Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Story Of Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Saadi

Moutasem al-Hameedy

In this talk Sh. Moutasem shares with us the the life lesson of Abdulrahman Al-Saadi – Friday halaqah, March 10, 2017.

There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of Amer bin Shiraheel Al Shaabi understanding. [12:111]

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The transcript describes a successful chef who had a shift towards being a judge in court and eventually became a judge in the Supreme Court. The chef had a big number of students, including a famous teacher in Saudi Arabia who had a large number of students. The transcript also touches on the use of technology to improve learning and the importance of finding points of conflict in everything. The importance of learning from people with the best knowledge and experience is emphasized.

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			happy life. So I explained a little bit about his life so it's good now to go back to it and see a
little bit more inshallah delve a bit deeper into his life. So anyone knows who we're going to talk
about now, since we gave you enough clues clues.
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			can I say as steady as steady? Okay, that's about his name. his tribe is from Bhanu Tamim. They are
Ben who say that? Okay, some people say a Sadie. He's not a sad he's a CD from Ben who say that. Ben
Osada. Okay, so he's gonna be NASA acidity, who is the teacher of chef of North amiable Hama Hama,
la Jamia?
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			So chef Hamza, man, Sadie, his family comes originally from the north of the Arabian Peninsula. But
his grandfather moved to Asia, which is in Nigeria, in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula.
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			The ship was born. And the history calendar, one 313 or 713. Oh, seven. That makes it about 130
years ago.
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			Around 130 years ago, he was born. So it was born in the town. It was a town at the time town of
onaiza. He was born at a difficult time. So there was it was turbulent times there were a lot of
fights among the tribes there. There were a lot of fights among the tribes. So he was born in a very
turbulent time. His father was Imam was the Imam of the masjid. And onaiza. His father was the Imam
of the masjid. Indonesia was one of the people of knowledge Indonesia.
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			So, Imam Sadie was born again 1307.
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			And when he was four years old, when he was four years old, his mother passed away. His mother
passed away when he was four years old. His father passed away three years later, when he was seven,
when he was seven,
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			who looked after him after that. It was his step mother,
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			his step mother, his stepmother looked after him. Now when you talk about stepmother, usually it's
negative people see it in a negative way. Why? Because unfortunately, a lot of the cases that we
deal with when stepmother it takes advantage of the children of the first wife, especially if the
first wife had passed away. But so Pamela with shareholder Amanda Sadie, his stepmother took
excellent care of him. She considered him to be like more, more like dearer to her than his her own
children. So she gave him a lot of attention, Mashallah. And she looked after him. And she gave him
very good orientation in terms of knowledge. And in terms of studying.
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			Some penola just a few days ago, I came across a story and was an Arab country, unfortunately,
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			a stepmother tortures the son of her husband touches him badly treats him badly. And I don't know
what happened to her she lost her mind or something she put him in the washing machine.
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			A little boy, two and a half years old.
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			So, sometimes you think that's the time of the prophet SAW Selim says in the whole tintable Oh
Allah, Allah, Allah because the man the prophets of Salaam was asked about the companions about
things. He told them that would happen towards the end of time. They said don't people were on
people's minds, the prophets of Salaam says in our own galaxy delicacy, man, in the minds of the
intellects of those people, and that time would be gone, which is way cooler. And it would be like
dust instead of their, you know, intellect or the understanding. So, so, so do you have the ramen is
Sadie, his mother stepmother takes care of him and she
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			pays great attention to his education. And then he moves to live with his older brother. His older
brother was more of a fatherly figure. His older brother wasn't his name was Hemant Hemet, and he
was a merchant was a businessman. He was like, financially doing well. So he looked after his
younger brother, and he took care of him more as a father more of a father as a father figure.
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			From a young age, she had the mindset he showed a lot of interest in knowledge in studying.
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			He enjoyed going to the masjid attending the Holocaust and sitting with the scholars he had this
unlike people his age
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			The children his age, he had this interest. And so how law law puts sometimes the love of something
in a person, the love for knowledge. So he had this kind of orientation, no one needed to encourage
him, although his stepmother was trying to direct him to the classes and to the hellos, but he
himself had this love for knowledge he wanted, he had this thirst for knowledge, he used to come and
sit in the house from a young age, it is said that he would not miss a halaqa he would not miss miss
a class.
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			When so under Elisa had a good number of scholars at the time. So he would attend the Holocaust and
he would listen to them and learn from them. And when they were visiting scholars, he would make
sure that he doesn't miss any of their classes, or any of their talks. So he had this from a young
age, this passion for knowledge, this love for knowledge, he had it, and it seemed that his brother,
his older brother had looked after that, and he actually encouraged him to do it. his stepmother as
well supported him in this regard. And this is why Subhan Allah, Allah made it easy. for him.
Scheffer said he started memorizing the Koran. He finished memorizing he memorized the Quran in less
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			than a year. He finished memorization when he was around 12 years old or before 12. Before reaching
age 12 he completed the memorization of the Koran. He used to pray all five daily prayers in the
masjid. So one day when he was about 15,
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			there was two tribes one tribe attacked onaiza. So at that stage, some tribes were actually fighting
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			tribes were actually fighting amongst each other. So A Tribe Called venom Sulaiman, Banu Salim, they
actually attacked the onaiza. And at that time, they had their rifles, the guns, the old fashioned
ones, the ones done by the Turks by the Ottoman Empire, the world made by the Ottoman Empire. So So
this is how the battles would take place with these kind of rifles.
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			So such as time, a Saturday, 15 years old, he's going to the west. And the guys like in his, the
ones who are trying to defend the neighborhood. They're the like the adults in that place. They saw
him they said, where he was, like, Where do you think you're going? He's I'm going to break down and
MST. This is your crazy, crazy, there are bullets everywhere, like people are firing bullets. It is
going to go he says no, I'm just gonna go I don't care. He didn't get involved. By the way, in that
kind of violence. One thing he just kept focused on knowledge. So he wanted to go to the masjid. But
they, they actually they beat him. They beat him and sent him back home this is this crazy? No,
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			you're going for a fracture when you know people are fighting.
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			So they sent him back. But he shows that he had this kind of dedication to go to the masjid, attend
the Holocaust. Pray in the masjid. He was that kind of person. He wasn't like his people his age. So
they would play around, they would you know, engage in games. He wasn't a playful person. Or he
wasn't a playful child or a teenager. He wasn't that kind of person. That was his nature. That was
his natural demeanor. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes when you see someone like this or he's
lonely, maybe he's got a whatsit ADHD, or this kind of all these illnesses, or he's got autism. And
straightaway, people start making a Revenant conclusions. No, he just had this lawful knowledge. He
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			didn't have passion for physical exercise, or to be physically active. That was his orientation.
Other people were different. So he just used that. And he found good support. He found good support
in that sense at that time. So I tried to watch a few videos of people talking about their time in
the in the in that in that area. And they said when a child was about nine years old, 10 years old,
because people lived in very difficult circumstances, very challenging, financially, very
challenging circumstances. And it was hard to like people were working as farmers, people, some
people did some trades and business was all hard work.
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			A child when they were nine years old, 10 years old, they would start helping out their parents,
their fathers, like their father had a shop that would go and help him out. He had a field to work
in, he would go and help their father, they would go and they would tend cheap. So they would work
and contribute to the household from that young age.
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			For a man who said he, his older brother said, don't get Don't worry about this. I'm taking care of
the finances. You just focus on your studying, since he had this love for knowledge. So he studied
the Arabic language he started, he started Tafseer he started Hadith and said it either with
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			with the scholars, I said the scholars of Polynesia and the visiting scholars and he would read a
lot he was an avid reader. So he would spend most of his time reading most of his day was spent in
reading, reading, reading, reading, attending classes, reading and then he started writing from a
young age as well.
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			He started writing from a young age. So, from a young age, the scholars of the time recognized his
excellence on the main instrument who recognizes excellence. So he would actually sometimes make him
you know, if the Imam was absent, he would request as what's called an inner bacana uniboob. So he
would say, Okay, I'm the last man who said he would lead the prayer if I'm not there.
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			And they would allow him sometimes to teach. So people started to flock towards him in order to
learn from him from a young age before even reaching 20. And in his early 20s, this was
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			the case. His main focus afterwards became more or more about the books of urban Tamia. And he
developed special interest there, and he started reading more, anyone who reads for sure, man has
said he is going to see that influence. Sometimes some scholars called him me though I am a sudden,
this small, minor, again, because his style of writing is quite nice. And it's so
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			it is so artful the way he writes like his his prose flows so nicely. So it is.
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			It is actually so beautiful to read it, it's it's,
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			although it's prose, but you find you sent it as it flows. So naturally, there's as if there is a
melody to it. So that's how he writes. So and this is obviously the trademark of MLP. So this, some
scholars call them a severe, or the modern Iam and things like that. And you can see the influence
of ovente me and we'll call em in the writings of Abdullah man, sad.
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			People in nudged in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula. And this is something that has to do with
their life with the life is rough. circumstances were difficult. Now, it's much better. But at the
time, it was difficult. And those were mainly headwinds. A lot of those were headwinds. The prophet
SAW a lot of sentences in the Hadith, men better. Jaffa men better Jaffa whoever lives a bedroom
life and Nomad life, he's going to become rough.
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			Why because the nature of the lifestyle that you have is going to affect you, you read a very urban
modern life, you will find men developing some kind of femininity within their character, softness,
so much softness, they would lose a little bit of their masculinity. Why? Because such an easy life,
everything is available, everything is easy. You don't have to go through so much to achieve things.
So the lifestyle has to impact people a lot. And this is why people who live in mountainous areas,
you'll find their nature is more aggressive, is more aggressive. This is why they say the people of
Mecca are harsh compared to the people of Medina. So there's a reason people have open areas, like
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			Or like Toronto is mainly an open area. So you find people are a bit more easygoing, but Toronto not
so much. Because of the traffic problem, people get more aggressive. And because of living in small
matchboxes, people get cluster phobic, and then they get a bit aggressive. But generally speaking,
when people lead an easy life,
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			people become more feminine, they become more gentle and soft, when they live more of a rough life.
So that shows that your lifestyle, the area where you live, all of this has an impact. Even the
nature of the air that you breathe actually has an impact on your character. So panela the
relationship between humans and their environment is extremely organic. There's a lot of give and
take there is a lot of trade off. So wherever you choose to live, that's going to have an impact on
you definitely is going to have so people live in mountainous areas, the more rough and aggressive
people live in,
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			you know, even areas or open areas that are more easygoing. The more is it people who live in the
countryside have a different demeanor than people who live in this city.
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			So she has a lot of mana Sadie. Compared to the people where he grew up, he was actually completely
different. So people had this kind of rough character. I'm going to share a story as well from an
Egyptian teacher who came during that time during the life of shadow him and he said is to teach in
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			And he shares some stories that because he had an experience. So she from the Rama Sadie was had a
very smiley face, like his smile would not leave his face, you will always have this smile on his
face. And he was a person he was a people's person. He was a people's person. So he would sit he
would actually chase people and talk with them. And he had something that was very special as well
as well. He would
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			Talk to children, he was able to strike a conversation with children and get their interest and get
their attention. So that was a monastery. So he, every one from each, every age group would actually
find a conversation with him meaningful and interesting. So he spoke to different types of people,
people would walk to him in the street and greet him. So he was this kind of popular figure, because
he was easygoing, he was gentle, and like, they say, like, they haven't even seen him blame any one
in his life. They've never seen him blame a human being in his life. And Subhanallah that shows in
his style of writing, his style of writing, as I said, is so friendly, is so captivating, that when
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			you read, especially if you read his stuff, see it, which is like, the most famous, probably the
serial Gary Merman, it's one of the best books of Tafseer. When you read it, it flows. And he gives
you complex ideas in a very simple way, is easy. He makes it easy for you to understand complex
ideas, because of his beautiful style of writing, which actually reflects his demeanor. It reflects
his demeanor. It shows his easygoing as it shows his
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			his gentleness and kindness with people. So he has this kind of demeanor as he deals with people.
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			So one person described him and he's, he says in Arabic, that's going to be difficult to translate,
well try my best. He says, Can iraq come in and Nassim
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			communists sell Serbian? Now your article I will have one. What are you asking? Who will Java who
will be a dual corrib? What can a Java then be Maliki one FC, he won't be he will be clearly miasto
playable pm IB.
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			So he was more of a it was more like a beautiful spring breeze. And he was
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			more gentle than water. And he would not blame people or hold him accountable. And he would he's
forgiving towards people who don't keep in touch with them or people who do not keep checking on
him. Anyway, so there's some cultural stuff there as well.
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			So So Panama he was he was given a lot of acceptance. And people from all walks of life all levels
of knowledge, as I said, made friends with him.
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			He was short physically. So he wasn't told a lot of the scholars that when you discuss them, you
find them like Imam Abu hanifa was a bit tall. Imam Malik was tall. Right image Shakira was a bit
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			A lot of this cause when you read about them physically, they were a bit taller. But she said he or
she said he was actually short, a little bit. Not so skinny, somewhere in the middle middle belt.
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			he got gray hair from an early age. He got like when he was in his 30s is his head. His beard was
white in his 30s was fully white.
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			Someone like this was like this. shuttle Alberni should have been Ramallah towards the end of his 40
end of his 30s, early 40s. His beard was white and His hair was mainly white, settled Alberni as
well. So
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			he studied with so many scholars, so many scholars within the, you know, Indonesia and in other
cities as well, within Saudi Arabia, and he has such a huge number of students. He has a huge number
of students. amongst the most outstanding is Chef Abernathy Michio Hamad masala, a famous and also
one of his main students was the teacher in the midst of the Harlem Shake Abdullah was the one who
explained and that will become the famous explanation on the tilaka she has a son who was the
teacher in an elementary Haram in Makkah, and he has so many other like students martial law
students are they reach hundreds they reach the hundreds
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			the she had a very
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			full kind of busy kind of day. So he would wake up before for just pray a little bit of Dan and he
will go to the mustard
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			prefecture there and they would have
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			alcohol okay? In the slang the call it an hour. Okay. The Gao alcohol, so
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			alcohol, coffee,
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			you know, the Arab, the Arabic coffee, okay, so they keep drinking all day, drinking coffee all day
in that small cup myself. It's just a little bit right. But they keep drinking
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			throughout the day, so actually they end up drinking probably like five
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			six cups. And that's strong coffee, that strong coffee, the herbs when they do when they roast the
coffee, by the way, it's, they don't like it's not like dark roast, when you you know with coffee,
when you roast it so much and becomes dark loses a lot of the caffeine. But when it's still they
call it shut up.
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			They keep it, you know, like light brown in color. So it keeps on maintains a lot of the caffeine in
it. So when they drink, they drink a lot of caffeine. So they shave drank a lot of coffee throughout
the day, throughout the day. So before going to federal he would drink a little bit of coffee. And
then after praying for God, he would have a helicopter. So to extend his halaqa which would last for
about roughly roughly about three hours he would teach a couple of of Holocaust after fudger that
was a daily routine for him. And then during the HELOC obviously there will be coffee people will be
you know, now you go to medical harm. You see how the locals there, they bring their coffee, right
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			the coffee and the small
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			Finjan, they bring it and they start sharing the coffee. And now actually the the way you find the
coffee, there is more hubs, a lot of Herbes and less coffee, the coffee and at that time had almost
no Herbes, it was just pure coffee was pure coffee. And the thing that makes it strong
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			and alive when you brew the coffee there. When you brew the coffee, I mean here in in all these
coffee shops, they brew it in five minutes. Right. Now those, I mean the Arabs, till now when they
make what they call the Arab coffee, when they make it, they actually make it cook and brew for
sometimes two hours.
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			So you can imagine all the caffeine is now in the coffee itself when you drink it when you drink it,
so there's so much caffeine in it. So that's the kind of coffee that would drink. Then after this
halaqa they would go to the imageless image this would be in one of the houses of the people, there
are local people that would go and sit and they would call it alcohol. Again, matchless alcohol, the
okay the gathering of coffee. So they would sit and drink coffee and talk about different things,
then the chef would go and sleep.
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			He would take an up just siesta or a Lula before the hot for about an hour, he would wake up for the
huddle, go and pray in the masjid. And go to the market, speak with people visit some people and so
on and so forth. Then after I saw he would have another class and he would start teaching. And after
modeling, he had this Tafseer class,
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			which was like he had it for so many years. And that's where he brought his book to Sierra was a
class. And then he would be writing, he won't be transcribing the class. But he would be writing
these steps here. And he would be sharing it afterwards. With with the people.
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			A lot of the people from the city actually gathered around that tafsir cluster. So many people
learnt a lot of Tafseer from the chef, the chef was respected by everyone.
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			And he was offered to be the judge to be a judge in the court. But he refused because he wanted to
focus on knowledge. So most of his day was spent in studying teaching learning. And that's it.
That's what most of his day was about.
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			The shift towards afterwards.
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			He developed high blood pressure,
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			hypertension, hypertension. And for some people, their bodies are actually sensitive to caffeine. So
there are some people when they drink coffee or tea, it actually brings their blood pressure up for
some people, not for everyone, but for some people. But anyway, the chef developed high blood
pressure so they didn't know that didn't have proper treatment seems that was a was an advanced case
of blood pressure. They didn't deal with it. They didn't have the like the medical facilities to
deal with it. So he was advised to go to Lebanon for treatment. So he goes to Lebanon.
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			He spent some time there. And he his health was improving. And then he decides to meet the scholars
and the dilemma in Lebanon. So he starts visiting them talking with them. And there he meets Sheikh
Mohammed Nasir Advani.
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			He meets at independence and he was young still at the time she had been sad he was old at the time
was in his 60s. She felt bad he probably was in his maybe 30s or even around his 30s.
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			So there he meets Chicken abahani.
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			One of these brothers, one of his children, a Sadie, one of his own sons, who was an adult at the
time who was a fully grown man. He knows his father's love for for books.
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			Lebanon, actually still probably is the is the place for printing books, the main publishers in the
Arab world. In the last 6070 years, actually last 100 years. We're in Lebanon, we're in Lebanon.
That's where most of the publishers were actually where Egypt, Egypt had some but Egypt, but Lebanon
was the number one for publishing and at the time,
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			so any book that would come out would first come out in Lebanon. So his son, there was a best seller
at the time. There was a best seller at the time. It was first in English, but then it was
translated into Arabic. And the book was Dale Carnegie's book, Dale Carnegie's book, stop worrying
and start living. We're talking about the late 30s, or the 40s 1930s 1940s.
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			Around, you know, Second World War, World War Two. So that was the time, the book of Dale Carnegie
was a big hit in the West was a best seller. So it was translated into Arabic. And it became very
well known, even the Arabic language. So his son bought a copy of this book, and he gave it to his
father. His father, obviously was in the hospital. He reads the book, and he likes it. He says this
is a very good he says, this is a wise man. He says about Dale Carnegie says this is a wise man who
has a very good understanding.
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			And towards the end of the book of Dale Carnegie, for anyone who has seen it, he mentioned some
incidents, or incidents that happened with him about people who knew how to deal with worries. So he
talked about his visit to North Africa to Algeria. So it's also about the the the tribes, the water,
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			and how they would be traveling in the desert. And they had their sheep with them. Sometimes there
would be a sandstorm and some of those sandstorms caused some of the sheep to die. So they would
suffocate from the from the sand. So they said these people, they did not like when they saw some of
the sheep were dying, they did not like feel bad about this, they would just rush to this sheep and
slaughter them say Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, to slaughter them before they die. So at least they can
eat them. At least they can eat them. So they are slaughtered, they properly slaughtered, they don't
want them. They want to catch them before they die. So he said this before, so practical. And when I
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			asked them, Why didn't you feel bad? They said, this thing. Now Dale Carnegie's speaking is so as
these people, he said these, these were Muslims. So I asked them, Why don't you feel bad about this?
They said, Allah for this
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			to happen, he meant it to happen. So if he wanted it to happen, it's gonna happen. So we're happy
with this.
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			So he so he actually spoke well about,
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			about them and how they dealt with these issues. So when she said they saw this, he says, we're in
the hula Rajaraman stuff. He says, This man doesn't have bias. He said the truth about Muslims. So
he's not biased against Muslims. He had no issue, talking about that these Muslims, their faith,
helps them handle these kind of tragedies that they go through and hardships that they go through.
So she said they liked the book, and he liked the title of the book, and the topic, the content. So
what happened?
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			Someone visited him and he was going through some rough times. So he gives him the book as a gift.
He says, This is going to help you.
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			He says, this will help you he gives it to him, his son, and then he says to his son, gone by me two
copies of the book. His son goes and gets the two copies, obviously in a shift study stays in
Lebanon for a while, until he his health gets better. But the doctors tell him, you have to relax.
You can't do your daily routine of studying and learning and writing. There's just too much for you.
You need to relax. You just need to relax. Don't put yourself under so much pressure. But the shake
was at that time he was and from a young age he became the Imam of the main Masjid Indonesia and he
would lead the prayers.
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			So when he went back to Haneda,
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			he went back to his old routine. So he would go and attend all the lead all the prayers, he would
give all his classes, he would drink coffee.
00:29:26 --> 00:29:47
			And he gave his classes as as usual. So his health deteriorated. So now the two copies of Dale
Carnegie's book that he got the she had established a public library in onaiza. He was the first one
to establish a public library that is open for the public for everyone, just like the public
libraries here.
00:29:48 --> 00:29:58
			So he was the first one to establish this. So he put a copy there so people could have access to it
of Dale Carnegie's book, Dale Carnegie's book, and he kept a copy for himself.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:18
			When he wrote this is where was about the time he wrote his book was de la movida aside the
beneficial means to happy and tranquil life and hamdulillah. We went over the book. It's not a big
book, small book. We covered it in this halaqaat Previously, we explained it in detail.
00:30:22 --> 00:30:25
			Anyway, the chef kept doing his his own routine.
00:30:28 --> 00:30:39
			In his late 60s, that was in his late 60s. Like he really got ill five years when he was around 6464
years old. That's the time he went to Lebanon.
00:30:41 --> 00:30:52
			So we know that at the time, he was diagnosed with hypertension, he went to Lebanon, when he was
around 6868. So it goes back to our knees, as we said, he writes that book.
00:30:54 --> 00:30:55
			He continues his routine.
00:30:58 --> 00:31:06
			Then his health gets worse because he kept, you know, reading and writing and he kept his, his
himself, you know, busy.
00:31:08 --> 00:31:10
			And one day, he was
00:31:12 --> 00:31:14
			he gave his halaqa and he felt a little bit dizzy.
00:31:16 --> 00:31:17
00:31:18 --> 00:31:19
			he wanted to
00:31:21 --> 00:31:38
			leave the salon in the salon, he felt more dizzy. So after the salon, as soon as he finished, he
couldn't walk. So they helped him help get him to his house as soon as they he entered his house, he
lost consciousness.
00:31:41 --> 00:31:48
			So they, they helped him lie down. The court looked after him and they called the doctors or anyone
who could help.
00:31:50 --> 00:31:57
			A couple of hours later, he woke up again and he was just mentioning the name of Allah, Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana. Allah just making the good.
00:31:59 --> 00:32:22
			And it seems is he like he like he wasn't, he wasn't well, so somebody from the city because he was
respected by everyone. This straightaway. They called the King Faisal at the time, Rahim Allah, they
called King Faisal. And they said, this is the and this is the situation. straightaway, he sent a
00:32:23 --> 00:32:28
			helicopter to take him and bring him to the field in order for him to get immediate treatment.
00:32:29 --> 00:32:50
			But it was a very, it was a rainy day, and there was a lightning storm. So the helicopter found it
difficult to land. At the time. When it landed, the ship had already passed away. She had already
passed, passed away. And it was like a disaster for the people in onaiza. It was like the sun has
00:32:51 --> 00:32:52
00:32:53 --> 00:33:18
			It became dark. Every like there's a lot of accounts about that experience. A lot of the people in
NA said they said like when the chef died. Like we couldn't recognize onaiza itself. it lost its
taste its flavor. And so how are they these are the real scholars because as I said he was easygoing
he was respectful. He would give advice. And people respected him and loved him. There's a beautiful
story from
00:33:20 --> 00:33:54
			someone who's now actually he works as a Mr. Shah was a very big figure in in Jamia Islamia and
Medina. He's from Egypt. So at those times the when so many teachers as well, academic teachers in
Saudi Arabia, and in most of the Arab countries, Egypt, was the peak of education and civilization,
Cairo was all where education was taking place in the Arab world. So wherever you go in the Arab
world, and those days, like I believe in Morocco, Algeria, in
00:33:55 --> 00:34:14
			the Middle East, in general, in Sudan, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, all the Gulf countries,
all the teachers were from Egypt, or a lot of the teachers who actually brought from Egypt because
the education there was far ahead than most of the other countries and Alaska was obviously in the
00:34:16 --> 00:34:34
			So the same was in Saudi Arabia. That's the time where they started actually, you know, establishing
public schools, and colleges and universities. That was the beginning. So they wanted to establish
high schools and colleges. So they got a lot of teachers from Egypt.
00:34:36 --> 00:34:59
			So this young man, he says, like we came to Saudi Arabia, with the Ministry of Education, and we
were first appointed in in Mecca. But then we were asked to go go to an Asia and teach there for a
while. Teach there for a while and then afterwards, we were shifted to reopen
00:35:00 --> 00:35:02
			So he says when we went to Ibiza
00:35:03 --> 00:35:21
			that's the first time the college was established. We were the only teachers there. Like who had
formal education, formal degrees. The other teachers were all the students of Shambhala monastery.
Were his own students, but who didn't have certificates? They just started with a camera man. I
00:35:23 --> 00:36:08
			So they said, When we arrived there, like we were shocked with the attitude of the people. As I
said, bedrooms, especially at that time, rough life, difficult life. And until today, when you go to
bed, human areas, either in Saudi Arabia, in Iraq, in Jordan, in Syria, even in Egypt as well, like
mercy, Metro and Sinai, when you go to the Bedouin areas, people are generous and they have good
hearts, but they have a very rough exterior. They have like they see you, they might look you from
head to toe. No offense, but that's how they are. So they describe they say, so we started teaching
in the head or in the college. And then we go to the masjid we pray. They say like we are standing
00:36:08 --> 00:36:23
			in the in the line, we're praying. And then someone comes like, someone comes and he looks at us, we
look different. We are dressed up differently. So he looks at us and he says, Ruth biller,
00:36:25 --> 00:36:37
			then he with his stick in the sand, he draws a line between him and then and then this he stands
next to them. So they said we took offense like this was offensive. What's this?
00:36:39 --> 00:36:53
			So they complained to Sadie who was put in charge, he was the one to supervise the whole mad or the
whole college college. And they offered him a salary, but he refused. He said, I will do it on
volunteer basis or not take a salary.
00:36:54 --> 00:37:32
			So they spoke to a chef who said he said Take it easy, these people are good. But it's just there.
They don't know you there on his floor, maybe even he I mean, the guy who had the Egyptian teacher
had a document. He says we even thought maybe these people don't think we are Muslims. Maybe they
think we're not Muslims. So maybe this is why they're treating us. So he said we came up with the
idea. Why don't we just give halaqaat in the masjid st cruciate has Romanus Daddy, if he gives us
time to give helicon the masjid people would recognize us at least. So they actually gave halaqa.
And they said the first time they gave halaqaat people started coming second time to give halaqaat
00:37:32 --> 00:37:49
			they said the most it was full. People came to listen and learn. Then he said, wherever we go, it
was respect. We passed by a house we had to eat, people would invite us for food for their coffee.
And in domestic, They even gave us two special
00:37:50 --> 00:38:18
			prayer mats that are like top quality. They said these are for you because you guys are teachers. So
they so they said people completely changed and we saw the beautiful side of the people. So this is
something when you deal with Bedouins on generally speaking as well, with a lot of Arabs, you might
show you a rough exterior. But if you manage to penetrate that rough exterior, you're going to find
them actually very generous, very helpful, well meaning and so on and so forth.
00:38:21 --> 00:38:26
			So the these teachers built a very strong relationship with a man his daddy. And
00:38:28 --> 00:38:31
			and the chef used to give the hot man his mustard.
00:38:32 --> 00:38:46
			And there was no electricity. There was no so there was no speakers. So people were struggling
people were struggling to hear the hotma was only the close ones who could hear what the chef's
said. But the ones who were far they couldn't hear the hotbar
00:38:48 --> 00:38:53
			they couldn't just couldn't hear the hot man. The people in the middle was struggling even to hear
00:38:54 --> 00:38:55
			So the
00:38:56 --> 00:39:37
			other way, the Egyptian teacher, he says I suggested she said Why didn't you get speakers? Get the
speakers in the masjid. So these people will the electrics with a with they come with a battery that
you can use them so people would listen. And maybe even women in the houses would be able to benefit
from it. Shut up. The Raman has said he hesitated. He said, I don't we don't want to be the first
one to use it. And that's basically the scholars are careful with new things. They are careful
because they want to assess assess them first. They want to make sure yes for us. I mean, it's so
obvious now it's obvious we didn't see things as we see it. Now you know, when you get so much
00:39:37 --> 00:39:53
			exposure to something you know it now inside out. But when something is new, you don't really have a
good understanding of it. So the shoe would usually take time. And this is why For example, when
satellite channels came out first, most of the scholars have held on this is a big sin to have it
00:39:54 --> 00:39:59
			as the other day I was like there was a gathering and someone said you know these shapes are so
00:40:00 --> 00:40:01
			Listen to this first one.
00:40:02 --> 00:40:12
			And it was they said there was even put as on a billboard, in on the way to Mecca that anyone who
brings a satellite receiver
00:40:14 --> 00:40:18
			in his house, then if he dies, he has betrayed his family.
00:40:21 --> 00:40:42
			I said these are the backwoods you asked like, Oh, hold on, hold on. What is this? What did you see
this billboard? He said a while back, I said when a while back in 1993. As in 1993. That's when most
of the satellite channels that were directed to the Arab world were mainly mainly *,
00:40:43 --> 00:41:26
			mainly *, they were coded, and you had to pay him to get them. So hold on, that was the
beginning of satellite. That's the beginning, by the way, I think Jazeera was among the earliest
ones, it was 19 1494 1994. So so for something new, the scholars were very careful. And because the
the main usage among those developing countries at the time for satellite channels were actually to
get access to those because there wasn't, there was no internet. So that was to get access to this
* kind of channels. So the scholars said that there was a context for it. So for you to
say they were backward, no, they weren't backward. But you need to understand the scholars are as
00:41:26 --> 00:42:07
			well careful with new things. They need to understand them. They need to see how they play out in
actual reality they need so that they're most of the time they are on the on the cautious side. So
they might have a judgment or a ruling that is actually too careful. But that's for them to be on
the safe side. So shamrock man is Saturday. Yeah, this issue. He said, I don't want to be the first
one to use to bring the mic. I mean, speakers and the mic system speaker system into this into I
missed it. So Chicago man hideaway, the Egyptian teacher, he told him, he said, there's a lot of
benefits from this, why he said as well, if you don't use it.
00:42:09 --> 00:42:19
			There's a downside to this. Because after you, if someone wants to use it, they would say, well,
shamrock man said he didn't choose it, there must be something wrong with it.
00:42:21 --> 00:42:23
			She'll be depriving people of so much benefits.
00:42:25 --> 00:42:31
			So he thought about he said, You know, so many people spoke to me about this, I was not convinced,
but now I feel good about it.
00:42:32 --> 00:42:41
			So they actually got the speakers. And the following Juma was on the speakers, the hotbar was on the
speakers. And even the
00:42:42 --> 00:42:49
			man either way, the Egyptian one, he actually managed to get another speaker system, which is
better, more advanced. So.
00:42:52 --> 00:42:57
			So that was something that happened with the windshield, there was something as well.
00:42:59 --> 00:43:28
			People who had big farms rich people there, they made something which is lacking today, which is
what so they would like someone who would have a big farm. So he would allocate a 10th of it. Let's
say he had 10 acres, he would allocate one acre as what that means that's not mine. That's for a lot
of us for sada so any produce that comes from this is going to go to the mustard gonna go to the
Imam or to the masjid. And the Imam is going to use it as he sees fitting.
00:43:29 --> 00:43:50
			So these two come a lot of dates, a lot of produce a lot of fruits to share, the man is Sadie and a
lot of money as well finances, and the chef would distribute it to the poor people. And he would not
take a penny at all, he never took a penny. He never took a salary.
00:43:52 --> 00:43:59
			support himself, it seems that his brother made that kind of business and he took care of that. So
that's that's helpful thing as well.
00:44:02 --> 00:44:20
			And there was a story as well that there was a woman who fell in such a big debt because her husband
had passed away. And she only had little children. And she was stuck with a debt. And she she could
lose her house because of that. She can show her daddy and he's
00:44:21 --> 00:44:24
			he he got some money,
00:44:25 --> 00:44:33
			a fixed amount of money to go to her every month. And she managed to pay off the whole debt which
was as I said, equal to the
00:44:35 --> 00:44:47
			to the value of a house and she managed to live off it as well of the extra and they managed to pay
off the debt completely, about three four months before the death of shaved off monastery.
00:44:49 --> 00:44:58
			So she amandla when she realized that he passed away. She disclosed that story for years has been
doing this and no one knows about it. No one knows about it.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:04
			So lessons that we can take from the life of Chicago anesthetic is, first of all,
00:45:08 --> 00:45:39
			it seems that people are meant for knowledge. They show tendency to it from a young age, sometimes
maybe from a later age. But when you sometimes we try to force our kids to do this or to, you know,
be scholars, that doesn't necessarily work, you need to read your child as well. And know if they
have this kind of liking. What you need to do is give them exposure, allow them to see more of
things. And imagine everyone in that city, everyone in that family was a scholar and scholar,
scholar scholar.
00:45:40 --> 00:46:24
			Now, if Hamad the older brother of Schiff, and the rock man has said, he himself was a scholar, and
he didn't have this kind of business, who would support it. So people should play different roles,
that's fine, that's perfectly fine. And I believe that a lot of reward would go to his older
brother, because of the way he facilitated all of this, you know, knowledge and all of this, these
conditions, conducive conditions for his brother to learn. So we should not force everyone to be
Adam or a scholar, we need scholars, we also need businessmen, we need scholars, but we need
doctors, medical doctors, we need scholars, and we need lawyers, we need scholars, and we need
00:46:24 --> 00:46:34
			technicians, we need handy people who do plumbing and carpeting, people who do different things. We
need people to do, you know, to drive buses,
00:46:36 --> 00:46:37
			we need people to do everything.
00:46:38 --> 00:47:09
			Because this is how life goes on. So there are people who seem to be being created for knowledge.
And they show signs of attention, intelligence, and interest. So these are the people who should be
facilitated, but not everyone. So if someone doesn't show that much, they shouldn't be pushed into
it, especially children, they should learn to a certain extent where they need to become a good
Muslim. But afterwards, maybe they have their talents somewhere else. So this also could be used.
And that also shows
00:47:10 --> 00:47:19
			that when someone is completely focused on their knowledge, so they don't have like a student of
knowledge, they don't have to worry about the finances, that makes it easy for them to learn.
00:47:20 --> 00:47:35
			But nowadays, a lot of the students have knowledge, they struggle, they can't focus on their
knowledge. Why? Because they have to, you know, sustain themselves and their families. So that takes
away a lot of time that takes away a lot of attention, puts them under so much pressure in the Arab
00:47:36 --> 00:48:00
			I'm probably I believe in even other Muslim countries, like imams of the massage, get paid peanuts,
so they have to do two jobs, work two jobs. So you find them skipping prayers in the masjid. Why in
order to do teaching in that place, and teaching in that place, and some of them are taxi drivers.
So imagine, you know, you get into happens these days a lot, you're going to enter the taxi, and
that's your local Imam.
00:48:01 --> 00:48:41
			He's your local taxi driver as well. It's, so how do you think this man is going to grow because the
amount needs to do a lot of studying By the way, people think the Imam is an encyclopedia, he knows
it all. He can just you know, click on the file and get everything and just speak do the speech. Now
any speech or any lecture that Imam does, it takes at least you know, some of some of the lectures,
take two, sometimes an hour takes 12 hours of preparation to do when it's a specialized class. So
but he studied, yeah, he studied to understand the basics and the principles. But in order to put a
class together and be able to make it relevant to the people to help them understand that this takes
00:48:41 --> 00:49:03
			a lot of effort. So some classes do take 1214 hours. And there are some talks that take three hours
normal talks, takes two hours, three hours of preparation in order to give a 45 minutes talk. So if
that Imam is not growing, he's not given time to study and grow in knowledge and advance in
knowledge, how he's going to teach, he will stagnate, he will keep repeating the same things.
00:49:04 --> 00:49:08
			And he will not grow and he will lose spirit in doing the job.
00:49:09 --> 00:49:46
			So all of these things in the past Subhan Allah there was this works issue, work, as I said, which
people would create a work, and they would donate everything that comes from it's like a business,
everything that each every profit that comes from it goes into maybe students of knowledge, or goes
into this semester, it goes into this school, and so on and so forth. So this made it easy for
people to excel in knowledge, everyone does their own thing, because it's studying Islamic teaching.
Islam doesn't give money generally speaking, unless you turn it into a business, which has a lot of
downside to it as well. So
00:49:48 --> 00:49:53
			So this is another lesson that we can learn from his life. Another thing is Subhanallah his
00:49:57 --> 00:49:59
			his kindness, his gentleness as a human being.
00:50:00 --> 00:50:09
			Give him a lot of acceptance. And so people would actually prefer his fatwa to anyone else. And you
know, in in, you know,
00:50:10 --> 00:50:28
			in general in the whole of the Arabian Peninsula, or main, the main part of the Arabian Peninsula,
the henneberry method has been more prevalent in the last few 100 years. But a man or woman has said
he would not he was a Hanbury, but he would not stick to the method.
00:50:30 --> 00:51:11
			So he became more of a mage the head, more of homage to him. So he would when he sees something or
an opinion that seems to be stronger and better than what you have in the mme, who would actually go
more with the evidence more with the hold on and the sooner and the understanding that seems to be
stronger there. So that also, so he was considered to be a much to hit as well by many scholars. as
well. He left a lot of impacts, like a lot of the people that we know, in Saudi Arabia, like the
generation that passed away and his part is now the senior scholars, a lot of them are actually
students or she handed off man of Saudi, or a students of one of his students. So he had he left a
00:51:11 --> 00:51:14
			big impact Rahim Allah to Allah. And
00:51:16 --> 00:51:46
			may Allah except for me, so he died when he was about 69 years old. And he was about 69 years old,
may Allah have mercy upon him. So these are people who lived in our times, who lived in our times.
And he dedicated his life for knowledge, and he had huge contributions. And I said, this book, this
young man is one of the most popular books of Tafseer today, and one of the most helpful and the
most insightful Subhan Allah, Allah put so much Baraka and this stuff said,
00:51:47 --> 00:51:51
			and also something else that we can learn from him, which I mentioned this in the previous,
00:51:52 --> 00:52:11
			when we talked about his book is that his, the way he handled the writings of non Muslims in a
certain field. So Dale Carnegie's book considered is considered to be a self help book, or practical
psychology book, The chef did not condemn and say this is from non Muslims, we shouldn't take it.
00:52:14 --> 00:52:22
			The chef's judged it on its own merit, he looked into the book, there's nothing wrong with it, these
are practical means. And anyone who reads his book, this is more book.
00:52:25 --> 00:52:41
			Sally Murphy, the one that we explained, you're going to see such a powerful influence of the words
of Dale Carnegie himself, you can see even sometimes the very words themselves, you can see them
that that shows an hc metal barn lateral movement. And now
00:52:43 --> 00:53:16
			we hear that wisdom and benefit is like the last property of the believer, it's yours. Wherever you
find it, you have more rights to it than anyone else. So this kind of defense mechanism, or this has
come from non Muslims, it must be wrong. That's not the approach of the scholars. That's not the
approach of the scholars. Not everything in psychology is wrong, a lot of the stuff that you have in
psychology, some of this stuff that you have in self help, and in personal development is actually
very helpful, and is in line with Islam.
00:53:17 --> 00:53:30
			But some people are just searching for points of contention. They just want to find find points of
contention, if you have your radar is, is the settings of your radar are fixed on this.
00:53:31 --> 00:53:46
			You're going to find points of conflict in everything. And there are books by scholars that have I
give you the book without the cover without the name of the scholar, you read them. And you're in
that mentality, you're going to say oh, this Oh, this book is full of faults. And it would be for 17
year old
00:53:48 --> 00:53:50
			would be for Mohammed bin Abdullah hub
00:53:51 --> 00:54:22
			would be from Sheffield north. I mean, there are fatawa. And it happened that our photographer shall
not say mean, they were given to some people without the name of shall not name him. And these
people respect you mean so much. So when they read this photo and looked at it, they said this move
to the sea now can you talk to them? At least say he made a mistake? No, no, no. This cannot be a
person from Madison. It Okay, here it is. They bring the original copy. Okay with the book. Let's
see, I'm not a mean, person is puzzled.
00:54:23 --> 00:55:00
			Why it's because of this kind of mindset. Sometimes, you know, we're so fixated on finding points of
contention, whereas the prophets of Salaam did not have this attitude, whatever there is benefit,
and it doesn't conflict with Islam. Then we we actually use it and we benefit it's our property. We
say he common human heritage was supposed to use it. And she said it gives a beautiful example. He
doesn't only read the book, but he recommends it. And he hands it over. He gifts it to someone he
puts it in the public library that he himself established. And then he writes a book that that takes
a lot from this
00:55:00 --> 00:55:01
			Sort of mimics it
00:55:03 --> 00:55:04
			Subhan Allah.
00:55:05 --> 00:55:10
			So that's a very good example for us to learn from. Okay, so that's inshallah with minister de
00:55:11 --> 00:55:14
			la mala. how short him with mercy?
00:55:16 --> 00:55:25
			Is example of the presence of hollows really beautiful, I find myself at ease when I read about his
life, just as when I read through his books.
00:55:26 --> 00:55:29
			So any questions? Do you have any questions?
00:55:34 --> 00:55:37
			Any questions? No, because something I noticed.
00:55:39 --> 00:55:40
			She said he
00:55:41 --> 00:55:49
			didn't seem to have spent a lot of time with his with his kids. His time was mainly busy studying
and teaching and with with the public.
00:55:50 --> 00:55:59
			I'm not saying this is negative in a negative light, but I just want it sometimes you will might
learn from it. Looking at the children of shamrock men said none of them.
00:56:00 --> 00:56:08
			Most of them did not like become scholars. And even those who took studied Islamic sciences, none of
them excelled in knowledge.
00:56:11 --> 00:56:22
			Though, I would say, any kind of Muslim figure or Muslim teacher, or any kind of any Muslim, they, I
think they should spend time with their children quality time with their children.
00:56:24 --> 00:56:40
			So that's a very important thing. There are scholars where their own students actually become
scholars. And when the child gets to spend time with their father quality time with their father and
with their mother, they grow to be emotionally healthy,
00:56:41 --> 00:56:54
			emotionally healthy, they need time, children need you to your children need you to spend time with
them, you have to spend quality time with them. If you can't spend time, spend time with each one of
them individually.
00:56:55 --> 00:57:11
			build that relationship with them. That's very important. Extremely important, very helpful for the
emotional growth, personal growth. And they will grow to be healthy people who lacked a sense of
connection with their with their one of their parents, even, at least
00:57:13 --> 00:57:38
			they will have a lot of trouble in life, they will have a lot of issues with emotional balance. So
it is important to develop a good relationship and spend time it's an investment, it's not a burden,
spend time with your kids, it's an investment. And just looking at your own life, probably one of
among the best memories that you have is maybe 510 minutes that you spent with your dad or your mom
that were just yours. That attention was completely with you.
00:57:39 --> 00:58:03
			If you look at the beautiful moments you had with them, it was time that your parents actually spent
time with you quality time where they gave you their full attention. It means a lot. So this is
something that is actually I think it's important and I I see personally see, so avoid a lot of the
the youth Congress tray is actually from a young age, build a good relationship with them as a
00:58:04 --> 00:58:08
			give them safe space to speak and relate to you and
00:58:09 --> 00:58:17
			become friends with them. This saves them a lot, a lot of these faith crisis, doubting Islam, and
you know,
00:58:18 --> 00:59:03
			develop or swallowing all of these doubts that are sometimes presented as science or evolution, or
modernity or sexual orientation. A lot of these the essence of them is emotional imbalance. A lot of
it, a lot of it is just this emotional imbalance backfires. And these people are trying to find
they're trying to medicate this emotional imbalance with being rebellious and defiant or with being
extreme in their approach or with trying to change so many things. So spend time with children.
That's a very important thing to do quality time with the children. So it's a it's a great
investment. So that would be something I would leave you with if you have no more questions. Just
00:59:03 --> 00:59:12
			Akuma halen also allows me to use our new system so next week inshallah the helical will be after
mother it will be about 737 40