Morad Awad – To Put Things Into Perspective
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The speakers discuss the importance of elevating oneself and finding confidence in oneself, as it is crucial for success. They stress the need to elevate oneself and find "has been a key to our success and how people see their success." They also touch on the impact of people's views on their abilities and personal attributes, and how "has been a key to our success and how people see their success." The speakers emphasize the importance of accepting of one's deeds and control in one's behavior.
AI: Summary ©
We just finished the 23rd nights of Ramadan. The glimpse of an AI
time is just flying past us Subhanallah
and one of the verses that came to my mind as
we'll come live with don't fill out the either the Sydney and
follow leverage naomh And Alibaba Yeoman first added is Dean.
So the people would ask on the Day of Judgment, how many years did
you stay in this? In this dunya?
How many years did you stay? And the people would say, we don't
know, maybe a day or part of a day as the people who actually counted
because you know, your milk Liana they'll see things differently.
For Subhanallah
his whole life, this whole thing that we're, we see as a very big
deal. Sometimes we take the most trivial things, and they become a
huge in our, in our lives and in our minds. But it's really nothing
like how long are we going to live?
How long
8090 100 Say 100 years, the board is 100 years, compared to the
history of humanity from Adam alayhis salam until today.
10s of 1000s hundreds of 1000s Millions, perhaps we don't know.
What is this 100 years that you are going to live think of that?
This 100 years.
It's like a speck of dust. Right? On the ground. It's like a grain
of sand on a beach. But what about this planet that we live in?
Compared to the sun? How big is it?
Tiny it's like a speck
compared to the universe. Even smaller than that? SubhanAllah?
Of I want to ask you another question.
How much from this little speck of a world and in the universe? How
much space do you occupy? Right now sitting down?
How much space do you occupy?
Very small.
Something Yeah, and it's so trivial and so minuscule. But
guess what? I know it's gonna sound and seem crazy. But there
are people that leave the creator of all of this, this whole
universe, all these planets, all of these generations of humanity
in this creation from Adam Ali salaam to today, they leave the
creator of all of that.
And they let something small, affect them in this world,
something tiny, like a person that gives them a dirty look.
Right, or a person that has a grudge on them. Or something very
small, just makes their whole life upside down this 100 years, which
is really nothing in the history of humanity. They spend their time
thinking of the creation that occupies the same amount of spaces
to them, in this speck of a world in this universe. They spend more
time thinking about that, than they think about the creator of
the whole universe. And of all time and of all these generations.
Well, they might seem crazy, but when when I say it,
it seems crazy.
But reality is, it's the reality for a lot of people.
It's another speck of a creation in this huge universe on this tiny
That is occupying them from thinking of the Creator.
This is the paradigm we need to shift to brothers and sisters.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said says Allah Allah,
Allah Himself.
He said, If this dunya was worth the wing of a mosquito in the eyes
of Allah, then he would not give any non believers a drink of water
from it, but it's not even worth that.
Would you What would you do for the wing of a mosquito?
Nothing. Would you step on it to be negligible? Would you stop and
see it? You know, like some people pick change up or whatnot? You
walk in the street you see 10 cents? Yeah, you might pick it up.
You're like, hey, you know, I'll drop in, in the in the savings in
the little sheep bank, not the piggy bank, right? You don't have
piggy banks. So traveling. If you see a wing of a mosquito, would
you actually stop and pick it up? Would you blow it to the side of
the road? No, nothing. Has no weight.
What if somebody says, Hey man, let me get that wing right there
it is pick it up as mine. Would you care anything for it? No. That
is the dunya to Allah subhanaw taala it's not even worth that.
And that's the reality. But guess what, despite that, people spend
their lives in their time. jealous of someone else.
filled with jealousy, hatred, animosity, right? They have
grudges. I don't talk to my parents. I don't talk my sister,
my brother, my sister, you know what they did to me? You know,
they said, nah. manatee spent their whole life.
So life, talking, gossiping back and forth what they did what they
said, Oh, my cousin, you know, my cousin's over, you know, Allah,
reducing their time, instead of thinking of the Creator of the
heavens and the earth, thinking about this little speck who's
going to live maybe less than them.
Brothers and sisters, we need to elevate ourselves above this.
We need to go way beyond this.
I want to ask you something. So
see this backpack?
For instance, backpack. Who is it for?
So you see this backpack? How big is it?
Like one by two feet maybe
move 10 feet away,
is going to be smaller, bigger. 20 feet, 30 feet 100 feet.
When you're flying up 1020 3040 feet, this becomes smaller and
smaller. And it is exactly this. What Imen does to us
the more Eman elevates us above this dunya the smaller and more
trivial we see the matters of this dunya
this person who did a bad did a slick comment tried to get at you.
It means a lot. But when this dunya when you're elevated and
Amen. That comment doesn't harm you because it's small.
But when we reduce ourselves when our Eman goes down, then what
happens? We actually put ourselves in that situation. Subhanallah so
let me see.
We Yeah, nowadays, it's normal to see someone
you know, feeling sad, down depressed, in the state of grief.
Right? We'll be extra like anxious about something that's coming up,
there's a job interview. They submit their application to
school. They're about to take their MCAT they don't know what
the results are going to be.
We, we we stress these things and perhaps if the result doesn't come
the way we want it to be. We're gonna live sad. We won't forgive
ourselves. It's over man. There's no hope us.
But we know it's so minuscule and so small is dunya.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says
if I told you that also sai Salam when he saw a particular
characteristic in someone, you know how like you see brothers,
sisters, you see sisters, you know
when you're, you know, you see different brothers and sometimes
you're impressed.
You're impressed by someone you look at, you see the way they're
conducting themselves, the way they're talking. The way the way
they act, their character, their demeanor, the way they carry
themselves. Right and you just get impressed you're like man, that's
pretty cool. I like that.
You know what, what impressed that also SallAllahu wasallam.
Would you want to know
of course you want to know like imagine like you're there you want
to know if you would impress it as well Awesome. Let's put it that
way. You want to know if you would impress him.
But also I sell them Kenna your gebouw and fell
and fell in Hassan in another nourish the products I sell them
used to like seeing people with confidence, with optimism, with
positivity with hopefulness. He used to love seeing that when he
saw someone that's confident and hopeful just always wishing for
what's good. And they stay positive. They're optimistic when
something happens, don't worry shallow, things are gonna be good.
The prophets I send them was actually impressed by that. He
looked at him like you know, Allah, you know, it's pretty cool.
So how do we establish this confidence or this optimism?
there's four things. And I'm going to list them quickly.
They stem from these four things. And if we have these four things
down, packed them, be it nila, we're going to carry ourselves
that way. The first is
how hasna Vaughn Villa
to assume good of Allah. And I want every single one of us to
think, what do we think of Allah? subhanho? wa taala?
What do we think of Allah? subhanho? wa taala? And that's a
that's a deep question, right? Because a lot of times we, you
know, when we do stuff, let's say I'm studying for a big exam. Do we
stress the studying? No, we just study.
We stress the result. What do we stress the process or the result?
Obviously, the result, nobody stresses the process because it
like you're just doing it, right, the process, you're in the middle
of the grind. You're like, Oh, I got to do this. But then you do it
and then you don't know what the result is gonna be. So that makes
you a little stressed. That when I tell you
that a person who
has good assumption of Allah subhanaw taala has never been
biller. They don't stress the result at all because they know
the result in Whose Hand
whose hand is it to say it out loud? It's in Allah's hand, it's
not in our hand.
If you know it's in Allah's hand, and not in your hand, should you
be comfortable with it? Yes. You know why? And look at all the
allotted time. I know. He said.
He said it when I wake up, I don't care. If I wake up. If I love the
way I wake up, or I hate the way I wake up,
said when I wake up in the morning, I don't care if I love
the way I wake up or I hate the way I wake up.
They said
they said why would you not care? You know, nobody wants to hate the
way they wake up. Let's say you wake up and you're in pain or
something went wrong or something bit You in the middle of the
He's like,
I don't care because Allah knows what's good for me more than I do.
Maybe what I hate is what's good for me.
And maybe what I love is what's good for me. We don't know but we
have to just trust in Allah. Look at this trust. Beautiful sake of
Allah azza wa jal, regardless of the situation. The second thing
is, what the way we see people, and the way people see us
the way we see people and the way people see us,
how do we look at other people? Are we changing our style? Are we
changing, changing the way we dress, the way we walk the way we
talk? Are we trying to change? Like, everything about us to
please the people around us? Is that how much of an impact people
have on us? I go shopping, I'm in footlocker, I see a pair of
sneakers, I always wanted them. But then people are gonna laugh at
me know everybody's gonna tell me man, you spent $120 on those. You
could have got yourself a pair of Jays. But I like these. I always
wanted them. But people just have such a big impact on it. How big
of an impact do people have on us? How do we see people?
And then how do people see us is another big one.
Let's say you're a jokester.
Let's say you're a jokester.
And, you know, or you think that people see you like this. So you
feel compelled to say a joke every time you see somebody?
Or if people you think people see you as serious? Then what? You're
gonna feel compelled to be serious. Every time you meet
people, you go sit down, like go I gotta be the serious guy because
that's what everyone thinks of. So what you think people think of you
also affects your confidence, your optimism, your your drive,
subhanAllah the second the third is your, your
you know how you see your own capabilities?
capabilities? Are you confident in your capability?
When there's something that's presented to you, are you
confident and you say no, I could do this inshallah. Smolen I'm
good. Or do you feel like drawn back and say, Nah, man, you know
what? Not me. I'll never be able to do this. I'm a failure. knops
are we confident? The prophets I said, Let me sit in the middle
kowhai you don't have will alarm in a moment of life. If you
couldn't have strong believers better and more beloved to Allah
than the weak believer, and they both have here. And then he said
out of Salah and valqua Stan biller charges. He said be keen to
that which benefits you
Go and seek Allah's help and don't ever give up. That's what Russell
says, Senator,
are we confident or do we give up all the time.
And the fourth and last thing is the way you see yourself,
the way you see yourself, because the way we speak to ourselves has
a lot of impact on the way we conduct ourselves. If we want to
be that person that impresses Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa
we want to be that person that he looks at, he says, Man I like,
then we have to know how to control our self. Right? So a lot
of times
we are reluctant to say, or to do what we believe is, is correct.
And what we believe is right.
And a lot of times we don't, it's not our fault. We just grew up,
you know, being taught to suppress or to not say what we truly
Give you an example. Like you go to
a child, a five year old kid.
The famous question every five year old, three year old two year
old was asked, as soon as they start talking, who do you like
more mama or Baba?
Right? Does everyone know that question you recognize? I think
every single one of us was asked that at one point. Who would you
like more mom or Baba? If you weren't, then Allah saved you and
hamdulillah you're good.
And then what does the child say?
They don't say mom or blah, blah, a lot of times they say Oh, I like
them both because they don't want to hurt the other ones feeling.
Or they're taught to say both so that they don't hurt the other
one's feelings. But they know deep down inside, they like mama more.
Because mama spends a lot more time mama cooks the nice food.
Mama takes them to the soccer games. Or they say Baba Because
Baba just randomly breaks the rules in the house and takes them
out and does whatever they want. Right? It lets them play video
games when mom was out, right? So they'll say they'll say Baba, or
they say mama but they're compelled to say both because they
don't want to hurt the feelings of the other. So it's like this
indoctrination of not saying what we actually believe. Right? So we
need to change this we have to say what we believe and be confident
in it. No matter who's around us or what people are saying. Around
Us. Subhanallah
and lastly, insha Allah Tala I'll end with this even Taymiyah
but I'm a hula.
You've been taking me out I have a whole lot. He said there are three
types of people. There are three types of you and there's always
you know, different things. Oh, there's four types to six types of
fighter. There's two types. You know. So in this one there's three
types of people. He said someone you did good for
someone you did something good for then you become their Amira.
You're their leader.
Or someone the second type that did good to you.
Then you become their captive, your their se or your their
Right because they did something good to you call us. They imprison
you and you're in service to them.
You're indebted to them because they did something good for you.
And the third type
is who someone Yanni your peer, someone you don't need them. And
they don't need, they don't need you, then what are you you're
their equal or their counterpart.
You don't look at him as more or less because you don't need them.
They don't need you call us here. So your equals your counterparts.
And I'll end with this question.
Many people they live in one of these types.
But I want you to ask yourself today, which one of the three
types are you living like?
The one who is a leader by doing good for others? Or do good is
being done to them so they're captive? Or they're prisoners for
others. Or they're not exchanging good
or anything with anyone. So that you know they're just equals or
counterparts of others. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept
our deeds we ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to do a little
We ask Allah to free or next from the Hellfire We ask Allah to
accept from us there's talk of Allah here or salaam wa
in metal mostly me now almost Lima Do you want to know meaning I will
not mean it.
In one quantity now I looked on it that he was loading pain I was
sliding on he was on the arena was Flavio rod Do you want before she
you know she
was before she I mean I want to call she is the one downside btw
now one no downside the party was all me I was all in I
wouldn't have you Lena photo gentlemen one half your warranty
was there good enough
what the guilt or I don't
what Eileen