

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in in in in

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what that means

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is that there is a shift

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in the language.

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Sometimes it's abrupt

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and sometimes it's smooth. Here it's

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I would say smooth. It's a conclusion. Logically

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it's a conclusion. Of all of this being

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put together, part of Allah's rahmah

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is that everything is purposeful.

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Everything is pur is purposeful. So the the

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the perfection that you see in the creation

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is not just for its own sake.

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And that is to serve as a setting

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or as an environment, as a home for

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you until you are tested.

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And when that test comes to an end,

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the world would cease will cease to exist.

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Has has done its job.

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So what about the wonders

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and the miracles in it? They've done they've

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run their course. They did their job. There's

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no need for them.

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When the earth and the heavens will be

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turned into another earth and the heavens.

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Okay? It's a different creation from now on.

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So So Allah says here,

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and subhanAllah, this kind of transition in the

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language is suitable because Allah is speaking throughout

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the surah to humans and jinn.

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Right? Allah is talking addressing 2.

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The ins and jinn.

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Allah is saying which of the signs or

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the miracles of Allah are you denying?

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Then Allah says to him after counting his

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glory and the blessings that that he offered

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them out of his rahma, Allah says,

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don't think that's that's gonna run forever.

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There will come a time

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when we will engage with your reckoning,

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with your hisaab. We will hold you accountable.

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So we will set the stage for that

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and when we will hold you accountable.

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The time will come.

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So this perfection in the creation

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leads and is designed for this purpose.

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So don't see the world out of context.

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Don't ever develop a world view that is

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void of the purpose.

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And that's the difference between

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any other ways of life.

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In Islam, everything

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cannot be seen independently.

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Anything in the world, the world view in

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Islam is that nothing stands alone.

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Things are designed for a purpose.

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An end.

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A purpose.

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An end purpose.

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And that is

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holding you accountable on the day of judgment.

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Cause you are given a mission to fulfill

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in this world a test that is to

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worship Allah, to be the slaves and the

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servants of Allah.

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So if you see anything in the world

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without it being attached

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to the ultimate purpose, you're going to see

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it wrong. Your perception will be skewed.

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This is why when people ask, you know,

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is wealth good or bad?

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Is looking good

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good or bad?

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being rich or poor good or bad?

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This job, is it good or bad?

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This situation, is it good or bad?

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It's always

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part of a context.

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Don't look at it independently. So people say,

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oh, wealth is always good.' No.

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Wealth could lead you to the hellfire

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and wealth could lead you

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to paradise.

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But Muslims today who are so much focused

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on success, they're unanimously, no, no. Will leads

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you to Jannah.'

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Allah says,

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that Allah spreads and opens, expands the provision

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to some

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and He limits

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it to others.

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From Abdullah ibn Mas'ukh radiAllahu anhu,

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it's from his statement,

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he says that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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obviously, Mas'ukh radiAllahu could not have said this

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from himself but it is meaning

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it's attributed to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud. He doesn't

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say the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam said

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it but again we know and this is

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a rule with the scholars of hadith.

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This is something that cannot be said out

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of own, like, understanding. It must be something

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that he took from the Prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam. He said

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a servant or a believer

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engages in a transaction

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or a business.

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Allah says to the Angels,

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deter him from that business or that transaction.

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Don't let it work out for him.

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If he gets

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it, I'll punish him in the hellfire.

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We need to understand this intelligently.

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Allah is saying, if this person gets this

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business or gets this transaction, it's going to

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spoil him.

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It's going to corrupt him, and he will

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end up being punished by Me in the

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So the servant says, why this and why

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that? Why it doesn't happen? Why it doesn't

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work out for me?'

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And he doesn't know that. And

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he doesn't know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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is pushing him away from the hellfire.

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So we can't see anything

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in as an independent or stand alone reality.

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Everything for the believer.

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That extension is always present. It's the hereafter.

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So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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says You have to see everything in existence

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in relation to that end goal which is

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You're going to be held accountable and then

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you will be recompensed.

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So we will engage with your reckoning.

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Then Allah says to him, He says to

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the, again humans and jinn,

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