Morad Awad – Quran Unlocks Your Heart

Morad Awad
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The Greatest accomplishments in existence is a culture in the Americas that recites a song and dance. The culture also practice a dance dance dance dance. The transcript describes a scene where someone tries to explain a light in a room and talks about praying and praying to God to fill one's hearts with his light. The importance of praying and praying to God is emphasized.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:05
			It truly you know when, when the
Quran has recited haka, Tilawat
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			the way it's supposed to be
recited, it unlocks the heart. And
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			today we listen to some of the
most beautiful ayat in the Quran.
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			As there's no you know, we could
we can, you know, Quran speaks
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			about so many different subjects.
But there's one thing in the Quran
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			that spoken about
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			only once, in this particular way,
and it's describing the greatest
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			thing in existence. And that's
what he recited in the first in
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			the first raka Do you know what
stood out he recited from Surah
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			Surah Noor Athan to Mashallah. And
it's called SUTA. To note of the
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			surah of light because what is it
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			So he began with Allah Who noodle
a similarity will or
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			Allah is the Light of the heavens
and the earth.
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			And subhanAllah we are searching
00:01:12 --> 00:01:14
			for what we want to know our
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			We're dedicating our life, our
depth, everything that we do to
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			our Creator.
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			We want to know
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			about this creator of ours. And
Allah describes himself in this
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			Allah Who knew somehow it will or
the masala nori he can be scared.
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			Who knows what a Muscat is? Have
you ever been in a house? I know.
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			When I was younger, and I want to
fall asleep when we lived in an
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			old Butte
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			when I went to visit my grandpa
and grandma and in fell asleep and
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			my uncles and my aunts, they lived
in old houses like I'm talking
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			about when I say old. I'm not
talking about 100 200 I'm talking
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			like before America was discovered
type old. Like these are 500 600
00:02:03 --> 00:02:08
			year old houses. Right. That's
been they've been in the family
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			for for, like centuries. So we
want in the house. There's
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			something in the house called a
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			and that is basically like a
little window in the middle of the
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			wall. It doesn't have a window.
It's just a place that's like kind
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			of like pushed in. It's like a
shelf that's built into the wall
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			and they put something on it.
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			Allah subhanaw taala said the
example of Allah's light is like
00:02:35 --> 00:02:39
			that mascara you see that? That
little box in the wall? The square
00:02:39 --> 00:02:45
			rectangle? Yeah. Mischka fie her
inside of it is a Misbah is a
00:02:45 --> 00:02:46
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			Okay, now I want you to visualize
this. This place in the wall the
00:02:52 --> 00:02:58
			Mischka has a lantern inside of el
mismo this lantern Feasel jajah is
00:02:58 --> 00:03:00
			inside a glass cover.
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			Now zoo jajah This glass cover can
kill cabin jury.
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			It's as if this glass by itself
without the light that's in it.
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			The glass it says if it is a star,
the brightest star in the sky.
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			You kudu mencionar gelatin mobile
rocket in zaytuna. And this flame
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			that's coming out of it.
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			You know we put kerosene and we
put all types of light like oil
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			and whatever it burns, right. On
the bottom note, Allah saying
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			what's burning here? Is oil from
an olive tree. But not any olive
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			tree. La Sharqiya 10 wala herbaria
00:03:51 --> 00:03:56
			it's not to the east, not to the
west. A perfectly standing olive
00:03:56 --> 00:03:57
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			A perfectly standing olive tree.
Yeah, character Z to how you lead.
00:04:04 --> 00:04:11
			It's oil. It says if it seems to
light without even touch being
00:04:11 --> 00:04:15
			touched by fire. Willow Lambton
says Hoonah new Rhode Island
00:04:15 --> 00:04:20
			newer. The oil is light. The
lantern is light. The fire the
00:04:20 --> 00:04:27
			flame is light. The glass is
light. Now I want you to think of
00:04:27 --> 00:04:31
			this Mischka that has all this
light coming out of it. Why did
00:04:31 --> 00:04:34
			they put it inside something?
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			Why couldn't they just hang it on
the wall?
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			Can someone explain to me if
you're like an
00:04:42 --> 00:04:46
			learn to an ancient architecture,
right? Why did they have to put it
00:04:46 --> 00:04:50
			inside the wall? Why do you have
to have something that goes in to
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			the wall? Do you know why?
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			To brighter because that it
reflects on the whole wall and
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			then that
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			That wall it lights everything
else. Correct Subhan Allah
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			so, Allah subhanaw taala says at
the end of the Northern Ireland or
00:05:11 --> 00:05:17
			it's light within light yeah dilla
holy naughty, he may Usher he only
00:05:17 --> 00:05:21
			guides to it whomever He pleases
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			because you know sometimes when
there's a light in here
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			sometimes you look right under it,
is it dark or light
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			sometimes there's no light right
under this inlet.
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			And sometimes there's a lot of
light that's very far.
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			Allah can bring the distance with
his light and can misguide and
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			prevent from his life, the ones
who are closest to him.
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			I worked in Medina
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			as a teacher and I would talk to
my students sometimes.
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			Now tell them Hey, guys, you know,
the Haram was right down the
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			street like I could make every
Salah and mustard never we fall on
00:06:04 --> 00:06:07
			every site even like, take a break
for the hook. Go drive there,
00:06:07 --> 00:06:10
			three minutes park in the bottom,
take the elevator. Boom, I'm right
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			there in front of the Russell's
asylums grave Yanni. Um, I'm there
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			every day, you know, five Salas
because the Haram is the local
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			Masjid. So when we used to go
pray, I used to come back from
00:06:20 --> 00:06:24
			Salah and teach a class to my
students. And I'm Tom guys who,
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			who went to the haram to pray
today. None of them, one of them,
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			and then they would say how long
What are you talking about it? I
00:06:33 --> 00:06:34
			haven't been there in five years.
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			It was three minutes away.
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			Three minutes away. And people,
people I saw that live in Siberia
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			would come and they'll live in the
Haram they perhaps prayed in the
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			have them more than this person
who lives three minutes away in
00:06:52 --> 00:06:55
			their whole life. That person in
two weeks would pray more than
00:06:55 --> 00:06:57
			that person Subhanallah
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			and then would go back home and
get the edge of praying in there
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			because Allah knows if he kept
them there, they would have kept
00:07:03 --> 00:07:07
			praying Subhan Allah, because
their award is by their intention.
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			So Allah guides to His light
whomever he pleases. Just because
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			you're close doesn't mean it got
into this light and just because
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			you're far doesn't mean you're
misguided. Or your cast it away.
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			But there's one thing you know, if
I describe something beautiful to
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00:07:25 --> 00:07:29
			It's beautiful. We all like food,
right? Let me just, if I describe
00:07:30 --> 00:07:33
			I'm not gonna say cheeseburger
because everybody's like, hey,
00:07:33 --> 00:07:36
			wait a minute. Trying to plug that
in right there. Right? The
00:07:36 --> 00:07:40
			hamburger patty? No, I'm not gonna
say that. But let's say like a
00:07:40 --> 00:07:41
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			like a rice dish, right?
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			And he tells you what spices they
put on it. And the oils it was
00:07:49 --> 00:07:54
			cooked in and the meat and the
different condiments everything
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			that comes with it until you
visualize it.
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			What's the first question you're
gonna ask you if I tell you about
00:08:03 --> 00:08:04
			this dish? What are you gonna say?
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			Huh? No, no, please don't say is
it halal? Because no, it's gonna
00:08:11 --> 00:08:12
			assume a with
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			a lot of luck about it. Right? I
described you know what I ate I
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			eat this and it has this on it and
it has this and then they added
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			this oh my god is so delicious.
What are you gonna ask me?
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			Where can I get it from?
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			Okay, where's this out? After
Allah described his new order,
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			what are we going to ask you on a
board away find it. Here's this
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			new order I want it that you got
people to I want to get to it. The
00:08:39 --> 00:08:42
			first idea after this idea is
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			Oh, feeble uten and in Allah Who
and Topher well you've got off he
00:08:49 --> 00:08:49
			has smoked
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			in houses that Allah is allowed
for it to be established. His name
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			is remembered in it in the day and
then the night
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			it's remembered by who redial men
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			but not just any man laterally him
to genre tune whatever you're on
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			and decree law
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			to genre means what? They are not
distracted with trade or with
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			selling from the remembrance of
Allah doesn't trading include
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			selling because trade is buying
and selling character don't when I
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			say to genre
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			but Allah said selling
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			it's kind of like a Feki Hatem.
You know, what are men? Like okay,
00:09:37 --> 00:09:40
			thank you Hannah is fruits and
Roman is what pomegranate but Why
00:09:40 --> 00:09:44
			did Allah separate pomegranate
from fruits? It is a fruit because
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			Allah wants you to imagine that.
He intends that specifically.
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			Okay, so here Allah wants us to
focus on something to Jarrah trade
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			doesn't distract these people,
from the masjid from the house of
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00:10:00 --> 00:10:03
			and selling specifically for all
of us who have businesses and
00:10:03 --> 00:10:06
			we're selling and we're hustling
and bustling, and we were about to
00:10:06 --> 00:10:10
			make a big sale. And the event is
called as Joomla time, and I gotta
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			make it to salon. But man, I gotta
make the sale. If I keep pushing,
00:10:14 --> 00:10:18
			I know he's gonna budge. I'm gonna
make $10,000 Commission right now
00:10:18 --> 00:10:23
			all I gotta do is keep keep at it.
He's about to sign it. He's about
00:10:23 --> 00:10:26
			to sign it. And guess what? And
you're looking at the time and
00:10:26 --> 00:10:29
			you're about to miss Jo, man, you
got to make that, that trade off.
00:10:31 --> 00:10:35
			Allah saying the ones who have his
light are these men.
00:10:36 --> 00:10:41
			The one who drops that sale? Like
you know, I really gotta go. I'll
00:10:41 --> 00:10:45
			come back later. You know, if if
it was written, then we could sign
00:10:45 --> 00:10:46
			this contract? If not,
00:10:48 --> 00:10:49
			these are the people who have the
light of Allah.
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			It's tough, right?
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			But this, this is where you find
it. Allah described Subhan Allah,
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			we ask Allah to bless us with His
light. We ask Allah to guide us
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			with His light, and to guide us
through his light and to make our
00:11:06 --> 00:11:11
			lives light and to make our eyes
and what we see with his light and
00:11:11 --> 00:11:15
			what we hear with his light and to
fill our hearts with His light and
00:11:15 --> 00:11:19
			to fill our life in our death in
our graves with his light. I mean,
00:11:19 --> 00:11:21
			the autobahn, Isla, me and Lama
sannyasin and barik ala Sayyidina
00:11:21 --> 00:11:25
			Muhammad wa Sahlan Alhamdulillah
Blanca means Solomonic.
00:11:27 --> 00:11:34
			In and Mussolini now almost Lima
Do you want meaning I mean it will
00:11:34 --> 00:11:39
			quantity now I look on it the more
slowly been I was born in Poland
00:11:39 --> 00:11:44
			the one saw the Rena was Slavia
right the one before she you know
00:11:44 --> 00:11:45
			under fire she
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			wouldn't voice hearing our voice
watching the one downside the lino
00:11:52 --> 00:12:02
			one downside the party was slow or
any now was all in
00:12:04 --> 00:12:09
			one heavy Lina photo gentlemen one
Hatfield law D was that good
00:12:09 --> 00:12:11
			enough along I guess
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			was the guilt or I don't know who
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			was a gentleman nauseam.