Moutasem al-Hameedy – Tafseer Surah Ar-Ra-ad #5

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and meaning of Islam, including its use of symbolism and paraphrasal environments, the benefits of water and its ability to form various materials, and the importance of testing one's pure substance and finding one's way to consciousness. They stress the importance of staying true to oneself, finding one's way to consciousness, and following commands and avoiding surgery or medicine. The impact of people's views on emotions and the potential for science to predict outcomes is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Not having to relearn how to do want to start, you don't want to stop. You don't want to only be learning surely unfussy now see, Marina, Mejia had de la Vela mobula. Who may you blame for the hottie era? Or shadow Allah either in the law, why don't we that should equal? What should Oh no, Mohammed Abdullah, Sulu, am I bad? First, I apologize. Yesterday, I couldn't come to give the Halacha.

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So inshallah we'll try to

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go a bit far, not necessarily faster today, but a bit, probably deeper because there's a beautiful verse that we can deal with today in sha Allah. So we reached the verse 17. And we said, so little to just talk again about the context. So let's avoid sort of thunder. So talks about natural phenomena, natural phenomena. And Allah subhanaw taala. When he talks about natural phenomena, he takes it as a starting point to lead us to the point behind this creation. And the point behind our existence which is worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. It's a very profound argument. It's a very profound, powerful argument, you will find it taking place over and over again in the Quran. And

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part of its power comes from the fact that natural phenomena is evident to our perception.

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Mountains are there we see them, No one denies mountains, thunder, and lightning is there, No one denies the existence, the heavens are there we can see them. So No one denies their existence, the Earth is here. No one denies its existence. So this is a very important point in argumentation, that when you start an argument or a debate with someone, you start from common grounds, things you both agree on, things you both agree on. So you can take this as your starting point. And from there, you start pulling the argument towards the point of contention, the point of contention. So if you managed to take steady steps, and get the other person to agree with you, because your flow from the

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starting point, or the common grounds, down to your argument is quite lucid and smooth and logical, then you might be able to get the person to see what you see. And the last month I uses this argument so often in the Quran, because it's it's so powerful. So if anyone is really searching for the truth, and they approach it with an open mind, they would have to arrive at the conclusion that this universe is designed and created by Allah. And therefore,

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all this meticulous and profound creation must be there for reason, and for a purpose. And the only conclusion is since Allah put all everything in place, and Allah manages everything, and he looks after everything that he provides for everything, then

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logically speaking, he is the one who deserves our trust, our connection, our sense of nature, to be directed to Allah. So when we ask we ask of Allah, when we rely on something we rely on Allah subhanaw taala, when, and ultimately this shows that we are designed and we are created, ultimately, to worship Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah takes this, this argument in the surah, he approaches it from different angles,

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the previous verses,

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we're just making this argument, we're just making this argument that

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Allah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, he's the Lord. So who deserves to be worshipped? Why do you worship idols? Why do you worship peers? Why do you worship the sun, the moon, cows, rats, and so on and so forth? Why do you worship the creation? When you can see that the one who designed this whole world and controls that the one who has the power and the mind and the influence and he has the final say in this universe is Allah's mantra? So why do we turn

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to others when you seek help? When you seek protection, when you seek guidance, when you seek provision? All of these creatures are helpless. They themselves depend on Allah subhanaw taala to add, as Allah Subhan Allah says, in Surah Surah

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Allah Allah Dena Runa Yep, tahona it Allahu wa Sita Johan mclubbe.

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You have to one want to get out of be when we say that you have a club, those that you worship and you call upon these are the ones that are trying to get nearer to Allah. So why didn't you just try to get why

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Why don't you try to get nearer to Allah? Allah says they do. Why do you take them as gods? Why do you take them as objects of worship? So Allah Subhan Allah saying, If you come to the conclusion that Allah is the lord of this universe, the creator of this universe, the only conclusion that could can come out of this fact is that only Allah deserves the right to be worshipped on it deserves that you turn to Him, in seeking help, and seeking protection and seeking provision, and so on so forth, then Allah subhana makes it clear, and he says, this argument sauce is so clear that we when you don't see it, you're just like a blind person.

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The difference between the person who sees this argument and relates to it, and the person who fails to do so is exactly the difference between a blind person and a person who can see, or exactly the same difference as that between darkness and light. It's so sharp and so so stark, that you cannot miss it. The so obvious.

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So now Allah Subhan, Allah, Allah, and we said, Now Allah is going to talk about a very important fact about this life because sometimes some people say why there is so much evil in this world.

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Now, this is the real context of this universe of this world. In this life, Allah has designed this world or designed this, this life of the dunya, for evil, and

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to coexist for truth and falsehood to be in the same place at the same time. On the Day of Judgment, they will be separated. And that's part of the meaning of what he said of the reckoning, as he said, that they will be separated, truth will be on one side falsehood will be on the different side. The people of the truth will be on one side, and the people who falsehoods will be on a different side, light will be on one side, darkness will be on the other side. This is how the Day of Judgment will be. But this life Allah subhanaw taala Zonda as it is and this is what fitna is, this is what the meaning of fitna is, it's a trial. So Allah allows good and evil to coexist in this world. And this

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is how Allah subhanaw taala tries us. So whatever you gravitate to shows what you end will be what will be the same as truth and goodness, or will it be the same as falsehood and evil? So Allah Subhana Allah says Anzahl Amina sama Ina and for Salat odia Tombi Adria, Fatima Let's see who's ever that Robbie. When we may okay don't leave in a Heliot in Omata and zebra do mythical. Cada Lika, yobbery Bula who will help our

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cause Ali kala carry belongil Hapa while he bought it. Now, one aspect of the power of the Quran is symbolism, symbolism in metaphors. Allah gives us figures of speech in the Quran, as well as ones that he says will kill them fell on Alibaba and in us one I trade in little animals. And these are the parables these are the figures of speech. These are the this is the symbolism that we offer to people in the Quran. And only the people of understanding will be able to comprehend it. People have some minds and sound hearts. Why? Because

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in symbols, and in metaphors, there's a very powerful lesson. And when you grasp that lesson, it's easy for you then to take it to your own personal life and benefit from it.

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So Allah subhanaw taala gives your two metaphors, two important metaphors and these metaphors Subhanallah they repeat themselves in the Quran. Repeat so many times, they start with solitary Baqarah they start with sort of the Bukhara Scheffel Islam and to me it calls them and let me tell you now, when we follow them, ie

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the metaphor of fire and the metaphor of water. They appear throughout the Quran, they are very powerful. For example, in Surah Baqarah right at the beginning, Allah subhanaw taala says methylome can methylene ladies still

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there example is just like the example of someone who sought fire. They sought fire for light for light they want it's dark, so they need light. So they saw fire.

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Then later on, I will Castle given the two verses later. Oh Casa Yibin Mina summer if he Voluma tone what I don't know about or like a rain shower,

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like rain showers.

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these two parables, water and fire are always mentioned in the Quran. Always mentioned in the Quran. And by the way, I spoke about them and a lot of the Halacha has a lot of the Halak has and connected them to the mission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We said the Prophet SAW Salem, or the even the Quran itself and the prophets of salaam comes with two things. Life and

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Light remembers that life and light we said that repeatedly, life and light. That's what Islam brings about life and lights. Light is connected more to the fire because it brings about light and illumination and life comes more with rain and showers.

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So the truth that Allah subhanaw taala sent to humanity brings about two things life and light, life and light. And these are the same two parables the parable of the fire and the parable of the water. Allah mentions them here to use them in a different context, the first parable and the Lemina sama EMA and for Salat odia tomb Bihari

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Tamela see Luiza Robbia Allah subhanaw taala says he sent down rain from the skies.

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So the valleys received this water received this water, each Valley took as much as it with all its capacity allowed. So some some valleys take a huge amount of water and some valleys take small amounts of water.

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Then it says an on this body on this moving body of water creeks and rivers and so on and so forth. You will find all of these impurities all this kind of scum on the top of the water, it's made of different stuff leaves, twigs, dirt,

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foam, this is what we call debit, debit, debit, but the saliva that comes out sometimes from the mouth, we call it an Arabic Xzibit as well. So this kind of scum floating on the surface of the water. Allah subhanaw taala is saying as this water flows through these these rivers, in different capacities, you will find on top of it you will find the most visible part of it is what is kind of form and scum

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is floating on top of it. So that's the first parable. What does this mean? This resonates with a Hadith from the Prophets Allah cinnamon he says method Alma Bethany Allahu be Amin al Huda, what methylone Alma thoroughness camellia Ethan Angela hula Homina Sana

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Can I think if anything goes along the example or the parable of what Allah sent with me, the guidance that Allah sent with me is like rain that was sent from the skies.

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For what Kahala folk either the candidate Minho alone I'm paraphrasing the Hadith, and ethical Hadith ambil man, so for qanat for work, I'm for Kenneth minha, or Alden Alden husba.

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For waka le Halima for embittered for Kubelet, who embattled killer so the prophets of salaam says when I was sent with the guidance of the truth, the revelation is just like rain falling from the skies and then it has fallen on Earth. So you will find some pieces of land that are fertile, so they accepted the water and absorbed the water this kind of soil and used it to grow. So

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you can find beneficial plants and vegetation grew in this land. It grew in this land.

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What are Alden Deann Have you ever tilma Well, I'm Tom beetle killer. And there are some pieces of land that would absorb this water and keep it but it does not produce vegetation. It does not produce plants.

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were around in a while don't get the

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law here. Kabila to Rima Willa embattled killer, and you will find some kind of desolate arid lands that does not keep the water and does not grow vegetation.

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So remember, when he explains this hadith, he says these are the three types of human beings you will find revelation, which is the Quran and the Sunnah came from the prophet is just like the water, just like rain.

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So the first type of of soil or land is fertile. It absorbs that water. So it takes the revelation accepts it and is able to memorize it and learn it.

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And what is it do that's the best type, he says, then it produces from that it produces from that vegetation crops produce, and so on and so forth. So he's saying this is the example of the people of knowledge, are able to absorb

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the knowledge of the revelation, memorize it, and then extract lessons and rulings from it. Extract lessons and rulings from it. And he says these are the intelligent scholars who

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who are able to memorize and learn the tax realist text, and then produce rulings from them produce rulings from them, he says this is the highest type. The second type is our country. And these are lands. Most of most of them are rocky lands, they're able to absorb the water and keep it but they do not grow anything. There's nothing grows there.

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So people would come to these lands, and they would take some of the water there and benefit from it. Even though claim says these are people who are able to memorize and learn Islam, learn the text, but they are they don't have the intelligence to extract rulings and lessons from it. And he says this is what the prophets of Solomon says in the Hadith.

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Not but Allah who sent me a number of laundry and semi I mean Nima kala 10 For Bulava come ask me for Obi mobile login, the prophets of salaam says May Allah brighten the face and light in the face of a person who hears something from me, then he conveys it to others,

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exactly as he heard it, and how often you will find a person who receives it from him who is able to understand it more than him.

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So basically, there are people who can convey the revelation as it is because they memorize it, but they cannot see the lessons and the benefits in it. So when they convey it, there are people of understanding who can take more lessons from it. And this actually happened with Imam Abu Hanifa

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Rahim Allah to Allah. He was with one of his teachers, one of his teachers who taught him Hadith. And a person came and asked his teacher a question. He asked him a question. And

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his teacher didn't have an answer to this. So Abu Hanifa took permission, so permission to speak and he spoke and he gave an answer to that man.

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So his che was surprised that when he gave the answer, he used the Hadith. He took the answer from Hadith, which he had heard from the SIF. So the chef said,

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Allah he says you are a person of knowledge. Because I know this hadith, but I did not see the ruling in it. The benefit that you extracted from it, it is Allah you deserve the name to be funny. You are a fatty. So this is the second time the third type is a wounded bow the agenda agenda, it's, it's a land that does not grow anything and does not keep moist does not keep water, there's no benefit in it. And these are the people who reject the truth. They don't hold on to it. And no one benefits from it from them in that sense.

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Okay, so now Allah Subhan Allah is saying, Allah has given this parable, there is there is water that comes down from the skies. And it goes through these valleys runs through these valleys, different capacities. I'm going to explain this as well what this means. And then all of these, this running water has on top of it, the most visible part of it is what the form and this come that is,

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well there is no benefit in it. It's useless.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala we're gonna jump to the end of the verse because Allah mentions the other metaphor and then he comes back to this. So Allah Subhana Allah says, For a miserable failure, Habu

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as to the form and the scum, then it goes to waste. As the water runs, it gets laid on both sides gets laid on both sides and then people they take the benefit from the water itself. This common this form is useless no one benefits from it. And then it disappears and dissipates and disappears.

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I'm not going to arrive at the conclusion yet because I need to mention the second metaphor. What am I infer on NASA for him?

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But what benefits people which is the water here? It remains in Earth and people are able to access it and and benefit from it. The second parable, Allah subhanaw taala says, when we marry you, okay, don't leave in a hill yet in El Matera in Ziva don't Mithra Allah is giving us the example of gold, silver and other metals. Now, when people who deal with these kinds of metals when they want to purify them, what do they do?

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They hit them the heat and they expose them to extreme temperatures, why?

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To melt them and what is in the melting process, what happens?

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Purification the impurities will burn.

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These will remain and the impurities will burn. And that's what they do as well with iron they heat it to a very high temperature where the impurities will start

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To burn and they will get out. So what remains is solid iron, solid iron the same with gold. The same with silver, the same with copper as well when they want to purify it, they expose it to extreme temperatures. And in this in this high temperature what happens, impurities get burnt. And what you get is a pure substance or pure metal, pure metal which is stronger, which has better qualities. So, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah is saying is giving us this is what this life is all about. In this life, rain falls from the sky, it's pure, just like the revelation comes pure. But when it mixes with earthly substances, what happens? It develops this kind of form and impurity. So it's

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mixed or the truth is mixed with a lot of impurities, and where do you find these impurities on top, on top, they are the most visible, they are the most visible. So the truth will come from Allah subhanaw taala. But you will find when it mixes with the thoughts of people, and their convictions and their desires and their whims and their ulterior motives, what happens

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they sort of

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distort the purity and the beauty of the revelation of Allah.

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So in this life, you will have always a mixture. So this is an example the truth comes from Allah and it still will be

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sort of watered down with a lot of human elements, that that have ulterior motives. Another part of it, the fitrah, that Allah subhanaw taala put inside of us it's pure. The prophets of salaam said coulomb alluding to each human being is born upon a state of fitrah. The companions are all agreed that fitrah means pure, the pure the purity of Islam, that we are upon to hate, with upon Love of Allah subhanaw taala This is how we are born. What happens to this fitrah the moment you are born into this world, you start taking the impurities of this life through your upbringing, influence of parents, influence of teachers, peers, people, society, media, and so on and so forth, starts mixing

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with the pure substance that you were given originally. So what happens? The truth is mixed with falsehood. Truth is mixed with falsehood. And this is why in this life, Allah subhanaw taala makes us go through trials through trials. So what do the trials do? The trials do exactly what the fire does to the precious metals. When you expose these metals to extreme temperatures, the impurities will burn out, and they will be removed. And then what will remain is the pure substance is the pure substance. This is why you will find a lot of people actually they start practicing after going through calamity, a real disaster that shakes them from inside and they start asking the bigger

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questions. What is my life all about?

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When someone dear to them dies, when they go through some kind of through some kind of an accident, or when they lose a huge amount of money and wealth or when they lose a loved one or their girlfriend leaves them and so on and so forth. People Oh, it's a life threatening experience or accident. People start asking the bigger questions because the veil has been removed. Now they start to see the truth. Why because the trials and that's what fitna, by the way means Fitna means a trial. In the Arabic language fitna is the word that is used for the fire that you ignite in order to purify gold.

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This is the same word that is used above for the fire that is used to purify gold, fitna same thing because it purifies you trials. So the mixture of the nature of this life is a mixture of good and bad, truth and falsehood. That's what this life is. So any trial you go through, is actually acts as a purifying process, purifying process. So Allah Subhan Allah says, Kedah aliquet hon Allah who will help Cowell Barton. This is how Allah

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allows truth and falsehood to collide.

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collide, Allah brings them together. Allah brings them together in this life allows them to coexist and be here.

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But all of this is towards a good end is towards a good end. So again, let me summarize I know this is a bit points here and there, here and there, but it's just because these metaphors are very powerful and very intense. So Allah Subhana Allah is saying there is a pure substance or pure revelation that comes from Allah subhanaw taala pure guidance comes from heavens just like the rain falls. Once it reaches the Earth, it mixes with impurities and

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impurities blemish its beauty, and they remain on the surface. So they are the most visible side. And this is why usually you will find falsehood, you know, appearing more, it's mainly on the surface because it makes a show, but you will find the pure water is underneath and it's quiet. It's underneath. And it's quite some of the scholars that taken so many benefits from this kind of metaphor. Every simple detail there is intended is very powerful. So some of these benefits is that you will find the water running underneath this come and it's most of the time it's invisible. But that's where the benefit is. This come on the surface is pointless, and it's not going to last for

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long. There's what Allah Subhan Allah says, Allah al HELCO was the Huckleberry Finn in Alberta in Alberta, Canada, who the truth has come and falsehood has been removed or has taken to the site, because falsehood does not stand before the truth.

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But not only mobile hackday Halibel really, for the Mughal rule for either who was so we throw the truth on falsehood, and it removes it. It removes it does what Allah Subhana Allah says in the prophets, Allah says, I'll have a blockage, I'll have a blockage will bow Caillou ledge ledge, the prophets of salaam says I'll have a blockage, the truth is so bright and and evidence is very powerful, it's authentic, while about little ledge ledge, meaning falsehood keeps vibrating. It keeps

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flipping keeps deteriorating and changing. And, you know, going up and it keeps changing. It's not steady, it's not firm, it's not strong, it doesn't have a strength of its own.

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So again, so this is what it means the truth comes from heavens, through the revelation, but when it mixes with earthly substances, it will be some impurities will cover the truth of it will cover the truth of it. But Allah Subhan Allah says, Allah allows this to happen in this world. Why? Because the trials of this life, and these trials are usually what the mixture of good and evil, the mixture of good and evil. When this kind of trials happens, it removes the impurities, it is meant to remove the impurities until the truth becomes evident, then what will remain at the end of the end of every trial, at the end of every experience for Amezaga to fire the subwoofer as to the scum and the form,

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it will dissipate, and it will disappear.

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What am I invite on NASA for Yom Kippur for that, but as to this, which benefits people which is the water. And in the example of the fire, it's the true precious metal, it will remain, it will remain so through the fire, the impurities will burn and will disappear. But the precious metal will remain and will come out of this process even pure, even pure, what a man made for NASA for him because of will UPCA Lika yob rebula, who and

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and this is how Allah subhanaw taala strikes parables for people Allah gives to people, metaphors, and symbols, so that they may basically basically reflect something about the valleys that carry water that receive water according to different capacities. And alumni Basler they allow the cousin of the Prophet sauce on them, he says this is an example of the scholars. He says, water that comes down is similar to the revelation that comes from Allah subhanaw taala. So you will find there are people that Allah has given capacity to accommodate more of the revelation more of the truth. So these are be these become scholars, great scholars, who are able to accommodate and assimilate and

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comprehend great amounts of knowledge.

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So they receive them, whereas you will find some people who excel only in one branch of knowledge, or they can learn only very, very little. That's their capacity. That's their capacity. So that's another part of this

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metaphor. So again, the point here is that this life is a battle between truth and falsehood. And there's no point that they be separated. And this is why sometimes people say people ask questions today is why there why there are innocent people dying. Why there are no there are children dying. Why does Allah allow all of this evil to happen and take place?

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And we have to realize something that this life, this is the story of it. That truth and falsehood have to come together they have to combat they have to fight. The truth has to struggle against falsehood. And what happens in life and this is something we have to be like our hearts have to be in peace about

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This, do you know what this life does? What this life does to us, somebody might say, you know, if I didn't go through this kind of experience, if I didn't go through this kind of upbringing, I would have been more righteous, I would have been better. The reality of this life is just like the fire

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that we use to purify metals.

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What this life does, it just reveals your true colors.

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This life doesn't make a Muslim Kaffir or a careful Muslim, it does not. Islam does not change people. It does not change people. What happens in life, it just

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reveals your true nature. That's all it does. You can make any claim you can say, Oh, if I lived in Saudi Arabia, I would have been the most righteous person. If I grew up in Mecca, you would find me the best Muslim ever.

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Right? Isn't there people who were born in McCann these days, born in Mecca, and raised in Mecca, and had all the opportunities to to study Islam and be influenced by great scholars, and these people died as non Muslims. Isn't that true? It happened.

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And aren't there people who are born in countries where you don't expect a Muslim to survive? And these people, some of them become the most righteous?

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So anyone who thinks that Allah has misguided them in the sense that Allah forced them to misguidance This is untrue. Whatever happens in this life, it basically all it serves to do is reveal your true colors. This is exactly what this life does. That's That's it.

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So this is why and this explains what sometimes people have an issue with this.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that Allah took from humanity, a handful of people. And he says, Heather, for Paul, Jana who are the Fortuna these are the people of Jenna, these are people of the Hellfire. So we will say this is arbitrary. But Allah just chose forcefully people like this No.

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This kind of a handful that Allah took is designed by his wisdom and his knowledge of humanity. So no one gets in this handful, except the ones who deserve to be in paradise.

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So this life, simply all it does is it reveals your true colors. So let's try to put these two parables against together. What happens in this life is that Allah puts you here to reveal your true colors, just like precious metals, or any type of substance, you put it through fire, you figure out what it really is, you figure out what it really is, you put wood, it will burn out completely. There'll be no wood left or be ashes. It's not precious metal, what is not precious metal. You can't say oh, we should have we shouldn't have put it there. But if you really want one, if you are looking for precious metals, that's the process, everything you have has to go through. So we are

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going through this purifying process. And it's a revealing test. It shows who you really are and what you really are simple as that. And then Allah subhanaw taala is saying in order to do this, the way we do it, is by sending true revelation to revelation that resonates with the pure substance that you are made of originally. And then when it's sent down on this earth, it has to battle and it has to fight against and it has to deal with that it gets mixed up with falsehood. And this is what the test is. But what happens at the end of this process, this pure substance will come out pure,

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it will come out pure. All the impurities, although they make a show, they make a big noise at the beginning they are on the surface, they are the most visible part.

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At the end of the process, there will just disappear, dissipate, and they will no longer be there. The only thing that remains is the thing that will benefit people.

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As simple as that that's what this life is all about. It's a very profound parable.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says as a result of all of this, you know this context of life Lilla the Anastasia Abu Dhabi Himalayas,

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those who have responded positively to their Lord, they would receive the best and Husna is the best which is Jana.

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That means these people went through the test of life and they proved their pure substance. Well leadin Elemis study Bula who another Homerville are the Jamia Mithra Houma who left Adobe and those who refused to respond to Allah. Those who refuse to respond to Allah subhanaw taala

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even if they have everything on this earth, everything, like someone owns the earth and everything in it, you know, all the riches that are on this earth and

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And it's like on top of it.

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They would pay it to ransom themselves from the punishment of the Hellfire, but still will not be accepted that allotment Allah says Allah it can homeschool hisab these people will get the worst of reckoning

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Allah subhanaw taala will hold them to account and their their account will be the worst one welcome Jan I'm their final abode will be hellfire, wabbit send me had on what an evil place or resting place to be in now again, and it's to Jabba Allah subhanaw taala and salted and fed he says yeah you have levena Study Ebola he was really either the Arkham Lima Yohei come or you who believe, respond Steady, steady respond to Allah and His Messenger, when they call you to that which gives you a life.

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Okay, so how do you respond to Allah and His messenger?

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You take what they give you, which gives you a life, which is the revelation, the revelation of Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah is saying those who respond positively to Allah subhanaw taala, and to the call of His Messenger, these are the people who pass the trial of life, the test of life, the test of life, and what does give you a lot what gives you life, the revelation, the water that comes down the water that comes down from the skies, which is the revelation that comes from Allah subhanaw taala. So in order for you to prove your pure substance, what do you have to do? Allah has given us the secret to pass the test in the previous verse, it's the job.

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It's the job.

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It's the job. What do you respond to?

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Such Ebola, he was really good at the company, maybe he can respond to Allah's Messenger, when they invite you or call you to that which gives you a life, what gives you life, the revelation that came from heavens, the revelation, so the only way to prove your pure substance is revelation. Holding on to the revelation. That's it, the Quran and the authentic son of the prophets of Assam, there is no way you can pass the test of life without the revelation without the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Because in order to pass that test, you have to get to your heart life, and the only thing that gives life to the heart, not music, not stories, not any kind of love and human connection.

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Not any sense of belonging. The only thing that gives life to your heart is the revelation from Allah subhanaw taala. The revelation from Allah subhanaw taala. So anyone who lives away from the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, this is not their heart is not in a state of life, it's in a state of death, or at least extreme sickness. So Allah Subhana Allah is saying to us, you want to pass that kind of trial, you want to go through that fire and come up pure.

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All you need to do is respond to Allah subhanaw taala and you the way you respond to Allah you respond to his book, you hold on to his book, and to the Sunnah of the Prophet, those who refuse to respond, they have failed the test, they have proved they have proved that their substance is impure. And they will not they were unable to hold them to the revelation which we said is just like the rain and that's it. So they will end up in jail for an a previously explained that some people think they Hellfire is that Allah subhanaw taala is gonna

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that love what these people did in this life, their sins were harmless. These were innocent sins, harmless sins, why do we punish them with the hellfire? Someone chose to live their life according to their desires. They're harmless. And it's in people. Why do you put them in the Hellfire

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under people you know, presenting this kind of arguments is harmless sins, harmless sin, someone just he was with his girlfriend. So what's the big deal? Yeah, he had a relationship with a woman. What's the big deal? Like they didn't destroy the world? We say Not in this life. We don't see everything. We don't see everything we see is limited. We don't see with it. We don't see. We don't see the whole context of life. So any sin that you commit and I said that previously, any sin that you commit what it does, it disturbs the balance which is me Zan, in the creation of Allah.

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And his sin you commit goes against the universal harmony that Allah put in this universe. And this is a big thing. It's invisible. So when you when someone you say someone says, Oh, it's a harmless sin, or or he made the light to white light, it's harm

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This it's an innocent sin. What's the big deal about it? Right? You're talking about the surface.

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You're talking about the tip of the iceberg. You don't see what's behind. And you can't see it. You can't see it. I shallowly Allahu anha.

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She mentioned a woman to the prophets awesome.

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And she said, Oh, she's that woman who's short, the short woman. She was a little bit sarcastic. Do you know what the prophets of salaam said? This to show you what sin is for you? Was a simple comment right? Short woman wants a big deal right?

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The prophets of salaam said to Allah hiya Isha. Look at Old Tea carry mutton no mas Egypt may be ma a battery, the messenger.

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He said yeah, Aisha an Arabic when the cell bahawa means the oceans, the problems that will lie Aisha, you may you said a word that if it were to be thrown away, if it were to be mixed with the water of the oceans, it would have changed them.

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It would have changed them. And that's Alisha, the wife of the prophets of salaam Rabelo. Anna, who said a word, an innocent word sarcastically

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about a woman who was not present. Who wasn't there. The president said you made a word. You said a word. If it were to be mixed with the water of the oceans, it would change them.

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So there is an invisible part of the sins and the good deeds that we do. There's an invisible part. So when someone commits a sin, they are violating some kind of equilibrium, some kind of a balance and harmony that runs through the universe because the whole universe obeys Allah, the whole universe worships Allah doesn't just obey Allah at all. It worships Allah completely. So there's a powerful stream of universal obedience to Allah. When you go against it, you cause a lot of disturbance. When you sin, you go against it, and you're creating a lot of disturbance. You have to deal with the consequences of that disturbance. There's what Allah Subhan Allah says on the day of

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judgment in the matrix, zona, malcontent, maroon, you will only be given what you did. So what what people in the Hellfire receive that's, that's their actions, that's the back end of their actions that were invisible to them today, as simple as that.

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Some another benefit of this,

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of the metaphor

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is that

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sometimes we experienced doubts as Muslims, you might have doubts about certain things. Some people have doubts about Islam start having doubts about Islam. Some people have doubts about one thing in Islam, some people start to have questions, serious questions, and it hurts them as well. This kind of doubt.

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Now, Allah subhanaw taala is saying,

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these doubts and these questions that might happen to you that might occur to you. Even some of the components complained to the prophets of salaam that I have doubts coming to my, to my mind go through my mind, one of the companions said and he said, that I find this very difficult. I don't want to I don't want to, I don't want to have these doubts. That I feel if I get on top of a high place and throw myself it's easier for me than having these doubts, doubts about Allah.

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So the prophets of salaam he says then so this company said, our jet tomato,

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did you find this? Did you feel this? They said yes. He said ha sorry Halima. He says this attitude is a clear expression of your faith. The fact that you hate these doubts, the fact that you hate these doubts, why because these doubts come from shaitan. So when you have doubts, don't panic. When you have doubts about Islam, doubts about Eman, doubts about Allah doubts about one of the rulings in Islam. Like some people have doubts about certain rulings and Islam certain, you know, the penal law on Islam. What about this? What about this? What about that they start questioning things is there wisdom there, and so on and so forth. These doubts are just like the form on top of a body of

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Soon it will disappear. Soon it will disappear. If you hold on to what gives you a life which is the revelation of the prophets, the revelation that came to the Prophet sallallahu himself. So the shouts, desires as well. Sometimes, a person sometimes is tried by a desire, and it happens. Like you could go through a stage in your life, where attraction to the opposite gender takes over.

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You find yourself helpless. There are a lot of the youth who say like, recently I've been unable to control myself

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What we say hold on to the good things that you have in your faith, your Salah, do not give up your Salah keep praying.

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You go to the method keep going to the master this Emperor I hang around with with women.

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Still do not leave the Masjid. Do not leave your Salah someone you know, they get into drugs or they get into drinking alcohol. And they say I can't help it. We say, Okay, you still doing it, you have to fight it. But no matter what happens, don't ever lose connection with salah. Don't ever lose connection with the Masjid. Don't ever lose connection with good people who remind you of Allah subhanaw taala you know, but I drink and I smoke weed and I do this. Okay, you do this, you have to fight this. But no matter how bad this gets, don't ever lose the connection with the Quran, with the prayer, and so on and so forth. And how often you see people, you know, I've seen this. So so often

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that I remember even my religious one of my in school, we are obviously in Muslim countries, we have to be an Islamic yoga club and Islam you're ordained. We have STEM education. So the teacher who used to teach me Islamic education in school,

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he told the students about

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one of his

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earliest students, who was a very good student, very religious,

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he would learn a lot, he was very intelligent, and you're memorizing the Quran, and so on and so forth. And then he said, but this students, he when he went to university, he started speaking with women, he started smoking, doing bad stuff. So he went in the wrong way. And he used to speak about him a lot, speak about him a lot, speak about him a lot, speak about him a lot to speak about him a lot. And it became too much, it became too much to the point where he actually destroyed his reputation. And that person was clueless. That student was clueless. So he was busy with his life. Yes, he went, he took a wrong path. But somehow, a couple of years later, this guy, because when he

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was speaking about him, he was speaking with pain. And he was speaking that I mean, people could lose their Deen.

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Somebody when he was speaking about him in a helpless or in a hopeless manner, in all plasma, it's about a couple of years later, this guy comes back to the masjid. And he gives up on all his sins. And he becomes one of the main teachers in that Masjid Quran teaches. And he becomes a very important religious figure in our city. Because a very influential person, and he does a lot of youth work and he has had a positive influence on the youth. Sometimes you give up on someone, but you don't know. You don't know. So maybe went through a period of you know,

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going into some kind of sin or doing something haram and even distancing himself from Islam. But who knows people come back.

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Because the truth what benefits people the truth could actually see it stay there. So don't judge by external, you know, by external features. Don't judge by that. And don't make a final judgment on someone you don't know. You do not know there are people who left Islam then came back to Islam. There are people like this. I'm in a couple of people. They left Islam they became atheists. They grew up in religious families. They gave up Islam at some stage in their life. So one of them about five years later, someone the other person I don't spend too much longer than that, being an atheist. Later on, they came back

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No, no. You don't know. Why is this because a lot of these doubts a lot of these desires, they actually like the this kind of form that floats on the otter creek or on a river. It will dissipate at some stage in sha Allah

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then Allah subhanaw taala now makes a comparison.

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here and he says FMA Yet Allah more unknown Xena aka my rugby can help okay men who are

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in amateur cattle, Allah is saying is the one who knows that what was revealed to you is the truth from your Lord.

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Is he like someone who's blind. So Allah is saying, in simple terms, that people who have come to believe that what you came with is the truth from your Lord. These are the people who have sight. These are the people who can truly see and the people who refuse to believe in this truth and they reject it and live in denial of this truth. These people are just blind. They're blind, and without the blindness as Allah says in surah filler off the home pollun Life Kahuna via they have heart

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with which they do not comprehend. They don't understand. And by the way, there's something about the brain and the heart. The brain understands,

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you know, details,

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understand specific things.

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But the heart understands bigger facts. I'll give you an example. I receive a lot of questions. Someone says, I know Allah is there for me, but I still feel desperate.

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I know Allah is going to help me. Okay? But I still panic.

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So they helped me out.

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I know Allah is there for me, but I still can't feel it.

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So this is mental knowledge, mental knowledge does not

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know the way we use it in English, we say, you know, something in your mind or you know, in your heart, or you say, I know something, intellectually, or I know emotionally, emotionally. It's, it's what we call emotional knowledge that really benefits that really benefits. If I know that you're trustworthy. I'm not going to, if I give you something to look after, I'm not going to worry about that.

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But if I think oh, you're good, but I still have my doubts. Okay. Or you have proven you have a clear record, but I still don't believe I don't feel comfortable towards you. I don't feel comfortable. So when I give you something to look after, I still be if you feel worried. So Allah Samantha is saying here, people are who know

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that you are upon the truth. It's not they know this intellectually. They believe in it. They know emotionally, they know it in the heart. They have no doubt about it. They have peace about it. And this is where a man comes from the word Eman in Arabic. It comes from Emin M What is peace? When you know something, and you have peace about it? That's what a man is. But you could know something intellectually but you're not in peace with it. That's not a man. That's not Amen. So, Allah Subhan Allah says, Allah urban life Kahuna bi they have hearts with which they cannot come they do not comprehend. So many people know that this life is not the end. So many people know there is a

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hellfire, and there is paradise. And there will people will be judged on the day of judgment but still these people don't pray. They don't fast. They don't do anything to prepare for the ACA. They know what in their heads like what they don't they don't know what's in the hearts. So they don't act on it.

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Long Herbalife gonna be our home. Life is my own. And they have ears with which they cannot hear.

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ears with which they cannot hear. I mean, you can hear something, right. But if it does not give you the lesson, what's the point?

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What's the point? It's like, you speak to a child

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until them sit down, they say, okay, but it's still standing sit down. Okay.

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I said sit down, they say, okay.

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You say, can you hear me? Well, they obviously can hear you. But because they're not responding, you say you don't hear, you can't hear. That's what I lost when I was talking about these people. They can hear with their ears, but it does not reach the hearts, they do not benefit from it.

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What lobes want to be heard, they have eyes with which they cannot see. But these people see, right? But they don't see what's behind the visible.

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Like they see. They say you don't have to, you can't you know reading the lines or what's what's in the lines will not benefit you. You need to see what's between the lines in order to understand.

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And this is why they say a lot of the meanings are actually in silence.

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A lot of the meanings are in silence. Like I could say the same statement in different ways. Pose a different

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points give you a completely different meaning, right? But I'm saying the same thing.

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But different poses will change the meaning. So this is why they say there is more meaning in silence than in speech.

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There's more meaning in silence than in speech. That's true to a certain extent. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying that people who believe that what you received or were sent to you is the truth. These are people who can see the ones who do not believe in this or deny this. These are blind that Allah says in Nehemiah that cuddle Al Bab. Indeed, only ones who will remember are the people of all Al Bab the people of sound hearts, the people of sound hearts and we spoke previously so many times about the meaning of the car to the car. The Quran refers to itself as declaw

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as vicar as Ted Kyra reminder reminder of what

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reminder when I say let me read

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remind you, I'm reminding you of something you already know. Because if I give you a new piece of information, I don't say I'm reminding you, right? I'll say I'm educating you. I'm sharing information with you. Right? I'm telling you something new. But I only say I'm reminding you When I say something you already know but you forgot about it.

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Isn't it?

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So Allah Subhan Allah in the Quran is saying in the Maya, terra cotta, Al Bab, the only ones who will truly remember are the people of sound hearts. Remember what?

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Remember what we said we are born believers. We are born we know Allah. We are born we love Allah. We are born we want Allah. It's only the external influences later on that blemish that beauty and that reality. So the revelation comes to do what

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remind you of that pristine nature that you were born into your fitrah

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it reminds you of that and brings you back to it. It brings you back to it. So Allah saying the only ones who will truly remember that means they will come back to their true nature are the ones of sound hearts.

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So that's what the Revelation does the revelation brings you back to your fatwa. That's what it does. There's a perfect match between your structure as a human being your design as a human being your original design, and your factory settings if you like and the revelation they are compatible, perfectly compatible the same.

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before Allah sent you the Revelation, He instilled it inside of you in the shape of photons

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at your heart at your core, that's what you are. So the Quran is not strange. It's not an alien kind of thing. It's not trying to change humans. No, it's the Quran and the Sunnah or what they do there restore you back to factory settings. That's it. That's what the Quran sunnah do

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so they're not kidnapping human nature away. They're not taking you away from where you are. No, they the Quran and Sunnah they say, here is what you truly are.

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And because you lost it, and because you so much attached to the external world, we're going to give you an external reminder of it. Here it is, go ahead.

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So Allah subhanaw taala now describes these people, a very good description, beautiful description of the people who have sound hearts, people who have sound hearts, to show you again, that this resonates with the Halacha, the last couple of helpers that I gave after maghrib

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on Friday and Saturday, about Islam. So we are talking now about the Hadith reach the state, the state where we're talking about the Hadith,

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that show that there is so many pathways to Allah, there's so many pathways to goodness, almost, actually everything in life could lead you to Allah subhanaw taala and we said what the Prophet of Islam says even a smile and I swear to hammock, Allah, a nice word, a smile, anything you do, even a person approaching the wife intimately.

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This is an act of charity, in a sense, it's a good deed. It's a good deed so you can be earning hazard with everything you do in this life. So Allah subhanaw taala now describes these Al Bab the people of sound hearts, who are they? Allah saying Alladhina ufone every Abdullah he, wala Yun O'Donnell mythique those who stay truthful to the covenant of Allah subhanaw taala. And they never break their promise. They never break the promise. And that's really in essence that what Islam is Islam is about you being authentic, being true to Allah, being true to the nature that Allah designed you according to. That's what Islam is. Islam just says, Stay truthful, straight truthful,

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to who you are to the covenant inside you, which is your fitrah. Allah is taking the covenant by the way, before coming to this life. We were alive in some shape of life, we don't remember it. And you know why we don't remember it.

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Because we don't, because as we said, we don't see everything now.

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We are living a limited consciousness in this world. Keep this in your head in your mind. We are given a limited consciousness in this world. So there are things that happen in the past that we forgot the things that happened to us before birth that we forgot.

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And there are things that we know that now we know it in our hearts, but we cannot see them now so our minds forgot about them.

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And I'll give you the example. Sometimes you sleep, you have a dream. You wake up

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Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes? Most of your dreams you don't remember them by the way.

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Most of your dreams you don't remember them. Why? Because you're moving to a different level of consciousness.

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That level of consciousness of sleep you remember them.

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But when you come to the awakening or to the waking level of consciousness, you have moved to a different world.

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So you don't remember those. So this is why, before birth before birth, and before the even our, the creation of us all, Allah subhanaw taala he says in the Quran, Allah says with a hydra book, I mean Benny Adam, mean the Huri Henrietta was headed home other unforeseen alerts to build up become Calobra Shahidullah, Allah and fusina but saying Surah Surah

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Allah, Allah,

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Allah is saying that Allah took from the back of Adam, all his progeny, every individual human being Allah brought them from the back of Adam.

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And then Allah made us stand in front of him, all of us together. And he said, Am I not your Lord? And as to be able to become I'm not sure, Am I not your Rob? Each one of us said, Yes, indeed.

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Each one of us Do you remember that?

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I don't remember the exact moment. But your heart knows it. And that's why your heart seeks Allah because it wants to stay true to that word.

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That's why your heart pushes you to Allah.

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And when you are far away from Allah, you hug gives you pain, says that's not what we agreed upon.

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And how does it communicate this to you? By making giving us a sense of vacuum? I feel desperate in life. What's the point? What's the point? I feel a sense of guilt sometimes.

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I'm not fulfilling what I said what I signed up for.

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So we all said to Allah, yes, indeed, that Allah subhanaw taala says

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allow us to grow and become a little better.

01:01:44 --> 01:01:58

Mashallah, and fully managed to grow up become our rubella Shahina. We all of us said yes, indeed we testify. We bear witness, we testify. And all in Nakayama crema Anta colonna,

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while shadow Milan fully managed to become Carlu, Bella Shahidullah and tokoto.

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Someone save

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and hello in Hakuna and Ha ha funny anyway, that less to say. We were unaware of this. We were unconscious of this.

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That you were overlord.

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So we had this previously, and that's what we remember. By the way. That's where the revelation revelation reminds us of that is why sometimes you read the Quran. Sometimes you read Quran, you listen to Quran, and you feel you know this, it takes you home somehow. It's a homely feeling. There's no words to describe it. At some level, you recognize this, and you don't know how this is happening. This is a spiritual experience. And this is when the heart the Quran hits a chord in your heart, about your connection with Allah, about your covenant with Allah.

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we have a covenant with Allah subhanaw taala, we signed a contract with Allah, we signed a contract with Allah, that he's our Lord. And when he brings us into this life, we're going to worship Him. You signed up for that. You signed up for that.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:26

And the your test is that you're brought into this life with a limited level of consciousness, and limited level of perception. There are so many sounds around us, we don't hear them. Animals could hear some of them, we don't hear them.

01:03:28 --> 01:03:36

There are so many things around us, by the way, we don't see them. There are angels, there is jinn, we don't see them. But the moment you die,

01:03:38 --> 01:03:41

straightaway, your level of consciousness consciousness expands,

01:03:42 --> 01:03:49

expands and start to see everything for what it really is. That moment you will remember your covenant with Allah.

01:03:50 --> 01:03:59

You will remember it exactly as it was, you will see it without a shadow of doubt. You will see it clearly and he would realize I wasn't in sleep.

01:04:00 --> 01:04:05

I was I was I was sleeping in that life. I was I wasn't aware of that.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:16

But Allah subhanaw taala send the revelation as a reminder to remind you of that. So even though I forgot and by the way, do you know what happens when we connect to Allah subhanaw taala

01:04:17 --> 01:04:23

when we are the more you purify your heart, do you know what happens? The impurities of this life?

01:04:25 --> 01:04:26

They will

01:04:28 --> 01:04:29

I want to put this right

01:04:36 --> 01:04:38

the sins that we do

01:04:40 --> 01:04:52

the negligence that we have towards Allah, the bad things that we do the bad thoughts about beliefs about convictions, the doubts that we have to know what they do. You see the limited level of consciousness that we have. They even make it smaller.

01:04:54 --> 01:05:00

They even make it smaller. But when you connect more to Allah your truth for more to Allah

01:05:00 --> 01:05:04

on that level of consciousness that you have expands, you start to see more.

01:05:06 --> 01:05:41

You will start to see more on this as well. But Sarah comes from this where deep insight comes from. This is what if your answer, a strong sense of intuition where you see through things, you will start to see through things that you were unable to see previously. And that's why the prophets of salaam says it took off your assets. Men. Be aware of the rasa, the deep sense of intuition of a believer, they can look at you and they can see Abdullah Massoud, he won one time he said to some of his students, he says hello I'm at a huddle. COMM Elena. Wolfie eignet Here, Thoreau's Zina.

01:05:42 --> 01:05:48

This is why, why some of you come and sit with us. When in their eyes, I can see the signs of Xena.

01:05:51 --> 01:06:02

And that student was astonished was shocked. He said, When I was coming here, there was a woman who wasn't dressed, dressed appropriately, I saw her I wanted to take my eyes away, but I kept looking staring at her.

01:06:04 --> 01:06:05

How does that belong? So now this

01:06:07 --> 01:06:10

so that limited level of consciousness

01:06:11 --> 01:06:15

starts to expand when you are truthful to Allah so you will start to

01:06:16 --> 01:06:36

see and find in the Quran more lessons, you start to remember things you start to feel more the connection to Allah subhanaw taala and that's the gift from Allah subhanaw taala that's the gift from Allah Subhana Allah so Alladhina Euphorbia Angela hola in Kaduna, le mythique

01:06:37 --> 01:07:09

when Latina Yasu and I'm at Allah who will be here to your Salah show not about my heartfulness while ASAP. One description of the another description of those people is that they connect whatever Allah whatever Allah commanded to be connected, and that shows connection to your kids, people related to you select a random sailor to run. So you check on your relatives, check on your parents, check on your siblings, check on your cousins, on your aunts, uncles, and so on so forth. You keep the connection with them.

01:07:10 --> 01:07:15

You see if they need help you help them out. And you keep good connections with them. And also another type of Silla

01:07:17 --> 01:07:18

is basically

01:07:20 --> 01:07:21


01:07:22 --> 01:07:43

it can be also the Brotherhood in Islam. They have brothers in Islam, you keep checking on them. Another type of sealer is that you help the poor, you help the needy. That's another type of sealer. And the most important type of sealer that you have which is connection that you need. So they keep the connections that Allah commands them to keep. The most important connection is with Allah Himself.

01:07:45 --> 01:07:53

So these people keep their connection with Allah. connection with the prophets of Allah send them through his sunnah through following his example and following his commands.

01:07:54 --> 01:08:42

We are shown album and these people fear the Lord, they feel the punishment of their Lord, they fear Allah subhanaw taala Waitaha foreigners who al hisab and they fear they fear that they might end up having su al hisab which is having a reckoning or a judgment by Allah that is negative or that is bad. So they fear that when they stand before Allah Subhan Allah, they don't want to go through an extreme kind of hardship. They don't want you know, they fear that their sins will give them a very harsh or difficult standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala so actually there's there's a lot of beautiful description here so I'm not going to I will stop here and then shall next time I will

01:08:42 --> 01:09:00

recap and I will carry on with the description there are important things and some points where we need we will need to spend some time on insha Allah so we will stop here was alongside amount of Vienna Muhammad when he was having some any specific questions about this about what we said today. Yes

01:09:04 --> 01:09:05

What one thing

01:09:08 --> 01:09:08

y'all walked

01:09:12 --> 01:09:19

past Okay, anyone who wants to play their Luhan leave they can chill all the time is on. Okay, let's take questions.

01:09:23 --> 01:09:23


01:09:26 --> 01:09:28

has put in place that is disturbing.

01:09:29 --> 01:09:29


01:09:32 --> 01:09:43

This was this is consistent with the notion that a sin is something that you are doing against Allah, or you sort of separating

01:09:44 --> 01:09:45

this concept of the desert from

01:09:46 --> 01:09:56

authority to subdue Allah in that our sin actually could be something that is done to his his, I guess my progress as opposed to the universities.

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59

That's a good question.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:04

Do we have to separate between Allah and between his creation which is the universe?

01:10:05 --> 01:10:28

Our sins will never harm Allah subhanaw taala will never harm Allah Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran tableau will never ever turn for only one tableau will do refer to Loony, all my servants, you will never get to a point where you can harm me, you will never get to a point where you can benefit me. So nothing harms Allah subhanaw taala. But Allah subhanaw taala created this universe in a state of harmony

01:10:29 --> 01:11:07

and balance, and everything goes according to this balance. So this way it's maintained. It's only humans and jinn are given the choice. If they follow the Command of Allah, they would blend into this universal balance and life would be perfect for them. This is what Allah Subhan Allah says about the People of the Scripture well unknown upon Mottola will NGO or mountain Zilla Elohim, not rob beam, the acromion folk name, amen Tatiana, Julian. If these people implemented the revelation that was revealed to them from Allah and the Torah and the Injeel, they would have eaten from underneath and from above. Other verses as well indicate that when when humans follow the commands

01:11:07 --> 01:11:42

of Allah, Allah will shower them with blessings and Providence and so on and so forth. Why? Because once you obey Allah, you have Glyndon to this universal equilibrium, and it will start to serve you, it will start to give you its fruits. That's the point. So when you go against the word of Allah, you go against the Command of Allah, against the sovereignty of Allah, yes, but Allah has, Allah has given you that space to test you with. So we're not harming Allah. But we are going against the word and instruction of Allah at our own risk, and we will pay for that.

01:11:43 --> 01:11:54

Does it harm Allah doesn't harm Allah but it harms the university does. It does harm the universe. This is why some narrations indicate that the people who do good everything in this universe

01:11:55 --> 01:11:58

seeks forgiveness for them and people who

01:12:00 --> 01:12:45

who commit sin. It causes destruction to the universe, Allah Subhana Allah says in surah rhombohedral facade of liberty will Buhari be Makkah summit alienness you know, the corruption and deficiency has appeared on the land in the sea because of the sins because of what humans have committed. And towards the end of time, the province of Islam indicated that when it comes, and they ruled by the word of Allah and almost everyone on earth becomes Muslim, the earth will bring about everything good and it's to the extent that it would say about eight people would eat to their fill from one pomegranates, one, one pomegranate, will fill up eight people, and they would rest in the

01:12:45 --> 01:12:50

shade of its skin of this kind of that pomegranates.

01:12:51 --> 01:12:53

This isn't no GM foods.

01:12:54 --> 01:13:16

This is the baraka from Earth. Why? Because when humans worship Allah, everything serves them. Because because of because of that balance, you're feeding positive is positively into that balance. So we're not harming Allah. We but we go against the word of Allah. And he gave us that choice. But we do disturb the disbalance in the universe to a certain extent. Yes.

01:13:18 --> 01:13:18


01:13:20 --> 01:13:22

relates to the concept of revelations of

01:13:23 --> 01:13:27

Revelation, Sunday's revelation, what the Sunnah is

01:13:30 --> 01:13:37

the expectation of the Sunnah, the identification of what is authentic within the stone and what is not authentic, what is the what is it? What is it

01:13:39 --> 01:13:43

utilizes implement efforts, intelligence capacity,

01:13:44 --> 01:13:50

to what extent that is a revelation that is assisted upon, as opposed to

01:13:51 --> 01:13:55

Okay, the Quran is revelation and the Sunnah is revelation. That's true.

01:13:57 --> 01:14:06

But there's no there's a lot of human elements in its preservation and explanation and so on and so forth. But even the Quran and its preservation, there's a human element.

01:14:08 --> 01:14:11

Allah guaranteed its preservation, but how does this preservation happen?

01:14:12 --> 01:14:57

happens through people memorizing it, documenting it right. That's how it happens. The same with the Sunnah. Now, there's differences among the scholars with regards to the authentic sunnah. But for the most part they agree upon, especially for the core Hadith, you're talking about Buhari and Muslim and the main bodies have the bigger books of Hadith like the four Sunon Muslim Imam Muhammad, and these bigger collections of Hadith. There's a great agreement on most of them, and most of them, but yet there remains a number of Hadith a certain I would say, margin of a hadith where there is disagreement, but that kind of disagreement or that kind of space there. Okay. Definitely that was

01:14:57 --> 01:15:00

destined by Allah subhanaw taala and is not bliss.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:15

nimish does not blemish that most, for the most part of the Hadith, the OMA has agreed upon whether they are authentic or inauthentic. Okay, so and we have to remember that our striving to implement Islam will never reach 100%.

01:15:16 --> 01:15:38

But the point is in striving, the point is in striving, that's it. So the same thing applies to the sinner. So yes is the revelation. And as laymen Muslims are, what we have to do is follow the scholars that we trust in terms of its authentic and not. And we don't have to go for that certainly often what you need to do, and you have got the guidance, don't worry about this.

01:15:39 --> 01:15:51

Don't worry about this. So the Hadith where there is differences, disagreement among some scholars, okay. Both people who disagree about that they're all safe, Inshallah, not a big deal. Not a big issue.

01:15:55 --> 01:15:58

Islam, like, if you look into medicine, by the way, look into medicine.

01:16:03 --> 01:16:16

Any kind of surgery, or serious surgery, you'll find there is there's a margin of error that sometimes goes up to 25%. If you're going to calculate this by number, you might not go for surgery.

01:16:17 --> 01:16:33

Even a doctor might not go for surgery, but they know that any human effort has this margin of error. This is how life goes. Even when you buy a car, you buy a new car, by the way, there's a margin of error. There's about 15% of new cars that actually are actually a wreck.

01:16:34 --> 01:16:45

And it will come to break within the first six months of their functioning. And there's no there's no refund on that. But people still go and buy new cars, right? That's how it goes.

01:16:47 --> 01:16:49

Like this is what life is it's a human experience.

01:16:52 --> 01:16:52


01:16:57 --> 01:16:58

some of them are

01:16:59 --> 01:17:01

straightforward. Some of them are

01:17:03 --> 01:17:04

the word.

01:17:08 --> 01:17:16

Actually, I think the parables on the metaphors in the Quran are actually quite simple and straightforward. But sometimes

01:17:17 --> 01:17:42

we might have a linguistic barrier. Or sometimes people will explain them make them difficult. So I'm not sure how easy I read them. I am sure when I was explaining them, I felt some maybe I did not sometimes convey the message. But that depends on my state of mind. Sometimes I just feel better. And the words flow more easily. And I'm able to elucidate things a bit make them a bit more clear. But maybe not necessarily today.

01:17:43 --> 01:17:52

So I think sometimes the person who explains the mind not so sure the simplicity yet the depth in them.

01:17:53 --> 01:17:56

But what is there anything specific you find very difficult?

01:18:03 --> 01:18:04


01:18:08 --> 01:18:36

Okay, yeah, here, the ones who comprehend that are the ones of knowledge right. Now we are trying to her. That's what we're talking about knowledge of the heart, you can figure it in your head. But you have to I hear they take it to heart. That's what that's what it means here. Yeah. So those who really benefit from it, not necessarily understand it, although, although some of the scholars like one scholar, when he read this verse, he felt bad about himself. He said, that means if I don't understand something,

01:18:37 --> 01:18:54

when there's a bad sign about me, okay. But anyway, this could be to a certain extent, but I think here is grasping the point behind it really not understanding the the logical point there. It's just taking it to heart and benefiting from it. That's what the verse is talking about.

01:18:55 --> 01:18:58

Logical offic. Okay, no more questions.

01:19:00 --> 01:19:01

At the end, when humans

01:19:02 --> 01:19:35

are, you know, when you said that when we do something bad when you commit a sin is universal harmony. So I was thinking, I remember hearing that I didn't know that's what it means to be a different color. And yes, very good example. Yes, it is what was white it was as stone from heaven from from Jana from paradise. But it was white, it turned black because of the sins of human beings. Yes. We need to realize what kind of universe we're living in.

01:19:36 --> 01:19:59

Our sins have serious, serious consequences. We don't see them in this world. Or we see very little of them in this world, but they have a deep end that is invisible to us. And the problem is people will only see that on the Day of Judgment. But Allah informed us that's the point Allah has informed us about them, and was informed us that sins will do this.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:09

To you, since will do this, that's how you will pay for them. There's a hellfire, you'll pay for these sins, Allah will punish you, so on and so forth. So Allah has made it making it clear.

01:20:11 --> 01:20:39

So that's the issue, but we will only get to sit but people don't believe in this. Or many people don't believe in this. They will only believe in it when they see when they see with their own eyes, and then it would be too late. But yes, Your sins have an impact has on us what was white and became black because of the sins of children of Adam. And there are indications from the prophets of salaam that even rain would be held because of the sins of humans.

01:20:40 --> 01:20:54

The Baraka the blessings from everything will be taken away because of the sins of humans. Yeah, so we don't live separate like we are part of a deeper equilibrium that science cannot figure out because science depends on the our perception of the five senses.

01:20:57 --> 01:21:12

Okay, Baraka long vehicle, so allows me to do it yourselfer behaviors. So again, just reminder of the times of the class, or the Halacha. It's Saturday morning, Sunday morning or the morning halacha. Saturday, Sunday and

01:21:14 --> 01:21:20

Tuesday and Thursday, Tuesday and Thursday. Yes, Tuesday into diabolical low frequency.

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