Moutasem al-Hameedy – Rulings and Etiquettes of Friday

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The importance of the day of Jumu'ah is highlighted, with emphasis on the success of their prayer and the benefits of their clothing. The success of their prayer and the importance of the day for their spiritual presence is also emphasized. The importance of practicing the Prophet's Day of the Earth, which involves washing one's body, performing whatever good they want, and practicing the "hasith" to receive rewarded actions, is emphasized. The risk of speaking during jum'ah and losing a reward is real, as long as the reward is compromised. The importance of watching the day of Jumu'ah and its surrounding is emphasized.
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I bear witness that there is no god
but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant
and Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him
and his family.
O you who believe, fear Allah as He
should be feared, and do not die except
as Muslims.
O you who believe, fear Allah as He
should be feared, and do
die except as Muslims.
O you who believe, fear Allah and say
the right words.
He will correct your deeds and forgive you
your sins.
Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has achieved
a great success.
All praise is due to Allah, we praise
Him, we seek His aid and we ask
for His forgiveness.
We seek protection in Allah from the evils
of ourselves and from the evil consequences of
our evil actions.
Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead astray, and
whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray, none can
I testify that there is none worthy of
our worship and devotion but the Almighty Allah
And I testify that Muhammad, peace and blessings
be upon him and his family, is His
servant, His obedient slave and His Messenger.
O you who believe, fear Allah as He
should be feared, and die not except in
a state of submission to your Lord.
O mankind, be dutiful to your Lord who
created you from a single person, and from
Him He created His wife, and from them
both He created many men and women.
And fear Allah through whom you demand your
mutual rights, and observe the rights of your
Surely Allah is Ever and All-Watcher over
O you who believe, keep your duty to
Allah, fear Him and speak the truth.
He will direct you to righteous deeds and
will forgive your sins.
And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has
indeed attained a great achievement.
The best words are the divine words of
And the best guidance is that of Prophet
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and
his family.
And the worst things in the religion are
the newly invented matters.
For all the newly invented matters in religion
are heretical innovation and bid'ah, and every
bid'ah is misguidance.
And every misguidance leads to the hellfire.
As we come every Friday to pray Jumu
'ah, and this prayer of Friday, the prayer
of Jumu'ah, is one of the greatest
acts of worship in Islam.
It is something that holds a very high
It's one of the rituals, one of the
signposts of Islam, sha'air al-Islam.
And Allah says in the Qur'an, And
those who glorify and hold in high esteem
the rituals and the signposts of the religion
of Allah, this is a sign of the
purity of their heart.
This is a sign that they fear Allah
and that they love Allah, subhanahu wa ta
Because when you love Allah, and when you
fear Allah, you hold dear what Allah, subhanahu
wa ta'ala, holds dear.
And since we pray Jumu'ah, and it's
a great avenue to get our sins forgiven
and to acquire great reward from Allah, subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And I've noticed a few people lose their
reward of Jumu'ah by doing simple things
because they don't observe the etiquettes of Jumu
And the companions, upon the guidance of the
Prophet, they would hold the day of Jumu
'ah in high esteem.
Because the Prophet, highlighted the importance of the
day of Jumu'ah.
So we'll try to highlight some of the
merits of this blessed day in the week,
and some of the etiquettes and the rulings
that pertain to the prayer of Jumu'ah.
So that we don't miss out on the
Sometimes in the Jumu'ah, during the khutbah,
you will find two people talking.
And they don't realize that that conversation could
potentially remove your reward for Jumu'ah completely.
And the reward of Jumu'ah is great.
It could be, who knows, it could be
on the day of judgment, the only push
that you need to make it to Jannah.
So why waste it?
And sometimes during the khutbah, you will find
some people checking their phones.
Checking messages or surfing the web.
Or maybe responding sometimes to a call or
a message.
And they don't realize that this is a
violation of the reward of their Jumu'ah.
And they miss out a great deal of
reward from Allah.
So to learn these rulings, we'll try to
highlight the most important among them, bi-idhnillahi
And this should help us understand the value
of the day of Jumu'ah.
And also seize the benefits, tap into those
benefits, and gain more reward, bi-idhnillahi ta
So the day of Jumu'ah is considered
to be Eid for the Muslims.
It's a weekly Eid.
The Prophet ﷺ says in the authentic hadith,
about the day of Friday, Inna hadha yawmu
eidin ja'alahu allahu lilmuslimin.
Faman ja'a ila aljumu'ati falyaghtasil.
Wa in kaana tayyibun falyamassa minhu.
Wa alaykum bisiwak.
The Prophet ﷺ says, This day, the day
of Jumu'ah, Allah made it Eid for
the Muslims.
So whoever comes to Jumu'ah, let them
take a bath.
Let them perform ghusl, wash their bodies.
And if they are able, if they have
access to perfume, let them apply perfume.
And use the siwak.
Brush your teeth with the miswak.
One day, it was Eid time.
Proper Eid.
The Prophet ﷺ mentioned, And it was a
Friday at the same time.
It was either Eid al-Fitr or Eid
The Prophet ﷺ says, Today two of your
Eids have coincided together.
This shows you that Friday is a Eid.
And we should treat it as a day
of Eid, as a weekly Eid.
So the companions would purify themselves and wash
their bodies on this day.
And they would wear the best clothes they
had for Jumu'ah.
They didn't come to the masjid wearing their
Or wearing their tracksuits.
They came wearing the most beautiful clothes they
The clothes that they would wear on Eid.
Because this is a day where you present
yourself before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
In the congregation of the Muslims.
And when you revere and hold in high
esteem these rituals that Allah loves.
You show your fear of Allah.
Your sense of awe.
And appreciation of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And the day of Jumu'ah is the
best of all days in the week.
The Prophet ﷺ says in the authentic hadith,
The best day upon which the sun has
risen is the day of Jumu'ah.
On the day of Jumu'ah, Adam was
And on the day of Jumu'ah, he
was entered into Jannah.
And on the day of Jumu'ah, he
was taken out of Jannah.
And we will have more on this from
another hadith.
Then the Prophet ﷺ says, And the hour,
the day of judgment, will fall on the
day of Jumu'ah.
Also the day of Jumu'ah is an
opportunity to get our sins forgiven.
The Prophet ﷺ says, The
Prophet ﷺ says, Whoever washes their bodies, performs
ghusl on the day of Jumu'ah.
They come to the masjid and they pray
whatever Allah allows them to pray.
And then the person listens carefully to the
speech of the imam.
And he prays with the imam.
He will get his sins forgiven.
The sins that he committed between the Jumu
'ah, this Jumu'ah and the previous Jumu
And there are three days extra.
Ten days are forgiven.
And the Prophet ﷺ mentioned in the authentic
hadith, And this is one of the prime
hadiths on the value of Jumu'ah.
That is collected by Imam Muslim Abu Hurairah.
ثُمَّ كَالَّذِي يُهْدِ الْكَبْشِ ثُمَّ كَالَّذِي يُهْدِ الدَّجَاجَ
ثُمَّ كَالَّذِي يُهْدِ الْبَيْضَ So the Prophet ﷺ
says in this narration, And we will come
to another version which is more complete of
this hadith.
The Prophet ﷺ says, On the day of
Jumu'ah, there are angels standing at the
gates of every masjid.
So when you enter the door of the
masjid, there are angels standing by the door
of the masjid.
And they write the names of the people
who come to the Jumu'ah, In the
records that they hand to Allah ﷻ.
They write those who come first, come first
on the records.
And then those who come after them.
When the Imam comes to sit on the
minbar before the adhan is called, When the
Imam climbs the minbar and sits, The angels
will close their books.
They won't write the names after that.
And that's a warning for those who come
late for the Jumu'ah.
You might not have your name written after
the Imam sits on the minbar.
You want to make sure you come before
You want to make sure you are in
the masjid before the Imam walks in, Climbs
the minbar and sits.
Otherwise, your name is not included in the
records of those who attended the Jumu'ah,
Written by the angels.
Then the Prophet ﷺ says, The one who
comes in the first hour of the day,
And this is something that was common among
the companions, And the tabi'een and the
early generations.
They used to come to Jumu'ah, when?
After sunrise.
Come and sit at the masjid.
They would pray, some of them would pray
two rak'ah, And two rak'ah, and
two rak'ah, and two rak'ah, Until
the Imam climbs the minbar.
Some of them would pray the two rak
'ah, And sit and read Qur'an and
do dhikr.
Those who come at the first hour, They
are like someone who has offered for the
sake of Allah, A camel, a full camel.
They will get the reward of that.
Then those who come in the second hour,
They will be like someone who offered a
cow for the sake of Allah.
Then those who come later, the third hour,
They will be like someone who offered a
ram, A horned ram, for the sake of
Slaughtered a ram, for the sake of Allah,
as sadaqah.
Then those who come the fourth hour, or
the fifth hour, They will be like those
who have offered a chicken, For the sake
of Allah.
Then those who come in the last hour
before Jumu'ah, They are like someone who
offered an egg, For the sake of Allah.
And the hadith is collected by the Imam
The Prophet ﷺ informed us about the day
of Jumu'ah, That there is a time,
there is an hour in the day of
Jumu'ah, When your dua is accepted.
So the Messenger ﷺ says, Anas ibn Malik
says about the Prophet ﷺ, The Prophet ﷺ
said in the hadith, يوم الجمعة ثنتى عشرة
يريد ساعة لا يوجد مسلم يسأل الله عز
وجل شيئا إلا آتاه الله عز وجل فالتمسوها
آخر ساعة بعد صلاة العصر خرجه أبو داود
وهو صحيح The Prophet ﷺ says the day,
the day time of Friday is 12 hours.
And there is an hour among those 12
hours, Any Muslim who calls upon Allah and
makes dua, His dua or her dua will
be answered.
Seek that hour as the last hour of
the day, Just before Maghrib, after Asr.
This is why it's the Sunnah and it's
a great and valuable thing.
That's what the early generations used to do.
In the last hour of the day, you
would find them in their houses or at
the Masjid, Speaking to no one, doing no
business or anything else.
Just turning to Allah and making dua.
And every Muslim should seek this moment.
It's a moment where you call upon Allah
for your needs.
Ask Allah to guide your heart.
Ask Allah to cleanse your soul.
Ask Allah to remove your sins.
Ask Allah to help you against your desires.
Ask Allah to make you among those of
the people of Jannah.
Ask Allah to help you learn the religion
of Islam, Learn the Qur'an and the
Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.
Ask Allah to help to guide you and
guide your family.
Ask Allah to preserve your children and your
Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to provide
for you and for your family.
Ask Allah to help you with whatever need
you have.
Ask Allah and make dua for your Muslim
brothers and sisters.
For whatever good that you want, ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That's the time in the week to ask
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So what did the Prophet ﷺ advise us
to do?
On the Day of Judgment, on the Day
of Arafah.
Sorry, on the Day of Friday.
The Prophet ﷺ advised and highly recommended that
we do the ghusl, that we wash our
bodies and perform ghusl.
So the Prophet ﷺ says, Any
person or any Muslim who performs ghusl, washes
their body on the day of Jum'ah,
and purify themselves and perform wudu' and apply
And then he leaves or she leaves her
And they do not split between two people.
And the meaning is to observe, to be
easygoing when you come to the masjid.
Try to be easygoing.
Don't be pushy or don't be harsh with
Then the person prays whatever Allah allows them
to pray.
And then he or she listens to the
imam as the imam gives the khutbah.
Allah will forgive their sins, the sins that
the person committed from the previous Jum'ah
to this Jum'ah.
And the Prophet ﷺ also said, The ghusl
of Jum'ah is a duty.
And a duty, the scholars here, the majority
of the Muslim scholars, they say a duty
doesn't reach the level of obligation.
Because we have some ahadith from the Prophet
ﷺ where he accepted that people do wudu'.
But he said ghusl is better.
So it's highly recommended.
The majority of the Muslims, the jumhur of
the scholars, they say it is sunnah muakkadah,
highly recommended and emphasized sunnah.
Some of the scholars say it's an obligation.
So the best thing you do is perform
the ghusl.
For the Jum'ah.
And the ghusl starts after fajr.
After the fajr of Jum'ah.
This when it counts.
And before the salah.
Anything after or anything before fajr doesn't count.
Before fajr doesn't count.
After salatul Jum'ah it doesn't count.
So it has to be after fajr and
before you come to the Jum'ah.
Then the Prophet ﷺ advised coming early to
the masjid and we already mentioned this.
But there is some beautiful, some addition here
to the hadith.
It's another version of a hadith that we
already quoted.
This is collected by al-Bukhari and Muslim
from Abu Huraira.
So the person performs ghusl and preferably the
ghusl of janabah.
On the day of Jum'ah.
And then add another ghusl for the Jum
And then the Prophet ﷺ lists the rewards
for those who come earlier.
The first hour, the second hour, the third
hour, the same as we mentioned in the
previous narration.
Then he says the angels eventually, when the
imam comes in, the angels will sit to
listen to the dhikr.
So the angels attend the Jum'ah.
They themselves attend the Jum'ah.
The Prophet ﷺ also advised on the day
of Jum'ah reading surah al-kahf.
The Prophet ﷺ says, He who recites surah
al-kahf on the day of Jum'ah,
Allah will give him a light that will
brighten everything between the two Jum'ahs.
Meaning a light from this Jum'ah to
the upcoming Jum'ah as well, to next
One thing the Prophet ﷺ recommended to do
on the day of Jum'ah that we
should not miss out on is sending salutations
on the Prophet ﷺ.
The Prophet ﷺ said, The best of your
days is the day of Jum'ah.
On that day Adam was created.
And he died on that day.
The angel will blow the horn for the
death of all creatures and the destruction of
the world on the day of Jum'ah.
And the second blow of the horn when
everything is dead, or the third horn when
all creatures rise again on the day of
judgment, it will be the day of Jum
So increase in sending salutations upon me on
the day of Jum'ah.
Increase in salah on the Prophet ﷺ.
For your salutations will be presented to me.
Imagine, you say Allahumma salli wa sallim ala
nabiyyina Muhammad and the angels carry this and
present it to the Prophet ﷺ in your
You are here in this part of the
world and you say Allahumma salli wa sallim
ala nabiyyina Muhammad or you say as salah
al-Ibrahimiyyah, as in the salah.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad
kama sallayt ala Ibrahim wa ala Ibrahim.
And the angels carry this and present it
to the Prophet ﷺ with your name on
Qalu ya Rasool Allah, wakayfa tu'radu salatuna
alayka waqad arimta?
O Messenger of Allah, ya'nuna waqad balita?
O Messenger of Allah, how is our salah
and salutations presented to you when you will
be dead and your body will decompose?
Qala inna Allaha harrama ala al-ardi an
ta'kula ajzada al-anbiya The Prophet ﷺ
said that Allah made it haram and forbidden
for the earth to eat the bodies of
the Prophets and the Messengers.
So one of the things the Prophet ﷺ
mentions in one of those hadith is to
Wa ansat, to listen to the khutbah.
The Prophet ﷺ says in the authentic hadith
man lagha wal imamu yakhtub fala jum'ata
lahu The one who engages in idle talk,
empty talk, while the imam is giving khutbah,
then he has no jum'ah.
Meaning his reward will be compromised.
He doesn't have to make jum'ah again
but his reward is compromised either completely or
So that's the risk of speaking during jum
'ah or responding to a phone call or
a message or checking your messages or whatever
online, your social media and worse, playing video
You'll miss out on a great reward and
you risk to compromise your reward of jum
'ah completely.
And whether you like what the imam says
or you enjoy that type of imam and
their speech or you don't, that's irrelevant.
Because that's the right of Allah, it's not
the right of the imam.
The imam is a human being who performs
his job and he does his duty but
these are the signposts of Islam and these
are the rights of Allah subhanahu wa ta
أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم فاستغفروه
الحمد لله رب العالمين الصلاة والسلام على أشرف
الموسلين نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين وبعده
So since we come to perform jum'ah
every Friday الحمد لله رب العالمين it's a
blessing from Allah and this is something that
we should observe and Muslims who don't observe
Salat al-Jum'ah Salat al-Jum'ah
is an obligation on the males who have
reached puberty the males of the ummah, the
men of this ummah who have reached puberty
it's an obligation upon them and the Prophet
ﷺ said in the authentic hadith لَيَنْتَهِيَنَّ أَقْوَامٌ
عَنْ وَدْعِهِمُ الْجُمُعَاتِ أَوْ لَيَخْتِمَنَّ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ
people who miss jum'ah they shall stop
and cease doing that lest Allah seals their
hearts and when Allah seals the heart the
heart has no iman the person will be
in the hellfire so it's a serious violation
to fail to attend the jum'ah and
the Prophet ﷺ mentioned in another hadith whoever
fails, whoever misses three jum'ahs consecutively without
a valid reason then Allah would seal their
hearts so this is something you can't take
risk with so if you know someone who
doesn't attend jum'ah warn them, remind them
if you take light of jum'ah you
need to take heed don't miss jum'ah
just for this or for that I know
people have school, people have work people have
commitments make an arrangement make an arrangement this
is something you can't miss with when it
comes with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala speak
to your supervisor speak to your teacher make
the arrangement that you don't miss jum'ah
you can't afford to do that what's the
point if you get the dunya but you
lose your heart this is a serious matter
with Allah and the Prophet ﷺ said the
Prophet ﷺ said I was just about I
was just about to command a man to
lead the salah in the masjid and make
it to the houses of people, men who
don't attend the jum'ah and burn their
houses on top of them you see how
serious that is you see how serious missing
jum'ah is so make sure you come
early to the jum'ah you come before
the imam sits on the minbar and perform
ghusl wear your best clothes and remember this
is something this gathering is something Allah loves
so let's observe it let's maintain it for
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and take the
reward of that and remember make salah on
the Prophet ﷺ the whole day do it
and wallahi you will see a lot of
blessings coming into your life a lot of
blessings coming into your life a man said
to the Prophet ﷺ about salah and the
Prophet ﷺ said if you do salah Allah
will give you he said I'll do more
I'll do more salah on you the Prophet
ﷺ mentioned to him then all of your
worries will be taken away if you increase
in your salah on the Prophet ﷺ and
the last hour before maghrib the last hour
of the day make dua turn to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala cry out to Allah
this is something Allah loves to see from
you your humility before him is something that
elevates you with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and you have nothing to lose when you
make dua you're going to get something from
your dua or you will get some sins
forgiven or harm that is on its way
would be repelled away from you or at
least if you're not given what you're granted
what you're asking for Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala will preserve it to you to give
it to you as a gift on the
day of judgment you can't miss, you can't
lose with dua so I ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala to help us observe the
day of Jumu'ah and its etiquettes and
its rites and to benefit from its fruits
the collection of Jumu'ah is for human
concern international so help them out may Allah
reward them for the good work that they
do and the kind of contribution that they
bring about to Muslim communities and Muslim minorities
around the world and even Muslim populations who
are suffering so help them out today Allahumma
forgive the believers and the believers and the
Muslims and the Muslims the living and the
dead Allahumma forgive us our sins and our
transgressions in our affairs and make our feet
firm and help us against the disbelieving people
Allahumma make for this Ummah the right way
in which the people of your obedience will
be honoured and in which the people of
disobedience will be humiliated and in which your
book and the Sunnah of your Prophet may
Allah's peace and blessings be upon him Allahumma
be for your believers everywhere in Gaza and
in Palestine and in Syria and in Sudan
Allahumma protect them Allahumma support them with support
from you Allahumma help them, your help is
the best help Allahumma be for this Ummah
a helper and a helper O Lord of
Glory and Honour Glory be to your Lord,
the Lord of Might and Glory for what
they describe and peace be upon the messengers
and praise be to Allah, Lord of the