Morad Awad – Scholars….the Best and the Worst
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SLURL Hungary low salatu salam ala Rasulillah while early also have
an even wider
span was Mohammed kulula Will hamdulillah Willa in Allahu Allahu
Akbar, what are Hola Hola, Quwata illa Billahi la de la de.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to teach us from His knowledge, and
to lift us in levels and to accept our worship. I mean, it'll be
Alameen Shala just a few words, in a few minutes with Milazzo JAL.
There's no doubt that the first
lesson that a human being
ever learned
was the lesson of how knowledge honors a person.
And this is why in the first story in the Quran, and actually the
first story in the history of humanity,
the story of Adam Alayhis Salam,
Allah subhanaw taala created Adam Alayhis Salam, and then taught him
knowledge. He gave him a knowledge that the angels did not know after
which the angels were commanded to prostrate for him.
And this is why Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, your
fellow Latina M annual income, while Adina Otto el mundo Rajat
Allah lifts, those who believe and those who attain knowledge and
levels and there's not a dua in the Quran, where Allah told the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to increase him in anything
except for knowledge. He said, we'll call Rob busy Danny Elma
there is no Sydney anything except for him in the Quran.
But you know what Hadith baffled me
the Hadith authentic hadith.
So this these 10 is a Hadith of how Allah lifts
the people of knowledge is one thing.
But the Hadith that baffled me was that hadith that said were the
prophets I seldom said the first to burn in the Hellfire
is going to be a scholar,
somebody of great knowledge.
So we learned that knowledge can go all the way up.
And knowledge can go all the way down. It's a two way road.
And subhanAllah when I
thought about it, and I thought about the Syrah of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and how
are there examples of these types of scholars in the time of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Because sometimes when we
think of scholar we think of after Rasul Allah is send them, but the
reality is from the Sierra of the Prophet size, and we could find
examples of both types of scholars. And that's what I'm
going to share with you today Inshallah, in a famous story, the
story of what is often the story of what occurred No, no fun when
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he, first when when he
first experienced why from Jibreel, Allah is Salam, he went
to Hadiya and Khadija called her cousin waka waka came and he was
learned in Hebrew and he was learned in the Torah and then the
Injeel. So he studied the previous scriptures. So when the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained to what aka what he
experienced, he said, This is the angel that came down to Musa
and you were chosen to be a prophet. And the Prophet SAW Selim
said me a prophet. He said, Yes. And there's not a single person
that came with what you are coming with, except that he was the enemy
of his people. He said, will they be my enemy as well? He said, Yes.
And they will kick you out of your city. He said, our Mukherjee your
home, will they kick me out as well? He said, Yes. So what
occurred new, the Syrah of Rasool loss, I send them before Rasul
Allah sai Sena. Isn't that interesting? And he's Rasul Allah.
He knew the biography. He knew what's going to happen to him
before he did Ali salatu salam.
So this is what he said. Yeah, late and if he had other is, Raju
is usually do Yeah, and I wish I will be young or I wish I was
young when they kick you out. But he was a very old man. As a matter
of fact what aka died three days later. Okay. And then he died upon
Islam Al Hamdulillah. But the Allahu Allah Allah Anwar Allah
another example, this is the example of a righteous scholar,
someone who use their knowledge to find the truth, his knowledge of
the previous scripture.
guided him to knowing Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
That's one. Another example of this is Abdullah adna Salam, who
was a Jew. In Medina when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam did Hijra to Medina, Abdullah had been Salam was a
scholar, the son of a scholar, amongst the Jews of Medina. And as
soon as he heard about the Prophet SAW Salem, he used his knowledge
of the scripture, and he went and inspected the prophecies and he
asked the prophecies and he looked at the characteristics of him, and
he found out that it is him. So he embraced the snuff
And subhanAllah the Abdullah
was supposed to go back and give Dawa to his people to the Jews of
Medina. But he said he also Allah my people are Coleman booked.
Booked is exactly what it sounds like anatomy by the way, it's both
that's that's how the Jews were in Medina meaning anytime like they
they're quick to flip and they forget all of the past Yeah, and
they they they'll just bash on somebody for no reason. And
Abdullah Abdullah said, I'm new this so so so I sell them call the
tribal leaders of the Jews and he told her not to hide in another
room and he invited the Jews over and he told them look, what do you
have to say about Abdullah? Agnes and he said oh, he's a scholar,
son of our scholar. It's very learned very this very that They
complimented him he said what if I told you Abdullah converted to
Islam? He said no way my of Allah. How's he going to convert this
They said, Abdullah come out. Abdullah came out and he said
eyeshadow, Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola.
So they said, they got up like stuffing Allah. And they got up
and they said, you know, you never had knowledge to begin with. Even
your father. We used to doubt the amount of knowledge you had. You
were never there. And they start they were common book. Exactly.
Well, Abdullah, they got up and left and after loving and said,
I'm told the premises of Seattle's will lie told you. So like, this
is how my people are.
So Abdullah Salam is a second example of how knowledge can lead
to the hook and to embracing it. But there's also examples in this
era of knowledge not leading to the hook. And that's the example
of how he even
he was one of the leaders of the Jews in hybrid and Korea. He was
the father of Sofia. Been to Korea a mini the Mother of the Believers
and all the Allah to Allah Anna.
Sophia, but the Allah Anna she narrates she said I was a little
girl. And I was really loved by my father and my uncle Eliezer.
So our father and our uncle we acid, they used to really love
her. So they allowed her to be around them. Like when they had
private discussions and whatnot, they wouldn't allow anyone else.
But Sofia was allowed. She said one day I heard my father go to
Rasul Allah, so I seldom. And he went to inspect him and to see his
characteristics and to see if he fits the characteristics that were
mentioned in the Torah.
And then he went back and she said, I heard the conversation
between him and Abuja said my uncle, her father, Oh, yeah. He
said to Abuja, sir, he said, I want and I saw Mohamed, we also
said, so what did you see? Did he fit the description? Or you said,
Yes, he fit the description. But he also said, okay, so what are we
going to do? Oh, yeah, he said, the idea what, to whomever it I'll
be his enemy until I die.
I'll be his enemy until I die. It's probably see, although he
knew that also seldom, and he knew his characteristics. But guess
what? He continued to disbelieve, even until the siege of high bar,
were the prophets. I seldom brought him and dragged him under
his foot. And he told him Yeah, hey, look at what your disbelief
brought you to. You're on the brink of death. And you're right
here. What do you have to say? Or you said,
Man had him to Allah either what he said, I never will regret being
your enemy. Oh, Mohammed Subhan. Allah. He said, When I came to
him, Al hammertone Kitab Hala, who Elena
woman you highly below Helaba.
And it is
a slaughter that Allah wrote upon the sons of Israel upon them. And
whoever fights Allah, Allah will defeat them. So it's as if he
said, it was our destiny to be defeated and stomped on by you.
And he chose to be on the wrong side. This is very interesting
actually. And this is very interesting. You see how the
knowledge was used to misguide him, and to make him steadfast
upon what, upon bottling upon falsehood.
Another example is the example of selama Abdul Salam Al Ansari.
Did Allah and by the way, he's one of the 313, that Fortin better
selama by the ALLAH and he said, I was a little kid, little boy, I
used to walk I used to be neighbors, of a neighbor to the
Jews of Medina. And there was a scholar amongst the Jews that
would talk about Jana Gnar. And he would talk about Yeoman herself
Judgment Day. And he said,
One day, I was sitting there, and I told this Jewish scholar after
he told us about the hellfire and about paradise and judgment, He
said in the fire will be so severe that the hottest furnace in this
dunya is still nothing compared to what you'd wish you were in a
furnace from how hot the Hellfire is.
So selama he was one of them, we should have came on. He wasn't he
didn't believe in any of this. Right? And it was the Jews talking
about it. And he was one of the the, you know, that we should?
He said, How do I know your true?
He's telling the Jewish scholar, how do I know you're right? He
said there would be a prophet that will come from here, he pointed
south of Medina, which is towards Mecca and Yemen. He pointed south,
he said there will come a profit from over there, and he will prove
to you that
we are correct. And he will bring victory to us and He will teach
you and everyone will know that this is the truth. So when Salam I
grew up,
he followed Rasulullah sai Sallam he embraced Islam accepted Islam.
But guess what?
This Jewish scholar did not accept Islam.
He remained the covenant Selim I went to him. He said, he said,
Didn't you used to tell us about Janna not? Didn't you use to teach
us what Muhammad sai Sanam is teaching us now?
Don't you know this? And didn't you describe him? The way he came
in the Torah and you pointed out where he's gonna come from? He
said yes, but that's not him.
That's not him.
So he gave two examples of scholars whose knowledge guided
them to the truth and to examples of scholars whose knowledge guided
them to falsehood brothers and sisters, we learn one thing, that
knowledge alone is not enough to save someone.
But it has to be accompanied with humbleness and willingness to
accept the truth no matter who it comes from.
Without this knowledge, will lead to the bottom it's not for our own
or her man or caught on it's not Hitler or Stalin or whoever it is.
That's going to be the first in the Hellfire it is going to be a
scholar like that of Hawaii and that scholar who sent him I was
talking about
brothers, but what does this affect us as Muslim in
the Rasul some Allahu alayhi wa sallam says of Allah, Allah said,
he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prophesized so many things from
the signs of the hereafter. We know about the Mady and his
coming. We know about Missoula is Salah is Salam, we know about the
gel, we know about the sun rising from the West, we know about the
rising what the buildings that are going to be built by the Barefoot
naked, you know, dependent people that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam described the shepherd's
by you.
There are two types of scholars the same types that existed
amongst many extra eel amongst the Jews and the Christians. We have
the same types amongst the OMA today. Just because someone knows
of the coming of a silent Salam does not mean that they're going
to know to follow him. And just because they know of the coming of
the melody and his description and attribute does not mean that
they're going to going to recognize him as the melody and
follow him.
Just because they know the description of the judge does not
mean they're going to reject him. It's beyond this. It's the
humbleness, it's the submission. It's the willingness to accept the
truth that we must live right now before these times come. Because
if we don't have this as a guide, the knowledge will not benefit us.
As a matter of fact, the knowledge can harm us because it can only
make us go lower in the Hellfire with a biller. So we ask Allah not
only knowledge, play knowledge, but we ask Allah for knowledge and
willingness to follow it. Right knowledge that produces action and
manifests in action
and the willingness to accept the truth no matter where it is. We
ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to guide us and to show us the truth.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us free
I'm those who have the knowledge to recognize the prophecies of
Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam know what he left behind and the legacy
he left behind, and to follow it with our humbleness and for our
hearts to be pure, and not to make us of the examples of those
corrupt scholars have been so ill, but to make us of those who are
guided to the truth and followed Muhammad sai Salam, the same way
they're going to follow a sign a Salam when He comes again, we ask
Allah to guide us and to show us a straight path. I mean, you're
obliged. I mean, I'm sorry to take long brothers. I know this is a
long Sunday, but I have I asked Allah that we've benefited from
this era Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah in
our Mala who use one Luna
water he wants to label this nema.
In Medina yo Luna, Allah wants to
feed to Nia
my other movie now
what Lavina you do? Meanie now? Mina TV a while at MCC decibel
found more than
one, ma'am movie