Morad Awad – Limping to Jannah

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The speaker discusses Subhanallah's past struggles with Subhanallah and his desire to convert to Islam. They also talk about a woman who faced physical and emotional defect and lost her life, and was punished by the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam. The group discusses challenges and struggles facing them, including a dostic worker, a dostic woman, and a dostic man. They emphasize the importance of avoiding harming oneself by burying others, focusing on health and behavior, and not letting things hold them back.
AI: Summary ©
Salam aleikum Abdullah Abu
Salah Al Hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah.
Someone else Muhammad kulula him Al Hamdulillah when Allah and
Allah Allahu Akbar Hola Hola, Quwata illa biLlah la de la,
we ask Allah subhanaw taala for the best of this day, and for the
good of what comes after it, we seek refuge in Allah from the evil
of this day, and the evil that comes after it.
So today inshallah
you know, it's
it's my last Friday hotter
in Ramadan.
And just like, you know, Ramadan has finished Subhanallah
a lot of us might, you know, we have a lot of emotions going
through our hearts, and a lot of thoughts going through our minds
right now.
Some of us may feel like we're lagging,
we missed out on so many opportunities.
We didn't do that much. We could have done so much more Subhanallah
any of us here feel like like we're late bloomers. You know,
like, people figure it out and they get on their game, but we
just don't get on it as quick.
Subhanallah I was thinking of that, for myself, of course. And
I want us to live the story
of a man that lived at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam in Medina.
This man,
his son, his best friend, his family, everyone converted to
Islam before it makes up for him. And his family were wondering what
they can do to get him to convert to Islam. He used to worship a
little idol made out of wood. He carved himself. Smash his name was
Amaru, new Jamar.
He used to worship this little idol. And one day his family were
thinking what can we do to convince
him that this idol is useless. So every day in the middle of the
night, every night, in the middle of the night, they would take this
idol, they would put a lot of trash and garbage in a hole and
put the idol in the midst of it. Sometimes it's like a dead dogs
carcass. Or sometimes it's some, some trash, and they would put the
idol in the middle and he would wake up and he would find this
idol there.
And he would take the idol, clean it up, polish it and put it back
and worship it again.
The first night, the second night, the third night, they did the same
thing. The third night, he took his sword out. And he put it on
this idol. He's like, Well, life, you can't help yourself. I'm never
gonna worship you again. Like no way every single day. You're being
thrown inside this pile of garbage and you can't protect yourself.
Right? So the day after it was in a pile of garbage can. So he said,
law How the * is he broke this idol. And his family said, Isn't
it time for you to come along and worship? We know you're a late
comer. We didn't tell you but we've all been Muslim. You're the
only one who was not Muslim in the whole family. And you said law.
Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, this Yeah. And he, he came to Islam.
But this particular Sahabi had something like a physical defect
with him.
This man I'm running out of the ALLAH and
he walked with a limp.
He limped
when the battle of bedrock came, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam called the Sahaba to defend in Medina. He said, whoever
wants to come can come, he came out, but his four sons told him
no, no, look that you have a limp. This is a voluntary, you know,
exhibition. We're going out. We're not really Hala, you know, just
He stayed.
And then when he came, he heard about what they did. And he heard
about the angels and he heard that were recited about the people of
Baghdad, he felt so deprived. He felt so broken. He felt like he
missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime. The Sahaba were Yanni
the prophets I send them would say the people of whether Allah will
overlook their sins the people have budgeted this the people by
the time or had came.
By the time offered came
the Sahaba were making and I just want you to imagine the emotions
going through all of the Sahaba the tribes of Arabia gathered
themselves. They're coming in about more than 3000 men and
they're approaching el Medina. Medina is on red alert at this
point, everyone is getting ready. Everyone is preparing. And then
this man humbled ninja model the ALLAH and he comes and he's
limping. And his sons tell him that you have a limp.
You're clearly not going to help us in his battle. You have to stay
home. He said, Well Allah, I will not stay home.
I'm going to tell us who Allah about you.
I'm going to go and complain to him about you, you deprived me but
there but what Allah you're not going to deprive me this one. He
went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And he said yeah Rasul Allah.
Rasool Allah last time but my my children prevented me from coming.
They said I have a limp. And now I want to participate in a herd but
I still have this limp.
Ya rasool Allah, please allow me to limp to Jana. With my with my
life. Yo Rasul Allah allow me to limp to Jana. I want to limp this
leg right here in January rasool Allah La masala look at this look,
look at the heart of this this man. Despite the defect despite
what Allah tested him with, he did not want it to deprive him the
edge of Gen metal for those Subhanallah
those who sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them
okay, you can come.
He went, participated in the Battle of and fought until
he was killed until he was martyred. Now the Allah Allah
Allah Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw
him with the rest of the Sahaba laying in the battlefield, where
the Sahaba are buried Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, Mossad Nomade and
the rest of the Sahaba
it was a huge day
and he was there that also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw
him. He said, Well Allah He it's as if I see him. It's as if I see
limp without a limp and Jana walking with a perfect leg in
Allahu Akbar
as if I see him walking with a straight leg and Jana,
take him and do not bury him with the rest of the Sahaba here
there's Hamza and most of all of them know there is another
companion. His best friend his name was Abdullah Abdullah Hassan
Abdullah haram was his best friend. He said go and bury him
next to Abdullah and haram for wala he they love each other in
this dunya and they will be buried next to each other until yarmulke,
and he buried them right next. Allahu Akbar.
Yeah, one.
Every single one of us has a limp.
Every single one of us has a struggle. Every single one of us
has something holding them back
from going towards Allah subhanho wa Taala it can be a sin.
Something that we can't get rid of. It can be a bad habit. It
could be something in our personality, our character,
something we think it's ingrained in us something that's holding us
down. For the mother's it could be like, you know, breastfeeding a
child. It could be pregnancy, something holding us down mate
preventing us from engaging with the spiritual acts like the rest
of the people around us.
We stand up to pray. Every one is praying and Harsha everyone is
crying but I can't shed a tear.
Everyone is reading Quran fast, but I can't seem to get it
straight. Everyone is learning how to be to read but I can't do it.
People are memorizing left and right. And I read and read and
read and I can't memorize. Everyone is making money and
donating from their wealth for the sake of Allah but somehow I'm just
not getting it. I don't have anything to give for the sake of
Allah. I have a limp.
But this limp one can be what is entering us into Jana. This limp
can be what makes us stand in front of Allah night and cry on
one sincere day and say your hola I messed up. Y'all I just can't
get it straight. Please y'all Allah, forgive me for my
shortcomings. Y'all Allah I'm trying to get to Jana.
This limp is not going to stop me from trying to get to Jana.
Every time this person falls, they get up again. They get up and they
don't let it stop them.
They keep moving. They keep going back. Everyone just like Abdullah
just like Omro
can imagine everyone with their horses running with their regular
legs with all their muscles. And he's just limping behind them
imagine him in the battle scene. Imagine him limping behind
everyone, the last person to get to where it was. But one of the
few that actually achieved martyrdom. Yeah, one.
That limp was what got
to Jana.
If he didn't have that he would have not became a martyr.
If he didn't have that his answer for Jana wouldn't have been his
dot for Jana wouldn't have been answered.
Yeah, one, let's think about us. You know, that limp that we have,
you know, that limp that we we all have, that limp can be
what is going to enter us into Jannah.
It's matter of fact, that limp, that defect, that sin and then we
keep going back to and repenting and back and repenting and back
and repenting, or that slot that impediment in a bad way. I can't
stand for a long time. I can't read for a long time. I can't pray
for a long time. I can't donate a lot of my all that. that's holding
us up. That is Allah's answer to your diet. Maybe we're making dua
to Allah get rid of this limp, day and night, but it's the limp. That
is the actual answer for our diet.
The limp we're making diet to get rid of is the answer for
me deep perhaps Allah knows that. If he got rid of this limp,
you wouldn't attain Jana.
And you asked for Jana, day and night, and he wants to give it to
Yeah, one. What is our limb? Don't let anything hold you down. Just
like HumbleBundle Jamar. He didn't stop. And he didn't let him hold
it back and hold him back. He got up and he continued, he lost an
opportunity. But he made it up and he moved forward.
And that's what we need to do with our own limps that we have. Did
you know
interesting fact about handling Jamar
46 years after 146 years after 100.
A huge like there's like this this like a lot of rainfall that came
down in Medina and the river formed in the wedge of Hood. If
you guys know how it looks. There's a wedge in the mountain
and it formed and it's swept away all of the graves of the Sahaba
and one companion was alive then that new armor of new Jamar and
Abdullah and haram, jab it up not deliberately alone. And he was one
of the companions that went to rebury the Sahaba because their
bodies had surfaced
their bodies at surface 46 years later. What do you expect the body
to look like?
Jabber Abdullah Abdullah reports in an authentic narration.
He said we were re burying the bodies but the one that stood out
from all of them was amrutam.
Allah, He said we picked him up. He said in what Allah it's as if
he just was martyred today.
And when we smelled him we were covering our mouth.
Abdullah Ahmed Robles jumbo, he smelled like misc 46 years later,
get the subcommand Allah.
If he didn't have that limp, where would he have gotten that status?
Yeah, come on. Don't be sad that we have the slim. Be proud, be
happy and know that it might be the answer to all the diets that
you made this Ramadan. May Allah don't let it hold you down. We all
have setbacks, but in sha Allah, we can make it up in sha Allah we
can pick up and become better and continue to stand up and do what's
good for ourselves in sha Allah to Allah, Allah subhana colomba 100
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