Sh. Moutasem Al Hameedy Friday halaqah, the story of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (Part 1).
March 17, 2017 at the Abu Huraira Center
Sh. Moutasem Al Hameedy Friday halaqah, the story of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (Part 1).
March 17, 2017 at the Abu Huraira Center
And then hamdulillah I don't want to start you don't want to start filling him in surely I'm fusina sciatica Marina
de la hufa Mobile la mejor de la shadow Allah e la la la sharika. Why should one no Mohammedan Abdullah who wore a suit of all praises due to Allah, we praise Him, we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness. And we seek refuge and protection a lot from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our own actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead us astray, and whomsoever leaves to go astray. None can guide a bear witness that no one has the right to be worshipped. And none has the right to our ultimate love and devotion, but Allah alone, our Creator, who has no partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is his servant, his slave and His
Today inshallah we have won the life of a great person to talk about and learn from insha Allah. And this is the great Imam, or the great scholar, Imam, Ahmed, Mohammed, an Imam, Ahmed Abu Hanban, and it's a man made even more humble that the hanbali school of thought is attributed to so the hanbali method, or the hanbali school of thought, actually comes from the understanding of or from the efforts of Imam Ahmed from the efforts of Imam Muhammad, a member has had such a rich life in terms of content in terms of events, in terms of challenges in terms of tribes, and in terms of influence as well. And he's considered to be the fourth of the great imams or the great scholars who left a
lasting impact on how the Muslim Ummah practices their Deen specifically in issues of faith. And he also had a very special influence when it comes to the leader, to the set of beliefs to the tenets that Muslims believe in in protecting the pristine version of faith, the pristine aqidah of as soon as it came as it was revealed to Prophet Mohammed Salam. So this is why
Imam Muhammad he actually earned the title. So if you see a man or early sooner the Imam or the leader of an Asana straightaway the mind goes to the man.
So this is a term that has been applied to many people. But once you see it openly like this, mmm or early, sooner, straightaway, it goes to it refers to the the the listener would automatically think of him as I've met him no humble. Mm, I met him humble and we will see why this title took so much potential and power with this Imam or this great personality. Mr. Mohammed was born in the year 164. After his law 164 after his death, this makes it how many years ago?
How many years ago?
Almost less than 400 around around 1300 1200 70 years? Yeah, 12 170 years ago. He was born in that time. So this was a falafel at Bessie at the time of the herbicide caliphate. That's when they reigned the okay the area where the Muslim oma or the Muslim
dynasty extended over a huge portions of Asia, Africa.
And some parts of eastern Europe, even Europe here at the time. Which is because if you consider Turkey and
Chechnya For example, to still have certain parts of Russia to be parts of eastern Europe, so Islam at that time reached those areas as well.
So Mr. Mohammed was born and he comes from a pure Arab tribe. He comes from the tribe of Shaban, the tribe of Sheba and a pure Arab tribe, and the tribe of Shea ban was based to the towards the known today as the south of Iraq, the south of Iraq where Albus Allah is what al bussola is. So this is where his tribe was based. His grandfather migrated to hold our son Hassan is today is what's known today today as Iran in Iran, where his grandfather occupied some some government official post, some official post, who Sam
so his grand
Further occupied or an official post and Hurrah son for the Muslim government there. But then later on his father moved back to Baghdad, Baghdad, and talking about Baghdad, Baghdad was the capital of the world at the time. It was the capital of the world at the time, science was in Baghdad.
institution like educational institutions were mainly heavily based in Baghdad, people, people from all religions, scholars, philosophers, theologians, historians, scientists, all flocked to Baghdad, because there was a lot of freedom given at the time, there was a lot of governmental support for science, for education, for philosophy, for translating the heritage of all different nations. So you will find a lot of the Greek philosophy and contributions were translated into Arabic. A lot of the Roman philosophers as well, were also the works were translated into Arabic. A lot of the Persian stuff was translated into Arabic, a lot of Indian tradition was also translated into Arabic.
And there were some limited, there was some limited, a tradition coming from the far east as well, from Chinese philosophers, that was also translated into this into into the Arabic language. So Baghdad, or Baghdad at the time was the hub of education. And I recorded that students of knowledge.
Scholars thinkers, came from all parts of the world. So they came not only from Africa, from Asia, from the Arab world, even they even came from Europe, to learn, and to get the opportunities and the exposure to experts in in each field. And there was something that the khalifah build that was called beta hekima. Beta Sigma is more of a religious institution that accommodates all sciences, and provides facilities in terms of huge libraries, resources, teachers, scholars, references, and even
like some kind of
scholarships, so people who dedicated their lives for knowledge for studying all of this was offered to them. So they were actually given some kind of salary or regular wage, in order to help them focus on their studies to develop the science. So management was born in this culturally and educationally ripe and vivid area, or era. Were at a time when knowledge was flourishing in every field.
His father passed away when he was still a child. His father passed away when he was still a child. And again, he was raised mainly by his mother, who was mainly raised by his mother. So we've seen a lot of examples of great people who were raised by single mother. Did you notice this is some some kind of a trend. It's some kind of a trend. Imam Shafi something similar to that. We mentioned even Sheikh Abdullah manna, Sadie from our times as well, something similar to that. And here you have, Mr. Buhari. By the way, it was similar to that it was mainly raised and educated and supported by his mother. And here we have an amendment as well, his father passed away at an early age, yet, he
himself was mainly supported by his mother.
So that that shows that mothers make a big difference in the lives of their children and the future of their children. The mother influences the child, probably she has the biggest influence on a child's specifically if the mother pays attention to the child and spends time invests quality time with the child. And this is a very important lesson. Modern Life takes mothers away from the most noble
I would say endeavor, I don't want to say task, I want to say end of the best investment is what you invest in your children. Because you're building a human being. And you're showing the way for a human being. If you build an emotionally stable, healthy human being, who was given a good exposure to science and knowledge, and enlightenment, you're actually doing a great contribution.
And in Islam, the the the highest rank or the highest kind of endeavor that you can do is teaching and education. And we said in islamically education, and teaching is not limited to two information. So it's not only about the content. It's also about teaching a lifestyle. It is the personal development of the person. It's the
The spiritual development of that person is the mental development, the social development. So it's such a holistic approach. So when you say, a teacher in the Islamic tradition, it means someone who inspires you, educates you, teaches you, by example, helps you develop emotionally, socially, intellectually, spiritually, in all aspects of your life, you're gonna see a man that mud was such a beautiful example of what an ideal teacher actually is. And we'll see how the numbers that flocked to his classes and to his presentations, how many of them,
there was huge numbers that were huge numbers. Some of them are dedicated students. But the vast majority were people who attended his classes for a very interesting reason. And we will come to uncover this in Sharla, during this talk.
So in management, from a young age, his mother directed him to memorizing the Koran. So he memorized the whole Koran from a young age. And he showed signs of
intelligence, he was a smart boy, a smart boy, he had a head for knowledge, and for understanding and analyzing and being in Baghdad gave him such a, an exceptional opportunity to have this exposure to a lot of the scholars and the experts in their fields. So being in Baghdad, and we said they were main two main schools of thoughts during that time, during that time, which started obviously, before Abu hanifa, we said, then some of Abu hanifa, Imam Malik Imam, a chef, and he was at two schools of thought really emerged major strands, in terms of how to study Islam and how to implement it. And the first one was the School of Hadith, the ones who literally held on to the traditions of
the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and they would not depart, they would not take Liberty with the text, they would not take Liberty with the text. So they would hold on literally to the texts, and not depart from the text except in extreme cases.
Whereas we have on the other side, we have the other strand, which is a Hello, Roy. And Roy, we said, these are people who depended heavily on the interpretation of the text. So they took more liberty, to understand the text, analyze it and build mind frames and principles and principles around and this was madrasa to an array that was mainly in Iraq, there was mainly strong the stronghold of this school of thought was in Iraq, and this was an EVO was working on hanifa was when we said these people, they utilize the intellect. And they built a logical system
about the understanding of Islam and the dynamics of the legislation, the legislative part of Islam. So they built these principles around it in order to give them an intellectual approach to understanding Islam and implementing it. So an Imam, Imam, Ahmed Mohammed from a young age he was exposed to madrasa to Allah Roy.
From a young age, he started studying the books of Halawa A, which is the School of Abu hanifa Ibrahim and that took an intellectual approach and an analytical approach to the to the divine texts. So he started with this, then after a while,
it did not appeal to him that much. So he decided to make a shift to take the strand or the approach of Al Hadeeth.
added the ones who leaned more towards a literal
approach to the divine text and the statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he excelled in that in that approach. So he started studying with the scholars of Baghdad. He started studying with the scholars of
Baghdad and he took from so many teachers, one of his early teachers, was he Shea who Shamoon overshare who shame him Globus Hiroshima Blue Shield was one of the main imams Oh, he was the main scholar in Baghdad. He was the main scholar in Baghdad, and he was a scholar of Haiti, the main scholar of Hadith. So he sat with him, and he would hear the statements are the traditions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the that time the approach to study the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam was to sit there in the class, and have a notebook and a pen, and document each narration. Each generation along with the chain of narrators, we said, I mean, this was around 180 years after
the life of the prophet SAW Selim.
How did the early Muslims preserve the statements of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam making sure that they were not changed? They were not distorted. They were not tampered with. What was that? What was the tradition is oral transmission, oral transmission. So each one who heard like the companions of the Prophet, the disciples of the prophets of Salaam, who were with the messenger,
each, a lot of like, each one of them had a few statements from the Prophet. So he would document it. Some of them would write it down like Abdullah, ignore
us, he wrote things down, like Maria DB Sophia, and he wrote the statements that he had from the prophets of Salaam, Tao, some other companions as well wrote things down. So each one of the companions, they had a number of Hadith that they documented for themselves, and they would then teach them after the death of the prophets of Salaam they would teach them to their students, their students keep that record. So they kept it recorded. So they would not say for example, someone who did not meet the prophets or sell them in person, we call these a tambourine right, which is the second generation. These people will not say, the messenger Salam Salam said, such and such, no, he
would say,
Are you heard, are always taught by Abdullah Abdullah Omar, the Companion of the prophet SAW Selim, that he heard Allah's Messenger sallallahu Sallam say such and such and such.
So this then second generation will teach it to the third generation in the same style. So the one which is tablets have been in the third generation, how would they teach it? They will not say the messengers, or some of them said, in them, I am Albania. No, they would say, my teacher so and so
told me that his teacher who is the companion of the prophet SAW, Selim
heard Allah's Messenger or heard the prophets, Allah say, this statement that he would narrate the statement, this was the only way to narrate it. This was the only way to narrate. And if you had to bring the Hadith, along with the chain of narration, the people that are between you and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, otherwise, no one would take your Hadith. No one even thought of narrating the segment, just like that from the prophets. Awesome. So this is how it was taught. So they would take a Hadith, so the teacher would be speaking, he would be teaching, Imam Ahmed would be sitting in the class, and he would have his pen. So the teacher would say, had definitely my
teacher, who is so and so who is well known, famous for two things, there were two conditions for a person for a person to be considered worthy of narrating the Hadith, two things. First, his honesty and integrity must be established, must be known as a as a matter of fact. So this person is so famous, is so well known. He is famous for his honesty and his integrity. So he would not
come up with a statement and attributed to the Prophet he will not fabricate or make up a statement. That's one number two, the person must have a trained memory, a trained memory, strong memory. And these people were known. These people were known Why? Because just as basketball is today, so popular, and there are rules, right? So if you are a novice in basketball, people will find out, right? But if you go to my country, and like if I've never played basketball in my life, maybe once, okay, so if I go in my country, and I say Listen, I play basketball, and again, basketball and start playing around with it. People say, Wow, that's really great. But if any little child here sees me
playing basketball, he says, This guy knows nothing about basketball.
So what I'm saying when something is so widespread and rampant, and it's the tradition, it's the tradition is it's everywhere. Okay, so the people who stand out in this tradition, the ones who have strong memory, trained memory, and they are known for the sharp memory, and for the, for the written documentation of their Hadeeth. So anyone had a collection of statements from the prophet SAW Selim, he should have it, in his mind, committed it to memory. And the vast majority had also a documentation, written documentation. So even if their memory slips, they have it in their documentation, they would always go go back to it. There were certain exceptions, who were of
exceptional memories,
whose oral transmission was respected. Why? Because it was so meticulous and so perfect, that there was no way to question it. There was no way to question is just like these math genius, geniuses today. You would trust them and not even trust your calculator. Why? Because these guys have mastered this so well. So there were certain individuals like this, but the majority
What people who committed the Hadeeth to memory, and then they were documented as well in a written format. So they have it double checked. And that's the only time they would teach it. So the management sat down, and he followed the same tradition. He follow the same tradition. So after learning all the collection of Hadith, the statements of the province of Saddam Hussein of niboshi, it has worked all his life to learn and accumulate.
He still stayed with him and learned until Hussein Obama she had passed away. After that, Mr. Ahmed looked around in Baghdad, he, he found that there was no other teacher who to teach him there who was up to his own level.
He has already excelled from a young age he was around now we're talking about he started 16 studying the Hadith of the Prophet of Islam at age 16. That was around his 2020s to early 20s.
So he decided to travel so he moved from Iraq to Basra to Basra to the south of Iraq. Well, his drive originally comes from so he goes there and he learns from the scholars in,
in in Basra, he learns from them, he studies with them. Then once he finishes all their collections of Hadith traditions, all of them, he decides to move
to a sham to natural Syria, where Syria today is Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon, to find out the scholars who are there to seek more Hadeeth more traditions, see what is missing there that he doesn't have, he has never heard that he has never
learnt. So he started so he traveled to Basra five times. He traveled to Basra every each each time he would stay there for a few months or maybe a year to learn and then he would go back to Baghdad. It's in Wasilla that he first met an Imam Shafi and we spoke about the life of Lima sheffy. So he met to the mammoth chef at first in El Basra. Humble at that time was 23 years old.
23 years old. So when he saw Imam Shafi he was impressed with the level of intelligence and we spoke about Imam Shafi, how he created sciences, he created a science of a soul effect the principles of jurisprudence. It's a systematic way to understand the dynamics of Islamic legislation and how it works. So this was a great contribution and invention by this Imam. So, I am humbled when he met a chef very,
like he was so impressed that he stayed with Amana sheffy so much, and the amount of Shafi Remember to humble himself like later on, he says because the amount of chef he later on visited by that
so mmm Ed, would not waste a minute, would not waste a minute he would stay with Imam Shafi ask him questions,
asked him questions day in and day out to the point that his own son the son of argument, he says, When Imam Shafi visited Baghdad, my father prayed no sooner.
No sooner.
No optional prayers, he did not offer any optional prayers. So the like the one who had this isn't, how come? He said he would stay with him. I'm a chef and take each word he says and learn it from him. And he said, he used a statement football ilmi, her urine, mineral a Bada, that knowledge in Islam has more precedence than voluntary acts of worship.
Why? Because knowledge is lights. So he would give preference to learning rather than
doing voluntary acts of worship. And if someone asks, maybe it was mmm and he didn't pray voluntary, more voluntary prayers. What was his habit?
One of his sons, I believe Abdullah, he says, I observed my father.
And I counted how much he prays voluntary prayers on a daily basis, on a daily basis. And guess what the number was,
in average voluntary prayers. I'm not talking about the five daily prayers, the obligatory ones. I'm talking about voluntary praise. How many can anyone have a guess? Give me a wild guess.
Someone said 100 How would you fit 100 in a day
50 Can we have an auction
12 actually, more
15. More,
We said more than 50 more
100 more
200 who said 200? Yes, amen. Pray 200 volunteer flickers
to 100 units of prayer voluntary.
Don't ask me how he would fit that in, but that was known about him that was known about him. And he would spend a lot of time studying so you'd imagine what kind of like what did this guy get time from? How could he fit all of this in one day? Subhanallah daddy cafard Lola yo te Misha, if Allah blesses a person, you know the physical dynamics of the world will change for that person.
The physical dynamics will change.
Okay, so mama Shafi also at the moment will humble we said,
went to Alba salon a few times. Then he had a friend with one of the main scholars of Hadith, but this scholar of Hadith His name is Yeah, yeah.
He has a specialty. His specialty was animal region.
Animal ritual, which is knowledge of the narrator's of Hadith. So he specialized in a Marie journal,
which is the knowledge of the narrators of Hadith who are the narrators? Are they reliable? Are they honest? Do they have integrity? How's the level of their memory? Should we accept generations? Or should we question the generations he was a master in that field, he was a friend of Imam Ahmed.
They decided to travel to from Iraq from Baghdad to Yemen. And that would take them two months, two months and a half, two months and a half to travel from Baghdad to Yemen. So they decided on the way
to do Hajj in Mecca, because that would be the time for pilgrimage. So they decided to travel from Baghdad to Mecca to perform pilgrimage, Hajj, and from Hajj they would go to Yemen. Why?
to Yemen, to study with one of the greatest scholars.
Remember Dr. Rosa Hassan
Abdul Razak salani, one of the main scholars of Hadith from Yemen, who wrote the great collection called masa Neff, Abdul Razak, masana. Abdul Razak.
There was a person and he was called emammal. A man
the leader of the Imams, the Imam of the Imams. This is how high like he was of such high caliber that he was called the Imam of the Imams like you see the teachers is the teacher of the teachers.
So he decided to set out on a journey, make Hajj pilgrimage on the way and then carry on to Yemen to study with Abdul Razak, Hassan Annie. So they go to Mecca, they perform Hajj impo off. Yeah, Hebrew marine says, Well, we don't have to go to Yemen. at the resort salon is here. He's making his own head. He's doing pilgrimage. So this Alhamdulillah we don't have to carry on because the journey was long, you know, traveling in the desert, from Mecca to Yemen in that that time, it would take a month, a month, a month.
By the way, a management made Hajj or pilgrimage a few times I think three or four of them walking from Baghdad to Mecca, on his feet
on his feet.
Three to four hedge he made on his feet. That's enough.
Okay. You think that's crazy? There are people actually.
I think there was a there was a person who was on the news in Saudi Arabia. And he was so old. I think he was past 100 very old. And he said I made when he lived in the south of Saudi Arabia. I think it was in Japan, very close to Yemen. He said, I made hedge probably five times walking on my feet
in his life, so there are people who do it.
So a management made hedge a few times on his feet, so they meet up de Rosa cassani. So you have no money and a friend of mine. He says hamdulillah we don't have to go to the gym. And I want to show you one aspect of a man a man's character that made him Excel. Persistence, persistence, when he had something in his mind, he would not give up on it no matter what it takes. So he says to his friend, New Haven and Maine, I left Baghdad with the intention to go to Yemen and I'm not changing my intention. We're gonna go to Yemen.
We're gonna go to him and we're gonna go and stay with him. In Yemen. We learn everything from him. Only then we we will leave.
So they sit with
us on Annie in Makati learn from him then he
heads back to them and they go back. They go with him to Yemen. And they spend some time.
Another aspect of him, but he was still young at the time, maybe 20s.
His money runs out. He runs out of money. He doesn't have finances in Yemen. stranger. He's a stranger.
His teacher, Abdullah czaka son, Annie
says, somebody told me that I met this young man run out of finances.
And he's a stranger. So I have a son and he approaches him and he says, These are tendinitis. tendinitis is such a huge amount of money. It's not like simply probably talking about a couple of $1,000 because he's this amount of money. Take it to provide for yourself. So management says well, la Hilo, I belong to him in a nice lockable to hammock.
If I would accept from people if I accept it from people, I would accept it from you. But I don't take money from no one. I don't take no money from no one.
So what are you gonna do? Mmm, I had a craft.
He could do something handy. I don't know exactly what it is. It was called a duck. I don't know a duck. But it could be working with stones for building for building houses. So what does he do? He divides his day, half of it learning go into the class. The other half he goes and works
in construction,
works and construction. And then he finds a job as what? Guess what?
As an a personal assistant to someone doing the hard jobs, carrying stuff moving stuff for someone.
That's the man Mohammed.
So he devices they like this part of it to work and get enough money to survive. And the other half is actually learning and studying until they learn
everything from the everything they could from Casa Casa nanny, but as we said, Mr. Mohammed had a habit of documenting everything in writing, although he had a sharp memory. So all the ahaadeeth he knew he learned them by hearts. He learned them by heart and we're going to come to one of the scholars of Hadith.
I think it was a Razzie. One of the tours is about two losses, I think hammermill selama. He said,
Do you know how many ahaadeeth Amitabh de Hanbal has memorized? It was speaking to his students. They said How many? He says 1000 1000 which is a million. So how do you know this? He says the cut off to who behind me and he says I tested him on each one.
I said I tested them on each one of those Hadith. And we talk about a million ahaadeeth we need to understand the terminology that the scholars of Hadith use. That doesn't mean this hadith are unique. So for example, you have the Hadith in marylu. Beneath deeds are considered by intentions by the motivations behind them. Right. This is one prophetic statement. This narration came through one companion Mr. Maha pub. Okay, Mr. Maha pub, taught it to maybe seven tablet in seven tablet. So now it's seven routes to this hadith. Each one of those sub students taught it to another number of students and they would branch out. So each pathway leading to Omar would be considered Hadeeth
that's the point. So you might find one wording but because it comes through 30 other routes 30 routes, each route is considered to be headed, you see why you have these big numbers.
So mo Mohamad, everybody he memorized he also had it documented in writing. And this is why when he traveled he had such a back
back pack for his books for his books that he would carry mainly on his back and even he couldn't he would buy a writing animal and you know
and load them there. So managment has such a huge library when he went back to that such a huge library where all his ahaadeeth are documented. Now there is something very interesting about him. Some of his teachers the main teachers are big names. For example so Fianna below Lena
so Fianna Marina, one of the main scholars in Iraq that says teacher
upon one of the main scholars of Hadith,
and when you don't know Muslim, again, one of these cars, I'll call the abuse of the students verbal
abuse of alcohol the the student of Abu hanifa was also one of the teachers
of an Imam Malik and Abdullah Abu Mahdi, Abdullah Abu Mahdi, upon a larger amount of Maddie was like he was a teacher of him and he himself learned so much from him.
He learned so much from him I met him I met.
You might think a person with a person with such so much knowledge and caliber, he would straight away you know, be a figure public figure and start teaching and have his own class, his own halaqa management refuse to teach in public until he reached the age 40.
He did not have a halaqa he did not teach. He did not teach in public at all. He would not give a fatwa, except in extreme cases where he had to until he reached age 40. Only then he became public. He opened himself to teach in public as AP students, only the age 40. There are some of the people who wrote about his life, they say, probably he thought that was the age of maturity, intellectual and personal maturity. So a person has experienced life enough to develop a good level of wisdom, where he could actually be in a good position to teach. So that was an MMO. And then we said he travelled to different countries to learn. And then he went back to Baghdad, as I said, this is
where he started teaching at age 40. Once he did that, people flocked to him.
people flocked to him, they realized how authentic his knowledge is. And we said his knowledge was vast. He didn't only excel in the science of Hadith, but he excelled, in fact, and he excelled in after either the belief, the tenets, the articles of faith.
So people came to him, his general halaqa when he thought there were 5000 people.
5000 people would attend his helicopter. And those times they had something they called mobile, Larry, in mobile 18. They didn't have speakers, there was no electricity, right? How would a person speak and 5000 people would be able to hear
they had something called mobile lane, what's mobile lane, there would be people spread around the audience in a certain order
at a certain distance from the speaker every time and they would give their back to the speaker. So when we hear what the Imam says, and when he was teaching Hadith, it wasn't so much like I'm talking to you. It's like speech, repetitive speech. No, he would be saying statements from the prophet SAW Selim. So they were, they would speak relatively slowly, and there would be specific statements. So those mobile Marine, the ones who would convey to the ones who are far from the Imam, that they could not listen to him. So there were dispersed among the congregation. Now, what they say one of the his main students, he says, that 5000 people attend is halaqa 400 to 500 would be serious
students, who will be taking everything carefully. And the rest of them will just observe a management and learn from his the beauty of his character.
So other people just wanted to look at him and learn from him, because his mejlis or his halaqa was characterized but so much what we say what are there was so much calm and peace and serenity, in His presence. In my mind, it was very respectful,
reserved person, reserved person. Mmm, it would not, by the way, speak about any matter of the dunya. Anything Mr. McMahon only spoke about Allah, about about Hadeeth. And that's it.
He will not speak of anything else. He will not speak of anything else. And if someone spoke about something else he would leave. If someone spoke about, for example, what travels are about food, he would leave and he would not talk.
He took it to that level. for himself. He made a choice. That doesn't mean Oh, it's how long to talk about food. It's how long to talk about cars is how long to talk about clothes. No, it's not how long. But sometimes there are people who realize for themselves they want to take the harder approach. They want to live a life of austerity. And that was a management he lived a hard life.
And mmm it was offered oftentimes a lot of support, and he would not accept any, any any in his life. He lived a hard life. He wouldn't eat much.
And some of his family even blamed him for that some of his children even complained about that, like his son Silas
But Amanda would say no, he would say plamondon upon he says food, there is food better than food. But at the end of the day is something that silences your stomach. So most of the time, what would he eat? dry bread.
Even some narrations go, and as I said, this doesn't work for everyone. So don't, don't necessarily force yourself or push yourself into that level. Okay? Some things might be good for a person, but might not be good for you. So each one should know themselves. So they said, Amanda said, Can I get hula hoops and Nassif fanfold, one hula hoop up, he would take dry bread that was full of dust.
And he would try to wipe it and you know, remove the dust, then he would put it in water in order to become softer than he would eat it.
Yeah, you don't have to live this. You don't have to do this. But I'm just we're talking about a person who decided to take himself in that I mean, in a hard way. That was his approach. He found a good for himself, he found it helpful, and some had a lot worked out for him. But doesn't mean that it works out for every person. doesn't doesn't mean that works out for every person.
Sometimes Something happened with Imam Ahmed, during that khilafah or during the herbicide Caliphate, the monetization and my Tesla depended heavily on the intellect in the sense in logic, okay, and logic could go wrong. I mean, you have your logic, I have my logic, you can run a lab, you can somehow you can rationalize any idea no matter how crazy it is. That's one of that's one important thing about the brain, you have to understand, the brain can rationalize and justify any crazy idea you come up with.
That's how the intellect works. You can, you can't justify it. Because there's a lot of bias in the mind. logic is not so solid. logic is not so solid. So this is why philosophers is literally philosophy has become what perspectives, there's this school of philosophy, there's that school of philosophy, right. And each school is different and seems to be consistent within its own.
within its own boundaries, it seems to present consistent arguments. But when you will conflate these arguments, they seem to be contradictory against one another. So who's more correct. You know, with the brain alone with logic alone, you cannot reach the truth. That's why we need Revelation.
Revelation becomes the reference point. Otherwise, the intellect can go wrong. You want to justify, for example, any kind of sexual orientation, you're going to find proofs right? You're going to say, oh, there are animals who do it.
There are animals who do this kind of sexual practice. So that means when it's normal, well, animals do a lot of things that you won't do still, right. Why don't you use the same argument with other things? You're not because you're selective. So we need to understand the limitations of the logic and the brain.
So the mortality law depended heavily on Greek philosophy. And we took these principles of logic and philosophy, and they tried to implement it to Revelation. So they tried to understand the divine, that's a loss panatela they started tried to understand and
sort of systemize the names and attributes of a lost mountain thusly fat in a logical philosophical manner.
Logical, philosophical manner. So they filled in so much contradiction against the Quran and the Sunnah. For example, some of their conclusions
that Allah doesn't see and doesn't hear. He might say how crazy that is. Yeah, but they have logical arguments behind all of this.
Okay, and these are based on philosophical principles. Anyway, one of the main arguments was
that the Koran, the speech itself, the Koran as a Koran,
was a creation was one of the creations of Allah. But Allah sooner, Allison, I believe that the Quran is the speech of Allah, the speech of Allah that Allah spoken. In other words, Allah uttered the Quran, Allah originated it and uttered it. Allah spoken. So that means the Quran has divine qualities. It's not a creation.
It has divine qualities. It's not the creation. Yet when we write we write down the paper and the ink is creation.
But the Quran itself remains the words of Allah. It doesn't lose. Its divinity, its divine nature, because these are the words of Allah.
But Allah said, No, they said the Koran
As meanings is from Allah, but the words are a creation that Allah created them, Allah brought them into existence as a creation.
This might sound to be irrelevant. And what's the big deal? Well, it is a big deal, because it has other consequences. First of all the Koran would lose its sanctity is just a creation.
With the creation, there are so many shortcomings.
Some of the consequences is that once people start to think that the words of Allah, our creation are created, that means people will miss understand what divinity even actually means, being the divine what this actually means.
So in Islam, there is a very clear emphasis on the separation between the divine and the creation.
And if you look at all the traditions, religious traditions previously, the ones that come from a divine origin,
and the ones that we don't know exactly where they came from, but they seem to have some divine traces in them, you would find that they have fallen into mainly this mixing the divine, the creator with the creation,
either turning the creator into a creation like personifying or incarnating, the god the divine, into a thought created form.
or giving the creation, divine qualities elevating one of the creation or some of the creation, to divine qualities. All the tradition is if you look at them, you're going to find this kind of problem. This is why the Muslim scholars from the la times were very careful against this violation.
The problems with Mr. Tesla, they became very close to the halifa. They became very close to the, to the bassy Holika, the caliphs and they gained a lot of prominence. And they became like these hate mongers today who are against the Muslims, who fuel the media against Muslims and fuel some policies, the same thing these people captured the media outlets, and the power that is with the governors and with the caliphs. And they started spreading their poison.
And then they would incite against Allison.
So there was a guy called Ebony Abbey to add a new Abby to add one was one of the main leaders of Mr. Tesla, and he was the biggest proponent of the statement that the Quran is a creation and has no divine qualities.
And the problem is that he reached he became one of the closest advisors of the halifa. So the halifa took absorb this update that believed in it. And he started what, based on the Council of evidence to be to add testing the people that this is what Islam is, and anything else is not Islam. So they started testing the people. So they spent spent visiting everywhere that everyone should say, and should teach that the Quran is a creation. The Koran is a creation, it's not divine. It's not the words of Allah, it's the creation of Allah.
But the scholars of the Sunnah, refused that. Anyone who refused this, anyone who denounced that anyone who went against it was put in prison.
They were jailed. They were persecuted. They were lashed.
They were beaten, some of them were killed.
A lot of them out of fear and under a lot of torture, they gave in and they said okay, we'll say the statement no problem.
Yet, Mr. Mohammed refused. And some others. They said no, we're not going to say like a hidden romaine refused, said no, we're not going to say this. This is not because this statement is Cofer. This statement of cover now you're conflating the divine with the creation, that this is a no no in Islam. This is a red line. We're not going to cross it. We're not going to allow this to be.
So the debate got heated even more. And Amanda himself was taken to prison.
He was he made it was made to stand in front of the belief and the belief I told him, What do you say about the Koran? a hula hoop? Is the Quran, a creation one of the creations of Allah? Muhammad said no.
And who were qalamoun La Jolla Yama clue it's the words of Allah and it's not a creation. That means it's divine.
It's one of the names and attributes of Allah the words of Allah subhanaw taala.
So the Khalifa threatened
or if it says, whoa, take him, what do they do? and whip him until he says the statement some Hanalei will find the
People have evil throughout the time just like this. When they begin, they begin usually under the pretext of free speech.
Everyone you know, is free to think and rationalize and come up with theories. Everyone has the right Why do you persecute people? Why do you force your version on people? Right? Once these people get some space, they start doing the bullying.
They start doing the bullying. That's something this is a this is a phenomenon that repeats itself throughout history. People will start with Oh, it's rights, our rights. It's your rights, like you have rights, we have rights. You want to marry in a certain way we want to marry in a certain way. You want to do things we're gonna want to do things. Once they start getting more grounds, gaining more grounds and more power. They start to use this power against you and then worse free speech was freedom of choice. Forget about it. It's not time you guys were fools. Look what the Quran says. About komoot komoot What did they say?
They said
Allah Luton min Korea to come in the homeowner Sonia tapa Harun, kick the, you know, family of Luton, his people and his followers kicked him out of here, these people keep themselves pure, we don't want them
any kind of departure from human fitrah from the way of a loss monitor any kind of departure from it, it starts as a small strand, and then it starts, it tries to create legitimacy for itself
by playing on correct principles, but this is a form of manipulation, then once it gains power, it turns against the people who accommodated it.
And it starts persecuting them.
That's a human phenomena Subhan Allah. So it keeps happening over and over again. This happened exactly with these monitors ILA.
So first, they were saying there is no freedom of speech, you guys are forcing, you know your own way, and so on and so forth. So the Khalifa gave so much freedom, you translate whatever you want, get books, you won't get them from Greek philosophy, different philosophies, Chinese philosophy, bring it over and let people learn. People learn these things started to gain prominence they gained prominence. Now they're going to demand they, when they reached power, they abused it. And they try to force their understanding on people as the only correct understanding. And anyone that goes against it is against Islam.
So these imams have been persecuted, and there's beautiful stories, I think we're going to share them. So we're going to take another segment channel next week, probably for email. Because there are beautiful things that happen in his life. There are there are lessons that we can take from them. So there's an interesting thing when he first was taken to prison, where he met a thief, a very famous thief. And he gave him an advice that helped him actually go through this trial. So imagine a thief, but he loved Allah and His messenger. He still had email in him, okay. He gave him an advice because he had such a profound experience in prisons. So he gave me an advice that helped
him survive. Okay. And it gave a level of support, like emotional support. To Mm
So mmm Ed's
predicament lasted for for such a long time. I think he stayed in prison for about
I mean, he stayed in prison for a long time.
then he was released from prison, but he was put, he was made to he was prohibited from leaving his home. What would you call this an English house arrest? Yes, he was put under house arrest for five years after spending so many years in the prison, and much more time in the prison. And
then afterwards panel law, when Animoto what kill hurry fermata what kill took over he was from Allison, he was against the Moto Z. After he released the scholar's he released him mad, and he gave him at such a high position. So how long this trial brought him to high prominence. He became the number one scholar of all time and because of his strong stance in protecting the state of Arizona that the Quran has divine qualities, it's the words of Allah it's not a creation, a man last month Allah gave him so much prominence so people recognized him as the number one Imam of their time. The number one so this is why a lot of the scholars said have you have Allahu and Metrobus nini a lot
preserve the small with two people. Be Abby Becker
abana how
With Abu Bakar when he when the province of Ceylon passed away and some people have a stated record for them, so Allah preserved the oma through Abu Bakar will email me Ahmed fit that alcohol on and Lhasa protected this religion with overthrew Imam Ahmed, when he stood against he stood in the face of this fitna of halco Koran of saying the Quran was a creation and was not divine. So Amanda had made a lot of sacrifice and afterwards as I said, he was recognized as the top authority of his time. There is something interesting as well about his mother perhaps we will share in Sharla next week, some of the incidents interesting incidents that happened in the life of a man and what we can
learn from them today, and we will share some things about his method and his approach to fix and what for how we impacted
a huge chunk chunk of the Muslim ummah. So but we are in front of a giant just like we did when we started the life of Imam Abu hanifa and Imam Malik and Imam Shafi. These are real giants and Subhan. Allah, Allah gave them so much influence, because definitely there was something very special about them. And I believe this is the integrity and the sincerity they had in their hearts. So hopefully this is enough for today. inshallah next week, as I said, we'll have another session on a man who had just failed us last summer, and we know how much it was obvious. And then we'll take a couple of questions if there are any questions.
No questions? Yes.
Yes, Mr. Mohammed he came in, and his prayer, so imprisoned, probably shackled, and so on. So maybe you'd pray while seated or something. But yes. And also Mr. Muhammad was a person who fasted almost all days, almost, but he would break. He would break his fast sometimes, because he doesn't want to go against the Hadith of the Prophet Salim. But he Foster's most of his days, and imprison he maintained as fast as well. So your question?
No, that was only in Yemen, as far as I know that he kept working, but afterwards probably had some other source of income. I'm not sure what it was. I think it's, I think his father left some properties. So that was a main source of income for him as well. about that. Yeah.
Okay, one more question.
Yes, I mean, when Emma, that's a good question, actually.
Yes, with Amanda shaffir. He came and he would learn from him. So he would learn and he wouldn't have no time to pray the sooner but when he met Michelle, and that was probably for a few weeks, but when he managed after he left, he would go back to pray his 200 Yes, exactly. Okay. Biological muscle of Solomon Amina Muhammad wa sahbihi wa sallam.